“Uh, no.” There’s no way I’m drinking when Wrath and I are engaged in a game of orgasm chicken.

Before Willow tries to talk me into a drink, I pour two ginger ale and cranberry juice and hand one off to Hope.

Wrath finally shows up, crooked grin in place. I swear I almost combust at the sight of him.

Especially when he leans down to whisper in my ear, “I forgot to tell you how pretty you look tonight.”

The warmth and sweetness in his voice seems at odds with his Viking-biker appearance. Maybe that’s why it’s extra swoony. “Thank you.”

He runs his hands over my hips and ass. “You need more things in this material.”

Chuckling, I turn, catching him for a quick kiss. “There’s a problem in paradise.”

He raises an eyebrow.

“There’s a malfunction. Down there.”

He still seems confused, but checks to see if Rock needs him and then pulls me away.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“Somewhere private.”

At first I’m worried he means the VIP rooms, but he steers us in the opposite direction, heading for Z’s office. He pulls out a key and flicks on the light before pushing me inside.

“What’s going on?”

I point to my crotch. “Your little torture device isn’t working right.”

He barks out a laugh. “Torture device. Tell me you’re not loving it.”

I glance away, because we both know I’d be lying.

“You didn’t want to adjust it yourself?” he asks.

Placing my hands on my hips, I narrow my eyes. “I didn’t think you’d like your wife shoving her hand down her panties in front of everyone.”

“Good call.”

“Everything okay out there?” I ask.

“Yeah. Waiting to see who else shows up.”

“Ugh. Tawny’s not coming, is she?”

He gives me an are you serious look. “Fuck no. Sway wouldn’t bring her to this when there’s so much free pussy running around.”

I give him a little kick for the “free pussy” comment. “You’re not hoping for a lap dance later?” I tease.

He takes the question more seriously then I intended. “Only woman I want dancing on my dick is you and you can do that at home.”

“You don’t want a private dance from your wife in the gladiator room?”

He cocks an eyebrow. “There isn’t enough disinfectant in this club to make me take you in there. You wanna pole dance for me, I’m more than happy to install one in our bedroom, Angel Face.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “You better not let Z overhear you say that. You’ll hurt his feelings.”

“Quit stalling and hike up that dress so I can take care of my pussy.”

“Your pussy,” I grumble, wiggling the dress up around my hips and wriggling my Spanx off.

He cups my face with his hand and places a rough kiss on my lips. “Try and deny it.”

“Nope,” I whisper.

“Good, now get up on the desk so I can fix it so we can go back to the party.” He cocks his head and a there’s a devious curve to his lips. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll even let you come.”

I drape myself over the desk and put my feet up the way he asks.

“One of the snaps came loose,” he mumbles and curses as he fixes it, the whole time ratcheting my excitement higher and higher.

A few seconds later, he flicks it on and I jump. “Shit! It’s working now.”

It goes up another notch.

“Oh, fuck.”

“That’s right,” he encourages in a low voice. He presses a kiss to my knee and strokes my inner thighs with his hands.

I lose track of time, lose track of everything except the steady, glorious buzz, Wyatt’s firm touch and commanding voice.

“Wyatt.” I reach for him and he takes my hand.

“Come on. Let go for me, Trinity,” he whispers.

My head falls back and I’m not sure what he’s up to until he lifts my hips and slams into me. He thrusts hard and deep. There’s no time to brace myself or appreciate the fullness of him.

“Oh my God!”

“No, just me, Angel Face.”

I can’t help laughing and I reach up to touch his face. He leans into my palm and closes his eyes for a second. I curl my other hand around his forearm.

“That’s right. Hold onto me,” he urges. “Let yourself go. Come for your husband.”

He fucks faster, hammering into me with long, deep strokes.

So much pressure builds, racing through me and finally bursting into intense pleasure. I let out a low, guttural groan as wave after wave washes over me. My body jerks as I glance up and find Wyatt’s eyes pinned on me. So many emotions without having to say a word.

He keeps thrusting until he comes with a long groan of satisfaction.

I need a second to figure out where I am. I’ve been painfully hard most of the night thinking about the little vibrator snuggled up next to Trinity’s clit. It was only a matter of time before I dragged her into a private room to fuck her senseless.

That she so sweetly told me about the malfunction and wanted me to fix it was the real kicker. I never needed to fuck her more than I did that second.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Z shouts behind me. “What the fuck, Wrath?”

“Get out!”

I couldn’t give a fuck less if he sees my bare ass, but I don’t want him embarrassing Trinity.

The door slams shut and Trinity falls back on the desk, covering her face with her hands. At first I think she’s crying, but the hysterical noises coming out of her are laughter.

“Oh my God. Poor Z.” She laughs even harder.

When she finally catches her breath, she hops off the desk and leans up to kiss me. “Thank you for letting me come,” she purrs.

Z might be out of luck and waiting out there for a while.

I help her clean up and put herself back together before fixing myself up. She smooths her hair back into place and raises an eyebrow.

“All straightened out.” I circle my finger over her chest and cheeks. “Except for the freshly fucked glow you’ve got going on.”

