Hope’s full of surprises tonight. She slides down in her seat, spreading her legs for me. “Mmm. Long live the king.”


While Heidi searches for her suit and changes, I check on Alexa, then go outside to get the hot tub ready.

I’m waiting in the steaming, bubbling water when Heidi finally steps outside onto the deck. She sets two big, fluffy towels down. On top of the towels, she places the baby monitor, checking to make sure the volume’s up. “Crap, it’s cold.”

“It’s invigorating.”

“Invigorating my ass,” she says, wrapping her robe tighter.

“Get in here and I’ll warm you up.”

She saunters closer and when she’s almost within grabbing distance, stops and whips her robe open. “What do you think?”

I think I should get her in the hot tub more often. “That’s hot.”

She turns and peeks at me over her shoulder. A sly smile curves her lips and she slowly lets the robe fall off her shoulders.

I guess technically it’s a one-piece, but the red-hot suit’s mostly backless except for a tie at the nape of her neck and strings that wrap around and tie in the middle of her back. The robe falls to the floor and she bends over, making sure to put extra wiggle in the move. The bottom of the suit is nothing more than a strip of material that barely contains her cute little ass.

“Turn around. Let me see the front again.”

More thin strips of material connect the top and bottom.

“I can’t see you well through all the steam. Come closer.”

She narrows her eyes, as if she can sense my bullshit from two feet away. Finally, she steps up onto the platform and dips her toe in the water. “It’s hot!”

“It’s a hot tub.”


Instead of taking the plunge, she perches on the edge of the tub and slowly sticks her feet in. I glide over and kneel in front of her in the water, wrapping my arms around her legs. “Hey, pretty girl.”

A soft smile lights up her face and she runs her fingers through my hair. “Hey.”

“Aren’t you cold?”

She peers down into the water. “You’re not wearing a suit?”

“Come find out.”

Her gaze darts around, as if she thinks we’ll be caught at any minute.

“Rock and Hope aren’t coming home tonight.”

She slides into the water an inch at a time. “Ouch. Ouch. That’s hot.”

“It’ll feel good in a minute.”

“It better.”

“Get over here.” Under the water, I wrap my hand around her calf and drag her closer. Right into my lap.

She straddles me and loops her arms around my neck.

“For a girl who was worried about the forest creatures getting an eyeful a few minutes ago, you’re feeling pretty bold.” Under the water, my hands grip her thighs. My fingers stray to the edge of her suit, slipping under to stroke her skin.

“You like bold,” she whispers.

“Yes, I do.”

Cradling her head with one hand, I lean forward and brush my lips over hers. Her soft breath ghosts over my skin as I pull back. Her arms tighten around my neck and she dips down for another kiss.

I’m looking forward to a night of loud and lazy no-one’s-home-to—overhear-us sex, so I take my time, slowly kissing her neck and shoulder. I drop my hand from the back of her head to the knot behind her neck and work it loose. The low-cut cups of her suit have been teasing the fuck out of me ever since she opened her robe. Beneath the water her hips rotate, pressing her pelvis into me until I groan.

I keep running my hands over the parts of her exposed to the night air, stopping to untie the other knot at the middle of her back. The suit falls forward and I stop to enjoy the sight. My hands cup her breasts and her head falls back. She gasps as I squeeze and caress. I rub my calloused fingers over her nipples and she grinds into my lap harder.

“Blake,” she pants.

Under the water, I brush my knuckles against the fabric between her legs, stopping to press right over her clit several times.

“Blake,” she whispers more urgently.

She’s maybe five seconds from coming on my lap when the sound of voices infiltrates our steamy cocoon.

“Motherfucker,” I grumble.

Heidi jumps back, moving to the other side of the hot tub.

For once, Wrath doesn’t sneak up on me. His heavy boots thud over the deck loud enough to be heard over the bubbling water. I sit up right before he rounds the corner.

His mouth turns up in a smug, knowing smile. “Whatcha doin’, kids?”

Heidi sinks lower into the water to retie the straps of her suit.

“What’s it look like?” I growl.

“A lucky ginger who avoided a club party tonight,” he says.

“How was it?”

Trinity taps his arm lightly and answers my question. “It was good.”

“I didn’t come over to talk about the party, though. I got a call earlier. We’re back on track with the rebuild. Furious should be ready for a reopening this spring.”

“No shit?”

“Keegan testified at the deposition. Insurance company musta figured it was stupid to keep fucking around.”

“About fucking time.”

“Amen, little brother.”

“Talk to Whisper about it?”

“No, I wanted to tell you first.”

I lift my chin at him. “Thanks.”

Now that she’s covered, Heidi floats over to me.

“We’ll leave you guys alone,” Trinity says, tugging on Wrath’s arm. She mouths “sorry” to Heidi.

“I wasn’t done,” Wrath protests.

“Yes you are.” In a lower voice, Trinity says something else that makes him follow her around the corner.

Rolling my eyes to the sky, I shake off the intrusion. “Where were we?” I ask, holding out my hand to Heidi.

She ducks her chin. “Can we go in the house?”

