“I’m still hot and bothered!” I call out. His rich laughter floats back to me.

He returns, plucking my special belly lotion off my vanity. “Time to take care of you.”

“You just did.”

His mouth turns up. “Plan to do it again, but first things first.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Despite our best efforts—ha!—my hair’s damp, and I take a few seconds to wind it into two long braids before joining Rock in the bedroom.

“Close your eyes.”

“I saw every inch of you five seconds ago.”

I blow out a breath. “Yes, dear. But I wanted to surprise you with something, and you distracted me.”

“My eyes are closed.”

I peek out of the bathroom and find him sitting in the middle of the bed, eyes closed, lotion resting next to him. “Keep them closed.”

He smiles but doesn’t respond. I scurry across the room to my closet and quickly pull out the dark blue lace lingerie I bought. The cups of the top tie closed with long ribbons and another set of ribbons ties behind my neck. I shimmy into the tiny matching panties that tie on the sides last.

When I’m at the foot of the bed, I stop and straighten everything out before asking him to open his eyes.

A slow smile spreads over his face as he drinks me in. “Aren’t you beautiful.” He pats the bed between his outstretched legs, and I’m only too happy to crawl up the bed and join him.

“How am I supposed to rub this in?” he asks, picking up the tube.

I part the two floating front panels. “Easy access.”

The heat in his eyes warms me more than the flickering fire at my back.

He reaches out and tugs at the ties at my hips, snatching my panties in a quick motion. “You won’t be needing these.”

“I should’ve seen that coming.”

He taps the spot in front of him. “Come. Sit.”

It takes a couple minutes for me to wiggle into place, but eventually, I land with my back up against his chest. I rest my hands on his strong thighs, admiring the firm muscles.

He takes one of my braids between his fingers, brushing the end of my cheek. “These are cute.”

I let my fingers roam a few more inches north. “Why’d you put on underwear?”

He rumbles with laughter. “To make sure you behave.” His warm breath skates over my neck, and he sits forward to move the floaty layers of my nightie out of his way. I close my eyes and rest my head against his chest.

“Tired, baby doll?”

“A little.”

I hear the click of the bottle opening. His arms brush against my sides as he warms the lotion in his hands before smoothing it into my skin.

“Did you do this while I was gone?” he asks in a low voice against my ear.

“Well, I didn’t ask Z to do it.”

He shakes with laughter. “Sass-mouth.”

I point to a spot on my right side. “Put extra there. I swear that stretch mark’s bigger than the rest.”

He hums, the sound vibrating against my back. “Then that’s my favorite one.”

My skin tingles from the desire in his voice. “Oh?”

“Yeah.” He traces his finger over my hip. “That’s my mark.” His voice is a low, seductive rasp. “I put that there. It’s there because you’re giving me this beautiful gift.”

The tip of my nose stings. It’s more than the way he knows the right thing to say to make me feel better. It’s the sincerity in his voice when he says it. Rock’s not trying to placate his crazy, hormonal wife. He means every single word.

I sniffle and rub my hands over his arms. “You always have a way of making me see the good in everything.”

“That’s all you.” His hands move to my hips and legs. “What else did I miss?”

“You don’t need any more mundane stories about my lunch with the other preggo moms. What happened with Teller?”

He sighs and pulls the bow at my neck loose. “We talked about things.” He pauses and smears lotion over my shoulders. I sit forward as much as I can, and he strokes down my back. “He asked if he could take my name.”

“Wow. That’s wonderful. I suppose he wants to wait until after Heidi’s wedding?”

He huffs out a breath as if that reason hadn’t occurred to him. “Yeah, probably.”

His hands go back to my belly and I close my eyes, enjoying the quiet time together. Grace gives a good, strong kick right where Rock’s hand rests. He lets out an awed breath. “She’s busy.”

I place my hands next to his, laughing at the strange sensation of her little feet pushing out. “I think she missed you.”

“I definitely missed both of you.”

“Tell me more about your trip.”

He’s silent and I get the sense he’s weighing what he can and can’t tell me. I have no illusions that this was an innocent trip for the two clubs to party and hang out.

“Is everyone okay?” I ask.

“Everyone’s fine. Mallory sent me home with a baby gift for you.”

“Oh, that was sweet.”

