Still, Chaser’s not dumb. I’m sure he can put the pieces together without me drawing him a damn map. Sway got shot…old VP went “missing”…I’m suddenly wearing the VP patch. A two-year-old could connect the dots. It only helps our reputation. If the Lost Kings are willing to brutally punish a brother for misconduct, what the hell would they do to an outsider?

Chaser moves in closer. Jigsaw shifts his body, brushing his arm against mine.

“Settle down.” Chaser smirks at him before focusing on me again. “Truth is, my father-in-law is retiring.”

“Well, shit. Never thought that would happen.”

“You and me both.” He laughs.

“He planning to head down to Florida and get a place next to your father?”

He busts up laughing. “Fuck no. They’d both be dead within a week.”

“DeLova gonna move into your house?”

Mallory reaches over and flicks my arm. “Bite your tongue.”

Obviously, she’s keeping tabs on our conversation. I grin at her.

“He’s staying close,” Chaser says.

That must be a delight.

“Who’s taking over their action?” Jigsaw asks.

Chaser doesn’t blink at the nosy question. “We’ll see.” He nods at Mallory. “Her cousin’s been running some aspects for a while. My club obviously has a large part of it.” He studies us for a few beats. “There will be room for Lost Kings at the table.”

That’s not something I can consider without talking to the rest of the club.

“Not the collection bullshit Sway was doing for my father-in-law before,” Chaser adds when I don’t respond right away.

Devil Demons have always been into riskier ways of earning money than Lost Kings, at least as far back as I remember. With Priest pushing us away from stuff that might bring law enforcement knocking on our doors, I can already guess what Z’s answer will be. But I don’t want to insult Chaser after his generous offer.

“I can take it to the table. We have a lot going on right now, though,” I add.

His mouth curls up. “How much are you really earning with the film company?”

You’d be surprised. “It’s lucrative. Low risk.” I hook my thumbs in my pockets. “Lot of pain-in-the-ass maintenance, though.”

“I can imagine.” He slaps my shoulder, then Jiggy’s and Dex’s. “Enjoy the party.” He reaches for Mallory’s hand, tugging her closer. “We need to check on a few things. You want a room later, talk to Stoner. He’ll hook you up.”

I have no idea who the hell that is but I nod anyway and shake his hand one more time.

Jiggy waits until Chaser and Mallory are out of earshot before moving close. Dex closes off the circle.

“The fuck?” Jiggy says in a low voice. “You know that’s getting a thumbs-down from Z.”

“No shit. Thought it would be rude to say that right to his face.” I lift my chin. “You catch all that, Dex?”

“Every word.”

I glance over. Shelby’s a few feet away, facing the bar, fidgeting with her can of soda. “We’ll talk about it later.” I reach over and curl my finger in the waistband of her skirt, dragging her closer. “Sorry about that.”

“Pfft.” She waves off the apology. “You’ve spent the last couple days waitin’ on me. I know you have business to take care of. I’m fine.”

I lean down and press a quick kiss against her lips. “Thank you.”

Something hard slams into my arm and I growl. I turn and Jigsaw grins at me. “Am I off the clock now, brother?”

Dex meets my eyes. “Bingo time.”

I chuckle at the joke. “Yeah. Go on. But for fuck’s sake, stay away from anyone’s ol’ lady or—”

“Bro.” Jiggy waves his hand at the room. “Pretty sure Mallory was the only ol’ lady in attendance at this party.”

“Go on.”

Dex watches Jigsaw for a second before clapping me on the shoulder. “I’ll be back.”

I don’t bother issuing any warnings to Dex. He doesn’t need ’em.

“You all right?” I ask Shelby.

“I’m fine. Mallory was so sweet. Like, polar opposite of Tawny.”

I snort at the comparison. “You’re not kidding. She’s definitely got more in common with Lilly and Hope.” I run my gaze over Shelby again. I’m dying to be alone with her, acutely aware we’re running out of time. Since I took care of what Z asked me to do, I feel entitled to take off.

ShelbyI haven’t felt this relaxed in months. It’s an odd feeling to have at an MC clubhouse. But no one’s gawking at me, I’m not expected to serve the drinks, and Mallory assured me no one would try and sneak pictures here. I’m free to blend into the scenery.

Guilt presses down on me. Am I really bellyaching about being recognized? Everything I’ve wanted since I was ten years old is slowly coming true. I have no right to complain.

But it sure does feel good to have time off.

“You want to go outside?” Rooster asks. “It’s a little smoky in here.”