One thing I didn’t get to do last night because I was too embarrassed—a reading.

First, I need to put myself in the right frame of mind. I make the bed, smoothing the comforter out and stacking all the pillows at the top. I can’t find any candles but I switch off the overhead light and pull the blinds up. Morning sunlight streams into the bedroom, a sliver of it landing over the bed.

That’ll do.

I grab a towel from the bathroom, spread it on the throw rug and kneel, touching my big toes together, widening my knees and sinking back into extended child’s pose for a few breaths. From there, I do a few spinal flexes and move into downward dog, then warrior one. When I’m feeling calm and centered, I end with my hands at my heart.

After tugging my backpack open, I pull my dark green velvet pouch from the bottom and climb into the center of the bed. One by one, I unpack the contents of the pouch—colorful square cloth, notebook, pen, amethyst crystal, and my favorite deck of tarot cards.

I pull the cards from their magnetic box and hold them in my hands, closing my eyes in an attempt to connect with them and form my question in my mind.

Last night, Rooster and I…what we discussed was huge. Trying to turn this into a relationship. There’s a giddiness in my stomach but fear lingers in my heart.

Where is this relationship headed? Will it mess with my career? Can I be in a relationship? Am I cut out for a long-distance relationship? Can career and love co-exist?

Nope. Too many questions for a simple read.

Where is this relationship headed?

I focus on that question while shuffling the deck. My skills are weaker than a baby bird’s wingspan. I haven’t been seriously reading cards as long as my momma but I sort through them until I’m satisfied, then lay them out. One, two, three. Past, present, future.

First, the past. Today it feels like I should reflect on where we’ve been to understand where we’re going.

Ten of Pentacles.

Hmm. I haven’t gotten that one often. I need to look it up.

I flip over the middle card—the present—next.

The Lovers.

Wow, obvious, much, universe? My lips can’t help but curve up.

Finally, I turn over the last card—what the future holds.

The World.

I sit back and study the cards, attempting to create a story from the pictures in front of me before I pull out my guide and read their meanings.

Past, where we started. That’s easy. A one-night hookup that turned into two, three, four nights, and now, here we are. I pick up the book that came with the deck and flip through it.

Ten of Pentacles. Strong bonds and opportunities in a relationship.

Well, Rooster and I definitely had a spark and connection in the beginning.

The Lovers. A unique bond between two people. Mutual trust and respect. An authentic and deep connection.

The sex is hot for sure. We connect well in that area. But there’s more. I’ve felt it from the beginning. Obviously, Rooster feels it too.

The World. This is always a positive card for me. I’ve never had it come up in a love reading before—not that I’ve done one in a long time. It has come up in career readings, something I’ve always taken as a sign that my dreams will come true if I work hard and don’t lose faith.

Maybe my questions were too jumbled up in my mind.

My galloping heart doesn’t want to slow.

Or maybe Rooster and I are meant to be. I can have both.

If anyone can help me get clarity on the cards, it would be the one who taught me to read in the first place.

I reach over and pluck my cell phone off the nightstand. I forgot to plug it in last night but still have enough charge to call my mom.

“Shelby!” she answers. “Where are you?”

“At Rooster’s clubhouse.”


For someone who asked for a picture of him yesterday, she doesn’t sound all that excited. “I had a day off. He’s taking me to the hospital later for a Dream Maker connection.”

“That’s mighty sweet of him.”

I hesitate for a moment. “I played ‘Empty Room’ last night.”

“Shelby,” she sighs.

Sure, she doesn’t want to talk about Hayley. I get it. I probably shouldn’t even remind her when I’m so far away.

“I got the video of you singing with Dawson Roads,” Mom says in a brighter tone. “What was it like being on stage with him?”

It already seems like a dream. Day before yesterday, I would’ve still been going over every second of the performance this morning. But something about last night with Rooster has pushed everything else out of my foolish brain.

“It was incredible. I made my entrance using the riser. Had me nervous as a kitty-cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Worried I’d trip and roll my way onto the stage.”