We take the turn down the long-forgotten road leading to Zips. I’m guessing back in the sixties or seventies, this place was rockin’. Eraser’s maintained its charming overgrown, neglected appearance on the outside. Cracked asphalt, wild grass, trees in desperate need of pruning almost obscuring the entrance. No one finds their way here by accident or without an invite.

Inside’s been maintained better—hard to convince people to drop hundreds of dollars a night if they’re worried they’re gonna break an axle on the track.

Eraser’s the first one to greet us as we make our way over to the snack shack. “How you been?”

I shake his hand. “Can’t complain.”

Remy and Griff follow to greet us and bump fists.

Eraser reaches for Murphy next, pulling him in with a quick slap on the back. “How’s the head?”

Murphy knocks on his skull. “Harder than ever.”


Ah, nice little reminder. These three had our backs when it counted. Without them, we might still be wasting our time tracking down the asshole who whacked Murphy upside the head with a baseball bat and put him in the hospital.

Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the support club idea after all.

While Murphy and Remy pull away to gossip about underground fighting, Griff hooks his thumbs in his pockets and lifts his chin at me. “Was I mistaken or was that Shelby Morgan at the clubhouse the other night?”

I knew he recognized her. “Surprised you know who she is.”

He shrugs and tilts his head Remy’s way. “Molly’s a big fan.”

Remy glances over and scowls at the mention of his little sister, which Griff ignores.

“Tried getting tickets but they sold out quick.”

“Shit, I wish I’d known. I would’ve tried to get you in. We just came back from her show in Kodack. Should’ve had you ride out with us.”

He raises an eyebrow. “You’re with her, with her?”

“Why are you probing into my love life, son?” I reach out and pat his cheek.

He swats my hand away, flirting with the thin line between not taking any shit and maintaining respect. “I ain’t young enough to be your son. Just curious.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Jigsaw’s mouth twisting with the effort of holding back his laughter. He won’t rib me in front of these guys but he’s definitely storing up ammunition for later.

“How’s that work between you two, with her on the road all the time?”

“You looking for dating advice or something, Griff?”

He shrugs off the taunting question. “No, I’m all set.”

I decide to ease up since he doesn’t seem to be asking for dickish reasons. “Don’t know yet. Haven’t been with her long. Headed down to see her in Virginia next week.”

Jigsaw swaggers closer and slaps my shoulder. “We’re also headed to Virginia to expand our porn empire.”

I shoot a glare at Jiggy.

“Now that’s a venture I would be happy to help support,” Remy volunteers.

Murphy gives Remy a quick shove. “You’ll need to earn your way up that particular ladder.”

Eraser’s gaze darts between them and he backs up a step, like he’s questioning his choice in friends. “That’s what your club’s into, Murphy?”

Murphy’s face settles into a more severe expression. Yeah, we’re looking to form a support club out here, but it’s still not their place to question club business. Although, I don’t blame the kid for wanting to be clear about what he’s getting into.

“It’s mostly downstate’s action.” Murphy puts one hand on my shoulder and the other on Jigsaw’s. “But we always help each other out.”

Remy grins at me. “You ever need someone to chauffeur your stars around or maybe fluff ’em up before a shoot, I’m your man.”

Griff side-eyes his best friend. “Don’t you get enough fluffing around here?”

“I’ll keep you in mind.” My flat tone should make it clear he’ll be at the bottom of the list.

Murphy’s got his chin to his chest, silently laughing.

Jigsaw slaps Murphy’s arm. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. We got Rock and Z trying to pass off overseeing the porn biz like a hot sack of shit and Remy here’s all, ‘Pick me! Pick me!’”

“Uh, to be fair, I’m also in the ‘pick me’ camp.” Jigsaw elbows Murphy’s side.

Eraser’s gaze moves to Dex. “You compensate for that help or do you treat it like asking a buddy to come move some furniture?”

“If you’re asking if we pay in pizza and beer, the answer’s no.” Dex crosses his arms over his chest. “Vapor can tell you that. He’s always been paid for any work he’s done for the club. Everyone gets taken care of so it’s worth their time.”

Remy raises his hand. “I’m cool with being paid in pussy.”

“And that’s why we’ll never ask you to help out in that area,” Dex shoots back.

“Well, fuck.”

“Upstate has the strip club?” Eraser asks, ignoring Remy.

“Along with some other businesses,” Murphy answers. “We like to maintain diverse revenue streams.”