Wrath groans. “Don’t tell me, Merlin’s already busting a gasket over your girl?”

I snap my fingers and point at him. “Got it in one try.”

“Jesus Christ,” Z grumbles.

“What are you asking the club to do?” Rock asks.

“I’m not sure yet.”

“What happened?” Rock asks. “Start there.”

“Her mom died.”

Most of my brothers offer some sort of condolence, not realizing what a bitch her mother was.

“Merlin ordered or threatened her not to take me to the funeral.”

“Let me guess,” Rock says. “You went anyway.”

“I didn’t know he had a problem until afterward. Her brother’s the one who asked me to come.”

Wrath raises an eyebrow, but I’m not in the mood to get into details.

“That’s why you were having issues?” Murphy asks.

So much for not getting into details.

“Yes. Once I got there and made it clear to Merlin I was only there for Charlotte and Carter, he seemed to step back. Invited us to the clubhouse afterward, but I don’t think he’s suddenly going to be okay.”

“Carter’s her brother?” Z asks.


“You went to their clubhouse unprotected and alone?” Wrath asks.

“I wasn’t wearing colors or anything. I laid low.”

“Bro, that’s beyond fuckin’ stupid,” Dex says. “What if he and his crew jumped you?”

“I didn’t know he had an issue with me at the time.”

“Your girl didn’t mention it before you went in?” Wrath asks in a low voice that snaps my attention to him. “You’re not the least bit concerned about that?”


“You need me to spell it out for you, little brother?”

“Fuck you. Don’t patronize me.”

“Well.” His lips curl into a half-smirk. “At least she’s teaching you some big words.”

“Come on, bro. That ain’t necessary,” Murphy says.

Considering I’ve been such a dick to him lately, I’m surprised Murphy’s sticking up for me against Wrath.

“She did try to talk me out of going back to the clubhouse. I didn’t know why at the time and I thought he’d take it as disrespect if we didn’t show up.”

“He say anything to you?”

“I got into it a little with Keeper when he said some shit about Carter.”

Wrath smirks. “You and your big mouth. Can’t help yourself, can you?”

Since Wrath seems to be amused, I don’t take offense. I sit back, tapping my pen against the edge of the table. “Pickin’ on Carter’s like kicking a fucking puppy. I wasn’t gonna sit there and let them talk shit about him without saying something.”

Rock nods in approval before glancing around the room. “Right now, Merlin’s issue seems to be with her. He hasn’t threatened you, right?”

“No. I thought we had an understanding.” I take a deep breath. “I’m asking the club to protect her if things get any worse.”

“You sayin’ you’re taking Merlin’s niece as your ol’ lady?” Ravage’s tone conveys every bit of his shock.

“Yes.” As soon as I say it, I know it’s true. Of course I am. I stare at my hands for a few beats before continuing. “She didn’t tell me right away because she was afraid I’d have words with Merlin and she didn’t want to start any trouble between our clubs.”

“So she led you into a dangerous situation to protect the club?” Wrath asks. “How thoughtful.”

“Do you have to be such a dick?”

“Simmer down, Both of you,” Rock barks. He turns to me. “Keep us updated on the situation. If it gets worse, we’ll discuss it again.”

He’s not bringing it up for a vote. Not yet. I can live with that. They don’t have enough information yet.

Rock dismisses everyone but asks me to stay.

“You all right with this?” he asks after the door shuts behind Murphy.

“I understand.”

Rock tilts his head, studying me for a moment before answering. “You’re sure about her?”

“More than ever, Prez.”

He sighs and runs a hand over his head. “I know there have been times when I was hard on you.”


“Let me finish,” he growls, cutting me off. “You’ve always been a good kid, Marcel. What were you, twelve? When I caught you trying to sneak into the garage?”

“Yeah, something like that.” That has to be one of the most humiliating days of my life.

“You impressed the hell out of me.”

