He smirks and gestures toward the stage. “My daughter likes the opening act a lot.”

“You don’t say.” I run my hand over my chin. Looks like tonight’s going to work out well for me in several ways. Z wanted me to make sure relations between our clubs are one hundred percent solid, and here I am with two backstage passes burning a hole in my pocket.

“Think she’d want to meet her?”

He cocks his head, as if he’s assessing me before answering. I don’t have a reputation as a joker, so he must realize I’m not fucking around. “You have a connection?”

“Kinda.” I grin and pull out the passes. “Shelby’s my girlfriend.”

His eyes widen and his expression slides into a slow, knowing grin. “No shit. Let me text her.”

While he slips out his phone and sends his daughter a text, I pull out mine and text Shelby.

You mind if I bring a friend backstage? His daughter is a big fan of yours.

She answers right away: Sure!

Chaser’s daughter joins us a few minutes later. It’s hard to say if she favors her mom or dad more, but she’s a pretty woman maybe a few years older than Shelby if I remember right.

“What’s up, Dad?”

He lifts his chin. “You remember Rooster?” He smirks at me. “It’s been a while since he paid the clubhouse a visit.”

“Uh…” She gives me a blank expression. “I’m sorry, I don’t. Hi, Rooster.”

“That’s all right. Good to see you, Angelina. Shelby’s right backstage if you want to meet her?”

“Sure!” She bounces up on her toes, her excited gaze dancing between her father and me. “Thank you so much.” In an instant, she went from a woman being polite to her dad’s friend to an over-excited fan.

As we walk backstage, I nudge Chaser’s arm. “You were all heavy metal back in the day, weren’t you? How’d your daughter rope you into this show?”

“No matter how old your kids get, they always have you wrapped around their finger. Remember that.” He laughs. “No, seriously, her friend flaked out, and I didn’t want her coming to a show this big by herself. And I listen to a little bit of everything.”

Angelina’s an adult, but the overprotective dad thing from Chaser doesn’t shock me one bit. “Good call. Lot more assholes than I expected.”

“No kidding. I honestly think it’s worse now than when I used to play.”

We reach Shelby’s door, and I knock before pushing it open. Shelby sets her guitar down and shines one of her smiles our way.

“Hi!” She blinks and stares at Chaser, then me.

“Shelby this is a friend of mine, Chaser A—”

“Chaser Adams! Oh my gosh.” She hurries over and holds out her hand. “In Your Hands was one of my daddy’s favorite albums. I listened to it over and over growing up. Gosh, you were a phenomenal guitar player. I mean you are a…shoot. Sorry. So nice to meet you.”

Jesus. When Shelby said she knew all years and genres of music, she wasn’t kidding.

Chaser takes her gushing in stride. “Thank you. Must be mutual appreciation night. You’re very talented. And my daughter’s a huge fan of yours as well.”

Poor Angelina’s cheeks turn red and her eyes bug out. She seems…shocked…or maybe embarrassed. After a second or two, she raises her hand and wiggles her fingers at Shelby.

Shelby pulls her in for a hug. “Thank you so much for coming tonight.”

Angelina blinks and finally smiles. “The day those tickets went on sale—”

“She begged me to get them for her,” Chaser finishes.

Angelina rolls her eyes. “I’d defend myself but Dad’s absolutely right.”

The girls move over to the couch to talk and I lean against the wall. “You still get recognized a lot?” Damn, that must be awkward as fuck when he’s on club business.

“Fuck no.” He glances over at Shelby. “Shit, she couldn’t even have been born yet, the last time I put an album out. I’m just as shocked as you.”

I chuckle and slap his shoulder. “She surprises me every day.”

“How long you known each other?”

“Not long. We met down in Texas.” I shrug. “Visiting with her while she’s in town.” The smile slides off my face as that last part comes out of my mouth. After tomorrow, who the fuck knows when I’ll see Shelby again?

“They rolling out tonight right after the show?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

“Well if you’re gonna be in the area, you’re more than welcome to stop by the clubhouse. Welcome to stay if you need a place to crash too.”

“Appreciate that.” If Shelby was sticking around, I planned to get a hotel room. If they left tonight, I planned to unroll a sleeping bag and spend the night in the back of the truck. A room at the Devil Demon MC’s clubhouse might be slightly more comfortable.

Someone knocks, prompting Chaser and I to move away from the door. I open it to find Greg. Poor bastard’s really gonna flip his shit when he finds yet another biker in Shelby’s circle.