“I’m afraid if I sit, I won’t get back up,” I whisper in his ear.

“I’ll pick you up.”

I’d make a joke about how I don’t want him to break his back, but that will only make Rock want to prove that he can pick me up without breaking a sweat. And if he does that, there’s a strong possibility I’ll rub myself against him without giving a damn who gets a show.

“What’s that look?” As he searches my face, his concern transforms into something… else.

“Nothing.” I brush at the wrinkles in my dress. “That was a lot to keep up with.”

He chuckles as he sits down next to me. “Proud of Wrath. He’s a much smoother businessman than he used to be,” he says in a low voice not meant to be overheard.

“What happened to Whisper? He didn’t—”

“Nah, said his new role in the Wolf Knights didn’t leave him time to manage a gym anymore. It’s for the best. They were starting to butt heads a lot toward the end.”

As I consider his words, my gaze drifts to Charlotte and Teller. “What does that do for the relationship between the Lost Kings and Wolf Knights?”

Rock shrugs. “Fewer common business interests. But overall, I think the relationship is fine.” He gives me a crooked smile. “Don’t worry. I keep tabs on everyone and everything.”

“Oh, I know you do.”

“I don’t want to talk business, though.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

“My beautiful wife.”

“What about me?”

“How do you feel about sneaking into one of those changing rooms back there?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I snort and take a sip of water. “Too late. Trinity said they were busy in here last night setting up.” I give him a pointed look. “We won’t be the first.”

“First is overrated.” He stands and holds out both hands to help me up.

“I’m huge, and I look gross. And I can’t even see my feet.”

“I don’t want to fuck your feet,” he whispers in my ear. The earnest note in his voice makes me chuckle at how silly I’m being.

“Let’s go.”

“That’s better.” His palm lands on my ass as he steers me into the locker room.

“Where?” I ask.

“I’m thinking.” He takes my hand and tugs me toward the showers. “You’re delicate, I don’t want to hurt you. I also want some privacy.”

The last shower stall is the largest, and Rock yanks the curtain back, inspecting it before closing us inside. I may have been hesitant when he first asked, but now I’m eager. I strip off his cut and have his shirt halfway off before he even turns around.

“See, this wasn’t a bad idea, was it?”


He slides his hands up my legs, under my dress, and slowly lifts it over my head, draping it over the hook behind us.

“Hope,” he breathes. So much love shines in his eyes. He leans over and kisses my belly. “Sorry for what I’m about to do to your mom, Grace. You better be sleeping.”

“Talking to the baby does not increase the sexiness,” I warn.

He cups my face between his hands and kisses me. Soft and reverent at first. Then deeper and more eager.

“You’re my everything,” he whispers against my lips.

Then he shows me exactly what he means with his tongue, his lips, his hands all over my body.

“I love you so much.”

He groans and kisses me deeper. “Say it again.”

“I love you.”

That’s all the sweetness I get. Our lips meet again, and it’s explosive. Passionate.

He breaks away and stares down at me with desire burning so hot in his eyes, warmth gathers between my legs. Gently he turns me. “Hands on the wall,” he says, kissing from my shoulder to my neck.

Desire pulses through my veins. Need for my husband has me pressing my hands against the wall and pushing my ass out in the way that drives him crazy.

“Nice.” He hooks his fingers in my underwear and drags them down, tossing them aside.

His lips land on my lower back, moving to my hip, between my shoulder blades. He molds himself to my back, heat searing my skin. Moaning, I push my ass into him. “Give me a second.”

He works his belt loose so close, I feel the whisper of leather against my skin. He caresses my bare back, and I tremble under his touch.

“Rock, please.”

“Shhh.” His skin brushes mine, and finally he slides all the way in, nudging me forward.

Behind me, he stills, gripping my hips tight.

“How’s that?” he asks. “My cock feel good in your pussy?”


He moves faster. “You’re so fucking wet.”

“Rock, all I have to do is smell you and I’m horny. Faster, please.”