This is news to me. And I know for sure Rock isn’t easily impressed by anyone.

A couple questions land on my tongue, but I wait for him to continue.

“You were already an adult. Had a lot of responsibility. You never complained though. Always did what needed to be done.”

“Had no choice.”

“Sure you did.” He keeps his steady gray eyes focused on me. “You reminded me a lot of myself. Still do. If I’m hard on you, it’s just because I didn’t want you making the same mistakes I did.” Finally, he glances away and I feel like I can take a breath.

“You think I’m making a mistake with Charlotte?” I ask.

“Not at all. She understands the life. Doesn’t put up with your shit.”

“You think that’s a good thing?” I joke.

“Yes. It’s also what you need to keep you level.”

“Hope doesn’t give you shit.”

He snorts and shakes his head. “Here? No. Home—”

“Trin doesn’t—”

He points at the door. “You do remember her volunteering to let Ransom grab her and arguing with Wrath about it? Trin picks her battles carefully. But don’t ever think she’s a pushover. It takes a strong woman to put up with this life.” His mouth curves into a smirk. “You know damn well Heidi gives Murphy hell when he needs it.”

Now it’s my turn to snort.

“Charlotte messed up with Trinity. Not gonna lie, Wrath won’t forgive that anytime soon. You wouldn’t either if the roles were reversed. But she owned up. Apologized. Tried to make it right as soon as possible. She’s not a coward.”

“She did feel bad about it. Still does.”

“I know. That’s why I think she’ll make it here. She’s tough, but she has a heart.”

“She really does.”

“The right woman.” His mouth curls into a smile. “Even if she’s full of flaws will make you a stronger man.”

“You think Charlotte’s the right one?”

“Don’t know. Doesn’t really matter what I think. You’re smiling more than scowling these days. I know that.”

After some of the things Charlotte told me, I’m questioning myself. Rock’s shrewd gaze travels over me.

“Anything else?”

“She…shit, I feel like an asshole even talking about this.”

“It’s what I’m here for,” Rock says.

“You’re the only one I trust not to make a joke out of it. Or to slip up and say something to her.” I also know Rock won’t treat her any differently if I tell him this. And it’s been bugging me.

Rock waits patiently for me to continue.

“She likes it…rougher than I’m used to.”

He raises an eyebrow.

“Rougher than I’m used to handling a girl.”

He nods slowly without commenting right away. “You talk with her about it?”

“No. I think she just expects—”

“You to do it because you’re a big, rough guy?”


He sighs and glances at the door. “I saw so much shit in the early days of the club that I always wanted to make it clear to you two that you don’t hurt women.”

Yes, Murphy and I had lots of those talks with Rock.

“But you’re smart enough to know the difference between hurting

someone and giving your woman what she asks for.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

“Does it bother you?”

“No. Fuck. I feel like it should, but—”

He holds up a hand. “Got it.”

Jesus, I feel like a teenager having a talk with my dad. Except I’m not a teenager and my dad was long gone by the time I was old enough for the talk normal kids have with their parents. Watching, learning, experimenting at the clubhouse is where it’s all come from.

“It’s more than that. She likes…” Shit, this has been bothering me for a while now. “Something Mariella told me Ransom used to do all the time. To terrorize her.” The brutal stories of that fucker choking her until she passed out while he raped her have never left me.

“Figured you had your reasons for taking him out the way you did.”

I flash a grim smile. Rock’s seen me at my very worst and stood right by my side. All my brothers have at one time or another, but Ransom’s death was the only one I ever enjoyed. I’m not proud of that, but the fucker had every bit of pain coming his way.

“If it bothers you, talk to her. Maybe don’t mention Mariella,” he suggests. “Whatever you do, don’t ever make her feel bad about it, though.”

“I don’t…at least I don’t think I have.”

“If she needs something you don’t think you can give her, that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with being honest with yourself. But, don’t you dare shame her about it.”

“I wouldn’t.”

