Rock doesn’t seem as sure about the offer. But since it’s my pelvis that feels like it’s decided to rearrange itself, I answer. “Can’t ask for a better ride. Thank you.”

“Liam!” Keegan bellows.

The two of them talk for a few seconds, then hustle us out the side door.

Wrath comes running after us. “Hope, are you all right?”

“I’m so sorry.” My mouth turns down, and I want to cry. This is the exact situation I’d warned him I was worried about.

“What are you sorry for?” He turns to Rock. “You need me to come with you?”

“No,” I say. “Stay, please. I don’t want to ruin this for you.”

“Stop.” He sweeps me into a big hug. “You’re gonna do great, Cinderella. You’re a little spitfire.”

“Stay,” Rock says. “Come down after.”

“Oooh! Ow!”

My yelping chases Wrath back inside.

We’re almost at Keegan’s vehicle when Z rides into the parking lot.

“Rock! What’s wrong?” he calls out.

“She’s in labor.”

“Yes, please tell everyone,” I mutter.

Rock has the nerve to answer by patting me on the ass.

Z’s gaze darts between Keegan and Liam and Rock and me. “I’ll go with you.”

“Oh goodie. Yes, the more the merrier.”

Z grins at me. “Rock’s gonna be glued to your side. What if you need someone to fetch stuff for you?”

“I am not responsible for whatever you see or hear.”

He chuckles and holds the door open while Rock helps me into the back of Keegan’s truck.

What a story to tell Grace one day. How I end up trapped in an emergency fire department vehicle with her father and three other men while I was in labor.


“I’m so embarrassed,” Hope whispers, squeezing her eyes shut.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” Keegan assures her over his shoulder. “I’ve delivered enough babies to know it’s not like on TV.”

“How are you still single, Keegan?” Hope asks.

“He’s an obnoxious ass to ladies not in labor,” Liam answers.

“I believe you, Liam.” Hope chuckles. “He was pretty cranky the first time we met.”

“You were trying to be all lawyerly and stuff,” Keegan jokes back. “What was I supposed to do?”

I appreciate the constant stream of chatter keeping Hope occupied. I’m certainly in no condition to do anything useful other than keep my arm around my wife and hold her hand.

And feel guilty as fuck.

I just had to have her at my friend’s party. Couldn’t keep my damn hands off her.

She reaches back and pats my cheek. “At least it happened here instead of all the way at home,” she says as if she senses my guilt. “We weren’t supposed to check into the hotel for a couple more days.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Yeah.”

Her other hand’s wrapped around Z’s. A few minutes later he shoots me a look that clearly says, “Girl has a strong grip.”

“Ohmygodohmygod.” Hope clenches her jaw and clamps down even tighter on my hand.

Fear tightens my stomach, but I use the calmest voice possible to remind her, “Breathe, baby doll. Come on. Relax. Just like in class.”

“It hurts.”

“I know.” Christ. I can’t stand seeing her in pain. “Come on. I’m right here. Squeeze my hand as hard as you need to.”

She grits her teeth. “I’d like to squeeze something else right about now,” she mutters.

Keegan snort-laughs, but I’m too focused on Hope to comment. “Shh.” I lean over and kiss her forehead. “Trust your body. Try to relax,” I say against her ear.

“I’m trying.” She moans. Beads of sweat roll down her forehead.

“I know you are, baby doll.”

“Keep talking to me,” she whispers.

I try to remember all the meditation prompts we learned in class, and after a while, she does seem more relaxed.

The truck comes to a stop and Liam’s quick to hop out and open my door.

“I’ll go get someone,” Keegan says, running inside.

I help Hope out of the truck.

She stands with one hand on the truck and the other in mine, taking a few deep gulps of air. “Much better.”

Trinity’s Jeep pulls up behind us, and she swings her door open. “Is she okay?”

“I’m fine.” Hope pants and flashes a fast, pained smile. “Peachy. Ducky. Ow, fuck!”

She’s so damn pale.

“Rock,” she whispers, squeezing my hand. “I’m scared.”

I’m fucking terrified, but I force some calm into my voice. “Nothing to fear. You know what you’re doing. You’re ready. Remember—”

“Fear will make me tense. Tension will make it hurt more.” She sucks in a sharp breath. “Ow! How much worse can it hurt?”

I’m so scared of the answer to that question. “Everything will be okay.” I keep one hand on her back, rubbing in quick circles. “I’ll be with you the whole time.”

She turns, resting her head on my chest. “Standing up feels better. Don’t let them put me on my back.” In a lower voice she adds, “I’d like to do what I can not to rip my hoo-ha.”

“Jesus Christ.” I burst out laughing, and she smacks her hand against my chest.

“I’m serious.”

I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arms around her. “I know you are. The doctor has your plan.”

She closes her eyes. “You better not leave me for a second.”

“I won’t,” I promise.

“I’m still scared,” she whispers.

So am I. Where the fuck did Keegan go? I brush her hair back and stare into her eyes. “You are so brave. You’ve handled all of this so well, Hope.” Everything I need her to know before we go into this next phase in our lives comes pouring out. “I’ve been inspired by your courage since the day you told me you were giving me this gift. I know you can do this.”

Her lips part and her eyes gloss over. “Rochlan, you’re what gives me strength.”

I press my lips to her forehead and close my eyes, wishing time would stand still for a few more heartbeats.

No such luck. Keegan returns with an orderly who ushers Hope into a wheelchair and whisks her inside.

“Now the real fun begins.” Keegan slaps my back. “Good luck, Dad.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


“I can’t believe how much I love her already,” I whisper.

Bringing Grace into the world was about as horrible as I’d feared.

But when it was over. They settled this warm, beautiful, squishy bundle of joy on my chest and my heart was filled with so much love. Nothing else mattered.

She has a full, beautiful head of fuzzy blondish-red hair and the sweetest big blue eyes.

“She has your nose,” I whisper to Rock.

He’s busy counting her toes, marveling at how tiny her little feet are while I nurse her.

“Forgive me?” he says.


“Knocking you up.”

My cheeks heat up and I tip my head, resting it on his shoulder. “You can’t use anything I said while I was in labor against me.”

He kisses the top of my head.

Grace slows down. “I think she’s falling asleep.”