“He gave up a lot to take care of me when he was just a kid himself,” I continue when the laughter dies down. “And I didn’t really appreciate his sacrifices until I was older. It takes a special woman to tolerate…. oops, I mean enjoy his special brand of overbearing love—”

“Easy, little sister,” Marcel warns.

“A strong woman is what you needed.” I wink at my brother. “You’re a caretaker, that’s just your nature. God knows what would’ve happened to me if you weren’t. But you were always taking care of others. You needed someone to take care of you. I thank you for that, Charlotte. You’re the perfect partner for my big brother.” Now that the hard part’s over, I grin at them. “You’re also the fun, big sister I always wanted, even though you have some weird ginger-twin pact with my future husband.”

Charlotte and Blake both pump their fists in the air. “Ginger power!”

Jigsaw laughs so hard he bangs his head against the table a few times.

I go down the table with a few heartfelt words for each of the brothers and hope each one understands they come from a place of deep love and gratitude.

When I finally sit down, Ravage stands. Next to me, Blake groans and clenches his fists.

“I was saving this for the wedding, but I’m feeling all tingly from your moving words, Heidi.”

“You should see a doctor for that,” Stash says.

Ignoring him, Ravage continues. “We love you, too, Heidi.” He touches his hand to his chest. “You’re already an official part of the family, so I don’t need to talk about that. As much as we enjoy ragging on Murphy for being totally pussy-whipped, it’s why we love him—and you—so much.”

He sits down.

Heads turn, waiting for Ravage’s punchline, but he’s silent.

“Thank you,” I whisper then add. “I think.”

After a vigorous head shake, Dex stands and lifts his glass. “Life isn’t always beautiful. It’s not perfect. It’s messy. You both know that. But when you have the right person with you, it’s a beautiful ride.”

“To a beautiful ride!” everyone cheers and holds up their glasses.

“Thank you,” Blake says.

“We’re all looking for the one to smooth out the potholes of life,” Sparky says.

Stash grabs Sparky in a headlock and kisses the top of his head. “You’re the pothead of our lives, brother.”

Yup, that sounds about right.


Predictably, as it gets later, the guys get rowdier. Z and Rooster said they’d swept the room for bugs—not that we’d discuss club business, but with the amount of clubs the feds have gone after lately, you never know.

Alexa and Chance were restless. Hope and Rock offer to take them out to the rodeo bull ride. Baby Grace is sound asleep in Teller’s arms with Charlotte peeking at her every couple of minutes.

Z nudges Lilly and she hands us a small package. “For Heidi,” Z explains.

Heidi eagerly unwraps it and falls back in her chair laughing at the brand new stubby green and purple hammer.

“We owed you a new one,” Wrath says.

I lift my chin at Teller. “You tell them where to find it?”

“Had to.”

“Wait a second,” Ravage says, thrusting his hand toward us and wiggling his fingers, “Let me see that thing.”

Heidi passes it to Charlotte who hands it off to Trinity and it travels down the table into Rav’s hands.

“What is that, nine, nine-and-a-half inches?” Stash takes the hammer from Rav and waves it around. He squints at me. “So you basically gave her your dick to carry around?”

“Why would you…where…why?” Lilly finally gives up and shakes her head.

Trinity leans over the table. “Don’t try to make sense of it, Lilly. Just roll with it.”

A couple of years ago, Heidi would’ve been blushing bright red and completely mortified. Today, she laughs off Stash’s asinine comment.

“My dick’s way bigger than that thing,” I say, figuring that’ll put an end to this.

For some reason, Stash, Ravage, and Jigsaw look at Heidi as if waiting for confirmation.

“Well, I haven’t exactly measured,” Heidi says. “But in certain positions he certainly hammers the hell out of my cervix.”

What the fuck?

Ravage shakes himself as if the word cervix somehow gave him cooties.

Teller stares at his sister.

The girls wince, then crack up.

“Figured that would shut them up,” Heidi mutters, making Trinity and Lilly laugh even harder.

“Hammer dick!’ Stash shouts. “That’s Murphy’s new road name. Someone write that down.”

“Jesus Christ,” Teller mutters.

Z picks up his beer. “I’m officially traumatized by this entire conversation.”

I lean closer to Heidi and whisper, “Is that true? Why don’t you ever say anything? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Aww.” She kisses my cheek. “Why do you think I like to be on top so much? Or standing? Or spooning—”

“Okay, stop or I’m going to fuck you right now.”

She glances around at the crowded room. “That’ll be hella awkward, don’t you think?”

“I’ll never look at a hammer the same,” Charlotte says, drawing our attention her way. She studies the hammer when the guys pass it back to us.

“Enough already.” Since Teller’s arms are full with Grace, he nods at me to take the hammer from Charlotte.

Charlotte holds it out of my reach and grips it tighter. “I mean, that’s a really thin dick, if that’s what it’s supposed to be.” She raises a suspicious eyebrow at Stash who started the whole hammer dick thing.

Heidi jiggles with laughter.

“Why is that a staple in lots of romance books?” Trinity’s saying to Charlotte and Lilly. “‘His purple warrior sword banged on her womb.’ No! Ew, bad, penis!”

Charlotte, Lilly, and Trinity howl with laughter.

“Make it stop,” Teller begs the entire room.

Wrath reaches over and plucks the hammer out of Charlotte’s hand. He points it at Charlotte, then Heidi. “You can have it back when you behave.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Heidi protests.

Z raises his hand and snaps his fingers. “You planted a horrifying mental image of Murphy violating you in our heads.”

“Well,” Heidi says, lowering her voice and ignoring Z, “You always have me plenty turned on.” She covers her mouth with her hand and s

nickers. “Before you hammer away at me.” Heidi barely has the last word out before she falls against my side, laughing.

“Foreplay is critical if your partner has a mega-peen.” Charlotte nods at us.

“Teller, brother, control your woman,” I say.

Charlotte’s jaw drops. “Ginger traitor,” she declares, pointing at me in such a dramatic way, I can’t help joining in on their laughter.

“Wait, how do you prove you have a mega-peen?” Stash cups his hand over his ear and leans our way.

“Seems like something you really shouldn’t need to ask,” Wrath says.

The doors open. Hope and Rock enter with the kids.

“I’m not even going to ask.” Rock holds up his hands and makes a shut-the-fuck-up face at all of us.

“We’re gone for five minutes and the whole restaurant can hear you guys shouting mega-peen,” Hope whispers the last word which only makes the guys laugh harder and yell it louder.

Charlotte waves at Hope. “I may have instigated some of it, but Stash totally started it.”

“I totally did,” Stash agrees.

“Heidi totally gave me a name for my newest strain,” Sparky announces.

“I’m afraid to ask,” Heidi whispers to me.

“The Cervix Buster.” Sparky grins at everyone before sitting back down.

“Jesus Christ,” Z mumbles.

“If this is what my graduation party turned into,” Heidi tips her head back and smiles at me, “I can’t wait for our wedding.”



There’s only one weakness in my don’t-fuck-with-me biker attitude tonight. Heidi.

I’ve fought at the Castle and won dozens of times. I’ve taken dirty shots, punished my opponent with my fists, collected my money, and gone home to my girl.

Heidi—and her safety—are the only things that could distract me among this crowd. Most of the guys who hang out, fight, and place bets here are closer to her age. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if she recognizes a few of them from high school or even shared some college classes with one or two. Doesn’t mean I’ll tolerate anyone trying to pick her up.