“Doesn’t happen often.”

Big, fat snowflakes are slowly drifting to the ground as we step outside. Alexa swats and grabs for them, then finally tries to catch the flakes on her tongue. I’m so consumed with watching her, I almost don’t notice the path to Rock and Hope’s house is alive with lights.

Not the normal ground lights that mark the trail through the woods. No, this is the glow of white lights wrapped around tree trunks, creating a magical tunnel. Alexa ooos and ahhs, reaching up and then yanking her hand back as if she remembers my warning from earlier.

“Blake, this is beautiful. When did you?” I have no doubt he’s the one who lovingly wrapped strand after strand of tiny bulbs around each tree trunk.

“This morning.” He cracks a smile. “Your brother stole my idea. It’s not as much—”

“It’s perfect. So pretty. Thank you.”

He brushes the back of his hand over my cheek. “Anything to see you smile, beautiful.”


“I’m glad you’re with me tonight,” I say, sliding my hand over Hope’s.

“Why aren’t we having the party up at the clubhouse this year?”

I sigh and consider how to explain. “We didn’t only invite Lost Kings. We’ve got Wolf Knights—”

“Trying to repair that relationship after Teller stole their president’s niece?” she jokes.

“Kind of.” I huff out a laugh. “Except for some weirdness here and there, our clubs get along. The new president is the guy who was in business with Wrath. So no repairs needed.”

“Wolf Knights were at our wedding. So they’ve been to the clubhouse.”

“Right. Well, I have a couple members from the Devil’s Demons coming too. You’ve met them before—at our wedding.”

“I remember.”

I saved the best for last. I still can’t believe Z talked me into having Loco at a club party. But he’s our biggest customer and we’ve been in business with his crew for a long damn time. He’s more than proved his loyalty over the last two years. It was time. I also might have a business opportunity for him that will benefit both of us. “There’s a local crew we do a lot of business with. Have for years. The guy who runs it will be here with a few of his crew.” And some of the escorts who work for him, but I’ll save that tidbit for Hope to discover on her own.

She seems to think that over. “I’m assuming this is the guy who takes custody of Sparky’s babies when they’re finished growing?”

I choke on my laughter but don’t confirm or deny her guess.

“Sparky will be there too. He has some product to show off.”

“Product my ass.” Hope laughs. “He probably wants to see Willow.”

“Oh, really?” I should’ve known there was a reason he’d been dragging his ass out of the basement more frequently lately.

“Sway’s coming too, right?” she asks. There’s a catch in her voice I don’t care for. None of my brothers should ever make my wife nervous. Maybe Sway deserves a few more punches in the face. “Will Tawny be there too?”

“A party full of strippers and bunnies? No, Tawny won’t be joining him.”

“Gross,” she mutters.

I shrug. It is what it is. Sway’s marital problems aren’t my concern.

“Everyone will know who you are because you’ll be wearing your patch. Murphy’s not coming, but Z, Wrath, Dex, Ravage, Hoot, and Birch will all be here. Teller’s supposed to stop by later. So there’ll be plenty of familiar faces.”

“As long as I have Trinity to hang with, I’ll be fine.”

I pull into the back parking lot at Crystal Ball and find a spot away from the door and any other vehicles. Hope twists and reaches for something on the back seat.

“What are you looking for?”

“Your bag. I assume you want to change in the car, so none of your big, bad biker friends see you in your citizen suit.”

Christ, she makes me laugh.

This woman is everything. She knows me. Understands me in a way no one else does.

“Not yet,” I say, echoing her words from a few minutes ago. My hand lands on her leg again, pushing her skirt up. And once again, she stops me.

“Stop. It’s a surprise.”

“What is?”

She huffs an annoyed breath and slowly slides the bottom of her dress up until bare thigh comes into view. “They’re these special, suspender, crotchless tight-thingies. To give you access without ripping them on me.”

Those are the hottest words that have ever come out of my woman’s mouth.

