“Did you survive the cocktail party?” I glance past him to wave at Charlotte. “You two look snazzy.”

“I’m sorry, did you say snazzy?” Teller asks.

“What? It’s a word.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Are you cranky because Charlotte wrestled you into a suit tonight?”

He tugs at the tie around his neck, loosening it. “Probably.” He glances down at Rock. “I hate you a little for setting precedent for this.”

Rock turns and gives Teller a once-over. “You look good, Knucklehead.”

Teller had the pleasure of attending a cocktail party for the small firm’s committee section of the Empire County Bar. Mara had been successful in roping Charlotte into a position as chair of the committee this year As much as I wanted to support Charlotte in this new adventure, nothing short of a herd of elephants could have dragged me to that thing tonight.

Charlotte wraps her arm around Teller’s and leans up against him. “He was a perfect gentleman, Rock. You would’ve been proud.”

“I expect nothing less.”

“How was it?” I ask Charlotte.

She slants a look at me. “You’re lucky you’re pregnant or I’d be begging you to co-chair with me.”

“Um, no thanks.”

“Two Lost Kings ol’ ladies taking over your local bar association? That’s actually pretty funny,” Teller says.

“Quiet down, Teller,” I warn.

“You should go say hi to Z,” Wrath suggests.

“I wished him luck earlier,” Teller says.

Wrath points at Teller and drags his finger up and down through the air. “Yeah, yeah, but he’ll want to get a good look at this.”

Teller slaps Wrath’s hand away. “Fuck off.”

He glances around, searching the crowd. “We should probably say hi to him.”

“You guys just missed Swan,” I say.

Charlotte shakes her head. “No, we caught most of it from the front door. We waited until she was done to come over. She’s amazing.”

I tap Teller on the arm. “Z was by the stage last time I saw him. He’ll probably appreciate the encouragement.”

Charlotte leans over and gives me a quick hug before following Teller through the darkened room.

They haven’t returned by the time the lights flicker again, signaling Stella’s about to take the stage.

I’ve never been to anything like this, so I’m not really sure what to expect. A large, metal hoop descends from the ceiling. Stella’s perched on it like it’s a swing, one long, elegant leg crossed over the other. The Lyra lowers enough for her to slide off and multi-colored lights bathe the stage as soon as her feet touch.

Her dance resembles more of a burlesque style and I wonder how the heck she’s going to perform on the Lyra in that dress. She solves the mystery a few minutes later when she strips off the dress in sections, leaving her in a glittering red bikini top and panties that accentuate her lithe frame and flowing black hair.

I can not believe my husband was in a room with this woman while she was naked for an entire day.

Finally, she reaches one graceful arm in the air and grasps the hoop. Effortlessly, she lifts herself up.

The sensual music pouring out of the speakers is the only sound in the room.

Then the aerial dance begins. She easily performs a number of different tricks, from splits and spins, to hanging from the hoop by one leg and lifting herself back up. Every movement smooth and fluid. Trinity leans back and catches my eye. Patting her stomach, she mouths, “Holy shit.”

Sheesh, as soon as I have the baby, I bet Trinity’s going to try and talk me into some wicked core workouts after morning yoga.

Rock slides his hand into mine and leans over. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I jerk my chin toward the stage. “She’s amazing.”

He nods without taking his eyes off me. I force a more reassuring smile on my face.

I still can’t believe Rock watched her film porn all day long. Before I met her up close, it was just a funny story. Now?

Well, let’s just say, while Rock’s always itching to punch Sway, I think maybe the next time he visits the clubhouse, I might poison him. Nothing extreme. Not enough to kill him, of course. Just a few drops of something in his drink to maybe make him uncomfortable for a day or two.

My “poison Sway” plan cheers me up.

Rock’s attention shifts away from me, but not to the stage. No, he’s looking past it toward the office. I follow his line of sight and find Sway leaning against the wall, taking in the show.

Damn, where’s a bottle of Visine when I need it? It’s so dark, I could easily slip a few drops into a beer and pass it to Sway.

Hmm, maybe helping Charlotte with that criminal case the last couple weeks wasn’t healthy for me.

“I guess Z had to invite him, huh?”

