Shelby chuckles as she watches him walk out.

“Do you need help?” I nod to her pile of dresses, still determined not to touch the porno princesses comment.

She stares at the door like she’s contemplating her escape. “I feel like a wet washcloth that’s been wrung out one too many times.”

Shit, I hate this. I’m smart enough to know that unless something major happens, she won’t cancel the show, so I don’t bother suggesting it.

“Don’t let this get to you. It’s going to be fine. I promise.” I step closer. “What can I do to help?”

One way or another, I’ll get her through tonight safely.

We’ll worry about the rest of it tomorrow.Chapter Fifty-FiveRooster

After Shelby’s set, everyone follows us back to her dressing room. It’s not a big space but I’m not willing to leave her side, and Greg apparently wants to go over a game plan for tomorrow.

Hate to break it to him but I already have a plan.

Bane leans against the wall by the door. Greg takes the chair at Shelby’s makeup table. Trent sits in one of the chairs at the small round table. Jigsaw drops down on the couch, kicking out his feet.

Someone knocks and Bane cautiously opens the door. His tense posture relaxes when Dawson strolls in. Bane closes the door and puts his back to it.

Shelby’s gaze bounces around the room. “Appreciate the after-party, guys, but I’m beat. Dawson, don’t you have a show to get ready for?”

“I got time, darlin’.”

Her pleading eyes meet mine and I slip an arm around her shoulders, walking her to the bathroom door. “You shower, change, get ready to go. Let me talk to them.”


“I promise I’ll share all the details with you later.”

She scowls up at me. “I don’t know how I feel about you swooping in and trying to take over things, but I’m too exhausted to give a damn.” She rubs her throat. “And my voice isn’t feelin’ right.”

I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Even more reason you should let me handle this for you.”


I wait until the shower screeches to life before taking a seat next to Jigsaw.

“All right,” Greg starts the conversation. “The venue says they might have video. They won’t be able to let us look at it until tomorrow morning, though.”

“That’s a start.” My gaze shifts to Dawson, unsure of why he’s even here, then back to Greg. “Is there any extra room in her merch booth?”

He eyes me suspiciously. “Why?”

Ignoring his tone, I go right for it. “I want to set up a small viewing booth. We’ll post on her social media that Shelby has an exclusive message of some sort for her special fans. They can come check it out at her merch booth for free. A different video in each city. I’ll set up some cameras and we’ll record everyone who stops by. We’ll keep a log and be able to check them against each location. See who shows up over and over. You know this guy won’t be able to resist.”

“Shoot, that’s brilliant,” Dawson says. “I should have you running my security team.”

“Shelby’s my priority,” I say without looking at him. “We’ll work out the details.” I slap Jigsaw’s back. “And one of us will review the footage each night.” Jiggy’s annoying attention to small details is about to come in handy.

Greg rubs his hand over his chin for a few seconds. “I don’t know if the venue will allow—”

“It’s not their fuckin’ business,” I growl. “This is a huge place. There’s no reasonable expectation of privacy at a merchandise booth. And we’re not cops.” Nor are we going to turn the stalker over to the cops, but mentioning that won’t help Greg accept my plan, so I don’t bother saying it.

“Furthest thing from cops,” Jigsaw adds.

“There’s no issue.” I ignore Jiggy’s contribution. “If you ask their permission, they might stall us, and I’m not in the mood to deal with any bullshit. Not when these letters are escalating in the sicko factor.”

Dawson slaps Greg’s shoulder. “Ask forgiveness, not permission, buddy.”

“Will you still be saying that next year when they won’t let us book a show here?” Greg asks.

Dawson busts out laughing. “Please. We sold out two nights in a row. It’s not an issue.”

Greg knows he’s lost this battle but he still needs me to give him an extra push. “It’s not much different than having cameras to stop people from boosting her T-shirts.”

“All right. I’ll get you the space. What footage of Shelby are you going to use as your bait?”

“I’ll think of an angle. It’ll have to be video they can’t find anywhere else. Something cute and personal her fans don’t know about her maybe.”

“Where are you going to get equipment like that on such short notice? We don’t have that kind of money in the budget.”