He nods as if he really didn’t think I would.

I crack a smile. “Bet you didn’t expect to have the birds and bees talk with me when I was almost thirty.”

“Fuck, you make me feel old.” He jerks his thumb toward the rest of the clubhouse. “Murphy and Heidi are killing me as it is. He tries to get Alexa to call me grandpa one more time, I might gut him.”

I can’t help laughing. Rock even laughs with me.

“I got Jasper and a bigger crew up here while they were away. Made a lot of progress on the house. So, they should be out of your hair soon, I hope.”

He waves his hand in the air. “I’m kidding. It’s fine having them there.” He gives me a more pointed look. “Murphy done with this fighting bullshit?”

“I think so.”

He slaps the table. “Anything else?”

“No, just Merlin’s a bigger dick than I ever realized,” I say.

“Figured there was more to the story.” He levels me with a stern glare. “You’ll tell the club when it’s right.”

It’s both an observation and an order.

I’m still hoping I can diffuse things before they get out of control.

Except, Merlin’s a loose cannon, so keeping this from turning bloody might not be up to me.


After Marcel leaves, I look for my phone to text my brother.

I can’t find it anywhere.

Not in the shitty black dress I was wearing. Not in my purse.


Did I lose it at the clubhouse?

I know I had it with me yesterday. In fact, it’s the last time I remember having it at all.


I scribble a quick note for my brother and head down to the last place on earth I feel like visiting right now.

When I arrive, the back door of the clubhouse sits ajar. I open it in increments before peeking inside. It’s dark and shadowy except for light spilling out of their chapel. I had hoped the only person I’d run into might be a random club girl cleaning up after the guys.

Skirting the chapel door, I stop at the bar and do a quick search of the shelves behind it to see if someone turned in my phone.


Next, I hit the couch we’d been sitting on. My whole body cringes as I shove my hand between the cushions. Good God only knows what I’ll encounter. A lot of crumbs. Something sticky. Something sharp. Something I’m pretty-sure-but-don’t-want-to-verify is a used condom.

“Blech,” I mutter, wiping my hands on my jeans.

“You need to remind her who her family is, Prez.” That sounds like Keeper’s voice. Intrigued, I move closer to the door.

“Don’t tell me how to handle my family,” Chuck snaps.

“All he’s saying is you need to reel her in closer, not piss her off.” I can’t identify that voice, but it has to be another member.

“Fuck their grow op. Ironworks is more valuable to us,” someone else says.

“That’s what we want a piece of.” I recognize that voice—Hudson. “I don’t think Charlotte can help us on that one. We should leave her out of it.”

“Aw, that’s precious. You still sweet on lil’ Charlotte?” Keeper taunts. “Pissed she’s gettin’ it regularly from a King?”

“Fuck you.”

“Watch how you address your VP,” Keeper warns.

“Start acting like a fucking VP then,” Tiki says, which makes me laugh. Tiki’s older than dirt and been a member forever. VP or not, Keeper won’t give him lip.

“Fucking bullshit, them cutting us out of Ironworks after all the times we’ve helped them out over the years,” Uncle Chuck grumbles.

A ball of ice settles in my gut.

I’ve known all along my uncle would try to exploit my relationship with Marcel and I’d been fully prepared to tell him to fuck himself when the time came. The fact that the whole club seems to be discussing it at the table is worse than I anticipated.

“I might be more cautious, brother.” That grave tone can only belong to Whisper.

“’Bout what?” my uncle snaps.

Whisper’s voice lowers, and I have to creep closer to the door to hear him. “Teller’s not someone you want to mess with.”

“I’m not scared of that dumb fuck.”

My blood boils hearing him speak that way about Marcel.

“He earned that treasurer patch when he was nineteen. You think a club with the resources they have would vote in a moron to handle their money?”

“What’d you hear from Loco?” Chuck asks, ignoring Whisper’s logic.