My husband’s attention is so focused on Sway, I’m not sure he heard me. I probably shouldn’t be so gleeful at the prospect of Rock and Sway getting into a fight tonight. But I also wouldn’t mind watching my husband kick Sway’s ass.

“I’m guessing Tawny didn’t accompany him?”

“Doubt it,” he mutters.

“You’re wearing your murder face again,” I say.

He raises an eyebrow.

My gaze shifts to the stage and back to Rock. Nope, I won’t mind if you want to punch Sway a few times at all.

“Guess Z cockblocked himself tonight.”

Rock huffs out a laugh. “Guess so. Are you all right here if I go talk with him for a minute?”

“Be my guest.” I grin and he shakes his head.

Before leaving, he shares a word with Wrath. By the scowl Wrath’s wearing as Rock walks away, I guess he didn’t like being told to stay at the table.

Rock returns before the end of the show and seems perfectly calm. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, the fucker disappeared before I had a chance to talk to him.”

Huh. Weird.

One of the girls returns to the stage to announce that all the performers will be out to mingle with the crowd in a few minutes. A couple girls I recognize from Crystal Ball start circulating around the room with trays of drinks and finger food.

Jonny leans over. “I need to say hello to a couple guys. I’ll catch you later?”


Rock takes my hand. “Want to get out of here?”

“Is it okay to leave so early?”

“We can do whatever we want, baby doll.”

He helps me up and slips my wrap around my shoulders. It’s a clean escape. A lot of people want to stop to talk to him. Including Rock’s business associate I met at the club’s Christmas Party.

“Rock!” he shouts. “Damn. That was some show. You need to do that more often here.”

Under his breath, Rock growls briefly before forcing a smile. “Glad you could make it, Loco.”

They shake hands and then Loco sweeps his admiring eyes over me. “Well, well. Mrs. North. You’re filling out that dress real nice.”

“Uh, thanks.”

Rock’s growl is several degrees louder this time.

“Easy, Rock. I’m trying to pay the lady a compliment.” He holds out his hand and Rock reluctantly shakes it. “Congratulations. Why didn’t you say somethin’?”

“Was I obligated to send you an announcement?” Rock asks.

Loco lets the comment slide off him and turns back to me. “You’re rockin’ that pregnant lady glow, Mrs. North. Congratulations.”

As creepy as his “compliments” and the way he keeps staring at my boobs and belly are, at least he keeps his hands to himself.

“Loco,” Rock snaps, making a “V” with his fingers and pointing from Loco’s face to his own. “Eyes on me, motherfucker.”

Loco’s eyes widen and his gaze swings back to Rock. I really hope he’s not thinking of a clever comeback because Rock’s definitely not in the mood.

“Calm down.” He t

ouches his hand to his chest. “I don’t mean no harm. Every momma to be deserves to be admired. You know how I appreciate the females.”

“Yeah, I’m aware,” Rock snarls.

If I wasn’t so worried Rock’s about to go off on Loco, I might laugh at the absurdity of this whole situation. Thank God for Wrath who must have sensed the tension from across the room. He takes up the space on Rock’s other side, forcing Loco to step back.

“Scary man, how you been?” he says, offering Wrath his hand. His eyes land on Trinity. “And Mrs. Wrath. You are lovely as always.” He backs up and puts his hand in the air. “No disrespect. Just saying. Kings got some fine lookin’ ladies.”

“Thank you, Loco. Good to see you again,” Trinity says.

To make our party even more fun, Sway joins our group. Apparently, he and Loco are also acquainted and greet each other civilly enough.

Sway eyes me and his mouth curls into a feral smirk. “About time. Pregnancy looks good on you, sweetheart. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, Sway. Haven’t seen you in a bit.” I don’t ask about Tawny because I know darn well she didn’t come with him tonight.

Unfortunately, Sway’s eyes also linger too long on my chest. I’m more than familiar with the caveman attitude that seems to permeate Rock’s world. But this is just weird. I mean, the let’s-get-it-on eyes are kind of pointless since my own caveman is standing right next to me about to murder and my giant pregnant belly might as well be a flashing neon sign announcing, ‘sorry, guys, my caveman husband got here first.’
