I glance down at the diaper-shaped magnet I’m holding. “I don’t like to lie to the people I love, so I’m pleading the fifth.”

Trinity knows me too well to be insulted. She cackles and passes a magnet to Heidi, who is a much more enthusiastic participant.

“I need to pee. Mara, you can have my turn.”

I waddle down to the bathroom, passing Swan and Carter in the kitchen.

Thankfully, Tawny couldn’t attend. She sent a lovely card and gift certificate. It certainly made the day a lot calmer. Mallory also couldn’t make the trip. Now her, I actually miss.

“Hey, Hope—”

“Be right back, Swan.”

With an empty—for now—bladder, I return to the kitchen a few minutes later. “Okay, what’s up?”

“Oh, nothing. I wanted to know if Trinity was ready to do presents.”

“Oooh!” I squeeze my hands together. “Why didn’t we start there?” My gaze settles on Carter. “I haven’t seen you in a while. You know you’re always invited up for Thursday night dinners.”

He shrugs and scuffs the toe of his sneaker against the floor. “Teller mentioned it a couple times.”

“How’s Rock treating you down at the shop?” While I’ve witnessed how hard Rock can be on the guys, he seems to have a soft spot for Carter.

“Good. He’s let me do a few pieces on my own since Bricks took off.”

“That’s great. I know you’ve been a big help to him. So, thank you.”

He blushes and ducks his head at the compliment, and I kind of want to ruffle his hair or pinch his cheeks, but I don’t think he’d appreciate that.

“No problem.”

“I better get back before Trinity hunts me down. Are you coming, Swan? I feel bad you’re out here.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

The girls used my time away to pack up the games and haul out the presents.

“Open this first,” Mara says, pushing a large pink box at me.

I dig through layers of pink tissue paper and finally find an assortment of baby lotions and… nipple cream?

“What the hell?”

“Trust me.”

“Ugh. People should really warn you about these things ahead of time.”

Mara brought a few other packages. After opening a travel crib, and diaper bag, I’m overwhelmed with my friend’s generosity. “You didn’t have to do all this, Mara.”

“Are you kidding? I loved shopping for baby stuff. But it’s much more fun to do when you know you’re not the one who’ll be in labor.”

“Gee, thanks.”

Cora and Alexa scamper onto the floor to play with all the discarded wrapping paper.

“Give it to me,” Mara asks her daughter patiently. “Sorry, Charlotte. She loves to shred.”

Charlotte waves her hand in the air. “We’re baby friendly here.” She rubs her hand over Alexa’s hair, making her tip her head back and giggle.

Heidi points upstairs. “They set Alexa up with her own room.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet.”

“Oh, oh! This came for you from Lilly.” Trinity pulls out a huge box and sets it in front of me.

“You’re kidding. How sweet.”

“Well, I sent her an invite, and she called me.” She taps the box. “Open.”

“All right. Calm down.” Inside I find a card and note from Lilly.

Congratulations, Hope!

I’m so happy for you. I hope this helps ease some of the sleepless nights after the baby arrives.



Inside is a high-end bouncy chair in dusty rose pink.

“Oh, that’s a nice one,” Heidi says. “My friend Dawn swears by hers. I didn’t discover them until Alexa was a little bigger.”

I hadn’t gotten around to registering for anything before the shower. “How’d she know I’d need this?” I ask Trinity.

She shrugs. “She just asked if she should get pink, blue, or neutral. Since it wasn’t some hideous Pepto pink, I said I thought you’d like that one.”

“That was so thoughtful. I’ll have to call and thank her.”

More than one heavy set of footsteps thud over the hardwood floor, and a few minutes later Rock joins us. “How’d you make out?” he asks.

“Like a bandit.”

He jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “I picked up a stray who wanted to say hello.”

Z peers around him. “Hi, ladies.” He waves at me. “Hey, mama bear.”

“You want to join us?” I ask.

“Nah, came over early to help out. Thought I’d say hi, though.”

Rock nods to the pile in front of me. “You want me to load that into the truck?”


He takes a glance at the specially shaped body pillows Charlotte gave me and laughs. “You add any more pillows, and pretty soon I’ll be sleeping on the floor.”

“Sorry,” Charlotte says.

“Nope. I want my girl to be comfortable.” He stops and rubs my shoulders for a few seconds, then leans over me. “You okay?”

I nod and rub my cheek against his briefly.

“Theee!” Alexa squeals and toddles over to Z.

He bends over and scoops her up. “Hey, princess. You having fun?”

She bobs her head up and down and points toward Cora.

Z smiles at her. “Hi, Cora.”

Intrigued, she wanders over.

“How are you still single, Z?” Mara asks.

He grins at her, dimples flashing, but doesn’t respond.

Rock reaches for the biggest box first, easily picking it up. “It’s lighter than I thought.”

“It’s a bouncy chair. Lilly sent it. Wasn’t that sweet?”

Z sets Alexa down and takes the packages Rock hands him.

The look on his face really makes me wish I hadn’t mentioned Lilly’s name.

Chapter Ten


After the baby shower and a successful glucose test, both of us seem to feel the pressing need to start working on the nursery.

“I don’t think all this stuff will even fit in the room,” Rock says as he hauls another load of baby goodies upstairs.

“Might want to start on that addition now.”

He kisses my cheek as he brushes past me. “Whatever you want, baby doll.”

We place the items in the corner. I still haven’t decided where to move my desk, filing cabinet, and chaise lounge.

“Don’t touch any of that stuff. I’ll help you when I get back.”

“I won’t. Promise.” I let out a yawn. “I think I’m going to nap while you’re gone.”


I’m not kidding either. I change into my comfy pants and a T-shirt, with every intention of snuggling under the covers for a little while.

I’m on the verge of sleep when my phone rattles against the nightstand.

It’s the lab. I scramble to sit up and flip on the light before taking the call.

My heart’s hammering as we get the initial pleasantries out of the way. Finally, he gets to the point.

“I just sent over some lab results.” He hesitates. “The information within only pertains to your clients, so I don’t feel it’s appropriate to send them to the other side.”

That doesn’t sound ominous or anything. “What do you mean?”

I race over to my office and power up my laptop while he hems and haws through a nonanswer.

“Give me a few seconds. I’m not at my desk.”


The silence from the phone is excruciating while I find his email and download the attached results. I want to scream in frustration.

There are three separate reports. Each one has a DNA test profile with rows and columns of numbers and letters. I have no idea what any of it means.

The silence between us has gone on for so long that I’m too flustered to focus enough to puzzle it out. “I don’t understand. What is this?

Where are the rest of my reports?”

“The conclusion is at the bottom, Ms. Kendall,” he says as if I’m an idiot.

Yup, that’s what I’m looking for.

Rochlan North: excluded as the biological father of Baby Boy March.

I blow out a long, slow breath. Thank God.

The tightness in my chest finally eases.

The next report is the same except for the bottom.

Marcel Whelan: excluded as the biological father of Baby Boy March.


“This is good news. Two of my clients have been excluded. Where are the rest of my reports?”

“Ms. Kendall, please continue reading the third report so we can discuss it.”

This time I zoom in on the bottom right away.

“Oh my God,” I breathe out. “What? Why? How did you…?”

“There was a delay in receiving the DNA sample from the child. We made a mistake… since the other sample wasn’t here.”