“You didn’t say there were demonstrations,” Rav says, taking an interest again.

“Not live demonstrations on people,” Heidi says in a rush. “No men allowed. Girls only.”

“Sweet baby Jesus.” Ravage throws his head back and shakes his fists at the ceiling, “Are you serious?”

Sparky shoves the catalog at Trinity and taps the open page. “Right there. Order us up like a hundred of these bad boys.”

“Got it, Sparky.” Trinity chuckles.

I lean forward. “Do they have one of those O Wands, Trin?” I ask, reaching for the catalog.

“Dear God. I’ve died and gone to hell,” Heidi moans.

“It’s like selling sex toys to your mom,” Sparky points out in case no one understood her discomfort.

I reach over and grab the catalog from Trinity and whack Sparky with it. “I’m not old enough to be her mother.”

The little bugger just laughs harder.

“Who’s selling sex toys to their mother?” Z asks. He glances around the table. “What’d I miss?”

While Wrath fills him in, Heidi buries her face in her hands.

“The O Wand’s on page five,” Trinity points out quietly.

“Oooh, someone has it memorized already,” I tease.

Rock leans over and peers at the page with me. “That what you want?”

“Well.” I rub my hand over my never-ending belly. “Since this will continue to get in the way, I thought the long handle would be nice.”

He makes a growly sound and nips my earlobe, igniting a fire in me and eliciting a groan from everyone else.

“Stop rubbing our noses in how much sex you two have,” Z accuses.

“What?” I gasp, my cheeks burning.

Stash glances over at me, specifically my baby bump. “Does everything still fit?”

Rock’s easy demeanor vanishes. “Everything fits fine.” He wraps his arms around me tight and downright snarls at Stash. “My fist’s gonna fit your face if you look at my woman like that again.”

“Easy,” I murmur to Rock, kissing his cheek. “He’s kidding.”

“Whoa,” Z hollers. “You’re livin’ dangerous poking a caveman with a pregnant wife. He’s already territorial over her when she’s not carrying his kid.”

“Good to know,” Sparky says with a blissful smile.

“Your swimmers are way too stoned to knock anyone up,” Ravage says. “I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Fuck you,” Sparky shoots back.

“Not with someone else’s dick,” Ravage retorts.

Sparky jumps out of his chair and chases Ravage out of the dining room, their feet thundering over the hardwood floors.

“Well, at least they’ll get some cardio today,” Trinity says, watching them race down the hallway.

Heidi leans against Murphy. “Can we please go? I’ve been traumatized enough tonight.”

“Wait, Heidi.” I take a pen and flip the catalog over. “One hundred.” I flip to the page Sparky had been studying. “Screaming-O Silicone Bunny Vibrating Cock Rings in blue sparkle, One O Wand in—” I stop and glance at Rock, who’s silently laughing next to me. “—royal blue?”

“That works,” he answers.

“One Rechargeable Smart Wand in Purple Passion for Charlotte.”

She grins at me, her eyes dancing with mischief.

“Trinity?” I ask. “There’s a pink tickler thing that’s somehow supposed to feel like a tongue.” I stick my tongue out and wiggle it. “Seems unlikely.”

“No, I definitely don’t need that,” Trinity says. She pats Wrath’s cheek, and he sticks his tongue out at her.

“Gross,” Heidi mumbles.

Ravage rejoins us, noisily scraping a chair across the floor. “What’d I miss? Anyone ordering a butt plug?”

“Hope, royal blue,” Trinity mutters, ignoring Rav. “One O Wand in pink for me.” She shrugs. “I don’t want to totally copy you.”

“You already have an O Wand right here,” Wrath says, grabbing her hand. I glance down at the table before I see where he places her hand.

“See,” Ravage insists. “This is dangerous. Soon, they’ll replace all of ya with a fuckin’ wand.”

“Pfft,” I snort. “Trust me, no wand can replace a talented and determined man.” I reach down and squeeze Rock’s thigh, and he groans.

“Amen,” he mutters.

Dex, who’d been silent during our whole exchange, tips his head back to look at Stash. “It only scares you because that stuff’s more fun if you have someone you enjoy playing around with. Stop treating every chick you fuck like a Fleshlight, and maybe you’ll find out.”

