It’s still awful that one of them might not have known about his son all this time. Maybe I’m also a little selfish, because what if whoever the father ends up being decides to move to California to be closer to the boy? What will losing a brother do to Rock, who’s already under pressure to recruit new members for the club?

So many unknown scenarios. So many different ways this can go.

“Let me know as soon as you hear from your client,” I say before hanging up.

Chapter Two


“Hey, baby doll.”

Hope flings her phone on the couch and settles her fiery gaze on me. “You won’t believe what that asshole just told me.”

That asshole can only be Inga’s attorney.

“Why’re you on the phone with him this early?”

“If I can’t sleep, neither should he.”

I hold out my hand to her. “You eat breakfast yet?”

She pouts. “No.”

“Bad girl,” I tease. “Come here.”

She rushes over, and I wrap her up in my arms, burying my face in her neck. Instant calm washes over me. Why was I out in the rain this morning when this was what I needed?

“You feel so good in my arms,” I murmur against her hair. “Fit just right.”

She chuckles and pulls back, trailing kisses along my jaw. “I’m not so sure about that anymore.”

I rub my hand over her bump. “Nope, still perfect.”

A softer smile takes over Hope’s face. “She was busy this morning.”

Damn, now I’m really pissed I went out for a joyride. Backing Hope against the wall, I crouch down and push her shirt up, placing a kiss near her belly button. “Morning, Grace. Sorry I missed the gymnastics show this morning.”

Hope sighs and reaches down to run her fingers through my hair. “Are you okay?” she asks quietly.

I stand and take her hand, leading her downstairs. “Went out for a ride. Thought it might clear my head, but I got rained on instead.”

She squints at me, and I glance down at the workout clothes I changed into earlier. “Stopped at the clubhouse to use the gym,” I explain. “Ran into Trinity.”

“Was she planning my shower? Please tell her she doesn’t have to make a fuss.”

I laugh but don’t answer the question.

“Ugh, she threatened to make me play Pin the Diaper on the Baby.”

“What do you want for breakfast?”

She stops at the stove and grabs her tea kettle, but I take it from her and nudge her aside. After a quick glance down the hall, she lifts her eyebrows. “Are they gone for the day?”

“Think so. Ran into Murphy on my way back. He was dropping Alexa off at Teller’s. Said Heidi already left.”

“Good. I know we promised Teller we wouldn’t say anything to Heidi, but that’s getting to be a little complicated. Heidi’s smart enough to handle what’s going on.”

“As long as Murphy’s not involved, I think she’ll be fine.”

Hope groans and puts her back to the counter, crossing her arms over her chest. Momentarily distracted by her breasts spilling out of her T-shirt, I miss the change in her demeanor.

“Rock? Don’t you want to hear what I discussed with the attorney?”

“Huh? More bad news?”

“Pretty much. Inga’s now decided to add Bricks to the suit.”

“Fuck me. Really? He’s leaving for Puerto Rico in a few days.”

“Damn.” She turns and grabs a notepad off the counter and scribbles down a few words. “That’s the other problem. We settled on a lab out there and one here that can work together, but she still hasn’t taken her kid in for the swab.”

“What the fuck?” I clench my fists. My thoughts turn dark, picturing Inga cheerfully sitting back and fucking up my life. We have a charter not far from where she lives. Maybe it’s time to make a phone call…

“Rock.” She grabs a fistful of my shirt and pulls me closer. “Please put your murder face away.”

My girl always knows how to make me laugh. “Which face is that?”

“The one you’re making right now.” She frowns at me in what I suppose is her version of whatever face she thinks I’m making. “God forbid this child belongs to one of your brothers, they’re going to be terrified to tell you.”

“As they should be,” I growl.

She pats my cheek—harder than her usual love tap. “Well, snap out of it.” She glances away. “Whoever it is will need our support.”

How can she be concerned for my brothers in the middle of this craziness? “God, I love you.”

“Well, can you imagine Sparky with a kid? Or Ravage? Sparky doesn’t remember to bathe unless someone reminds him, and Ravage is basically an overgrown ten-year-old.”

I snort and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Give me strength.”


“We have our own baby to worry about.”

“Rock.” She squeezes my hands and stares up at me. “What if whoever it is wants to move closer to his child?”

“Shit. I hadn’t even gotten that far. I’m still hoping it’s just a crock of bullshit.”

“Well, I am too. But I’m also trying to think ahead.” Her green eyes shine with love and trust. “Your battle is my battle, Rock. We’re in this fight together.”

I cup her cheeks and kiss her forehead. “That’s why you’re my queen.”

* * *


“I feel like a child being dropped off for a playdate,” I grumble as Wrath pulls into Mara’s driveway.

“Well,” he says, drawing out the word until I smack him and he laughs. “Seriously, it’s not a big deal, Hope. I was headed down here anyway.”


“Three hours. If you need me to come back sooner, text me.”

Wrath’s better than a taxi. He makes sure he helps me to the front door, and even chats with Mara for a few minutes. I could do without the pat on the head he gives me before leaving, though.

“Aww,” Mara sighs as she closes the door. “Didn’t you tell me once you always wished you had a big brother when you were a kid?”

“Yes,” I grumble, smoothing my hair back into place. “I’m not sure why now.”

“Come here!” She squeals and hugs me while jumping up and down all at the same time. “I’m so excited. Look at you! You look amazing. How do you feel?”

“Good actually. Finally.”

“Second trimester was so much easier.” She winks at me. “And fun.”

“God, yes.”

“Oooh!” She giggles and claps her hands in the air, very much like she did when we were early-twentysomething first-year law students. “Tell me all the deliciously dirty details.”

“Um, no.”

She pouts.

“There’s nothing to tell.” I follow her through their mega-house into the kitchen. “Other than I want to jump on him all the time now.”

“And I’m sure Rock loves every


I can’t help smiling. “I think so.” I stop and consider my words. “It’s weird. I was so freaked out about the gaining weight thing in the beginning.” I poke at my hips. “I’m still not loving it, but in a weird way, I also feel more confident than ever, because I’m actually supposed to be bigger. Like, when I see the doctor, she’s happy I’ve gained weight.”

“I’m telling you, that’s half the reason the sex is so much more amazing.”


She sets out ingredients to build my own salad, and I sprinkle about thirty olives over my chicken and spinach.

“No pickles?” she teases.

“Something different every day.” I nibble on a hunk of baguette smeared with butter. “But at least I don’t want to barf all the time anymore.”

“Go back to the confident, jumping-on-him-all-the-time thing.”

I chuckle. “I thought I’d be more self-conscious, but I feel—”

“Like a sex goddess?”

“Something like that.”

“It doesn’t hurt that Rock’s not some girly-man who’s going to worry about silly stuff like poking the baby.”

“Gosh no. The second the doctor assured him everything was fine and the baby was perfectly protected, it was game on.”

She laughs harder and claps her hands together in a prayer pose. “Yes! I love it.” Her smile falters, and she reaches across the table to squeeze my hand. “I’m really happy for you.”

“That I’m getting laid hard, fast, and often?”

“Well, yes, that too.”

“Hello, Hope,” Mara’s husband, Damon says from behind me.

I glare at Mara. She never mentioned Damon was home.

Mara tilts her head and bats her lashes at her husband. “Were you eavesdropping?”

“No need to, lovely. I could hear you all the way in my office.”

He joins us in the kitchen, wrapping an arm around Mara and smiling at me. “Good to see you.”

“Thanks,” I murmur, mortified that Judge Oak might have overheard me sharing such intimate details.

If he did hear, he’s too much of a gentleman to embarrass me.