“Sure do.”

I continue absently scrolling through the radio station’s website, stopping on a familiar face. The caption above it reads: Scotty and Junior go deep with porn princess Anya Regal.

After the awful way the interview ended, I’d forgotten how it all started. That and I’d chalked up Scotty’s comment about “porn stars and pop tarts” as an exaggeration of how he viewed all women.

But there she is—the girl Rooster’s been spending all week helping do some project that he claimed he couldn’t explain because it was “club business.” Her bright, pretty face smack between Junior and Scotty.

“Anya—the girl I met this morning—she’s a…porn star? That’s why she was on their show?”

“I don’t know about star, but she creates adult films, yes,” he answers carefully.

Sweet Jesus. Blood thunders through my veins drowning out all the other sounds around us. “You’ve been ‘working’ with her all week? On a project? Doing what exactly?”

A hot flood of uncontrollable fear churns my stomach. I knew I fell too hard and too fast for Rooster. Were the cards right? Is this the breakup and infidelity coming? Am I a few clicks away from finding videos of the man who’s stolen my heart fucking Chesapeake Bay Barbie online?

I’m going to be sick.

Rooster flips on the turn signal and veers the truck to the right. The tires bounce onto the wide shoulder, stopping so fast I’m jerked forward.

“What are you doing?” I gasp, bracing myself with a hand on the dashboard. “Drop me off at the arena. I don’t want breakfast anymore.” No, I’m about to puke up my guts all over the side of the road.

“Shelby, look at me.”

How could I be so dumb? All those vague answer he gave me about what he does for work make a lot more sense now.

“Shelby,” he says in a sharper tone. “I’m not fucking around. Look at me.”

I snap my head up. The intensity in his eyes doesn’t falter. He reaches for my hand, his touch warm and heartbreakingly gentle.

“This isn’t how I wanted to tell you.”

Lordy, here it comes.

“Tell me what?” Hot tears burn my eyes. “I don’t blame you. You’re so good at it. I bet you look even better on camera.”

“Wait, what?”

“I get it. It’s just a job to you. But I can’t…”

“Holy fuck.” He bangs his head against the steering wheel, his whole burly body shaking with laughter.

My sadness and fear twist into anger. I smack my palm against the seat. “It’s not funny! How could you not tell me?”

“It’s a little funny.” He sits up straight. “That you think I’m starring in porn. I’m flattered.”

“If that’s not it, then, what?”

“Job or not, I would’ve been honest if I’d been fucking other people, Shelby.”

“I don’t understand.”

He lets out a long sigh and stares out the windshield for a few seconds. “My club has a film company we bankroll. ‘Quasi-amateur’ is the best way to describe it. I run the technical end of things. After the films are made.” He pauses. “Well, that’s not completely true. I’ve had to be ‘on set’ a few times. As security for the talent, not as a performer.”

“Oh.” Some of the knots in my stomach loosen. “But you said your club. Is Anya from New York too? Did she come down here with you?”

“No. Our Virginia charter wants to build something similar to what we do. Z asked me to help them. Me taking her to the interview was a favor to Ice—not Anya. He couldn’t do it and asked me if I would. That’s it.” He turns his hands palms up. “Sorry it’s not more exciting.”

“So, you spend your days watching videos of pretty, naked women having sex?”

“That’s what you took from what I said? No, I spend a lot of my time staring at a computer screen, uploading files, filling out annoying forms, chasing down assholes who pirate our content, dealing with billing issues, looking at spreadsheets, and other mundane crap.” He slants a look at me. “I’m not a horny thirteen-year-old boy. Whacking it to porn all-day long isn’t that exciting anymore.”

“Gross,” I mutter. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“Well, for one thing, I’m really not in the habit of sharing club business with anyone outside the club.” He hesitates, drums his thumbs against the steering wheel. “I was worried you’d react…well, like this.” He scrunches up his face. “Actually, no, I didn’t expect you to think I was in the talent. I didn’t see that coming.”

“Shut up.” I reach over and lightly smack his arm. “If you’re going on the road with me, who’ll manage this stuff for the club?”

“I can do a lot of it remotely. I’m also trying to train Jigsaw so he can handle some of it for me.”

“Oh.” I stare down at my hands, still not sure what to say.

“I should’ve mentioned it sooner. I meant to say something this morning after you met Anya. We got sidetracked…and the interview.”