“He tried to squeeze her fuckin’ tit, Greg. That’s not a joke. If she hadn’t kneed him in the junk, I would’ve broken his fucking hands.”

He snaps his mouth shut but doesn’t seem surprised.

“Are we done here?” I hold up the water bottle and rapidly cooling tea. “I need to get back to Shelby.”

“Do we have a deal?”

“Sure, Greg.”

As I watch Greg walk away, I can’t help wondering what I’ve committed myself to, and I doubt this will be the last time I have to fight for us.Chapter Fifty-FourRooster

I almost make it to Shelby’s door before I’m stopped again.

“Logan, good to see you back here.” Dawson stops in front of me. My hands are full, so we skip the handshake.

“Thanks.” I jerk my head toward Shelby’s dressing room. “Appreciate you having your guy look out for her.”

“Not a problem.” He shrugs. “It’s probably nothing. I get kooky shit like that too, but I’d rather not take any chances.”


His lips curl up. “I reckon you’ll be on her like white on rice now, but I’m still gonna leave Bane with her for the time being.”

If he thinks I’ll object, he’s dead wrong. I wasn’t kidding about having as many people as possible looking out for her. “Thank you.”

“You got it.” He claps me on the shoulder. “I’ll stop by and check on her a little later.”

Finally, I’m free to be with Shelby. I’m more focused and determined than ever to keep her safe.

Bane nods at me, knocks on the door three times and pushes it open for me.

Shelby’s on her mat, stretched out in what she’s explained to me is extended child’s pose. I still say it looks more like grab-me-by-the-hips-and-slam-your-cock-in-me pose, but what do I know?

“You all right?” I ask.

She hums a soft noise that sounds like a yes.

Not wanting to bother her, I take a seat at the table where I’m not staring at her ass.

“You can join me.” She lifts her head and smiles.

“If I join you, we’re going to create a whole new pose called ‘Rooster mounts a chickadee.’”

She laughs softly and drops her head down to the mat again.

Cute that she thinks I’m kidding.

“Dawson said he’s gonna stop by and check on you later.” The conversation with Greg’s still bouncing around in my head, so I don’t share any of it yet. It’ll probably just stress her out anyway.

She kneels, rests her hands on her thighs and twists to one side, then the other. “I hate that everyone’s making a fuss over nothing.”

Now that I’ve read the letters, I strongly disagree that they’re “nothing.” “Rather be safe than sorry.”

Someone knocks and Shelby jumps up, leaning over to quickly roll her mat.

Greg opens the door a crack, popping his head in. “They need you to come do sound check a little early.”

She glances down at her tight yoga shorts and tank top. “Let me change.”

“Hurry.” He slams the door shut.

Shelby sticks her tongue out. “Hurry,” she mutters.

She searches through her trunk, tossing clothes around until she settles on a denim skirt and flowered blouse. I keep my ass planted where it is, watching her every move but staying out of her way.

“It’s cute you’re dressing up for a fifteen-minute soundcheck.”

“This isn’t dressing up.”

I shrug, still amused. Shit, is there anything about her I don’t find fucking adorable and charming?

She hurries into the bathroom and since I don’t know who’ll be walking in next, I restrain myself from following her. I use the time to text Jigsaw and remind him what time he needs to be here.

“Ready!” Shelby announces a few minutes later. She slips on her brown, fringed boots and holds out her hand to me.

Outside her dressing room, I let go of her hand.

“What are you doing?”

“Greg’s worried about your reputation if you keep getting photographed with your big, bad biker.” I try to keep my tone light and teasing, so she knows I’m not mad about it.

She blinks. “I don’t care what anyone thinks.” She snatches my hand back.

I draw her closer. “I appreciate that but I want to do what’s best for you. As long as you’re all mine when we’re alone—”

“That’s really sucky and not the way I want to live.” She gives me a tug. “Come on.”

I nod to Bane and he follows us down the hallway. Signs point us in the direction of the stage.

“Shelby!” Greg calls out. “Hang on.”

His sneakers squeak over the shiny floors as he jogs up to us. “Guys are already up there. They’re having a few issues.”

He falls into step with us, explaining sound stuff I don’t follow along with.

At the entrance to the stage, Shelby drops my hand and leans up to kiss my cheek. “Will you watch?”


Her band starts with “Big Lies” and she waits a few minutes before jumping in and singing the first line. She frowns and asks the band to start over more than once.