He studies my face for a few seconds before leaning away to touch the tarot cards.

Embarrassment washes over me. “Don’t.”

“If you’re not talking to spirits, what are you doing? Fortune telling?”

I gather the cards up, stuffing them in their case so fast I probably wrinkle their pretty holographic edges. “None of that. It’s a way to connect to your inner wisdom.” I place my hand over my chest. “Or guide you to understand a situation and determine what path to take based on what you already know.”

He narrows his eyes, as if he’s trying to follow along with my explanation.

“Too woo-woo for you?” I ask.

“A little.” He shrugs and glances at the cards again. “What’d you learn?”

I follow his line of sight. In my hurry to pick up the cards, I’d forgotten that I’d set the Lovers card aside when I was on the phone. He reaches over and plucks it off the bed, a teasing smile playing over his lips. “This a good one?”

I snap it out of his hand. “Don’t make fun of me.”

His playful expression disappears. “I’m not.”

“Yes, it’s a good one.” I shift to the middle of the bed again to fold my cloth, pick up my crystal, and shove everything back into the little velvet pouch.

Rooster places his hand over mine. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make fun of something that’s important to you.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

Rooster’s phone buzzes. He pulls it out to check the text while I hurry to shove my pouch to the bottom of my backpack.

Between my mother’s lecture and Rooster catching me, I’ll need to track down some sage and a selenite crystal to wash the negative energy off my dang cards.

Lordy, I hope burnin’ a little sage is enough to erase these doubts.Chapter NineteenRooster

Regret clings to me as I scan the text from Z demanding I get my ass downstairs. Stuff like tarot cards seems about as reasonable to me as climbing up on the roof, flapping your arms, and claiming you can fly. Never expected Shelby to be into that.

But the hurt in her expression made me wish I’d kept my damn mouth shut.

I’m well aware of the reputation many bikers have, so her assumption I’d turn into some demanding caveman doesn’t bother me. The more time she spends around the ol’ ladies in my club, the more she’ll understand those stereotypes don’t always apply. Besides, all I need to do is keep showing her that I support her—what better way to do that than visiting her on the road?

“Do you need to go?” she asks.

“Yeah. Want me to walk you downstairs? I think the girls are hanging out in the dining room.”

“I need to grab my laundry and then I’ll meet up with them.” She glances toward the window. “If that’s okay.”

I hesitate before answering, “Yeah, that’s fine.” No one’s up here now except the brothers—who will all be in church—and the girls. “Anyone unfamiliar approaches you, just let ’em know you’re Rooster’s girl.”

She tilts her head. “Is that something I need to worry about?”

“Not really. Just in case.”


Really wanting to apologize for teasing her but not sure how, I nod to her backpack. “So, that Lovers card, does it mean you’re gonna get lucky?”

Her laughter’s slow to come. “My mom didn’t think it was a good sign.”

Shit, her mom’s into it too? Now I feel even worse for teasing Shelby.

My phone buzzes again. Without checking the text—who else would it be besides Z?—I lean in and kiss Shelby’s cheek. “I can’t check my phone during church, but text Heidi if you need something, okay?”

“Will do.”

I jog downstairs and find half the brothers milling around. Z’s waiting by the war room with his bossy prez expression firmly in place.

“The fuck took you so long?” he grumbles.

“You’re gettin’ a little clingy, Prez. Calm down.”

Murphy chuckles and leans down to kiss Heidi’s forehead. “See you in a bit.”

I glance over at Z. “Give me a sec.”

Before she darts away, I call out to Heidi. She turns, lifting her eyebrows.

Not wanting to be overheard by everyone, I motion her toward the bar. “Think you can check on Shelby?” I ask. “For some reason, she seems shy about coming downstairs to hang with everyone.”

“Yeah. Sure. Of course.” She flicks her gaze toward the staircase. “Right now?”

“Maybe give her a few minutes.”

“You got it, Rooster.” She pats my shoulder. “I need to do a few things. Then I’ll go upstairs, okay?”


Murphy’s waiting for me by the war room doors. “Everything all right?”

“Yeah, I just asked her to check up on Shelby for me.” Do I feel like explaining that I poked fun at Shelby’s hobby? Not really.

I stop at Z next. “What are you so antsy about?”

“Nothing. Just don’t want to take all fuckin’ day to get our asses to the table.” He cocks his head. “Weren’t you the one bitching you had places to be this afternoon?”