Inside, I’m groaning. Tomorrow, I’m punching Wrath as soon as I see him. “Sure.”

My cock’s hot and stone fucking hard, but the frigid night air takes care of that quick. Heidi throws a towel to me before wrapping one around herself.

“I’m going to take a shower,” she says.

“Yeah, okay. I’ll be there in a minute.”

After closing the hot tub and shutting everything off, I stop in our bedroom, not expecting Heidi to be in there getting dressed. “Thought you were taking a shower?”

“I rinsed off.” She steps closer. “Why?”

“I wanted your wet, naked body in my hands.”

She drops her gaze and reaches out to trace her fingers along the edge of the towel around my hips. “I’m still wet.”

“Mind if I verify?”

She chuckles and hooks her finger in the towel, ripping it off. “Verify away.”

With a loud growl, I pick her up and take the three steps to toss her on the bed. Laughing, she rolls over and sits up.

At the side of the bed, I drop to my knees and wrap my hand around one ankle, yanking her closer. “Put your pussy in my face.”

She’s not laughing any more. Holding my gaze, she hooks her thumbs into her flannel shorts and slowly drags them down before tossing them to the floor.

“Top too,” I order.

That, she tosses at my face.

I catch it and throw it down. I kiss my way up the inside of her leg, stopping to lick behind her knees where I know it makes her flinch and laugh. Good and wedged between her wide-spread, toned legs, I kiss her hot pussy. And yes, she’s still wet.

A happy noise rumbles out of me. She’s sweet and tastes like heaven.

She tries to close her legs and jiggles with laughter. “Your beard tickles.”

I flick my tongue over her clit with the soft feathery touch she needs at first.

“Oh,” she moans. “That’s so good.”


ill tickle?” I mumble.


I reach up, cupping her breasts, gently squeezing while I lick and suck until she’s writhing on the bed.

“You couldn’t do this outside,” she whispers.

Answering requires taking my mouth off her and I don’t want to do that, so I grunt in agreement.

“Blake,” she whispers desperately. “I’m close.”

I keep lapping and sucking. Her hands end up in my hair, grabbing and yanking. Her hips move in time with my kisses and I wrap my arms around her legs, pressing my hands against her belly.

I lick faster, harder, flick my tongue against her clit until her legs clamp around my damn head.

She screams a bunch of sounds. None of them are actual words. Love how I’m able to drive her mindless with pleasure.

She shudders and shakes as I ease back. I straighten up and swipe my hand over my mouth and chin. She’s beautiful all spread out and flushed, a dreamy smile on her lips.

She raises her arms, reaching for me and I pull her up. She presses a quick kiss to my cheek. “Thank you.”

I don’t have a chance to answer because she crawls onto the bed, ass in the air. “I hope we’re not finished,” she says.

Don’t need anymore encouragement than that. I rub the head of my cock against her slickness and she pushes back, gasping as I fill her to the hilt.

I grip her hips, angling her the way that works best for both of us.

Good. Fucking amazing, the way I fill her, hard and fast. Too fast. I want to take my time.

Slow Down. Enjoy.

Alexa’s furious screams fill the air.


Everything just stops.

“Shit.” Heidi untangles herself from me. This isn’t the first or even the tenth time something similar has happened. “I’ll be right back. Stay there.” She kisses my cheek. “I’m sorry.”

Before she gets off the bed, I catch her hand. “Don’t be sorry. I’ll be here waiting.”

She grabs my shirt and slips it over head, then races out the door.

“Fuck,” I groan low enough she won’t hear me. I don’t want her to feel bad about something that’s not even her fault.

Christ, my fucking balls hurt. I stand and stretch, then sit on the edge of the bed, stroking my cold, lonely, and confused cock.

What’s probably only a few minutes later, but feels like an eternity, she returns, looking tired and definitely not in the mood to finish.

“Is she okay?”

“Everything’s fine.” She places her hands behind her back and leans against the door. “I just got a vivid reminder of what this leads to.”

I snort. From now on I should be the one to go when this happens. There’s not a damn thing that could dampen my desire for Heidi.

“All right.” I stop stroking my cock so she sees I’m sincere. “I understand.”

“Are you mad?”

“No.” I’d been saving this for later, but now might work. “Hey, I got you something.”

She quirks an eyebrow and drops her gaze to my dick.

“No, you already own that.”

She chuckles. I hold out my hand and she takes it, sitting next to me on the bed. Without letting go, I reach over to the dresser drawer and slide it open, taking out a small rectangular box.

“What is it?” she asks.

It occurs to me that she probably won’t know what it is, since I haven’t found evidence that she already owns one. Figuring it’s just easier to show her, I pluck it out of the protective foam and flick it on. The quiet whir fills the air between us as I lightly run it over her bare leg.

Her eyes widen with curiosity and maybe interest. “Is that a vibrator? What made you think I needed one?”

I will not tell her I walked in on Wrath when he was ordering Christmas presents at the clubhouse. He’s already done enough to fuck up my night. “I thought it might be fun.”

She cocks her head and stares at me for a minute. “You know you’re enough for me, right?” Her eyes travel the length of me. “More than enough.”

