“And here I wasn’t sure if you even liked to ride.”

She wraps her arms around me, sticking her hands in my back pockets and tips her head back. “Is that your way of saying you want me on the back of your bike?”

“No, this is.” I lean down and brush my lips over hers.

She pulls me closer. “I’d be honored,” she whispers. “Whenever you’re ready.”

“Wanted to go this afternoon.” I jerk my head toward the clubhouse. “Those two fuck monkeys were supposed to come with us.”

“I heard that!” Heidi yells.

Charlotte and I turn to find Murphy and my sister coming toward us.

“You want me to tell you what I heard, little sister?” I shout back and laugh as Heidi’s face turns red and she smacks Murphy.

“What did I tell you about that?” I say, punching his arm when he’s within range. “I’m right next door for fuck’s sake.”

Murphy barely hides his satisfied grin. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Are we going for a ride?” Heidi asks, ignoring our whole exchange.

“I think that’s the plan,” Charlotte answers. She flicks her fingers at me. “Whenever they stop comparing the sizes of their cavemen clubs.”

“Eww,” Heidi groans.

“He’s definitely the bigger caveman,” I grumble. “But that’s about it.”

Heidi gags. “Make it stop, Charlotte.”

“So, we doing this or not?” Murphy asks.

“We’re going today?” Heidi’s gaze slides to Charlotte. “You too?”

I glance at Charlotte to make sure she’s still on board.

“Hell yes. I can’t wait,” she answers with more enthusiasm than I expected.

Heidi’s bottom lip trembles and her eyes shine. “That’s good.” She throws herself at me and gives me a tight hug. After a few seconds, she lifts her head, resting her chin on my chest. “So you like the bike?”

“You knew about it?”

“Of course I did.”

“Yes, it’s perfect.”

Heidi and Murphy end up running to Rock and Hope’s for some gear. I take Charlotte inside the clubhouse.

“We don’t have to do this right now if you don’t want to,” I tell Charlotte.

“I’m ready when you are.”

I brush the back of my hand over her cheek, blood boiling at the marks Merlin left on my girl. “Do you trust me?”

“More than anyone, Marcel.”

“Let’s do it.”

Opening the front closet, I search through extra jackets and other crap we store in here along with the club’s massive gun safe. I pull out a leather jacket and hand it to Charlotte. “This should fit you.” Her mouth twists as if she’s doubtful.

“It’s a little snug.”

“You look hot as fuck. Here. Put these on too.” I hand her a pair of leather gloves. “Shit, you need a helmet.” Why didn’t I plan this better, instead of doing everything half-assed?

The corners of her mouth twitch.

“Why are you laughing at me?”

“You’ll see.”

“I’m serious, you can’t ride without it.”

She rolls her eyes as if I’m being ridiculous. “Come on.”

She takes my hand and leads me outside. Heidi and Murphy are back, waiting for us. Murphy’s mouth twists, a little too smug for my taste. He hands Charlotte a helmet and she takes it. Not surprised at all.

By the looks of it, it’s brand-new. On closer inspection, it matches the faded blue paint of my bike. Except the helmet is sparkly where my bike has a matte finish.

“Did you? What, how, do you know about this?”

Charlotte slips the helmet on and tightens the strap under her chin as if she’s done this many times before. “Murphy asked me to meet him at the shop on Central Avenue a couple weeks ago to pick this out.”

“A couple weeks ago?” I stare at Murphy with my jaw hanging open for a few seconds. “You didn’t know if I’d ever be able to ride a couple weeks ago.”

“You were always going to ride again,” he answers. “It was just a question of when.”

Shaking my head, I slip on my own helmet. “More conspiring between you two,” I joke to hide the emotion welling up in my throat.

“Stop running your mouth. Let’s go,” Murphy says.

Even though it’s new, the second I straddle the bike, it feels like home. Even better when Charlotte climbs on behind me.

She sits too far back, and I grip her legs sliding her closer, so her thighs cradle my hips. Having her wrapped around me, her body so warm against mine, sends my senses into overdrive and the ride hasn’t even begun.

The loud rumble of pipes around me vibrates through my body. I wrap my arms around Marcel tighter, pressing my cheek against his soft leather jacket, inhaling his familiar scent.

“Park and back?” Murphy shouts.

Marcel gives him a thumbs-up.

Heidi reaches over and taps my bicep with her fist. I glance over and she mouths “thank you” to me.

We start down the driveway slow. It’s a bumpy ride over the dirt, gravel, and uneven ground. It’s really more rolling than riding. He slows at the gate. “You still okay back there?”

“Yes! Let’s ride,” I shout.

The roads out here aren’t wide enough for the guys to ride side-by-side. Murphy takes up a position behind us. My hair blows all around my face under my helmet. I haven’t been on the back of a bike since I was a teenager.

We pick up speed and I tighten my arms around him. I close my eyes, enjoying this feeling. Knowing that with him is exactly where I’m meant to be.


With the vibration of the new bike beneath me and my girl tight against my back, I’m harder than fucking steel when we reach the park. Instead of the overlook, I pull into the gazebo area where Wrath and Trinity held their wedding. It’s not so I can reminisce. There are a lot of private trails through the woods and a small building with a public restroom.