“Nothing,” someone answers. “That fucker’s been sucking down Lost Kings Kool-Aid for too long.”

“Sucking Rock’s dick is more like it,” Chuck jokes. “You put some pressure on him?”

“With what leverage? He won’t budge. Seems convinced Rock’s crew has his back.”

A few moments of silence pass before my uncle speaks. “How can you work with Wrath for years and be so useless?” That question has to be directed at Whisper.

“We never talked MC business at the gym.”

Chuck grumbles something that I can’t catch.

“I’m inclined to agree with your SAA. Loco’s scared shitless of Teller,” someone else cautions.

“Loco’s afraid of someone?”

“Said Teller’s a crazy motherfucker. I’m guessing it has something to do with the Vipers disappearing.”

“You think Rock’s crew was part of that?”

“Without a doubt.”

My uncle’s quiet for a second.

“All the more reason to have Charlotte find out what she can.” That sounds like Keeper. “If she’s gonna keep spreading her legs for him, let’s use it to our advantage, Prez.”

Fuck you, Keeper.

“Did they go in wearing colors?” Chuck asks. “So that crazy asshole understood who he’s dealing with?”

“Fuck no. That’d be suicide stepping on Lost Kings’ territory—”

“Kings don’t run Ironworks yet as far as I’m concerned. These fools want to patch-over, they need to fucking earn it. Have them go back and make it clear the threat to his business is very real.”


“Get it done.” He mumbles a bunch of curses. “What?” he snaps.

“While they’re working that angle, let’s see what Charlotte can find out for us,” Keeper suggests, and it’s ticking me off that he keeps bringing me into this

bumbling plan.

“Char ain’t gonna spy on her lil’ boyfriend,” my uncle spits out and I bet it’s pissing him off to admit in front of his bros that he can’t control his niece. I’d laugh if I wasn’t approaching pee-my-pants level of fear.

“Don’t need her to,” someone says. “We got this.”

“You drop a bug in it?”

“It ain’t the eighties, Prez. All I needed to do was upload an app.”

“Whatever.” My uncle doesn’t have a sense of humor when it comes to people making him look stupid, so whoever that was clearly doesn’t fear him all that much.

“Prez, with all due respect, this is a bad idea,” Whisper cautions.

“You spent too many years working with Wrath. Forgot who your brothers are.”

“I ain’t forgot shit.”

“Ulfric never shoulda allowed you to be in business with him. Our clubs shouldn’t be mixing money.”

“Fuck you. That mixing brought a lot of money into this club.”

“Yeah, and turned you into Wrath’s bitch.”

“I ain’t no one’s bitch. I’m urging you to reconsider this plan. Teller isn’t stupid. You saw how protective he was of her at the funeral. He figures out you bugged his girl’s phone, it’s gonna start a world of trouble we don’t need right now.”

“I got a right to keep tabs on my niece,” he says in that sanctimonious tone that sets my teeth on edge. “I want to make sure she’s being treated right. Fuck only knows what goes on in their clubhouse.”

Oh, please.

Whisper’s loud sigh seems to say the same thing. “Teller won’t buy that for a hot minute.”

“How’s that asshole gonna figure it out?”

“Well, for one, they ain’t gonna let her near their clubhouse without Z checking her for shit just like that.”


The room’s dead silent for a few minutes. A chair creaks. There’s the harsh thump of something slamming against the table.

“Fine. I gave my opinion. We’re still allowed to do that, right, Prez?” Whisper says. I can vividly picture the sneer he’s probably wearing.

In the silence, I imagine the two of them staring each other down. “We finally got peace in this area. Got our own setup with the Devil Demons—which the Lost Kings helped us set up, I’ll remind you. We’re earning well. Keeping clean. I don’t think stirring up a war over a few miles of shitty Ironworks territory is worth it, but that’s on you, brother,” Whisper finishes. He’s not quite challenging Uncle Chuck, but he’s coming awfully close.