“That, I’ll wear proudly.”

“Hey.” I curl my arm around her waist, clapping my hand over her ass, and haul her against me. “Thank you.”


“Letting me be a filthy beast with you.”

She lets out a soft sigh and reaches up to kiss me again. “I love my filthy beast-man.”

I hug her tighter and make a few growly noises against her throat until she’s laughing and pushing me away.

“Seriously!?” Z shouts from the other side of the door.

Trinity chokes on her laughter and waves her hand at the door. Keeping my arm around her, I open it and face a pissed-off Z.

“My desk? Really? Weren’t you just bragging about having a house to fornicate in?”

Like the dick I love being, I scratch my chin. “I’d say sorry, but I’d be lying.”

“Get out of here.” He pushes past us and slams the door behind him.

Trinity’s gaze darts to the door. “You think he’s really that mad at us?”

“No. He’s mad at me. And he’ll get over it.”

I test the remote and she jumps. “Jesus, Wyatt, give a girl a second to recover.”

“Just making sure it’s working, Trin.” I lean down and brush my lips against her ear. “And reminding you whose pussy that is.”


“Come on, Sway,” Rock says. “I have a table set up in the back.”

Wrath and Trinity meet us on the way over, both of them flushed and sweaty-looking.

I nudge Trin with my elbow. “What were you two up to?”

She jumps even though we’re standing right next to each other. “Nothing. Why?”

“No reason.” I reach around and extract something shiny out of her hair—which is much fuzzier look

ing than it was twenty minutes ago. “Were you two rolling around on Z’s desk?” I ask in my sternest mom voice, holding the paper clip in front of her face.

“Don’t judge me, backseat baby doll.”

My jaw drops. “What did you call me?”

She tilts her head and stares at me until we both start laughing. Wrath glances down at us and raises an eyebrow. His questioning expression turns to devious when Trinity plucks the paper clip out of my hand and thrusts it in his face.

He takes it and shoves it his pocket.

Trinity jolts again and I give her the side-eye. “Are you practicing your dance moves, twitchy?”

“What? No.”

Rock nudges me into the booth first and Trinity ends up on my other side. I have the impression Wrath and Rock planned out our seating arrangements ahead of time to keep anyone else away from us.

Sway doesn’t stay with us long. The girl who’d been in the dressing room earlier hoping to hook up with Wrath ends up grinding on Sway’s lap for a few songs before leading him into one of the back rooms with a bottle of champagne.

Z ends up taking Sway’s seat.

“Do you have to use a blacklight to clean up the VIP rooms?” I ask Z, who smirks at the question.

“And a lot of bleach,” he adds.

Rock’s questioning eyes meet mine. “You mad?”

“About Sway cheating on his wife? Couldn’t care less.” I consider some of the conversations I’ve had with Tawny in the past. “I’m sure she’s having her own jolly time with some unsuspecting elf right about now anyway. That’s their business.”

Z spits out the beer he’d just taken a sip of and Rock chokes.

Trinity has her head buried against Wrath’s shoulder, shaking with laugher and Wrath just clucks his tongue at me. “Cinderella. What have we done to you?”

I raise an eyebrow, hoping he’ll explain.

“I have a feeling before us, you would’ve been outraged on Tawny’s behalf,” he says.

“There are probably lots of things I never did before I met Rock.” I lean over and whisper in Rock’s ear. “For example, I never wore crotchless tights before I met you.”

He groans and closes his eyes.

The Wolf Knights MC joins us next and Wrath’s the one to greet them, and bring them to our table.

After they leave, Rock leans in closer. “You know I can’t stop thinking about what’s under your dress,” he murmurs against my ear.

“That’s why it was supposed to be a surprise for later.”

His hand lands on my leg, keeping a firm, possessive grip while someone else comes over to demonstrate their obsequience to the King.

Z taps Rock’s arm and juts his chin toward the door. “Look sharp, Prez.”

Reaching down, Rock takes my hand and pulls me out of the booth with him.

The tall, wiry black man he stops in front of definitely isn’t a biker. At least I can’t picture anyone in a bright red suit, white shirt and black tie on a motorcycle. On anyone else, it would probably be a garish imitation of a Santa suit, but this guy makes it work. The two beautiful women on either side of him don’t hurt either. His wild eyes land on Rock and he breaks into a big smile, holding his arms out and shooing his companions away.

I’m close enough to both feel and hear the growl in Rock’s throat. He’s normally a quick handshake sort of guy with non-Lost Kings. But he tolerates the brotherly hug and backslap from this man for about three whole seconds before pulling back.

“Mr. North! You finally trust me enough to invite me to one of your VIP events.”

Rock heaves out a sigh. “You’ve been here plenty of times, Loco.” He gestures to me. “This is my wife, Hope.”

I extend my hand and he grabs it, bringing it to his lips in an unexpected gentlemanly way.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. North.”

“Ah, thank you, mister…?”

“Loco. Everyone calls me Loco.”

“Okay.” I glance at Rock for confirmation and he nods. His head’s probably about to explode since Loco’s lips are still hovering over the back of my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Loco. Thank you for joining us.”

