My desire to carry Heidi out of the chapel and straight home must be written all over my hairless face, because Heidi stops me with a hand on my arm. “Don’t carry me over any thresholds here. It’s probably bad luck.”

“We’ve definitely had enough of that.”



Heidi’s finally my wife.

And I’m her husband.

Man, it feels like it took a lifetime to get here.

I’m ready to keel over by the time we make it back to my room. Suit and all, I flop down on the bed and pull Heidi up against me. Alexa climbs up next to us and I’m able to snuggle with my family for a few uninterrupted minutes.

Word spread through the hospital about our wedding. The doctors give us some leeway with visitors and food. People stop by all afternoon to congratulate us.

Finally, Hope starts sending people home.

“You need to rest, Murphy.” She leans in and kisses my cheek.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Don’t start.”

Wrath carries a sleeping Alexa out. I hope she sleeps all the way. I hate that I’m not the one driving her home tonight.

Heidi stays. “I’m not spending our first married night apart,” she insists.

No one disagrees.

“Not how you thought we’d be spending our wedding night, is it?” Heidi whispers later when we’re finally alone.

“Nope.” I snuggle her closer. “Still wouldn’t change a thing.”

I reach down and slide my hand up under her dress. “You sure you don’t want to change.”

“Too sleepy,” she murmurs.

“Sleepy, huh?” My hand travels higher, until my fingers encounter smooth satin. “What’s this?”

“My wedding panties.”

“Wedding panties?” I pull her dress up. “I need to see these.”

She laughs and shifts her leg so I can hike her dress up higher.

“Blake? Should we be doing this?”

“Definitely.” I finally hook my fingers in the material and drag it down her legs.

“Are you trying to see them or take them off?”

“Oh, definitely taking them off.”

It’s a small bed. Already at capacity with my big ass. She turns, frantically kissing me. Hands on my face, pulling me closer like she can’t get enough.

Something wet hits my cheek and I pull back. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m so happy.” Her hoarse voice cuts straight to my heart.

“You’re crying.”

“They’re happy tears.” She sniffles. “I can’t believe I’m finally your wife. If this is a dream, please don’t wake me up,” she whispers.

My sweet, beautiful woman never stops amazing me. “Trust me, if this was a dream, we’d be somewhere with a much bigger bed.”

She presses her forehead against my chest and shakes with laughter. I finally succeed in getting those panties off.

“What if someone comes in?”

“No one’s coming in.” I pull the sheet over us.

Carefully, she shifts and turns until her back’s against my chest. I nuzzle my face into the curve of her neck. “You smell good.”

“I’m so happy you’re mine,” she whispers.

I stroke her hair and down her side. “I’ve always been yours.”



Two days later, I finally get my discharge instructions from the doctor. Takes all fucking day to actually leave the damn hospital, though.

“We need to find you a physical therapist,” Heidi says, reading over the sheet.

“Right now, the only therapy I need is my wife’s hot as fuck pussy wrapped around my dick.”

Heidi side-eyes me. “Who says romance is dead?”

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and press my lips to her temple. “What else can I say? Your pussy has healing properties. And I am very much in need of them.”

“Should we grab the doctor and have him write that down in your chart?” She’s laughing too hard to sound stern as she points down the hallway.

“Yup.” I raise one hand as if I’m about to spell it out in neon lights. “Heidi O’Callaghan’s pussy is miraculous.”

This time, she presses her forehead against my chest and snort-giggles. “You’re such a dirty bastard.”

“You love it.”

Finally, we’re on our way home.

Marcel picks us up. I want to sit in the back and cuddle with my bride but end up trying not to puke for the entire ride instead. Still not feeling quite right.

Instead of stopping in front of the clubhouse, he continues on the driveway we extended into the woods late last year. Past Rock and Hope’s, stopping in front of our house.

“We don’t have anything here, bro.”

Marcel grins at me. “No? Guess you’re sleeping on the floor, then.”

I’d actually prefer that to ever spending another night in a hospital.

I must still be out of it because I totally miss all the sneaky signals he’s giving off.

We walk into the house, and I stop and stare.

It’s furnished. I mean, there’s still boxes and stuff everywhere, but the big stuff is already there.

“When did you?” I can’t stop gawking. Someone did a lot of work since the last time I was here.

“I didn’t,” Teller explains. “Well, I helped with some stuff. But Hope and Charlotte knew where a lot of it was going. They supervised the guys. Everyone took turns setting it up.”

Heidi throws her arms around her brother’s neck, hugging him tight. “Thank you.”

“Welcome home!” Hope and Rock push open the front door. Alexa runs over to us.


I bend down to pick her up, and my vision swims. I catch myself and lift her slowly, hugging her to me. “I missed you, Alexa. Were you good for Aunty Hope?”


“She really was,” Hope agrees. “How do you feel?”

“Like I went a few rounds with a baseball bat.”

Heidi smacks my arm. “That’s not funny.”

“I’m happy to be home.”

“You two get some rest.” Rock pins me with a look. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

The three of us end up crashing on the couch to watch a movie. Sometime during it, I must have fallen asleep, and Heidi gently shakes me awake.

“What’s wrong?”

Her anxious face stares down at me. “Sorry. I’m all freaked out now every time you go to sleep.”

“Docs cleared me,” I remind her. Yeah, I’m not back to one-hundred percent, but I’m a hell of a lot better than I was. I sit up. “Let’s go to bed.”

Alexa’s sound asleep, so it’s easy to get her settled in her new room.

r />

Heidi bites her lip. “I’m worried she’s going to freak out in the morning.”

“The door’s child-proofed. We’ll hear her if she wakes up.” I take Heidi’s hand. “I need to wash the hospital stench off me.”

“And you need my assistance?”


I put a lot of effort into our master bathroom. The shower’s the size of a bedroom with built-in benches and shelves. Heidi twists her long hair into a knot on her head and waves her arms at me to get in the shower. I installed multiple sprays and take full advantage of every single one, letting the hot water pound down over my aching muscles.

Heidi slides her hands over my back. The scent of pine fills the air as she soaps me up. “We could fit an entire family in here.”

“That might be a little weird.”

She laughs softly and steps around me to wash my chest.

“Someone’s enjoying his shower.” She wraps her hand around my cock and slowly squeezes.

“Fuck yeah, I am,” I groan and stroke my thumb over her nipple. “Got my hot wife naked and wet in front of me.”

She’s killing me. I take her by the hips and guide her over to the bench. “Come sit on your husband’s lap.”

Her sexy laughter echoes around us.

I drop down and wrap one hand around her ankle. “Up here. Hang on to me.”

“Fuck.” I groan and close my eyes when she sinks down on my cock. “That’s it. Ride that cock like you fucking stole it.”

She’s one hundred percent focused and only moans in response.

I bend down and flick my tongue over her nipple, sucking it into my greedy mouth.



“I’m going to…oh my God.”

She’s wild, untamed, bucking like crazy against me. Fire sizzles straight down to my groin. “Better hurry,” I warn her.

I groan through my release, which seems to go on and on because she never slows down.

“There,” she whispers the word over and over, finally going limp and dropping her forehead to my shoulder.

I press a kiss to her temple and run my hand over her back. “You okay?”