“Why’d you stop here?” Murphy asks.

Heidi already ran over to the gazebo when I stopped, but I captured Charlotte’s hand to keep her next to me.

“What? The view here is just as nice and there’re fewer people.”

His gaze strays to Heidi who’s waving us to come join her.

“Give us a second,” I say, tugging Charlotte toward the woods. “I need her to help me with something.”

This section of the park is empty today, which is fortunate. I pull Charlotte into the men’s room with me, locking the door behind us.

“What are you doing?” Her laughter echoes in the small space. “Do you need me to hold it for you?”

“I’m fucking you.” I spin her around to face the sink and mirror and she braces herself against the cool, white porcelain.

“Murphy and your sister are right outside.”

“I know,” I say, unbuttoning her jeans and yanking them to her knees. “That’s why I’m fucking you in here instead of bending you over my bike in the parking lot, which was my first choice.”

I keep one hand on her hip while freeing myself.

Her laughter turns to a sigh as I drag my cock through her wetness. I lean in and kiss her neck. “Did the ride excite you?”

“Yes,” she whispers, pushing her hot little ass into me and spreading her legs wider.

“Good, because I don’t think I can be gentle.”

She huffs out an annoyed breath and lifts her head staring at me in the mirror. “Stop talking and start fucking.”

That’s all the incentive I need to slam into her. My arm bands around her waist lifting her. She clings to the edge of the sink, holding herself steady for every quick thrust.

I slip my hand down to rub her clit determined to satisfy her before we leave this room.

“Fuck, just like that,” she begs. “Right there.”

“Shh, people outside.

She makes this grunting-growly noise that’s sexy as fuck. “Harder.”

“Fucking love the way you take my cock, Sunshine.”

“Love the way you give it. Now fuck me harder.”

I bury my face against her, scraping my teeth against her shoulder enough to make her shiver.

When I look up and meet her eyes in the mirror again, they’re wild and desperate. I slide one hand up to her neck, and she tilts her head back, giving herself to me. Watching her reflection closely, I gently squeeze until her eyes roll back and her pussy tightens around me.

When she opens her eyes again, I kiss her cheek. “Was that good, Sunshine? You came so hard for me.”

“Yes,” she mumbles, still dazed.

I grip her hips with both hands. “Now it’s my turn.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” And a bunch of other frantic sounds come out of her mouth.

My balls tighten, and streaks of white-hot pleasure shoot down my spine. I bury myself inside her, coming so hard my legs shake with the effort of holding us up.

We’re both breathing hard and take a few seconds to slow our racing hearts. When I think I can function, I reach for some paper towels to clean her up.

She wiggles away from me. “Ouch, those are rougher than the fucking you just gave me.”

I close my eyes and press my forehead against her back, trying not to laugh any louder.

“I don’t know how I’m going to face your sister and Murphy now,” she says, pulling up her pants.

“Serves them right.” I clean myself up in the sink. “Was I too rough on you?”

“No.” She leans in, placing her hand on my cheek. “You’re always perfect for me.”


We kiss and I groan into her mouth. “Careful or I’m taking your pants off again and this time you won’t get them back.”

There’s banging on the door. Charlotte’s eyes widen and her hand flies up over her mouth.

Moving her behind me, I open the door. But it’s just Murphy wearing an exasperated expression. Charlotte slides her hand into mine but stays behind me.

“Seriously, bro? Your sister’s traumatized now. I hope you’re happy.”

With my free hand, I pat his cheek.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

When we return to the clubhouse a couple hours later, Trinity calls us into the dining room. The whole club’s waiting for us. Whoops and shouts erupt from everyone.

Shaking my head, I move through the crowd, accepting hugs and handshakes from my brothers until I reach Trinity.

“Was this your doing?”

“I had some help.”

“You’re embarrassing the shit out of me, so I hope you at least made a cake.”

She laughs. “It’s in the kitchen.”

“I’ll help you out, Trinity,” Charlotte says, pulling her hand from my grasp.

First, we have dinner. The guys set up one of the long dining room tables, instead of the round ones we usually use so we can all eat together. There’re plenty of questions about the new bike and the first ride.

Charlotte elbows me in the ribs, so I leave out the part about the bathroom sex at the park.

After dinner, Trinity and Swan bring out the cake. They even stuck a candle in the middle of it. “It’s not my birthday,” I protest.

“Sure it is,” Rock says.

Shaking my head, I nudge Charlotte to help me blow out the candle, then turn and catch her lips for a quick kiss.

Her cheeks turn red when everyone heckles us.

I’m distracted by an incoming text.

“Everything okay?” Charlotte asks, peering over my shoulder.

I show her the text. “Your apartment’s been cleared.”

“I can imagine the mess they probably left it in.”

“I have a photo shoot in the morning, but Heidi and I can stop by and help you afterward,” Trinity offers.

Heidi nods. “That’ll be fun. I’ll finally get to see your apartment.”

“Don’t get too excited, your brother keeps saying it’s a shithole.”

Across the table, Z snorts.

Heidi leans back and reaches behind Charlotte to poke my arm. “You’re so rude.”

