“Good,” Rock says.

Z shrugs and continues. “She wanted to know how hard we were on Trinity and Hope.”

Wrath leans forward at the mention of his wife’s name. “What about it?”

“Ease up. She was asking what else she could do to prove herself to us.”

If it’s possible, I love Charlotte even more. For her understanding of my world and her acceptance.

“You trust her?” Rock asks Z.

“I do, yeah.”

“Glad to hear it,” I say. “Because she’s staying here with me for a few days.”

Rock nods. “Good. Safest place for her right now.” He glances at Wrath. “Reach out to Whisper and ask for a sit-down. We need to see where we stand with them before this goes any further.”

“Yeah, okay.”

On my way out, Wrath stops me. “I’m glad she’s okay. Never expected something like this from Merlin.”

“Me either.”

Charlotte’s swaying on her feet when I pick her up from Rock’s house. Outside, she blinks at me and I rub her cheek with the back of my hand. “Hungry?”

“Hope fed me.” She yawns. “I’m exhausted.”

We don’t say much as I lead her back to the clubhouse and up to my room. It’s still daylight out, but I take her into the bathroom and strip her down. Try to keep myself calm when I find multiple bruises and marks on her body that her clothes kept hidden.

“How’d this happen,” I ask, gently tracing the deep purple mark running from her hip to the top of her ass.

She turns and glances down. “Jesus, no wonder my whole back hurts.” I stand and grab a bottle of Advil out of the cabinet, shaking a few tablets into her hand and giving her a glass of water.

When she’s finished, I ask again. “How’d it happen?”

“He shoved me into the counter.” Her bottom lip trembles. “I was trapped between him and the counter. I thought…I thought…” She drops her head, hair falling around her face. “I don’t know. I was terrified. That’s why I stabbed him.”

Taking care to keep her injured hand dry, I lead her into the shower and clean her up.

“Is it okay that I’m here?” she asks.

“What kind of question is that?”

She shakes her head.

“This is where you’re supposed to be. Right here with me. You’re safe here.”

Finally, she meets my eyes. “I know.”

Like a zombie, she follows me out of the shower, lets me dry her off and slip one of my T-shirts over her head.

“You look good in that.”

The corners of her mouth turn up just a bit.

“Bedtime. You can barely keep your eyes open.”

Under the covers, she can’t get comfortable. I pull her into my arms and eventually, she settles down.

“I’m so sorry, Charlotte.” It’s easier to say this in the dark. “Your brother was right. I should’ve protected you better. I saw how pissed Merlin was the other day. Claiming you only made him angrier—”

“Caveman,” she teases.

“Stop. I’m serious.”

She presses her hand against my chest and lifts her head. Her eyes glitter in the darkness. “No, I’m serious. I understand you better than you think, Marcel. You want to take this and twist it so that it’s somehow your fault. And I’m not going to let you do that. The only one responsible for today is my uncle.”

I hesitate, and she keeps going.

“Don’t fight me on this, Marcel. I argue for a living. You’re just going to lose.”

How can I not laugh?

“I love you so much. I can’t stand anything happening to you, Charlotte.” My voice lowers even more. “I felt fucking helpless today and didn’t like it.”

“I know you’re not used to it, but sometimes things happen we can’t control.”

“It’s how we react to them that matters.”

She laughs softly and lays her head against my chest. “Exactly. See, now you’re learning.”

“I want you to get your concealed weapon permit. I know a guy who can push yours through quickly.”

She lifts her head. “What makes you think I don’t have one already?”

“Do you?”

“Yes. I even have a fancy little revolver.”

“Well, aren’t you full of surprises?”

“It wouldn’t be a surprise.” She inches up and brushes a kiss over my jaw, down to my neck. “If you weren’t so fascinated with my vibrator, you would’ve found the little gun safe in my bottom drawer.”

I growl and gently roll us, pushing her back flat to the mattress. “Is that right?”

She loops her arms around my neck. “Yup.”

“I’ll have to investigate better next time.” I turn my head, taking in the space I’ve called home for years. “Or have you move in with me.”


“Why not?”

“I don’t know. Would your brothers really approve? Especially after today?”

I roll to the side, but keep my arm around her waist. “Today’s not your fault either.”

“It’s still going to drag your club into something with the Wolf Knights.”

“No one’s going to blame you for that.”

She yawns, and I kiss her forehead. “Get some rest. We’ll talk more about it in the morning.”

A few minutes later she stretches out on her stomach. I run my hand over her hair and down her back until her soft snores tell me she’s out.

I lay there, one arm resting on my chest, the other behind my head and stare at the ceiling, thinking of everything that happened and everything that’s coming.

Sleep evades me and eventually, I give up. Charlotte’s sound asleep and safe here.

The clubhouse is dark and mostly quiet as I pad down the stairs. Light spills out from under the war room door.

Looks like I’m not the only one up.

At this hour, it used to be Rock we’d find in the war room. Since he’s in his own house now, it’s probably Z.

There’s also a light next door in the office, but that doesn’t register for me right away. I open the war room door, expecting Z to be at the table.