I run my hand over the back of my neck a few times before speaking. “Fuck me, you been running around with a bare pussy all night?”

She snorts. “No. An itty-bitty thong for-”

“Get in the back.”

Her jaw drops. “What?”

I open my door and step out, hurrying to open the back door and slide into the backseat. “Get back here.”

She giggles the whole time she’s unbuckling her seatbelt and climbing over the middle console.

“Don’t flash your ass to the parking lot,” I warn.

“Shut up,” she says, laughing even harder.

After a lot of muttering, cursing, and huffing, she plants her feet on the floor and rests her butt on the edge of the console. She’s hunched over so her head doesn’t hit the roof. “Now what?”

I pat my hands on my thighs and raise an eyebrow. “Come tell me what you want for Christmas, little girl.”

“Oh my God.” She bursts out laughing, the sound echoing in the interior of the SUV. “Are you going to show me your pole, Mr. North?”

“I’m not only going to show it to you, I’m going to give it to you. Hard.”

More laughter. I could listen to that sound all night long.

I reach down, grabbing her left foot and quickly slip her boot off, then take the other one, setting them to the side. “Lean back.”

“How? I don’t have a lot of space to work with here.”

Ignoring the question, I slide my hands under her dress and the tight slip she’s wearing underneath, bunching them up around her waist. Finally, I’m able to feast on the sight in front of me. “Jesus, these are sexy as fuck.” I reach out and trace my fingers along one wide suspender and brush my knuckles against the thin thong barely covering her pussy.

She gasps and jerks her hips.

“Fuck, you’re wet. I knew you were lying before.”

Dipping my head, I flick my tongue over her plump lips, inhaling her scent.

She slides her fingers through my hair, lightly scratching my scalp and lets out a little moan.

“You bought these for me?”

“Yes,” she answers in a breathy whisper.

I slip a finger between the thong and her skin, pulling the material to the side. I’m intoxicated by her and I take a few long, slow licks.

Call it selfish, but I want to look in her eyes when I make her come and as spontaneous and romantic as it might be to go at it in the backseat like teenagers, my current position is uncomfortable as fuck.

She whimpers when I raise my head and sit back. “Rock?”

“Right here, Baby Doll.” I make quick work of my belt and shove my pants and boxers down enough to free my cock. Grinning, I grab her hand and tug her closer. “Be a good girl and get on my pole.”

She snorts at the joke but eagerly straddles my lap. I cup her cheek and pull her closer for a kiss. Our tongues slide together hard and demanding. My free hand slides over her slick pussy, pushing the thong out of my way. I’m tempted to rip it off, but can’t spare the extra couple seconds.

Her fingers wrap around my cock and I thrust into her hand a few times until she’s moaning into my mouth. “Take me, Hope.”

She shifts and I groan so loud as she slides down we can probably be heard inside the club.

Her moan of pleasure turns to a gasp and she freezes.

“Shh.” I place my hands on her cheeks and press a

rough kiss to her lips. “Easy. You set the pace. I’m all yours.”

She runs her hand down my chest as she takes me deeper into her body. After a few strokes, she tugs at the tie around my neck, pulling it free and unbuttoning my shirt. In her eagerness, a few buttons go flying. One pings off the window with a soft click, but she doesn’t seem to notice.

My woman—the sexiest woman in the whole damn world—ripping my clothes off because she’s so crazed to get to me. Pretty much feeling like king of the world right here in the back seat of my own truck.

Her fingers trail down my chest, tracing lines of muscle. Her gentle feathery touch combined with the rough way she’s grinding down on me flips my need to desperate-to-come in an instant.


I grip her hips, fingers digging in and holding her tight. Her breathing breaks into heavy panting and she clings to my shoulders. My hips pump in time with hers.

“Ohmygod. Right there. Please.” A bunch of other words come tumbling out of her mouth. I can’t keep track of anything but the incredible friction of our bodies.

