My heart melts, and I lean into his touch. “You’d be the first who doesn’t bitch about a condom,” I mutter. “Shoot, my last boyfriend kept trying to slip ’em off during. As if I wouldn’t notice.”


Why did I say that out loud?

Rooster’s brimming with anger—fists tight, voice down to a low rumble. “I knew I didn’t kick that motherfucker’s ass enough.”

“Forgot you’d met him,” I mutter.

“Shelby, look at me, please.”

He waits until I meet his eyes. “I know I can be a crude motherfucker, but I’m not the guy who ever wants to make you uncomfortable. Or do something you’re not a hundred percent into, okay?”

“I know that.”

“Good.” One corner of his mouth quirks. “And don’t ever compare me to any of your piece-of-shit exes again.”

I open my mouth to protest, then stop myself. Even if I didn’t mean to, that’s kinda what I did. Twice now. Lordy, how does he put up with me?

He tucks my hair behind my ear. “Let’s get going. You must be exhausted. And we need to be up early for your interview.”

Again, here he is, runnin’ all over for me. Picking me up late and gettin’ up at the butt crack of dawn to take me to the radio station. “Ugh. I’m so sorry about that.” I twist in my seat, grabbing the seatbelt and clicking it into place. “I’m so mad at Greg for scheduling that without telling me.”

He slips the truck into gear. “These guys are dicks, from what I know of ’em. Jigsaw’s going with us. Just in case.”

He doesn’t leave it open for debate. And I’m okay with that.

“Do you listen to them? Greg said their show is syndicated across the country.”

“Ah, yeah. I’ve caught them once or twice. Not really my thing, though.” He grips the steering wheel harder. “Uh, don’t freak out but I need to warn you about something.”

“Uh, okay.”

“I can’t get into a lot of details, but this club’s a little different from mine.”

“You say that every time you take me to a new clubhouse.”

“Shit, I guess I do.” He laughs, a loud ha that punches the air between us. “Nothing bad. But they’re a little overzealous with their security. Found a camera in my room. I disconnected it, but I’m guessing they’re all over the house.”

I’m not sure what to say to that.

“Are you thinking of asking me to take you back to the van?”

“Heck no.” I quiet down for a second “That’s kind of a club business-y thing to share with me, isn’t it?”

“I guess so.”

“Are there toilet cams?”

“Fuck, I hope Ice isn’t that twisted. I’ll check when we get there.”

“Found one of those in a dressing room one time.” I shudder. “So gross.”

“Are you fuckin’ serious?” Fury seeps into his tone.

I shrug, even though he’s watchin’ the road, not me. “Sometimes I feel like someone’s spying on me twenty-four hours a day. At least this time, I won’t be wondering if I’m crazy.”


How the fuck do I digest the fact that someone’s stuck a toilet camera in my girlfriend’s dressing room? Never mind the other shit she confessed tonight. More than ever, I want to tuck her in my pocket and keep her safe from everyone. The world doesn’t deserve her sweetness.

“Wow. Bikers sure are fond of middle-of-nowhere places, huh?” she asks as the truck climbs the mountainside.

“Not all of ’em. But yeah, we like our privacy.”

“Can’t imagine why,” she says, using her light, teasing tone.

Fuck, there goes that warmth sliding through my chest again.

After a few seconds of silence, I glance over. Her head’s against the seat and awkwardly rolled to the side. Breathing’s soft and even. Shit, she must be exhausted. Instead of fucking her in the parking lot like an animal, and then dragging her out into the woods, I should’ve taken her to a damn hotel so she could get some sleep.

Finally, the clubhouse comes into view and I flip on the blinker. From the glow of the bonfires and number of shadows filling the parking lot, it looks like they took the party outside tonight.

Brothers wave and slap the hood as I pass. The noise doesn’t stir Shelby. I park around the side of the building to keep Ice’s truck out of the way of these rowdy motherfuckers.

Shelby’s still sound asleep. Hate like hell to wake her.

I text Jigsaw, letting him know I’m here, then haul my ass out of the truck. Slowly, I ease Shelby’s door open, not wanting to startle her. “Hey, chickadee.” I keep my voice low and in a soothing range. “We’re here.”

“Hmm?” she mumbles, drools on herself a little. Just makes her even cuter.

Reaching over her, I unclick her seatbelt and kiss her cheek. “We’re here.”

She blinks, her gaze bouncing around the truck. “Did I fall asleep?”

“You did.” An amused smile curves my lips. “Want me to carry you inside?”