I curb a sarcastic snort. “Please. Who besides Sway and Loco?”

“Too many.”

“Rock, I say this with all sincerity. You’re the only man I’m aware of no matter where I am. We’re like magnets.” I clap my hands together. “All my attention automatically flows in your direction. Always.”

He picks up my hand and kisses the back. “Same, baby doll. Same.”

“Can I tell you something?”

“You can tell me anything.”

“I kinda had this fantasy of poisoning Sway tonight. Even before I talked to him.”

He rumbles with laughter for a solid minute before asking me to elaborate.

“It’s stupid, because I’m secure enough to know how you feel about me. I do. But, oh boy, when I saw Stella on that stage, it hit me that you spent a whole day watching her perfect naked ass having sex.”

“I’m so sorry.” He glances over. “And for the record, I didn’t sit around watching her all day. That was Z.”

“Oh! Gosh, I totally forgot to tell you! Guess what I walked in on when I went to get my book?”

“Please don’t say Z and Stella fucking.”

“Close. It looked more like she was asking him to pull a splinter out of her labia.”

He chokes on a laugh. “Jesus. You kill me, woman.”

“Well, it was weird. She was perched on his desk, stark naked, pussy hanging out. Z looked confused as hell.”

“Stop. Stop.” He’s laughing so hard, a tear runs down his cheek. “I’m trying to drive.”

“Think Z and Sway will fight it out over Stella? My money’s on Z of course.”

“Christ I hope not.”

I lean back and close my eyes again. “That was fun. What’s our next big event? Wrath’s opening, right?”

“Yes, thank fuck. So glad that’s finally happening for him.”

“Wonder what excitement will be in store for us then?”

Chapter Twenty-Five


I only visited Furious once before it burned down. Except for the black and royal blue color scheme, this new facility bears little resemblance to the old one.

“Wow. Wrath, this is amazing.”

He gives us a full tour of the new space, from separate classrooms to the modern locker rooms.

“Are you going to let me join?” I rub my hand over the spot where Grace just kicked me. “I’ll need the new mom package.”

He grins. “Swan’s gonna teach a couple classes a week here.”

“Aw.” I tap his arm with my fist. “You can’t steal my girl.”

“Well, it’ll give you a reason to come see me.”

Rock chuckles as we head back to the main area to mingle with the other guests.

A cramp steals my breath, and I stop in my tracks, squeezing Rock’s hand.

“You all right?” Rock asks.

“Phew. Wow. Yeah. I’m fine. I’ve been getting those twinges since this morning.”

Rock’s mouth flattens into a grim line. “Twinges or contractions?”

“I’m fine.”

He keeps his hand on my back as we weave through the crowd of people. Although Rock doesn’t stop to talk often, a few guests manage to capture his attention.

The first one surprises me.

“Investigator Keegan Brand.” I squint at the arson investigator who hassled Wrath when the original Furious burned down. “What are you doing here?” My tone comes out more firm than friendly.

“Hello, Attorney Kendall.” He holds out his hand and gives me a polite handshake. Not that afraid-to-shake-a-pregnant-woman’s-hand most men have been giving me since I started showing. Or the leering, creepy looks I get from other guys.

Before answering my question, he exchanges hellos and a handshake with Rock. “Mr. Ramsey invited me. Well,” he laughs, “Mrs. Ramsey extended the invitation.”

“Of course she did.”

He does his own squinty-face. “You know I argued in favor of your friend with the insurance company?”

“Yes, I know.” You’re still kind of a jerk. But I keep that to myself.

Teller joins us and shakes the hand of the guy standing next to Keegan. “Hey, Liam.”

Rock’s gaze slides to Teller. “Is this Sheriff Hollister?”

I’m not sure Liam’s pleased about being on Rock’s radar, but he extends his hand and Teller introduces them.

“It’s actually Officer now. I’m with the Empire PD,” Liam corrects.

Rock nods. “How’s that working out?”

“Not too bad.”

Teller searches the crowd. “I actually invited Bree,” he says with a smirk. “How’d you end up here?”

Charlotte sneaks up behind him and wraps her arms around his middle. “Are you causing trouble?”

“Who me?” Teller smiles down at her and pulls her forward.

Charlotte waves at the officer. “Nice to see you again, Liam.”

“This is fun.” Keegan grins and sweeps his gaze over our little crowd.

“Indeed,” Rock says under his breath.

“Hope.” Wrath’s voice booms over the music and din of conversation. “Have you ever met Jake?”

“Uh, I think so. Are you the one Wrath shot with the pepper spray?”

Jake cracks up. “That’s me.”

“I can only imagine what you said to deserve that.” Keegan rolls his eyes.

“It was purely business,” Wrath assures us. “Testing out some supplies for Sully’s YouTube channel.”

Jake slaps Wrath’s arm. “This asshole enjoyed it a little too much.”

Liam lifts his chin at Wrath. “You need any more testing done, let me know. I’m in.”

Jake flips him off.

“Where’s your brother?” Keegan asks, pretending to search the room. “He knows how to keep Jake in line.”

Jake gestures toward the front of the gym. “Sully and Aubrey just got here.”

Liam’s fiancée joins us next.

Teller makes the introductions. “Bree grew up near my grandmother’s house. She used to watch Heidi sometimes when she was little,” he explains. “Somehow this dude got her to agree to marry him.” Teller shrugs and smirks at Liam.

Ah, now his connection to the officer makes more sense.

Rock shifts me in front of him and curls his arms around me protectively. I don’t think it’s some she’s mine gesture. More of an unconscious protecting what’s mine move.

Bree flashes a wide smile at us. “When are you due?”

“Another week.”

“Oh wow. Close.”

Except for Keegan, Teller, and, of course, my husband, the guys shift back an inch or two as if they’re worried I might spontaneously explode baby water all over the place.

“You must be excited,” Bree continues. “Do you know if you’re having a boy or girl?”

“A girl.”

“Oh, how sweet.” She squeezes her hands together and casts a look towards Liam. “I bet you can’t wait.”

“More like ready for the next phase. I feel like I’ve been pregnant for two hundred years.”

She chuckles and briefly touches her stomach. “I can only imagine.”

“Two hundred and seventy days,” Heidi says behind me. She wraps herself around both Rock and me. “Hi, guys.”

“Heidi,” Teller says. “You remember Brianna?”

“Oh my God. That is not Heidi,” Bree squeals.

The two girls scream and hug each other, talking a mile a minute to catch up.

“I located her by the screaming,” Murphy jokes, coming up next to me. He bumps his elbow against Jake’s arm.

“You’re getting so big!” Jake says to Alexa. “Look at you.”

“Teee,” Alexa calls, holding her arms out for me.

“No,” Murphy says. “Aunt Hope’s—”

“I can hold her, Murphy.”

Rock actually ends up taking Alexa, and she gives me a few snuggle-nose kisses be

fore Heidi whisks her away to introduce her to Bree.

Wrath curls an arm around Murphy’s and Jake’s necks and pulls them in for a few quick words we can’t overhear.

I lean on Rock harder, and his hold on me tightens. “Let’s go sit down,” he says against my ear.

Wrath points to a few tables and chairs set up outside his office. “I set that up for you, Hope. Well, Trinity did. I’ll send her over in a sec.”

“I’m fine. She doesn’t have to—”

But Wrath’s already motioning Trinity over.

“I’m sure we’ll talk again before the end of the party,” Keegan says, giving me another handshake.

Rock keeps his hand on my hip as I waddle my way to one of the closest tables.