I pull her into my arms, squeezing her tight. The love I have for this woman for all she’s done to put Teller back together could fill this entire hospital. “I’d never leave my favorite ginger twin.”

“You can get your paws off my woman any time now,” Teller grumbles.

Charlotte chuckles and pulls back. “I’m going to go wait for Heidi. I have a small surprise for her.”

Feeling about a hundred and ten years old, I shuffle my way to the front of the chapel. All my brothers are here. Have been here throughout this whole ordeal.

Jake’s here, too. Might not wear a patch, but he’s a brother in his own way.

At the front of the room, a priest greets me. A priest. This wasn’t in our plans. But he seems like a nice enough guy. Someone had explained the circumstances, and he was happy to perform the ceremony.

The chapel’s ugly as sin. Seventies-style yellow carpet and gray wooden benches. Empire Med must be lacking big donors.

Teller checks his phone. “Sit down. She’s going to be a minute.”

I’d love to tell him to fuck off. That I’m perfectly fine standing. Except, I feel like I’m about to fall over.

So, I sit. And I wait for my bride.


“Heidi, you don’t have to do this today.” Hope brushes hair out of my eyes and cups my cheek. “There’s no hurry.”

She’s been trying to talk me into waiting until Murphy’s out of the hospital.

I love her, but no fucking way. “Today’s the day.”

Hospital or not. Today’s our wedding day, and we’re getting married.

Trinity stops by to help me finish my hair.

“Word is, Murphy’s up and about.” Trinity slowly curls each section of hair around an extra-long iron. “Teller’s planning to coax him into the suit.”

I chuckle, imagining how that conversation’s going.

I dab on a light amount of makeup and then it’s dress time. “Hope, will you help me?”

“Of course, I will.”

She holds the dress over my head and lowers it without mussing my hair or smearing any makeup.

“I’ll wrangle up little miss,” Trinity promises.

“Shouldn’t be too hard, she’s excited about her new dress and boots.”

Hope slides the zipper of my dress into place and rests her hands on my shoulders. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” The smooth silver satin gaps at my chest a little. I glance down, wondering if I’ll end up flashing everyone. “It’s looser than when I bought it.”

“Living off hospital coffee and air will do that.” Hope squeezes my shoulders. “It will be fine.”

The hospital might be chilly. I don’t own a wrap or shawl or anything fancy like that. I run into my room and grab a navy, button-up sweater and pray it doesn’t look too silly with the rest of my outfit.

I slip the first piece of jewelry Murphy ever gave me—my key pendant—around my neck. The stone in the middle is green, not exactly a match to everything else, but I can’t imagine getting married without wearing it.

And last, I pull out the purple boots and lace them up.

This isn’t perfect.

It’s not ideal.

But love isn’t about parties and cakes or the perfect outfit. It’s about loving someone through thick and thin. Being there for them at their best moments and their worst.



My boots click over the slick hospital floor, announcing to everyone in our path that I’m a woman on a mission to get married today.

People stop and stare.

They probably think I’m some prom party runaway.

But I don’t care what anyone thinks.

Trinity’s next to me, carrying Alexa, keeping up a steady stream of conversation to keep Alexa occupied.

“Are you going to show Daddy those spiffy purple boots your Aunty Hope got you?” Trinity asks.


Rock meets us outside the chapel doors. “You’re beautiful Heidi.” He takes my hands and leans down to kiss my cheek. “I’m happy you two finally made it here.”

I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. “Me too,” I whisper. “Is he okay?”

“He’s waiting for you.”

Z holds the door open. Hope hugs me as she goes by. Trinity kisses my cheek.

Charlotte stops in front of me and slips a bouquet of purple flowers into my hand. Then she bends down to hand Alexa a smaller version.

“Where’d you find these?” I whisper.

“Rush job at the florist in Sterling.” Charlotte winks at me.

“Pretty, Mommy!” Alexa waves the flowers at me, shaking petals everywhere.

“Hold it still until after.” I touch Charlotte’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” She gives me a quick hug. “After today we’ll be sisters.”

“There’s still time to do a double wedding.”

She laughs off my invitation. “I’m not stealing your thunder. We’ll get there. Don’t worry.” She steps into the chapel and walks to the front.

Rock holds out his arm to me.

There’s no music, but everyone stands and watches me make my way to the front of the room.

Tears burn my eyes as Blake stands and turns my way. I’m so thankful he’s alive, awake, and okay.

I rush the last few steps just to get to him. He reaches out and takes my hands, and we face the priest.



She’s finally here.

We’re finally doing this.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for longer than I’ll ever admit to anyone. Not even Heidi.

“You look beautiful,” I rasp.

“Thank you.”

She squeezes my hand.

“Are you nervous?”


The priest clears his throat. Since this all came together so quickly, neither of us have special vows or anything prepared. So, I guess we’re winging it.

“Heidi and Blake, are you here before me freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?”

Fuck yes.

“Yes,” Heidi answers and I follow.

“Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?”

“Yes,” we answer at the same time.

Heidi grins at me and nervously bounces up and down. It’s so sweet, I want to lean in and kiss her.

“Now,” the priest says, “Heidi, repeat after me. I, Heidi, take you Blake to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and bad…”

Heidi starts reciting the lines but stops at “in sickness and health.” “We’re getting married in the hospital, Father. I think we have that one covered.”

Everyone laughs, even the priest. “Very well. Do you promise to love Blake and honor him for the rest of your days?”

“I do.”

“Blake, do you take Heidi to be your wife?”

“Hell. Yes.”

The priest gives me a stern look before carrying on. “Do you promise to be true and faithful in good times and bad?”

Wait a second. Did her vows include faithful? I’m feeling a little judged here.


“Will you be true in sickness and in health?”


“Do you promise here in front of your family and friends to love and honor Heidi for all the days of your life?”

“I do.”

He looks each of us in the eye before continuing. “Heidi and Blake, from this moment on, you embark together on one shared path. You have stood before your loved ones and declared your intent to commit to each other in marriage.” He stops and takes a breath, gazing out at the audience. “Your road to this moment may not have always been smooth but you’ve fought hard for each other. Never lose that faith and tenacity. Let it keep your bond to each other and your family strong.”


has no idea how rough our road has been.

“Thank you,” Heidi whispers.

“By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

I don’t even wait for the cue, I grab Heidi and kiss the hell out of her. “I love you,” I whisper against her lips before kissing her again.

Alexa jumps up and down, tossing her flowers in the air. Chance runs up the aisle and hugs Heidi’s legs quickly before Z captures him and returns to their seat.

I pick Alexa up and hold her in one arm. Heidi takes my hand and together we face our family.

Cheers and whistles fill the small chapel.

Rock steps up to hug us first, then moves aside to talk to the priest.

“Did anyone pay the guy?” I say to Teller when he hugs me.

“Is that what you’re worried about?” He pats his pocket. “It’s all taken care of, brother.”

“Congratulations.” Wrath gives me the gentlest pat on the back he’s probably capable of. Still almost knocks me off my feet.

“Are you okay?” Heidi asks.

“I’m fine.”

Teller takes Alexa from me, but I refuse the wheelchair.