I give myself a few cocky strokes. “Trust me. I know.”

She huffs out a short laugh. Her teeth sink into her bottom lip. “Maybe.”

I brush her hair off her face and kiss her cheek. “You wanna just go to sleep?”

“I think so.”

I stand and flip the light off, then gather her up and settle us under the covers. She curls up against me, resting her arm over my stomach. “Blake?”


“Are you bored with me?”

“Fuck no.”

She snuggles closer, her head on my chest, hand over my heart. One of my arms is curled around her, my hand absently stroking her hip. I’m too wound up to sleep any time soon.

My restless fingers keep moving and before I realize it, I’m stroking soft skin. She rolls closer, slinging her leg over mine and my hand drops lower cupping her butt.

“Blake?” she whispers.


“Will it hurt?”


“The toy.”

I turn, staring down at her. There’s enough light to see her curious eyes blinking up at me. “Would I ever hurt you?”


I wait, eager but controlled, wanting her to make the decision.

“Let’s try it.”

It’s hard—ha!—but somehow I manage not to jump out of bed and beat on my chest.

“I left it on the nightstand.” Again, I want it to be her choice.

She twists her upper body, straining to reach the nightstand. We have a small light sitting on top of it that throws off a weak glow and she clicks that on before returning with the wand. A much more eager and interested expression brightens her face this time.

“It’s so pretty and cute.” She turns it over, checking it out.

Yeah, if it’s her first one, I sure as shit wasn’t going to buy some stainless steel eight-pronged monster vibrator to scare her with. This is pink and silver with little pink crystals studded along the handle. Almost innocent looking. Almost. Like Heidi.

“Show me,” she says, handing it over.

I roll to my side, facing her. “Lie back.”

She settles against the pillows. Even parting her legs, but I don’t start there. I flick the switch and hold it in front of her face for a few seconds, then lower it to her breasts, still covered by my T-shirt. The second the little vibrating head makes contact she gasps.



“Not exactly.”

Her eyelids flutter shut and I take my time teasing both nipples to hard little points. I lean closer and take one between my teeth, using enough pressure to make her moan.

I glance up and find her watching me. “Take my shirt off?” she asks.

“Happy to.”

She sits up, allowing me to drag the shirt up and over her head. Then my mouth’s on hers. Slowly exploring and reconnecting.

“More,” she whispers against my lips.

I pull back, staring down at her, admiring her flushed cheeks. Slowly, I drag the vibrator down her body. She laughs when it grazes her stomach. Gasps when I settle it right above her clit.

“Oh my God! Holy shit.”

It’s not manly to gloat, so I smother my smile and keep pleasing her. “How’s that feel?”


She grabs onto my arm, digging her nails in. “Blake. Oh. I.” Her eyes close and her head falls back, her body jerking under me.

“That’s it,” I encourage in a low voice.

“I…” she gasps and her eyes pop open.


“I need you. Inside me.”

“Hold this,” I say, placing her fingers around the wand. “Keep it right there.”

“Fuck,” she moans, arching her back as I push deep inside. I brace my arms by her shoulders, caging her in with my body. She lifts her hips, rocking her sexy

fucking body against mine.

“How’s that?”

She answers with a long moan that increases in volume with every thrust.

“Spread your legs. Let me see.”

With a high-pitched moan she opens her thighs wider so I can watch where our bodies meet. Stare at her hand rubbing the little wand over her clit.

“Good. So hot. So fucking good, Heidi.”

“Uh. Yes.”

I cover her with my body, grinding my hips against her, and fuck if the vibrations from that toy don’t travel right down my dick.

She lifts her head to kiss me, moaning into my mouth. Endless cries and gasps. Her eyes roll back and she shudders hard. “Oh my God.”

Tight. Fuck, I can feel every squeeze and flutter as she comes apart beneath me. I can’t help following her and marveling at how good we are together.

Still breathing hard, she opens her eyes and stares up at me. The vibrations stop and she tosses the wand next to us. “You were right. That was fun.”

Laughter bursts out of me and I kiss her forehead before pulling out. “Everything with you is fun.”

The smile that lights up her face is my Christmas come early.



“Oh my God. What time is it?” I rasp without opening my eyes.

Marcel wraps one strong, warm arm around my waist, pulling me closer. “Merry Christmas,” he murmurs, trailing kisses over my shoulder.

More baby giggles from across the hall make me smile. Marcel’s laughter rumbles against my back. “I think Alexa’s ready for Christmas.”

“I can’t believe she’s awake so early when we were up until midnight making cookies for Santa,” I whisper.

“She passed out and the grown-ups did all the work,” Marcel reminds me.

The bed shifts and a few seconds later soft pink light pulls my eyelids open. Marcel swaggers over—bare torso on display and sexy boxer-briefs showcasing his impressive package—to the bed and wraps his hand around my ankle.

Slowly, he drags me to the edge of the bed. “Come on, to save time I’m going to give you your Christmas orgasm in the shower.”

Outside our door, Alexa squeals again. Heidi shushes her which only makes Alexa yell louder.