“Your stuff’s almost finished.”


She hands me the bundle of clothes, and I head to her bedroom to change.

Chapter Six


“It takes an awfully confident man to eat a meal in a towel in a stranger’s house,” my mother says, when I return to the kitchen.

I laugh and shrug. “I guess.”

“You seem to like him.”

“I do.” I shrug again, not quite comfortable discussing this with my mother, when Rooster’s in the other room.

“Fine looking man, too.” Her gaze darts to the hallway.

“Hands off, Mom.”

She laughs and starts clearing the table. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I still like my men more seasoned.”

Rooster’s plenty seasoned. I swear my legs are still jelly from the orgasm he gave me before. I’ve never come so hard in my life.

“Are you going to invite him to—”

“Hell, no. He’s only here for a few days. He doesn’t want to go to some hillbilly bar—”

“Shelby.” She sighs and shakes her head. “Baby, you’re so talented. How much more do you need to accomplish before you believe it?”

I raise my hands and sweep my gaze over our tiny rental house. “Getting us out of here would help.”

“That’s not your job, honey.”

Shit, I didn’t mean to make my mother feel bad. She’s been struggling to provide for both of us since my dad walked out more than a decade ago. She’s sacrificed a lot to help me achieve my dreams. “You’ve done enough. It’s time for me to take care of you.”

She wraps me up in a comforting hug. “You’re doin’ fine, and I have faith in you.”


The floor creaks as Rooster enters the kitchen. “I’m sorry, Shelby. I really do need to go. Do you need a ride to work or anything?”

“No, my Mom will take me.”

My mother—meddler that she is—elbows me, but I ignore it. “I’ll walk you out, though.”

He stops by the door to lace up his boots, and I admire his long, dexterous hands. He’d be a great piano player. “Do you play any instruments?” I blurt out.

He doesn’t even blink at the out-of-nowhere question. “Nope. No musical talent whatsoever.”

“Hmm. Shame. You have great hands.”

One corner of his mouth twitches, and he pulls me closer. “Didn’t get to put them on you enough to satisfy me.”

“Oh no?”


We stare at each other for a few minutes. “Come outside with me.”

When we reach his bike, he leans against the seat and pulls me between his legs. “When can I see you again?”

Surprised, and maybe a little suspicious, I don’t answer right away. “How long are you here?”

“A week or so, but I can rearrange some things and stay longer.”

Rearrange them, how? “Don’t you have a job back in New York?”

There’s that sexy half-smile again. “Yeah, but it’s a make-up-my-own hours sort of situation.”


“This trip is part business, too.”

“Oh,” I say again. Apparently, words are too complicated.

“You working tonight?”

“Until midnight.”

“At the Tipsy Saddle?”

Surprised he remembered, I blink before answering. “Ah, no. That’s uh, my side job.”

“What’s your main job?”

“Waitressing. Same place my mom works.”

“You get to eat chicken fried steak like that every night?” he teases.

I poke my stomach. “Hell, no. I have enough padding.”

He rolls his eyes. “Your perfect body is forever burned in my mind, Shelby.”

I lean in and run my fingers over his stomach. “Same here.”

He makes this sexy growly noise and leans in to kiss me. When he pulls back, he searches my face for a few seconds. “That cell phone in your bedroom yours?”

“Uh, yeah. Why?”

“I got your number. And you’ve got mine. We’re having a big party this weekend. I’d like you to come if you’re interested.”

“Yeah. Sure.”

“Don’t get too excited. It’ll be outdoors.”

“That’s okay.”

He leans in and kisses my forehead. “I’m free later tonight if you want to call me when you get off work.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

The pavement vibrates under my feet when he fires up his bike. Even the way he carefully backs the big machine out of my driveway is sexy as hell to witness.

Watching him go leaves an ache inside I’ve never quite felt before.

Chapter Seven


“Look who decided to show up!” Jigsaw calls out, as soon as he sees me.

“Shut up, dick,” I grumble, not wanting him to draw attention to my late arrival.

“Bro, Blaise pushed the meeting back. You’re good.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I could’ve spent more time with Shelby if I wasn’t so worried about missing this meeting.

“I just found out.” He lifts his chin. “Z’s waiting for you, though.”

“Fucking great.” I turn, and Z is, indeed, outside. But he’s busy with his old lady and his kid, so I don’t think he’s real worried about my whereabouts.

There’s a scraping noise behind me, and someone tackles me from behind. By the size and chokehold, I assume it’s Murphy. “Don’t make me break your ass in front of your wifey and daughter,” I warn him.

“Heard you played hero this morning.” He releases me and slaps my back a few times.

I roll my eyes at Jigsaw. “Can’t you keep your mouth shut?”

“Wasn’t me. Sparky told everyone.”

Whatever. It’s impossible to be pissed at our stoner brother. “I got his shirt. Where is he?”

“You fuck her?” Jigsaw asks.

“Shut up,” I grumble.

“Sounds like a no.” Murphy laughs.

I flip him off. “Don’t you have your own girl to worry about?”

“I’m not the one who asked. Don’t really care where you stick your dick.”

Jigsaw slaps Murphy’s arm. “She was hot. Had nice round little titties—”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snap.

Murphy rolls his eyes at Jiggy. “Why you gotta be a dick?”

“Oh, sorry. You marrying her or something?” Jigsaw asks, without a note of remorse in his voice.

“No, asshole.” I pause to consider whether I should tell Jigsaw this. I’m sure as fuck not interested in his opinion. “I invited her up Saturday, though.”

“Why? There’s going to be so much free pussy—”

“Worry about your own dick, would ya?”

He rubs his cheek and gives me a sly half-smile. “She up for a spit roast?”

“You looking to die today?”

“Brother must be tired of his guts being on the inside,” Murphy says.

Jigsaw grins. “Jealous, Ginger?”

“Nope. I got all I need right over there.” He nods at his fiancée who’s busy playing with her daughter and Z’s son while talking to Z’s old lady.

“Upstate’s going to infect our charter with monogamy, brother.” Jigsaw slaps his hand against my chest. “It’s up to us to stop the spread of that disease.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Murphy mutters. “You and Ravage really need to hang out more.”

“You act like I’m patching her and taking her back to New York with me.” Although, now that the words are out of my mouth, I can’t shake the idea of having her back home with me out of my head.

“She got any hot sisters you can bring Saturday?” Jigsaw asks.

“I don’t think so. She lives with her mom.”

“Her mom hot?”

“Jesus Christ.”

“What? Age ain’t nothin’ but