Finally, he drops my hand and straightens up, focusing his attention on Rock.

“I ran into Black Wrath outside. Where’s Original Wrath?”

I have to duck my head to hide my snort of laughter. This man’s either ballsy or crazy.

Rock shows him to our table, and Wrath’s surprisingly friendly. Well, friendly for Wrath.

“Mrs. Wrath! Nice to see you.”

“Hi, Loco,” Trinity says, waving at him, but not moving from Wrath’s side.

Rock and Loco speak in low tones, but I catch Sparky’s name a few times.

“Is Sparky here yet?” I ask.

Rock glances up and nods. “He’s in the break room.”

“Oh, good.” I worry about Sparky spending so much time in the basement.

Wrath leans over to join Rock and Loco’s conversation, sort of squishing Trinity against me. “Let’s go dance,” she says, grabbing my hand. Wrath stands to let us out of the booth.

I have no intention of doing anything resembling dancing in a building full of half-naked, younger, professional dancers, but it’s a relief to get away from the men so they can “discuss business.”

“Now that’s a classy dame, Rock. Good for you,” Loco says, slapping me on the back. “I feel like we’ve entered a new phase in our relationship here. You lettin’ me near your precious and all.”

“You trying to do business or date me, Loco?”

“Tonight? Neither.”

“Well, reconsider, because I have someone coming I think you should meet.”

He raises an eyebrow, but before he has a chance to question it, Sway joins us, patting Loco’s shoulder to grab his attention.

While they talk, my gaze scans the crowd looking for Hope. She’s at the bar with Trinity and Willow—exactly where I want her if she’s not with me.

The DJ announces Swan’s performance and Hope rushes over with Trinity in tow. Our table’s more crowded now, so she ends up in my lap, which suits me fine.

“Have fun?”

“Sure. I always like talking to Willow.”

“You keep the club’s girls in line, Mrs. North?” Loco asks her.

Her forehead wrinkles and she shakes her head.

“You dance?”

“God, no. I’d trip over my own feet.”

Loco chuckles and sits back, spreading his arms over the back of the bench and not taking his eyes off my woman, which is starting to get real fucking annoying.

Hope’s saved from more questions and Loco’s saved from me breaking his face, by the lights going down and Swan taking the stage.


Alexa’s delighted to find the tree in front of the living room window. I guess from her perspective a tree inside the house is pretty damn exciting all by itself. Just wait until we get it decorated.

With her head tipped back, mouth open, and wide eyes, she watches while Heidi and I unwind strings of lights and work them into the branches. Around and around.

“Should we wait and do the ornaments with Rock and Hope?” Heidi asks when we run out of lights.

“Sure. Let’s see how these look though.”

I plug it in, unprepared for the shrieks of joy behind me. Alexa freaking out.

“Twee! Twee!” She crawls closer and Heidi pulls her back.

“No touching. Just looking,” Heidi reminds her.


“Yes. Look. No touch.”

Heidi settles on the floor in front of the tree with Alexa in her lap. I stand behind Heidi and she tips her head back, resting it against my leg.

“I think she likes it,” I say.

“Me too.”

Eventually, I drop down next to them. “What’d you think about Charlotte offering to have us stay there for Christmas Eve?”

She nibbles on her

bottom lip. “I really like the idea. Would you be okay with that?”

“I think it would be nice to let Rock and Hope have the house to themselves for Christmas Eve and Marcel would love having you guys there.” I hesitate because I’m not trying to lay a guilt trip on her.


“He missed you and Alexa last year.”

She nods slowly. “Let’s do it. We’ll come back here and do presents in the afternoon with Rock and Hope. Then Trinity’s planning a big dinner at the clubhouse for everyone. I promised I’d help her and Swan.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Wow, I feel like such a grown up.”

I chuckle and pull her closer. “You’ve been one for a while now.”

She glances down at Alexa’s sleepy face and smiles. “Yeah.”

A few minutes later, Alexa conks out completely, hands fisted in Heidi’s shirt and a happy smile in place.

“My legs are asleep,” Heidi whispers.

“Here, I’ll take her.”

Gently, I lift Alexa, praying like hell I don’t wake her. Together, Heidi and I put her to bed.

We return to the living room and she flops on the couch.

“Tired?” I ask.

“It was a good day.”

I sit next to her and pull her against my side. “Day’s not over yet.”

“Are you sure you’re not mad you couldn’t go to the party?” Heidi asks.

The thought of spending another night of my life inside a strip club actually makes me want to vomit.

Totally normal for a guy my age, right?

But I’m perfectly content right where I am. My girl snuggled up on the couch next to me and Alexa sleeping in her room.

“Blake?” Heidi prompts when I take too long to answer.

Love Heidi so damn much, but some nights she frustrates me.

Placing two fingers on her cheek, I turn her to face me. “If I really wanted to go, I would’ve gone.”

Her eyes widen at the simple truth.

“Spending the evening at Crystal Ball or spending all day and night with my girls? No contest. None. This is exactly where I want to be tonight and every night.”

A hesitant smile flickers over her lips and she exhales slowly.