Alexa squeals and Heidi stops hassling me to pull her daughter out of her highchair, settling her in her lap.

“Your man tell you about the vacation he’s taking you on yet?” Wrath asks with a wide smirk. He knows damn well I haven’t had a chance to bring it up with Charlotte.

“Vacation?” Confusion strains her voice, and she turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

“We’re running to our downstate charter next weekend and I want you to go.”

“Oh.” Her gaze pings across the table, studying Wrath for a moment before answering. “Sure. Who else is going?”

“Most of us.”

“Not me!” Ravage calls down to us. “Someone needs to stay and guard the homestead.”

“Guard the pussy is more like it,” Z grumbles loud enough for everyone to hear.

“It’s a difficult job, but someone has to do it,” Rav shoots back.

Trinity covers her mouth and cough-laughs. “You’re going to love Tawny.”

“They run things a little different than we do up here,” Hope adds. “But it will be a good time.”

“Way to sell it, First Lady,” Murphy jokes.

Charlotte turns to Heidi. “Are you guys coming too?”

“We were just there not that long ago. And I’m not comfortable bringing Alexa down there.”

“I’ll be here to guard the fort and keep Ravage in line,” Murphy says.

Later that night in the room when we’re alone, Charlotte asks, “This is a test, right? Can your old lady behave in front of another club?”

She says it with a smile, but I sense the unease under her words. “I’ll be there. Hope and Trinity will be there too. You’ll be fine.”

“I’ll make you proud.”

My chest tightens. “I’m already proud you’re my girl. Now I just want to show you off.”


To my surprise, Trinity and Heidi show up early the next day to help me clean up my apartment.

“Hey, I didn’t expect you for a couple hours,” I say, inviting them inside.

“My model canceled at the last minute,” Trinity fumes.

“You’re the photographer? I assumed you were the model.”

Trinity chuckles as she hands me a box of industrial-strength Hefty bags. “That’s sweet Charlotte,” she says as if she thinks I’m just trying to be a kiss-ass.

“I carry the equipment and help her set up the shoots,” Heidi explains.

I vaguely remember her explaining this before and feel silly for not paying better attention.

The two of them check out my apartment, which feels weird. “Oh, I love that bed,” Heidi says, peeking into my bedroom. “Murphy told me to start thinking about the furniture I want for the house, so now I’m noticing everything.”

Trinity shakes her head. “I see lots of trips to furniture stores in Murphy’s future.”

“Uh, your brother bought it. You can ask him where he found it.”

Heidi blinks. “I so did not need to know that.”

I shrug. “Don’t snoop then.”

Trinity ends up herding us into the kitchen and handing out the cleaning assignments, which is kind of funny since it’s my apartment. She has me scrubbing down the kitchen floor when I ask, “On a scale of one to ten, how worried should I be about this trip downstate?”

She stops and taps her finger against her chin, pretending to think about the answer. “An eleven?”

“She’s not that bad,” Heidi calls out from the living room.

In a lower voice Trinity explains, “She’s known Heidi since she was a kid, so she likes to mother her. She’s always had a soft spot for Teller. You’re new to the club, so I’m sure she’ll like you just fine.”

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I suddenly realize what Trinity’s really saying. If Tawny’s a more typical biker’s old lady, and Trinity used to be a club girl, well, I don’t need to ask more questions. “I’ll make sure to stick with you and Hope.”

She winks at me. “We’ll keep you safe from Tawny’s talons.”

Heidi wanders into the kitchen, glancing down at her phone.

“Hope’s at her office,” Heidi says. “She said she’ll swing by if we need any supplies.”

“Tell her we’re all set.” Trinity chuckles. “Hope’s not so much with the manual labor,” she says with affection, not judgment.

“Rock’s okay with his old lady not doing menial work around the clubhouse?”

Trinity raises an eyebrow. Opening my big mouth and inserting my foot around Trinity seems to be a common theme for me.

“You should probably spend more time with them,” Heidi says. “They’re totally relationship goals.”

“She’s very much his Queen,” Trinity adds in case I don’t get Heidi’s Instagram-speak. “He doesn’t want her waiting on anyone but him and even then, I think he prefers taking care of her.”

“That’s, uh, unusual for bikers, no?”

“Bossy, dominant, alpha men? Not really.” Trinity shrugs. “Even if it is, our club’s unique in a lot of ways.”

“That’s what I keep hearing.”

“Now, Wyatt and I have a different relationship. I enjoy catering to him.” She shakes her head and laughs. “And I don’t want him messing around in my kitchen.”

“He seems to appreciate it though,” I say because if even Wrath makes me want to pee my pants every time he turns his scary eyes my way, I can’t help but admire the affectionate and respectful way he treats his wife.

“He does,” Trinity agrees.

I glance at Heidi who shrugs. “Murphy probably cooks more than I do. But I used to love helping out at the clubhouse as much as possible just so they’d let me hang out there.”

I bump her with my shoulder. “Are you sure it wasn’t to be near Murphy?”

I was teasing, but Heidi hesitates. “Yes and no. I just liked being around family and the club has always been family to me.”