While they’re doing their thing, I check messages. I also take a look at Shelby’s Instagram. Good response to her post about the radio interview. No creeps. I guess that’s something. An announcement about the show tonight and what time she goes onstage. Lots of people responding with, “Can’t wait” or “Wish I could be there,” comments. I scan each one quickly.

My phone buzzes, and a message pops up.

Jigsaw: I’m here.

Thank fuck.

I slide my phone in my pocket and stand. “Jiggy’s here. I’m gonna go meet him so he doesn’t get into trouble.” I rest my hand on Shelby’s shoulder, watching her in the mirror for a few seconds. The tense set of her jaw pushes me into murderous rampage territory again. She needs to focus on her show not worry about stupid letters. “Will you be okay?”

“I’m fine,” she assures me.

“I’ll be here with her,” Cindy adds.

“Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

On my way out, I check with Bane that he’s not going anywhere. Poor dude’s probably sick of me asking. Tough shit. I navigate the long corridors and finally find my way outside just as Jigsaw’s coming up the concrete steps of the loading dock.

“Sup, brother?” He grabs my hand and yanks me closer, patting my back.

“It’s been a fucking day.”


“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Well, Ice put those cameras to use at the porn palace.”

Shit. I haven’t finished setting stuff up there yet. “Did he touch the stuff I bought?”

“No. The security cameras that Pants told us about are fully functional. Caught some guy breaking into the place. Anya was there. Thought Ice was gonna lose his fucking mind.”

“Shit. Sorry I wasn’t there. Is it taken care of?”

“Oh yeah.” His eyes widen. “Big time.”

“Is Anya all right?”

“She was shaken up but otherwise, fine. She’s at the clubhouse now.”

“What was he doing? Monitoring the feeds from his office?”

Jiggy pulls out his phone. “Phone and office, I guess.”

“Huh. Interesting.”

He slaps my chest. “We gonna stand out here yapping all night? Where’s our little songbird?”

“Getting ready.” As we make our way to Shelby’s room, I fill him in on the stalker letters and everything else that’s gone down.

“Holy fuck. Here I thought you were hanging out having a good ol’ time.”

“Yeah, it’s been a blast.” I roll my eyes.

I nod to Bane and introduce him to Jigsaw before stepping into Shelby’s room.

Cindy’s already sticking her makeup brushes back into their slots and tucking them into the train case she always carries.

Jigsaw stops in his tracks, eyes bugging wide, and clutches his heart.

Jesus Christ. Why didn’t I see this coming?

What passes for a flirty smile curves his mouth up. “Who’s your lovely friend, Shelby?”

“Hi, Jiggy,” Shelby drawls. “This is Cindy, our makeup artist.”

Cindy flicks her gaze over Jigsaw and tucks her hair behind her ear. “Well, aren’t you a lucky girl, Shelby.”

“The luck’s all mine,” Jigsaw says.

“Please stop,” I say under my breath.

“Ease up, fella.” Cindy holds up one hand. “I’m pretty sure I’m old enough to be your mother.”

Shelby cough-laughs.

“I don’t discriminate, Cindy,” Jigsaw assures her. “I’m a big fan of females in a more experienced age range.”

“Oh, Jesus,” I mutter.

Cindy chuckles and seems more amused than offended, thank fuck. I bet this would fall under behavior Greg considers inappropriate.

“What did I tell you?” I growl after Cindy leaves.

“I couldn’t help myself.” He shrugs. “She’s hot.”

Shelby stands and moves to her massive trunk, searching through her clothes. “Cindy’s real sweet and she’s had some shitty men in her life, so please don’t.”

“I’m not shitty.” His outraged tone doesn’t quite match the you-caught-me smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

I give him a quick shove. “You’re the definition of shitty.”

“If a woman has expectations, then yeah, I suck. But a one or two-night thing? Totally five-star rated.”

“Good grief,” Shelby mumbles.

“I’m kidding. I won’t bug her, Shelby. Promise. You doin’ okay?”

A serious Jigsaw is terrifying. I whap the back of his head. “You feeling okay, bro?”

“Fuck off.”

Shelby sets down the pile of clothes in her arms, comes over and gives Jigsaw a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for being here tonight. I guess Rooster told you everything?”

“Just the highlights. He tell you he’s stalking your social media and has a few names on his list already? My boy will find this creeper in no time.”

I smack Jigsaw. Will he ever learn to shut his mouth?

“I thought you didn’t like social media,” Shelby says.

“I don’t. I have to use some stuff for work. Decided to keep an eye on yours too.”

“Trackin’ me with the porno princesses. Great.” Her mouth twists.

Huh. Here I thought it didn’t bug her that much.

It doesn’t matter. She needs to get ready for her show. We can talk it out later.

“Finally told her about our porn empire? That’s good. Fun day for both of ya, right?” Jigsaw grins at us. When neither of us return the gesture, the smile slides off his face. “No? Not fun? A little tense? Still working through it?” He edges toward the door. “You know what? I’m gonna go sit in the hallway with your mountain-man buddy. Give you two some alone time.”