“Wow.” Teller draws the word out adds a whistle at the end. “Dex doesn’t say much, but when he does, he nails it.”

Dex flashes a grin. “You’re welcome, brother.” He stands and pushes his chair in. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, me and my hand will be upstairs.”

“You had to go and ruin it!” Teller calls after him while the rest of us groan.

“I’m not afraid of anything,” Ravage mumbles, but Dex is already gone.

“No cock rings for you?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows at Trinity.

Wrath snorts. “There isn’t a ring big enough in that catalog—”

Charlotte bursts out laughing and buries her head against Teller’s shoulder. He glances down at her with a furrowed brow and half smile. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing,” she chokes out between gales of laughter. “I was just… picturing… is it like a requirement to join the club?” She bursts into another fit of giggles. “Can’t patch in if you don’t measure up?” She barely gets the words out, she’s still laughing so hard.

Finally getting the gist of what made her crack up, I cover my mouth and smother my own laughter.

Wrath frowns at her. “I don’t like what I think she’s suggesting.”

Rock’s laughing and shaking his head.

“Anyway,” I say, drawing out the word to smooth over the awkwardness.

Charlotte straightens up and wipes her eyes. “Sorry.”

“Here you go, Heidi,” I say, passing the catalog to her.

“Thanks. I think.” She glances down at the list and blinks a few times. “Whoa. Dawn’s gonna flip when I tell her how many sales I made already.” She squints at her brother. “I never did this well selling Girl Scout cookies.”

Teller opens his mouth to say something, then shakes his head.

“There’s an inappropriate joke in there somewhere,” Wrath says, tapping his chin.

Rock puts his hand up. “Leave it.”

“I bet if you get into your old Girl Scout uniform, you’d sell a ton of cookies now,” Ravage blurts out.

“Ding!” Wrath shouts. “There it is.”

“That’s it,” Murphy says, standing so abruptly, Heidi almost falls out of her chair. “I need a sparring partner, and you just volunteered yourself.”

“Oh, I’ll definitely help you with that.” Teller stands and passes Alexa to Heidi.

Ravage’s gaze skitters between Murphy and Teller. “All right. I’ll take both of you on. Let’s go.”

“How old are they?” Charlotte mutters to me.

“Not old enough apparently.” I glance at Rock. “You’re not going to stop them?”

He shakes his head and laughs. “Nah.”

“What if they hurt him?”

“Thanks, Hope,” Ravage says.

Murphy leans over to kiss Heidi’s cheek and ruffles Alexa’s hair. He straightens up and nails Ravage with a hard stare. “Let’s go, motormouth.”

“You sure? I don’t want to mess up your pretty little ginger beard.”

“Quit stalling,” Teller says.

“No permanent damage,” Rock warns.

“How will we be able to tell?” Murphy responds.

Rock growls. “I’m serious.”

The three of them take off, still spitting jokes and insults at eac

h other.

“I feel like we should go supervise them or something,” Charlotte says.

Heidi shakes her head. “That’ll just make it worse.”

Wrath’s still chuckling, but he holds his hands up when I turn my pleading eyes on him. “Fine. Fine. I’ll go supervise.” As he backs away, he adds under his breath, “And kick the winner’s ass.”

“Don’t you dare!” Heidi calls out.

Wrath’s laughter can be heard from the hallway.

I’m still laughing when Swan brings out the pint of strawberry ice cream and a warm-from-the-oven homemade apple pie.

“What did I miss?” she asks.

I point to Heidi with my spoon. “You should be the one to fill her in.”

Chapter Four


A steady, pleasurable sensation pulls me from sleep.

I spread my legs wider and reach down to run my fingers through Rock’s hair.

“Best way to wake up,” I try to say, but I’m so sleepy and close to coming, the words spill out muffled and cottony.

Something tugs at my awareness. The blissful cloud I’m floating on parts.

I sit up and stare down.

Wrath lifts his head, running his tongue over his shiny lips. “It’s okay, Hope. I’ll try again.”

He lifts his chin, and I find Trinity smiling down at me. “We’re here to help.”

“What the hell?”

I struggle to sit up and find Rock at the edge of the bed.
