My automatic answer is yes. But I don’t say that at first. I absorb the peace around us. The weight of my wife and daughter against me.

In my arms, I have everything I’ve ever wanted.

I place another kiss on her cheek before answering. “I’m happier than I ever thought I’d be.”

“Rochlan.” She sighs, a soft smile curving her lips, “I don’t know how, but I fall more in love with you every day and night.”

My answer is swift and honest. “And I’ll never stop falling in love with you.”

It’s the truth. This bond between us seems to grow stronger every day. Through all the craziness, one thing remains constant—my love infinite love for this woman.

With Hope by my side, every ghost from my past has been conquered. I intend to honor and cherish her every day for the rest of my life. And I have no doubt she’ll continue to anchor me through any storm on the road ahead of us.

I stare at my wife and daughter. All I see are love and happiness. The two people I’ll do anything and everything to always protect and keep safe.

My family. My future.



Not much later…

* * *

“I think your mom had the right idea, Alexa.”

I’m too old for this. I don’t even think I would’ve had the energy when I was Heidi’s age.

A simple afternoon of shopping with Alexa and Grace has worn me out. I should have waited until Rock could go with me. I shouldn’t have rebuffed his offer to send a prospect with me.

In the back seat, Alexa happily babbles away, pointing out everything she sees to Grace.

“Thh-top. Esss, teee, ohhh, peee,” she recites at each stop sign in the parking lot.

“Very good, Alexa. Who taught you that?”


“Ahhh. Murphy’s giving you road lessons already.”

Alexa giggles, which makes Grace bubble with laughter.

I may be tired, but their combined happy noises make it worth the exhaustion.

“One last stop, girls. Ready?”

Alexa waits patiently while I arrange Grace in her stroller, then takes my hand as we head inside the mall. Alexa’s dress is thankfully ready and waiting.

As we leave the dress shop, I spot a familiar whip of long, dark, shiny hair. A curvy figure I recognize, even though I haven’t seen her in a long time.

“Oh my God. Lilly?”

I haven’t seen my friend in two, almost three years.

It’s hard to miss the startled, almost guilty expression that crosses her face as she turns.

“Where’ve you been? I’m so happy to see you.” I step forward to give her an awkward hug. Alexa tugs on my hand drawing our attention down.

“Oh my God, Hope.” She stares at Alexa and then the stroller where Grace is sleeping. “This has to be Grace.”

She glances at Alexa with confusion.

I squeeze Alexa’s hand and pull her forward a bit. “This is Heidi’s daughter, Alexa.”

“Oh right! Hi, Alexa.”

Alexa responds with a shy hello, then wraps her arms around my leg.

“Heidi’s daughter. She looks so much like her.”

“You’ve missed a lot.” My fingers skim over Grace’s head.

“She’s so sweet.” Lilly hesitates. “I’m sorry—”

“My Gracie,” Alexa says.

Lilly squats down so she’s eye level with Alexa. “Is that your friend?”

Alexa vigorously tosses her head from side to side. “No. Sis-ter.”


Lilly stands back up and quirks an eyebrow. “I remember how close everyone was.” She bites her lip, her gaze darting to the side. “How’s—”

“Hi, Hope.” At the sound of her brother’s deep baritone, Lilly closes her eyes. Something like defeat or dread washes over her face.

Confused, I turn to say hello to Alex. “Hey there. Long time, no see. How are you?”

He’s carrying a little boy who has his head buried against Alex’s shoulder. I assume he’s Alex’s son, and for a moment wonder if he and Sophie are together.

Alex nudges Lilly with his elbow. “He’s looking for you, Mom.”

So he’s Lilly’s son.

The sweet little boy picks up his head and blinks at me. I can’t help gasping.

I stare back, trying to make sense of what’s in front of me.

That dark hair, those piercing midnight-blue eyes.

The grown-up version has become like an older brother to me. I see him almost every day over at the clubhouse.

Alex sets the boy down and he locks eyes with Alexa, waving his little fingers at her. Then he peeks at Grace and grins up at me.

Those dimples.

Slow realization washes over me.

Oh my God.

Lilly’s hand settles on her son’s shoulder, and she pulls him closer. “Hope.” Nervous laughter spills out of her, but there’s nothing funny about this at all.

She swallows hard. “This is my son, Chance.”

* * *

Z’s story is finally coming!

Oder it here.

If you loved After Glow, please consider leaving a spoiler-free review at the place you purchased it. Reviews are so vital to Indie Authors like myself and are a great way to let me know that you want more books from me!

Continue reading for author notes and an excerpt from my standalone romance Cards of Love: Knight of Swords, where you’ll get to learn a little bit more about Dex.


Copyright 2018, Autumn Jones Lake

All Rights Reserved.

* * *


Not so surprisingly, the next morning when I got off the van in front of the school, there was a Harley parked at the curb.

I recognized the owner right away.

“Hi, Dex,”

I said, approaching him first. Guess it was time to prepare for the “Stay away from Juliet” speech. Too bad I had no intention of staying away from her.

“Morning, Roman.” He reached out and shook my hand.

Maybe he wasn’t here to tell me to back off.

I crossed my arms over my chest and waited. “You looking for Juliet?” I asked when he didn’t start the conversation.

“Nope. Looking for you.”

“Well, you found me.” I glanced at the school. “I need to be inside.”

He cocked his head. “It’s ass-crack early in the morning.”

“Yeah, well I don’t exactly get a lot of freedom.”

He nodded. “You like Juliet?”

“Yeah, I like her a lot,” I said, deciding to forgo cockiness in favor of honesty.

“You got a job?”

Okay, didn’t expect that question.

“Haven’t been here long enough to look for one.”

“I might be able to hook you up with something.”

“And why would you do that?”

He blew out a breath and glanced away before answering. “Because if you’re gonna be hanging around Juliet, I don’t want her dating a bum.”

“You don’t have a problem with me dating her?”

He shook his head. “I ain’t her fuckin’ dad. I’m not even really her uncle. But I care about her. Known her since she was little. Figure you’re teenagers. Gonna do whatever the fuck you wanna do anyway. Least I should do is make sure you can take her out and shit.”

I wasn’t quite sure I believed that explanation.

“Although you ever fucking hurt her, I will kill you.” The casual way he tossed out the threat made me believe it.

“I’d never hurt her.”

“Sometimes we can’t help hurting the ones we love the most,” he said in a low voice I barely made out over the noise in the parking lot.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Dex. Juliet and I just met.”

“Doesn’t matter. Sometimes you just know.”

An uncomfortable sensation rolled through my chest. Juliet was the one for me. Knew it the second I met her. My rational brain knew that was crazy, but the rest of me didn’t care.