Z’s perceptive. He seems to read the inner caveman on my face. “I’m gonna get going. Let you two… reunite.”

Hope runs her hand over her belly. “Not a lot of reuniting going on here,” she says, laughing.

“We’ll make it work.”

“Alrighty, then. At least let me make it out the door before you two start mauling each other.”

Hope chuckles softly and rests her head on my shoulder. We’re quiet while my hands roam over every inch of her I can get to. “Fuck I missed you.”

“Mmm.” Her contented sigh has me hard in an instant.

Slipping my arm behind her knees and holding her close, I stand. Her eyes pop open.

“Rock! What are you doing?”

“Taking my wife upstairs.” I gently set her down on the first step and brush my knuckles under her chin, tipping her head back. “You have no idea how fucking sexy you are right now. The sight of you makes me wanna put another baby in you.”

Her eyes widen, and one corner of her mouth curves up. She loops her arms around my neck. “That’s some sexy sweet talk, Mr. President.”

“Truth. Not sweet talk. Get your ass upstairs.”

She laughs and turns, gripping the banister. I keep my hands on her hips the whole way, both to steady her and because I like them there.

In the bedroom, I take her hand and drag her toward the bathroom. “Come shower with me first.”

She stops to light a bunch of candles while I flip the shower on and adjust the water. “I don’t need mood lighting, baby doll. Get over here.”


“You will be.”

She locks eyes with me and slows her steps, watching me while I approach. I slide my hand over her shoulder, slowly turning her. She gasps when I push her hair to the side and kiss her neck. Reaching back, she runs her hand through my hair.


I answer by sweeping the tip of my tongue over the sensitive spot below her ear.

She sighs and melts into me.

“Arms up.”

I slide my arms around her, hugging her to me for a brief second before working the buttons of her shirt loose and palming her breasts.

Her body jolts against me. “Sensitive?”

“A little.” Her voice is nothing but a breathy whisper. “But I like your hands on me.”

I kiss her shoulder and strip the rest of her clothes off. She turns, and I curl a finger, motioning her closer. When she reaches me, she drags her fingers through my hair, rubs her palms over my cheeks and reaches up on tiptoes to kiss me. “Did everything go okay?”

I’d called her before we left for home and told her Teller was with me, but that was about it. “I’ll fill you in later.”

She nods and slides her hands over my chest, pushing my cut off my shoulders. While she turns to drape it over her vanity chair, I get busy removing everything else.

She tilts her head and pouts. “I wanted to do that.”

I hold up my arms. “I’m all yours. Get going.”

She chuckles softly and slips her hands under my T-shirt. Too slow for my crazed caveman needs. I strip down and help her clip her hair out of the way before nudging her into the shower.

Water blasts us from every direction, easing some of the tension that gathered in my shoulders from the long ride home.

“Here.” She turns, grabbing a black bottle off the shelf. “I bought this for you.”

“You did miss me.”

“I’m always thinking of you.” She pops the cap open and sticks it under my nose. A faint whiff something crisp and pine wafts up.

“I like.” I hold out my arms. “Lather me up.”

A smile twitches at the corners of her mouth as she rubs me down.

“Did everything go okay with Teller?”

“He met us out there. We talked. He rode home with us.”

She peers up at me. “Good. I wish you’d said more than ‘heard from Teller.’ I was worried about him.”

“Baby, you know I forget everything else the second I see you.” I tap the side of her head. “You may have ‘pregnancy brain,’ but I’ve got ‘hot-pregnant-wife brain.’”

She chuckles. “That’s not a thing.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Well, I’m pretty damn lucky, then. Nancy was telling me how she can’t even get Lee to look at her, let alone touch her now that she’s in her second trimester.”

I roll my eyes at the mention of one of the couples in our birthing class. “It’s a miracle that guy got his wife pregnant in the first place. Doesn’t seem to own a pair of balls.”

“I’m pretty sure the other ladies in the group hate me now because I let it slip that you can’t keep your hands off me. I didn’t realize some husbands were grossed out by every little thing.”

My laughter bounces around the glass-enclosed shower stall.

“Except Mara’s friend Danielle. She knew exactly what I was talking about.”

“So your lunch went well? Z didn’t give you a hard time?”

“Not at all. He was very sweet and patient with me.”

“Good.” Not that I expected any different from Z, but I still like knowing Hope’s taken care of in my absence. “No more runs for me until after Grace gets here. Even then—”

“Rock.” That’s the only warning I get before she wraps her hands around my cock and strokes me to within seconds of coming.

“Fuck,” I breathe out. “What happened to our innocent shower?”

“Innocent.” She snorts and grasps one of the bars on the shower wall, lowering herself to the bench.

She stares up at me and slowly teases her tongue around the tip of my cock.

“Do you like this?”

I groan and my eyes shut.

“Or do you want me to stop?” she asks, barely keeping the teasing out of her husky voice.

“Definitely don’t stop.”

When she closes her mouth around me, my eyes pop right open. I rest my hands on her shoulders, and she hums, the sound vibrating straight to my cock.

She takes her time, going deeper and deeper at a lazy pace.

I release the clip from her hair, tossing it on the shelf and wrap the long, silky strands in my fist. She moans as I tug and bobs her head faster.

Pleasure shoots through me, the muscles in my legs tighten.

Nope. Not going to last long this way. I tug on her hair again, pulling her off me.

I think she’s about to protest, but she slicks her tongue over her bottom lip. “My turn.”

“Fuck yeah. Turn around and give me your ass.”

I help her stand and guide her hands against the wall. The second she arches her back, I’m grabbing her hips and sliding into her. She lets out a short high-pitched sound, and I pause.

“What are you doing? Don’t stop.”

“Did I hurt you?”

She glares at me over her shoulder. “No. Fuck me.”

I chuckle and take my time. Drawing it out, driving her crazy.


I thump into her. “Like that?”

“Yes, I’m not made of glass.” She punctuates her statement with a kittenish growl.

Might be bad for my health if I tease her too much. I pound into her harder. She moans and throws her head back. “Right there. There.” She comes so fast and perfectly around me.

She’s still trembling from her orgasm when I pull out and push her over to the bench again.

“What are you—”

Too late. My orgasm barrels down on me, and I’m painting her chest with my come before she finishes the question.

“Caveman.” Her laughter surrounds us.

I’m still breathing hard when I pull her up, turning her toward the shower to clean her off. I kiss her shoulder and suck at the water running down her neck.

“Rock.” She rubs her ass into my groin.

“Bedroom.” I reach forward and slap the water off.


I haven’t even caught my breath, and I can’t stop giggling as Rock pulls me out of the shower. He wraps us in fluffy towels and stalks into the bedroom to make sure it’s warm enough for me.