His partner comes around the side of the car. He’s older. Slower. Smiling.

“Settle down, Henry.” Apparently old and slow plans to play aw shucks, these new recruits got no respect cop today. He holds out his hand. “You’re new to downstate, right?”


“Your prez took a bullet to the skull, right?”

Well, at least he’s getting right to the point. “You find the person responsible?”

“Not yet. That’s not what we’re here for today, Mr. Frazier.”

Great, they already know my name. Perfect. I keep my face neutral.

“We don’t have all day.” I roll my hand in front of me in a hurry up gesture. “What do you want?”

“You know Malone’s bowling alley out on 55?”

“I’ve been there once or twice over the years. It’s a dump.”

“It’s a pile of rubble,” the young cop says.

I raise my eyebrows like I’m waiting for more information.

“Someone burned it down last night. You know anything about that?”

Hah. Nope. I was there and I still have no fucking idea what happened. “No, sir. You sure it was intentional? The place wasn’t in the best shape last time I was there. Was anyone hurt?”

“When were you there last?” the older cop asks.

“A couple months ago, maybe?” The night Murphy and I shook down the owner for some cash he owed the mafia. Just a regular Saturday night of fun.

“Any of your bros been there more recently?”

I glance at Rock, who shakes his head. “You’d have to ask them.”

“Can we come inside?”

Sure, please allow me to make your jobs easier. God only knows what’s going on inside the clubhouse at the moment. “You got a warrant?”

“Do we need one just to come in for a chat?

Points to the old guy for giving it a solid try. “I’m fine chatting out here.”

“Seems like if you’re really an innocent club of Harley lovers, it’d be no big deal to let us inside,” young cop says.

“What exactly are you hoping to find? A smoldering bowling ball? I already told you I don’t know anything about Malone’s. If one of my brothers has some info, I’ll be sure to have him call ya.”

Realizing I’m not dumb enough to let them in the clubhouse, the cops glance at each other. “Here’s my card. Let me know if you hear anything.”

I stuff it in my pocket without looking at it. “Will do.”

We wait outside until the cops leave. No way am I risking opening the door so their nosey asses can claim they saw fuck-knows-what in plain sight and use it as an excuse to barge in and search the place.

“Interesting they showed up here so fast,” Rock comments as we watch the car drive away.

“No kidding.”

Inside, the clubhouse is quiet.

“Get rid of the fuzz, Prez?” Rooster grins at me as he strolls out of the office.

“You catch all that?”

“Sure did.” He tips his head. “Hey, Rock. Glad you’re still here.”


“How was Sway?”

“Not too bad. Still seems tired. Stella stopped by to cheer him up.”

Rooster snorts. “I’m sure she did.”

“Shadow’s still down there. So’s Grip and Brew.”

“You got a minute, Rock?” Rooster asks. “I wanted your opinion on something.”

They both step outside and I make my way down to Teller’s room to check on him.

I’m about to push open the door when I hear Charlotte’s voice.

“Did you take a hit to the head?”

Teller doesn’t laugh. “I’m serious. I don’t want you spending too much time around her.”

“I understand why the situation bothers you, Marcel, I really do—”

“It’s got nothing to do with that.”

“Yeah, okay.” I can practically hear her eyeroll. “Z’s your brother.”

Figured they were discussing Lilly and me.

“He’s going through a lot with this transition,” Charlotte continues, “And he needs your support. I’m sure he’s already upset about last night. Don’t make things harder on him.”

“I’m not. I haven’t said a word.”

Liar. I struggle to rein in my laughter.

“Good. Don’t. If he’s forgiven her, then so can you.”

See, I knew there was a reason I always liked Charlotte. She’s a smart, practical woman. Not afraid to let Teller know when he’s acting like an asshole. Which is good, because it happens with annoying frequency.

“Where’s your sympathy for me, woman? I took a bullet in the ass.”

“Oh, I’m not thrilled with you…”

Their voices lower and I’m pretty sure he’s trying to coax her into bed. So, I do what any good president would do—cock-block.

I tap my knuckles against the cheap wood and push the door open all the way.

“Don’t wait for an answer or anything,” Teller gripes.

“The door was open, dipstick.” I shut it behind me with an exaggerated turning of the knob. “Besides, I can’t count how many times you’ve walked in on me unannounced.”

Charlotte chuckles. “How are you, Z?”

“Better than your man.” I smirk at both of them. “Obviously.”

“That gratitude of yours needs work,” Teller says. “If I hadn’t been behind you, your ass would’ve been hit.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I’m busting his balls, but really, I’m fucking furious he got hurt. A president’s supposed to be responsible for all his brothers. If anyone should’ve taken that bullet, it’s me. “Anyone bother you today?”

“Just you.”

Charlotte smacks his arm, making me laugh.

“I’m asking because cops were here when Rock and I got back.”

Charlotte raises an eyebrow. “What did they want?”

“To come inside for a friendly chat.”

She rolls her eyes. “Does that ever work for them?”

“Probably. Most citizens feel it’s their duty to be as helpful as possible. They’re just beaming with pride to let the pigs in.”

“While lawyers everywhere scream in frustration,” Charlotte says.

“I’m glad you were here because if it escalated, I was going to have you come out and talk to them.”

She tilts her head. Surprised, maybe? Hope’s only ever had good things to say about Charlotte’s lawyering skills. I trust her. “You think we wouldn’t have a female lawyer?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Charlotte’s practice keeps her busy enough,” Teller says. “Sway must have a lawyer on retainer.”

“I’m sure he does.”

“Charlotte is capable of speaking for herself about her law practice,” she says to Teller.

Behind me, Rock chuckles. “Ah, like looking back in time.”

Charlotte ducks her head and laughs. “Poor Hope.”

“Were you guys this nice to Sway?” Teller asks.

“Nicer.” I grin at him.

Chapter Twenty-Two


No one shares any details, but I gather enough information to understand Teller was shot.

Now Charlotte’s middle-of-the week visit makes more sense.

“I don’t even want to ask what you were doing that someone shot at you.”

Z shrugs. “We were just as surprised.”

“That’s informative.”

He kisses the tip of my nose. “Wasn’t meant to be.”


“Lilly, I’ll share with you what I can.”

But this is club business. He doesn’t say it, but it’s written in his expression. Hope’s briefly mentioned there are some things she doesn’t ask questions about. Heidi’s much more matter of fact about it. Some things just aren’t our business. Their blind trust in their men always seemed odd to me. Now I find myself trus

ting Z, probably more than I should.

“Just tell me that we’re safe. That you’re safe.”

He doesn’t hesitate. “Yes. If I thought you were in danger, I’d have you somewhere else.”


I’m still turning our conversation over in my head when Charlotte stops by the house.

“Come in. Chance and I were just going to have a snack.”