We’re both moving hard and fast, probably shaking the whole damn vehicle, so anyone outside can tell what we’re up to. But I can’t find a fuck to give.

I need her tits in my hands. Thank fuck for the forgiving, stretchy material of her sweater dress.

Up and off it goes.

“Rock,” she gasps and slows down, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Baby, the windows are tinted black. No one’s seeing inside.” As if I’d ever allow anyone else to see what’s mine.

I pry her hands off her chest and place them back on my shoulders, then tug the cups of her bra down so I can fill my hands with her breasts. “Better,” I mumble, pulling her forward to slick my tongue over the tip of her nipple and tease it between my teeth.


Her back arches as I claim her other breast. Hips jerking, I thrust up inside her again and she finally comes apart with a long, low cry of pleasure.

Everything inside me just explodes as I pump into her with a ragged groan.

She collapses against me, both of us sweaty and breathing hard. My arms wrap around her, holding her tight while our racing hearts calm and our breathing evens out.

After a few minutes, I reach behind us, hand flailing in the empty space for the paper towels I know I keep stored back there. “What’s wrong?” she mumbles against my neck.

“Paper towels. Back there. Clean up.” Fuck, but she’s stolen my ability to speak coherent sentences.

I groan when she eases off my spent cock and bends over the back seat, searching for the towels. Can’t help slapping her gorgeous ass that’s right in my face a few times either.

“Hey!” she yelps, finally returning to me. She drops the towels in my lap and I yank off a bunch and start cleaning us up. I probably grope her a little more than necessary in the process and she laughs.

“Didn’t have enough yet?”


“Where’d my dress go?”

I point to the front seat and she leans back to grab it. I watch her fix herself up, completely mesmerized. Or stupefied. I reach out, running my hand up her leg while she slips her boots back on. “These are hot, but I’m still shredding them later.”

“I expect nothing less, Rock.”

When she’s dressed, she sits next to me and hands me my jeans and long-sleeve Henley.

“Thanks, Baby Doll.”

“Purely selfish reasons. I want to see you naked.”

I chuckle, then groan as she leans down to help me kick off my shoes and work my pants down. She bites her lip as she watches me pull on the jeans and button them.

“Damn, I’m lucky,” she mutters.

“So am I.”

Once I’m finally dressed, I reach over and gently rest my hand on her hip, pulling her close. My other hand brushes her hair out of her eyes. I take in her red cheeks and flushed chest with a measure of pride. The hand on her hip strays to her belly. “You okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No, Rock. I’m fine.”

Shit, even her patient, I’m-humoring-you voice turns me the fuck on. We better get inside before I decide to skip this party altogether.

As if she can hear my thoughts, she cocks her head toward the club. “Hurry up. Wrath’s probably wondering where you are.”

The second I step outside, she hands me my cut and I slip it on. She leaves her coat in the car and when I protest, she shakes her head. “I’m overheated. I’ll be fine. It’s a short walk.”

I pull her Property Patch out and have her slip it on before taking her hand and walking across the parking lot. She stops me at the last second before I pull the door open.

“Wait. Is there anything I shouldn’t say or do tonight?”

I give it a second of thought before answering. “No, Baby Doll.”

“I don’t want to stick my foot in my mouth in front of people you do business with.”

I can’t help grinning. “That’s the beauty of this. You’re the president’s wife. You can’t say anything wrong.”

Well, obviously that’s not entirely true. But nothing out of Hope’s mouth could ever be that bad. She wouldn’t be my old lady if I had to worry about her starting trouble with a few poorly chosen words.

My answer seems to satisfy her—for a second. Then she says something that makes me laugh again. “Now, Rock. We both know I’m expected to sit quiet and look pretty.” Her mouth twists with a sort of wry indignation I love about Hope.

I’m stopped from answering by the door swinging open, almost knocking us down. Wrath pokes his head out and grins when he sees us. “About time.”

