“Why do you think?”

Guess the ball scratch won’t get rid of him. “You missed me?”

“Close.” He reaches out and slaps my cheek a few times. “Church this morning.”

I cock my head, listening to the still-silent clubhouse. “You trying to win a ‘first one there’ medal or something?”

“No, smartass. I wanted to talk to you before we all sit down.”

I glance back at Shelby, who’s thankfully still asleep. “Can you give me a few minutes?”

“The girls will be over in a few.” Leave it to Z to know exactly what was on my mind. “Shelby can hang with them.”

“Thanks.” I stop and grin. “So, how was it at Heidi and Murphy’s last night?”

“Great.” Z’s quick, snappy answer seems sincere. “Woke up this morning to the kids singing along to Sesame Street.”

“Yeaaaah?” I draw out the word like I’m talking to his three-year-old son instead of my club president. “You learn anything new, lil’ buddy?”

He slaps my cheek harder this time. “Yeah, C is for cock-suckin’ VP better get his ass downstairs.”

I frown and run my hand over my beard. “That doesn’t seem suitable for children.”

He points at my bare torso. “S is for put on a damn shirt—no one wants to see that first thing in the morning.”

I open the door wider, spreading my arms. “Take a good look, Prez. You’re the one who woke me up, remember?”

“H is for hurry the fuck up.” He chuckles as he backs away.

Shaking my head, I close the door as quietly as possible. Still, when I turn around, Shelby’s sitting, knees to her chest, arms wrapped around the sheet covering her legs and body, a soft smile playing over her lips. “He’s wrong, you know.”

“About what?”

“I definitely want to see you without a shirt first thing in the morning.”

“This is your lucky morning then, chickadee.” I reach under the comforter and wrap my hand around one of her ankles, tugging her toward the end of the bed.

She giggles and digs her other heel into the mattress, trying to scramble away. “I like waking up with you.”

“Good, now let’s say good morning properly.”

She stops her mad squirming and I slide her to the edge of the bed, resting her feet against my chest.

“I like waking up with you too.” I kiss the top of one foot and then the other. “How are even your feet so cute?”

“You got a foot fetish, Rooster?”

“Nope.” I lean over and grab a condom off the nightstand. “Got a dick-in-Shelby fetish though.”

She covers her mouth and laughs softly. “Sounds intense.”

“It will be.”

“Is it wise to keep your president waiting?”

“He’ll understand.” Grasping her ankles, I spread her open and bend down to line myself up with her. “Put your feet on my shoulders and lift your butt for me.”

“So bossy,” she murmurs, doing exactly as I asked.

“You just noticed?”

“Oh.” Her eyes roll back as I slowly push inside.

I reach over, grab a few pillows and stuff them under her hips. “That better?”

“It’s so good.” She lifts her hips higher, angling her body so I press into her in all the right places.

I don’t want this to end. Not just this particular moment.

Every moment with her.Chapter SixteenRooster

“I’m really not in the mood to get shot this morning.”

“No one’s getting shot,” Z assures me with a smirk. “Rock loves when I show up for breakfast.”

Yeah, right.

Even if that’s true—which I highly doubt—our upstate prez is known for ruthlessly guarding his family and privacy. Rock and Z have been friends for decades. His tolerance for Z barging into his home unannounced might not extend to me.

As we stomp through the woods, Z glances over at me, gaze lingering on my T-shirt. “Took you that long to get dressed and that’s what you came up with?”

“Since when are you, of all people, the fashion police?”

“It was really more of a way to express my displeasure at you taking so damn long.”

I smirk at him. “I had things to attend to.”

“Poor Shelby. The girl gonna be able to walk?”

I ignore the question as I follow him onto the path leading around the side of Rock’s house. “Uh, shouldn’t we knock on the front door?”

Z lightly steps onto the back deck of Rock’s custom-designed log cabin. “Nah, it’s fine,” he whispers, creeping over the porch to the back door.

“If Rock loves you popping in on him so much, what’s with the stealth act?”

“Where’s the fun in announcing my arrival?”

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter, following him. Who knew I’d need to wear a Kevlar vest before breakfast?

As he lifts his hand to knock against the glass, Hope calls out, “It’s open, Z!”

I chuckle under my breath.

“Why you leaving your door unlocked?” Z asks, shouldering through the opening.

“You can come in too, Rooster.” Hope waves her hand at me, inviting me inside.

“Thanks, Hope. For the record, this wasn’t my idea. I said we should use the front door like normal people.”