“Stump looks like he might finally be retiring. Will probably make Chaser’s life a hell of a lot easier.”

Rock’s low, rumbling voice soothes me and I stare at his big hands moving over my belly. I squeeze his arm, encouraging him to keep talking. “What else did Teller have to say?”

“He wanted to know more about my ‘time’ with his mother.” He lifts his hands in the air to place finger quotes around time.

“That’s understandable.” My heart aches for Teller. His childhood had been tragic enough. And now, this.

“Told him as much as I could remember. Don’t think it was much of a comfort.”

“Heidi saw her not that long ago. She must live in the area again. You think he’ll try to find her and get some answers?”

“I hope not.” He lets out a bitter laugh. “I’m getting’ real sick and tired of women from my past popping up out of nowhere when I’m trying to create a future with my girls.”

Inside, I completely agree. But I won’t say it and add to the guilt already resting on his shoulders. “I’ll do whatever I can to help make things easier for him.” I ponder my offer for a minute. “Except let him call me mom. I draw the line there. I’m definitely not old enough to be his mother.”

Laughter erupts from him jostling me for a second. But when he speaks, his voice is tinged with regret. “Nope. Definitely not.”

That breaks the heaviness that wormed its way into our moment and both of us chuckle. He leans down and kisses my cheek. “I love you so damn much.”

I reach over and trace my finger down his nose. “I hope Grace has your perfect nose.” I drop my hand lower, brushing his mouth and he kisses the palm of my hand.

“We don’t want her to look too much like me. Besides, I want her to be like her mom.”

“Soft and wimpy?” I tease.

“No. Smart. Kind. Brave.”

“You make me brave,” I whisper. I tip my head back so I can see his face better. “I want her to have your beautiful steely eyes.”

“Beautiful, huh?”

“First thing I noticed about you. I’d never met anyone with that shade of gray before.”

“Mmm.” He nuzzles against my neck. “Same. Your pretty greens lured me in and didn’t let go.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet. And all this time I thought it was my big rack that hooked you.”

“Definitely.” He drags his hands to my breasts, gently cupping and running his thumbs over my nipples. “Best I’d ever seen.”

“I’m flattered.” I arch my back, thrusting my breasts against his hands. “That’s saying something from a guy who ran a strip club.”

More laughter rumbles out of him. “I lo

ve every crazy word out of your beautiful mouth.”

“You’re the only one who understands my crazy.”

Warm breath skates over my shoulder and a second later he brushes his lips over a ticklish spot near my neck. “Love everything about you,” he murmurs against my ear.

I turn, catching his lips. One of his hands moves from my breast, bunching up my hair. Forcing me closer. Kissing me deeper.

The anxiety that always skitters through me while he’s away eases. Rock’s touch sooths and calms me. It’s just us, detached from everything outside of our little bubble.

Somehow my barely-there-anyway nightie ends up on the floor. Rock moves one leg out of my way and pats the bed next to him. “Lie on your side.”

I grab one of my body pillows and roll over. His rough hands skate down my back to my ass. He squeezes some lotion into his hands, then tosses the bottle on the nightstand. Those big strong hands, slippery and warm, knead into my backside.

It feels amazing, but I groan. “Please don’t tell me I’m getting stretch marks on my ass too.”

He slaps one cheek and then the other. Squeezes and rubs my flesh. “Nope. More perfect than ever.”

His strength and heat press against my back while his fingers continue to gently knead all my achy spots.

“I should be doing this for you,” I mumble. “You had a long ride.”

Ignoring that, he leans in and kisses the ticklish spot where my neck and shoulder meet. “Missed my girl,” he whispers against my skin.

It’s an admission and a promise. No matter where the road takes him, I always know he can’t wait to be home. With me. In this place that we’ve created.

Chapter Twenty-One


The next morning I’m over at the clubhouse early for yoga. Swan swears this new set of exercises will help keep my pelvic floor muscles in shape, which will make labor easier.

“I’m game for anything that will keep my hoo-ha intact.”

Trinity busts out laughing. “Jesus, Hope. You’re gonna scare poor Swan out of ever wanting kids.”

“Oh no. Already made up my mind on that one.” She gives me an apologetic shrug. “Sorry.”

“Hey, no judgment here.” I hold up my hands.