Instead, I get an eyeful.

I recognize Hope first. Or rather her long hair cascading down her bare back as Rock strips off her sweatshirt. She’s sitting on the table facing him and they’re obviously about five seconds from fucking. He leans over her, pushing her down against the table, then catches sight of me.

One hard get the fuck out stare is all I need to snap me out of my shock.

I jump back and quietly shut the door.

“What’re you doing up, bro?”


Z’s standing by the office, corners of his mouth turned up in a smirk.

“Nothing much. Just been traumatized,” I whisper loudly, as I stride over to him.

He waves his hand, inviting me to follow him inside. “Rock came over earlier to talk. Hope followed a little later. They’re going through some stuff. Thought I should leave them alone.”

“Next time hang a sock on the door or something to warn the rest of us.”

“Aw, nothing you haven’t seen before, little brother.”

“That’s different.” I shake my head. “I’ll never look at our table the same.”

“Christ. On the table? Figured they’d do it on his throne, or one of the couches—”

I cut him off. “Can we not.”

Z chuckles. “What’s got you up?”

“Take your pick.”

“Rough fuckin’ day.” He drops into his chair and one of the dogs pops out from under the desk and sets his head on Z’s leg. “Wrath set that meeting up with Whisper.”



“I want to be there.”

“You think that’s a good idea?”

“Come on, Z. Give me some credit.”

He sits, stroking his hand over

Zipper’s head for a few seconds. “Seems unimportant now, but I looked into those transcripts.”


“It fit her story.”

I grunt in response. Never expected different.

“I’ve been thinking about who they might have been in business with six or seven years ago.”

I raise an eyebrow, surprised Z’s still interested.

“You think it’s possible he set her up?” he asks. “Some way to get in with another club?”

“After today, anything’s possible with that asshole.”

He nods and works his jaw from side to side as if he’s contemplating whether he should say what’s on his mind. I brace myself. Z’s not one to second-guess giving his opinion.

“Is it possible he did it?”

“Fuck. Not gonna lie, it’s crossed my mind.” I run my hand over the back of my neck, considering how much to share. “At the hospital, she was told there was more than one.”

Z sits back and sighs. “Jesus. Any man who thinks that’s okay to do to a woman deserves a bullet to the head.” He points at the door with an imaginary gun and pulls the trigger. “One bullet.”

I stretch my legs out in front of me, getting comfortable in Rock’s office chair. “Now I understand why she didn’t believe me when I told her we didn’t tolerate that stuff here.”

“Please. Clubhouse or college campus. Seems like that shit goes on everywhere lately. Some days I think we’re the only ones who actually have a moral compass.” He snorts. “Which is really fucked up.”

“Agreed.” I put my hand down at my side, snapping my fingers. Ziggy lifts his head and trots over to have his ears scratched.

“I’m patching Charlotte.”

Z glances up. “She’ll make a good ol’ lady.”

I take that to mean Z will vote yes. “Thanks.”

“Give it a little time, though,” he cautions.

“Because of this?”

“Because of everything.” He pins me with a more serious stare. “Let her interact with the girls more.”

“Oh, man,” I groan, understanding what he’s saying. “Trinity even said she’s over it.”

“I’ve known Trin a long time.” Z’s mouth quirks. “You know how it is. Talk shit about me, I’ll let it go. Talk shit about my friend, I won’t be as quick to forgive.”

I snort at the truth of his sentiment. And I’d be pissed, except I know that down the road, he’ll defend Charlotte the same way. Hell, he already announced in front of everyone that he trusted Charlotte.

After what Charlotte went through today, his suggestion might seem cruel, but no one gets voted into this club out of pity. Not even the old ladies. That’s not how things work in our world.

Every person earns their place in the Lost Kings MC.


The next morning, I feel like someone worked me over with a baseball bat.

Groaning, I stretch and roll over, bumping into Marcel. “You’re here.”

“Where else would I be, Sunshine?”

“I woke up last night, and you were gone.” I hesitate for a second, hating that I sound so needy. “Was everything okay?”

Marcel pulls me into his arms, and I take refuge against his warm, bare skin. “I couldn’t sleep, so I went downstairs. I didn’t want to wake you up.”


Marcel must sense my unease or doubt. He brushes the hair off my forehead. “Look at me. I went downstairs and talked to Z. That’s it.”

I don’t want him to think I don’t trust him. Not after everything he’s done for me. “I trust you. Yesterday was so—”

“Your uncle put a lot in your head. I get it.” He throws the covers back and taps my leg. “Come on. You must be hungry. Let’s get you fed.”

“Ugh, if anything, I feel sick.”

“Even more reason to get up and face the day.”

“You’re mean.”

Marcel ignores my reluctance, and thirty minutes later I find myself downstairs about to sit down and have breakfast with Z, and two other brothers whose names I don’t remember.

“How are you feeling today, sweetheart?” Z asks.

“Like a truck full of baseball bats ran me over,” I answer as Marcel pushes in my chair.

