“Aw, but then I wouldn’t know it was Z stopping by.” Hope wraps one arm around him and leans up to kiss his cheek. “Where’s Lilly?”

“Still over at Murphy and Heidi’s.” His eyes widen and he grins down at baby Grace. “Morning, Gracie-baby.”

She giggles and coos as Z picks her up and carries her around, babbling nonsense at her.

Hope watches them together for a minute before turning my way. “How was Shelby’s show last night?”

Pride—that I’m probably not entitled to, since I didn’t do a damn thing—ricochets through me. “Great. I mean, I’m not an expert but I think she blew the other two acts away.”

“And you’re not biased, either.” Her mouth curves into a teasing smile. “Right?”

“Nope. Not at all.” I grin at her. “Seriously, it was wild. She had guys hanging over the railing with banners begging her to marry them.”

“She’s getting more popular. That’s good.”

Now I kind of feel like an asshole. Hadn’t meant to sound jealous. “It is. Dawson Roads asked her to sing a duet with him. I guess it’s a big deal. First time he’s had her do that on the tour.”

Z stops baby-talking to Grace and lifts his gaze to me. “Was that some sort of ‘fuck you’ to you?”

“What?” The thought had never occurred to me. “No, I don’t think so. Her manager works with Dawson too. I think he’s trying to get her more exposure. Even if it was, it only helps Shelby, so I really don’t care.”

Hope rests her hand on my forearm and squeezes. “You’re so sweet.”

“Well, I didn’t particularly enjoy them singing their ‘let’s fuck all weekend’ ballad but, you know…” I shrug.

Hope taps her chin. “‘Let Go the Night?’ He recorded that with his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend if I remember right.” She shakes her head. “Clearly, I spend way too much time scrolling through social media when I’m up with Grace.”

I shrug. “I don’t know anything about him other than he’s got roughly fifty songs about beer, bars, and brawling in his set list.”

She chuckles. “Some of his older stuff was really good, but yeah, lately it’s all the same good-ol’-boy, party anthem stuff.” She slaps her hand over her mouth. “Don’t tell Shelby I said that.”

“I’m sure she’s aware,” I tease. “Her songs, though.” I press my fist against my gut. “Hits you here.”

“Yeah, I heard she sang a song just for youuuuu.” Z’s high-pitched songbird voice makes baby Grace screw her little face up and start bawling.

“Aww, I’m sorry, baby G,” Z coos. “We make fun of Uncle Rooster, that’s what we do. Yes, it is.”

Hope chuckles and shakes her head.

“Asshole,” I grumble. “Uh, Z, I’m supposed to take Shelby down to Empire Med today for a thing. We got a lot to discuss at the table?”

“Church won’t take long,” Z says without looking at me. “Family breakfast isn’t optional, either.”

“What sort of thing?” Hope asks me.

“I didn’t get a lot of details.” I shrug, feeling stupid now that I didn’t ask more questions. Not like I had all night or anything. “The children’s hospital. I guess a patient asked to meet her or something.”

“Oh.” Hope bites her lip and darts a quick look at her baby daughter. “That’s a really sweet thing for her to do with her limited free time.”

Yup, one more reason Shelby’s taking up all the free space in my heart.

Rock pounds down the stairs and groans when he sees us. “Morning.” He nods at me but turns his annoyed president glare on Z before taking his daughter in his arms. “Is there a reason you’re in my house at this hour? Infringing on my family time?”

“I told him it was inappropriate, Rock.” I slap Z’s back, harder than necessary.

Z pulls a seriously offended face. “I’m family.” His trouble-making eyes land on Hope. “Right, Hope?”

“Yup. You’re the big brother I never knew I wanted.”

“See?” Z grins. “That’s better than Wrath. He’s the big brother you never wanted.”

She snickers but doesn’t agree with him.

Grace fusses and wiggles in her dad’s arms until Hope finally takes her from him. “I’m going to feed her.” She leans up, kisses Rock’s cheek and whispers something in his ear.

Rock keeps his eyes on his wife as she disappears down the hallway.

“Now that they moved out, you turn Alexa’s room into a downstairs nursery for Grace?” Z asks.

Slowly, Rock turns his head. “Yeah. Left Heidi and Murphy’s room for guests, though.” He holds up a hand. “For Alexa or Chance—not you. Just so we’re clear.”

“I’m wounded.” Z presses his hand to his chest.

“Z’s welcome too!” Hope shouts from the other room.

Z grins at Rock. “Hope loves me.”

I snort. “I think she feels sorry for you.”

“Fuck off.” Z punches my shoulder.

Once the fucking around is out of his system, Z settles down and finally gets to the reason he dragged me out here this morning. “A certain phone call woke me early this morning.”