Instead, he shoots a pissed-off glare at Z, Ravage, and Stash. “Stop fucking around and go get some quotes for that driveway,” Wrath orders Z. He points at Ravage and Stash. “I nominate you two assholes to help him with the labor.”

“I don’t do manual labor,” Stash protests.

“Yeah, well, now you do.”

“Prez,” Stash whines.

Rock stares at him without saying a word.


Ravage doesn’t seem to mind the assignment. He flexes his arms. “Manual labor will do you good, Stash. Looking a little flabby there, bro.”

He lifts his shirt and tries to grab a handful of belly fat. “Can’t pinch an inch.” He pats his stomach and shrugs at us apologetically. “But I am still carrying a bit of winter weight.”

“No one cares,” Murphy growls.

“Walk your lazy ass down to the gym and do some cardio,” Wrath suggests.

Instead, Sparky and Stash head down to the basement.

Heidi leans over and hugs me. “Sorry about that,” she whispers before leaving with Murphy and Teller.

“I’m gonna take the dogs for a run,” Z says. “Rav?”

“I’m coming.” Ravage leans down to whisper in my ear. “I’m sorry. I really was just teasing.”

My lips twitch. “It’s okay.”

“You’re a g

ood sport, Hope.”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”


After he and Z leave, I hold out my hand for Rock to help me sit up. “I guess we should head home too. I need a nap after all that fun.”

Rock chuckles and takes my hand.

“Wait a second, Cinderella.”

Oh no.

I turn and glare at a smirking Wrath. “What?”

Trinity reaches over and slaps his arm. “Stop teasing her.”

Rock’s chest brushes against my arm, and I turn. He’s not preparing to smack Wrath as I’d hoped. No, my husband’s shaking with laughter.

I place my hand on my hips and glare. “Really?”

He stops laughing, but his mouth twists as if he might burst. “It’s a little funny.”

“It’s not remotely funny.”

Wrath snaps his fingers. “I knew it.”

Trinity glances at me with an apologetic smile.

“Don’t be too jealous, Trin,” I say. “You were there too.”

“What?” Her eyes widen as she absorbs my meaning. “Oh.” She laughs and hugs me. “Well, if I was ever going to mess around with a girl, it’d be you for sure.”

“Aw, I feel so warm and fuzzy inside now,” I tease, hugging her back.

“I’m going to need more details,” Wrath says.

“No, you don’t,” Rock answers. Apparently now he’s reached his limit on this subject.

“Aw, come on, Rock.” I smirk at him. “A minute ago you thought it was hilarious.”

We stare at each other for a few beats. He cocks his head and lifts an eyebrow, daring me to share the dirty details with Wrath and Trinity.

Wrath wraps his arm around Trinity’s shoulders and pulls her against his chest. “Tell me, Hope. What exactly were Trinity and I doing in this vivid dream of yours?”

“It’s Trinity’s fault. She’s always bragging about how good you are at certain activities.”

Rock helps me off the couch and pulls me into his arms, kissing my cheek.

“Certain activities?” Wrath glances at his wife. “I’m good at everything.”

Trinity pats his cheek. “Yes, you are.”

“What do you brag about?” Rock whispers in my ear.

“A truly satisfied woman brags to no one about anything,” I whisper back.

He nuzzles against my neck and nips my earlobe. “I have an urge to satisfy you right now.”

My knees turn to jelly, and I sway a little in his hold.

“I think it’s time for that nap, baby doll.”

“Sweet dreams,” Wrath calls after us.

Without turning around, I flip him off over my shoulder.

Their laughter follows us out the door.

Chapter Six


It took a few days for the guys to go in for the tests. Instead of giving me reports one by one, unless they come up with a winner—or loser depending on your point of view—the results are supposed to be delivered to both parties in writing simultaneously.

So I don’t expect to hear from the lab so soon after Wrath and Z gave the last samples.

“Ms. Kendall, I have some preliminary results. Unfortunately, there was an error at the lab, and I need two of the candidates to return for another swab.”

“You’re kidding. Are you saying one of them might be the father?”