He takes a step back so we can enter. Arms crossed over his chest and smug smile in place, he greets us, “Evening, kids.”

Behind him Trinity laughs and pokes him in the side. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?” Hope asks with an edge to her voice. I’m pretty sure she knows what’s coming.

“Saw you pull in like an hour ago.” He jerks his head toward the parking lot. “The truck was rockin’ so I didn’t dare come knockin’.”

Hope bursts out laughing and shakes her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“He’s lying. He wanted to peek. I made him come inside,” Trinity informs us.

Wrath glances down, and pulls her to his side. “Don’t tell stories, angel.”

“Knock it off,” I growl.

As usual, none of my warnings or threats has an effect on Wrath. His lips twitch into a smirk. “You need a stronger suspension kit on your big cage. A vehicle that size shouldn’t shake and wobble so much.”

“God, you’re an asshole.”

Hope’s cheeks are red, but she’s laughing. “You know, Wrath.” She crosses her arms over her chest and cocks her head, mirroring his earlier pose. “It’s kind of creepy the way you keep spying on us.”

“Spying. You wish. You can’t spy on people who jump on each other as much as you two do.”

“We took the bike,” Trinity says, interrupting Hope and Wrath’s banter. She holds up a backpack. “Come with me to the dressing room, Hope?”

“Sure.” She tries to follow Trinity, but I don’t let her go of her.

Instead, I pull her to me for a quick kiss. “Don’t let any of the girls give you shit.” I nod to a spot across from the dressing room. “One of us will be waiting outside to escort you into the party.”

The no-bullshit tone I use makes it clear I’m not fucking around and she nods. “Got it, Mr. President.”

Wrath slaps my shoulder after the girls leave. “Have fun playing dutiful, citizen husband tonight?”

“Fuck off.” I point down the hallway that leads into the main area of the club “You do anything useful since you got here? Or were you waiting around all night to bust my balls?”

“Both.” He gives me a smug smile. “I’m a multi-tasker.”

“You’re a dick.??


“Christ you’re cranky for a guy who just—”

“Don’t finish that thought.”

“You holding church back here, fuckers?” Z shouts as he walks down the hall toward us.

“How’s it lookin’?” I ask.

“Like I been here all fuckin’ day and I want to go home,” Z says.

“Oh, what a hardship, watching the pretty, naked girls twirl around the poles all day long.” Wrath’s whiny imitation of Z wouldn’t be complete without the fake tear he wipes away to really drive home his point.

Z’s unfazed and shoves his middle finger in Wrath’s face.

“I don’t know why everyone’s worried about us having kids,” I grumble. “I have two overgrown children right in front of me.”

That straightens Z out. “Malik’s on the door. Dex is on his way. Teller won’t be here until later, but I’m not holding my breath.”

“Great, that’s all we need—Whisper asking why she’s not here,” Wrath grumbles.

“Fuck him,” Z says. “What’s Teller supposed to do, drag her down here by her hair?”

“What are your plans tonight?” Wrath asks.

Z shrugs. “Get my dick sucked and go home.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Wrath groans. “I didn’t need to hear that. Now I feel all sorry for you and shit.”

“Don’t be jealous.”

“That I have a home and the woman I want to go home with? Trust me, brother. I don’t envy your situation at all.”

Something about Wrath’s words make me glance at the dressing room door again. Fuck me, why didn’t this occur to me sooner? “Please tell me Lexi isn’t working this party.”

Z eyeballs the ceiling, the walls, basically anywhere but my face before answering. “Prez, she’s been good. I haven’t had any issues with her since the tape thing. She knows how to handle herself with these guys. What was I supposed to do?”

“Giving me a heads up woulda been nice.”


“Apologize to Hope, not me.”

Wrath’s phone goes off and he leaves to take the call somewhere quieter.

“I’m sorry I forgot about the—”

“Forget it.”

“You still plannin’ to introduce Stump to Loco?”