Is Z serious? “And how would you like me to accomplish that?”

“You’re smart. Use that winning personality of yours.” Z’s gaze bounces around the table. “You taking anyone with you?”

“Wasn’t planning to. I gotta get my hands on a cage or something anyway. Can’t strap Shelby’s guitar to—”

“You can take my old truck,” Murphy offers. “I haven’t sold it yet.” His gaze lands on Rock. “Thinkin’ I’ll just keep it. Grinder’s gonna need something if he’s gettin’ out in the winter.”

Rock nods at him. “Thank you.”

“Thanks, bro.” I slap Murphy’s shoulder. “Appreciate it.”

“You going with him?” Rock asks Murphy.

Murphy’s gaze shoots to me. “Uh, I didn’t think Rooster needed a chaperone…”

Jigsaw raises his hand so fast he practically falls out of his seat. “I’ll go.”

“Thought you said demonic forces invented country music to prepare people for an eternity in hell?” Z asks.

Jigsaw shrugs. “Yeah, but the girls at those shows are worth the suffering.”

“Did I do something to anger you, Prez?” I glare at Z. “Why you punishing me?”

Jiggy reaches behind Teller and Murphy’s chairs and flicks my shoulder. “You love me.”

“Fine.” I snort. “This time you’re gonna make yourself useful.”

“What’s wrong?” Z asks.

“Nothing. Shelby has to do these meet-and-greet things and some asshole got grabby with her. Be nice to have an extra set of hands to scare the shit out of these fuckers.”

“Fuck yeah.” Jigsaw pumps his fist in the air.

Rock’s steely glare settles on Jigsaw. “Take it easy. We don’t need attention drawn to the club. Don’t start trouble in Chaser’s territory.”

“I’ll be on my best behavior,” Jigsaw promises.

“Fantastic,” I mutter.

Rock smirks at me before settling his presidential stare farther down the table. “Dex, why don’t you go with them.” It’s an order, not a request.

“No problem, Prez.”

I nod in appreciation. “At least Dex is an adult and won’t embarrass me.”

“Feeling the love, brother,” Jigsaw says.

Dex rumbles with laughter. “This is gonna be a fun trip.”

Rock and Z share a look. “Two RCs and a VP. Respectful but not threatening,” Z says.

I point between the two of them. “Might as well bring a fourth. Make it an even number.” I fight the smirk threatening to form. “President is the ultimate show of respect.”

They both give me fuck no glares in return.

Laughing, I settle back into my chair.

As we’re winding down, Wrath reminds us there’s a bonfire tonight. Everyone’s invited to stay. As if anyone would say no.

Fuck knows, Shelby needs to have some fun.

Here I’ve just been handed a bunch of responsibilities for the club. But the thing that matters the most to me is making Shelby happy.Chapter TwentyShelby

Even though Rooster reminded me several times that Heidi and some of the other girls would be downstairs, for some reason I find myself dragging my feet.

Maybe it’s the weirdness clinging to me from the reading, or my momma’s phone call, or talking to Rooster. I’m not sure.

I check my phone and read the email from the Dream Makers liaison.

After shooting her a response confirming the time, I set my phone down and sort through the small pile of clean clothes I brought with me.

I slip on a loose mint-green tank top with an image of a meditating flamingo on the front, a denim skirt and pair of sandals. While I’m finishing brushing out my hair, someone knocks.

Hesitant, I stare at the door for a minute before reaching over and opening it.

Heidi waves at me. “Morning! I hope you don’t mind. I wanted to see if you needed anything.”

“No, I was just on my way downstairs.” I toss my brush on the bed.

“Oh, cool. I can show you where the dining room is then. The layout is simple, but the clubhouse is pretty big.”

“Thanks.” I glance at the room once more before closing the door behind me.

“Some of the girls do yoga in the mornings if you’re into that.” She glances down at my skirt. “Well, maybe not today.”

“No, I would love that. Maybe later. Like, y’all have a class or something?”

“One of the girls is a teacher and she leads classes for Hope, Trinity, and whoever else wants to join them.”

“Dang, I’m impressed.”

“Yeah, Swan does a modified mommy-and-me version for Lilly and me and our little guys too sometimes. It’s fun.”

With Heidi’s longer legs, I have to hurry to keep up with her as we jog downstairs. The living room’s empty this morning. The large wooded double doors opposite from the staircase are firmly closed.

Heidi notices me staring at the doors. “That’s the war room. Members only.”

“Okay.” I mean, I wasn’t plannin’ on barging in to hunt Rooster down, but it’s kinda cute how she’s so protective over the guys’ space.

We make a wide right turn and I’m faced with another long hallway. It’s probably a good thing she came and fetched me after all.

“Bathroom.” She snickers as we walk past another closed door. “That used to be the guys’ champagne room but Hope, Trinity, and Charlotte sort of took it over and turned it into their yoga studio.”