Z seems to read the uncertainty in my expression correctly. “Charlotte, I don’t know if you met him before, but this is Dex,” he says, tipping his head toward the bigger guy sitting next to him. “And that’s Ravage.”

Both of them give me a nod and tell me they’re sorry about what happened. No one even pretends that they don’t know about my uncle’s attack. It’s oddly refreshing.

As we’re finishing breakfast, Hope and Trinity join us.

After we go through the whole how are you this morning ritual, Hope asks, “Do you know when you can go back to your apartment?”

To my surprise, Marcel has an answer. “Liam is supposed to call me when her place has been cleared.”

Trinity reaches over and squeezes my hand. “Let me know when, and I’ll come over and help you.”

“Thank you.”

After breakfast, I meet Rock, Wrath, and Murphy in the living room.

“How’s your girl?” Wrath asks.

Surprised that’s his first question, I answer with a clipped, “Fine.”

“You good?” Rock asks. His way of asking if I’ll behave when we meet with Whisper.

“Won’t say a word, Prez. Promise.”

Z and the girls find us outside.

“You ridin’?” Z asks.


“All right, brother.” Z holds out his fists for a bump.

“When did that happen?” Wrath asks.

“Murphy and I went out yesterday.” My gaze moves to Charlotte. “Before everything…”

“Got it.” Wrath holds out his hand and as I slap it, he pulls me in for a hug and smacks me on the back a few times.

Charlotte watches the whole scene with wide eyes and a hint of a smile.

“You taking this rat bike to our meet?” Z bitches. “Makes us all look bad.”

Murphy and Rock share a look, but neither of them tell Z to shut up, so I guess that’s up to me. “Fuck off.”

Everyone—including Z—gets a laugh out of that.

Heidi meets us in the garage with Alexa and I hold my arms out for her. “Morning, baby.”

She squeals and makes her usual morning happy noises along with clapping her hands. She’s even happy to have Charlotte hold her for a minute.

“Are you sure you don’t mind, Hope?” Heidi asks.

Hope waves off my sister’s concern. “I’m meeting Mara for lunch, and she’s bringing her daughter. Cora loves Alexa. They always have fun together.”

“Thank you. I always worry she doesn’t have any other kids to be around.”

“I have an easy way to fix that,” Z says. “I see three fertile couples right in front of me.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Wrath snarls, while everyone else laughs.

Murphy opens his mouth “I’m—”

“If you say you’re working on it I’ll kill you,” I say, cutting him off.

Heidi rolls her eyes and turns to Hope. The two of them move away to talk without us bothering them.

Charlotte settles her hand on my shoulder. “You know eventually they’re probably going to have more kids, right?”

“Not you too. What did I say about conspiring with him?” I point at Murphy who’s shaking with laughter.

“I didn’t even tell her to say that,” he says.

The rest of my brothers can’t hide their laughter either.

Z must deem me “healed” or some shit because he gives me even more grief when we get to my bike. “Look at that thing. Where the hell is Charlotte supposed to sit?”

Well that certainly quiets everyone down.

Charlotte glances at the single seat. “I’m fine.”

“I’ve had it since I was a prospect,??

? I explain to her. “It’s seen better days. The other one, The one I crashed was newer and a lot nicer, I—”

She stops me with a hand on my arm. “You don’t have to explain yourself.” She leans into me and bumps me with her shoulder. “When you’re ready, I’ll go shopping with you and let you know what I like.”

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close, sliding my hands down to cup her ass. “Is that right?”

“Well, my ass won’t fit on one of those tiny pillion seats.”

Leaning down, I brush my lips against her ear. “What did I tell you about trash-talking my girlfriend’s ass?”

Her eyes glitter with mischief. “I don’t remember. I guess I need another lesson.”

I groan and close my eyes. This isn’t the time for the painful erection only Charlotte can cause me.

She kisses my cheek. “Your brothers are waiting for you.”

“You’re evil.”

No denials, only wicked laughter from my girl.

“Let’s go!” Z shouts. Rock, Wrath, and Murphy are all busy saying goodbye to their women. “For fuck’s sake, we’re gonna be gone for two hours max. Not two months. Jesus.”

We ride in our regular formation to a park that borders Empire and Slater counties.

Neutral ground.

Whisper’s waiting for us with Hudson and Keeper.

“Rock,” Whisper greets. The rest of us get a nod.

Instead of, Sergeant-at-Arms, Whisper’s patch now reads President.

Whisper gets right to the point. “Appreciate you giving us time to sort this out.”

“Our clubs have a long history of working together, Whisper,” Rock reminds him.

He acknowledges that with a nod. “Merlin’s been distracted.” He slides his gaze my way. “It’s been interfering in a few areas.”

“Seems he’s been a little too interested in our business lately. Both club and personal,” Rock says.

“Merlin wanted in on Ironworks,” Keeper explains.

“That why he’s been bringing South of Satan MC into our territory?” Rock asks, staring Whisper right in the eyes.

Keeper shifts and looks away.

Whisper dips his head but doesn’t acknowledge their interference in our business.

“That’s a relationship Merlin was pursuing on his own,” Hudson says, earning a stern look from Keeper.