“So demanding. I’m going to miss this the most, I think.”

I push back against him, urging him on. “Miss what? We better still do stuff like this after the baby’s here.” Shoot, now I feel like crying.

He grips my chin and turns my head, pressing his lips to mine. “We will,” he promises.

I’ve never felt so absolutely desired and adored.

Somehow Rock’s gentle while he drives me wild. Our bodies crash and slap together. My voice echoes around us in the empty locker room. His fingers find my clit, rubbing in a steady rhythm designed to set me off quickly.


We come together. Hard. Panting and groaning. Slick with sweat.

His hands roam and caress every inch of me for the longest time afterward. “Let’s clean you up,” he whispers.

I don’t want to strip off my bra and get under the shower spray, but Rock insists. He even locates some clean towels for us.

While he’s soaping me up another cramp shoots through me.

Something much wetter than the shower gushes down my legs.

“Oh my God.”

We both stare.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I think my water broke.”

“Shit.” He slaps off the water.

“Wait, I’m all soapy.”

“Hope,” he warns.

“I’m sure we have time.”

“Famous last words,” he grumbles, flipping the water back on. When the last suds rinse away, he shuts off the water and towels me off. “How do you feel?”

“Weird. Crampy.”

“Bad weird?”

“I don’t know.” Pain sears me from the inside out, and I double over. “Oh. Ow. Fuck. That hurts.”

He holds my hands as I bend over and try to keep walking. “Breathe, baby doll. Breathe.”

“I am breathing!”

He chuckles and squeezes my hand.

“Phew.” Finally it relents. “God, hurry up and get me dressed. I don’t want to go to the hospital naked.”

More laughter.

“It’s not funny.”

“Come here.”

Rock patiently helps me dress and pulls my hair up into a ponytail before climbing into his own clothes.

He takes my hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Rock.” I stop him at the door.

“Another one?”


“No.” I lean up on my toes and kiss him. “Thank you. That was perfect.”

“I think I pushed you into labor.” He looks so stressed it squeezes my heart.

“It’s okay. It’s a good thing. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

“I can’t wait to start this next part of our lives together.”

His face softens, and he leans down to kiss my damp forehead. “Me too.”

“Oh!” Another flash of pain steals my breath. I brace my hands against the wall and squeeze my eyes shut, concentrating on breathing.

Floating. I’m floating on soft, puffy clouds.

“Fuck! This hurts.” All the deep breathing, meditation, puffy-clouds bullshit isn’t going to make this pain go away.

“Shhh.” Rock presses his fingers into my lower back, slowly rubbing and releasing some of my tension.

I pant and sob. “I can’t. It hurts.”

“Yes, you can.” Rock’s warm voice calms me better than any breathing trick.

“Keep talking,” I whimper.

“Can you move? Let’s try walking.”

“I don’t want anyone to see me.”

“Do you want to give birth in here?”

The pain recedes, and I open my eyes, glancing around at all the brand new, gleaming tile. “Maybe.”

He wraps a strong, steady arm around me and pulls the door open. “We’re going to take it slow out to the parking lot. No one’s back here. You’re fine.”

Feeling some strength return, I nod. “Let’s do this.”

Outside the door, Trinity’s waiting with an amused expression. “What on Earth were you two up to?” she asks with a knowing smile.

“Rock decided to bang this baby out of me.” I giggle like a lunatic, and they both stare at me.

“Are you in labor?” she asks.

“Think so.” Another bolt of pain steals my breath, and I double over. “Fuck! Ow!”

“Here comes that potty mouth,” Trinity teases. I squeeze her hand, and she lets out her own string of curse words.

“Everything okay?” Keegan rumbles.

I tip my head up and glare. “Does everything look okay?”

“Her water broke,” Rock says. “We’re headed to Empire Med.”

“I’ll drive you,” he offers. “I have my official vehicle, lights and all. I’ve even been trained in delivering babies. Just in case.” He winks at me.