Wow, I feel like I just wrote one of these! Thank you again to Liv Zak for making this cover happen. Thank you to Meagan and Jaxon for the beautiful photos.

I need to thank Liz Kelley and Amy Addams for their excellent feedback.

Thank you, Kari, Cara, and Virginia for being the best crit partners ever. And for not smacking me when I backed myself into deadline hell on this book—even though past Autumn gave you permission to.

Tanya, Daniele, and Jezzie thank you for your help and feedback.

The Lost Kings MC Ladies. Our little group keeps growing and growing. Thank you for your questions, and enthusiasm for my guys! I love hanging out with you.

My awesome readers, I love your notes and messages. Some days I can’t believe how lucky I am and I have you to thank for that.

Mr. Lake, I told you I’d make you like Teller!


I debated whether or not I should include the glossary in this second part of Teller’s book. I mean, you (probably) just read Beyond Reckless and there’s a glossary in there. But then I figured if you did want to look something up, it would be annoying to have to grab another book to do it. So here it is. Updated to include new revelations from Beyond Reckless, just so you don’t feel like you’re reading the same thing over and over. Perhaps

a few other important details are thrown in.


President: Rochlan “Rock” North. Leader of the Upstate NY charter of the Lost Kings MC. His word is law within the club. He takes advice from senior club members. He is the public “face” of the MC. Much to his annoyance, Rock is seen as the “father figure” in the club, especially by the younger members.

Sergeant-at-Arms: Wyatt “Wrath” Ramsey. Responsible for the security of the club. Keeps order at club events. Responsible for the safety and protection of the president, the club, its members and its women. Disciplines club members who violate the rules. Keeps track of club by-laws. In charge of the club’s weapons and weapons training. Will challenge Rock when he deems it necessary. Outside of the MC, Wrath owns a gym, Furious Fitness. He is experienced in underground MMA-style fighting.

Vice President: Angus “Zero” or “Z” Frazier. In most clubs, I think the VP would be considered the second-in-command. In mine, I see the VP and SAA as being on equal footing within the club. Carries out the orders of the President. Communicates with other chapters of the club. Assumes the responsibilities of the President in his absence. Keeps records of club patches and colors issued. Z also co-manages the MC’s strip club, Crystal Ball.

Treasurer: Marcel “Teller” Whelan. Keeps records of income, expenses and investments.

Road Captain: Blake “Murphy” O’Callaghan. Responsible for researching, planning and organizing club runs. Responsible for obtaining and maintaining club vehicles.

Prospect: A prospect is someone who has stated a clear intention of being a full patch member of the Lost Kings MC. The Lost Kings vet their prospects for two or more years. To vote a prospect in as a full patch member, the vote must be unanimous. Not all prospects will become full patch members. Some will realize the club is not for them. For others, the club will realize that the prospect is not a good fit for the club. Prospects are expected to show respect to all full patch members and do whatever is asked of them. Malik may or may not be a prospect for the Lost Kings MC in the future.


Cronin “Sparky” Petek: Sparky is the mad genius behind the Lost Kings MC’s pot-growing business. He is rarely seen outside of the basement, as he prefers the company of his plants.

Elias “Bricks” Serrano: We saw Bricks and his girlfriend throughout the series. One of the few members who does not live at the clubhouse, he performs a lot of general tasks for the club.

Dixon “Dex” Watts: We’ve also seen Dex throughout the series. He co-manages Crystal Ball with Z.

Sam “Stash” Black: Lives in the basement with Sparky and helps with the plants. He came out of the basement to help out in White Knuckles. Other than that, we’re not really sure what he’s up to downstairs.

Thomas “Ravage” Kane: We got to know Rav and his snarky humor a little bit better in each book. Ravage is a general member who helps out wherever he is needed.

“Sway”: President of the downstate charter of the Lost Kings MC. We’ve seen Sway off and on sine Strength From Loyalty. He’s such a fun character, I figure he deserves a slot in the glossary.

Grinder: Rock’s mentor. Grinder is an older member who we met briefly in Corrupting Cinderella. He’s been incarcerated since before Rock took over the Lost Kings.


Hope Kendall, Esq.: Nick-named First Lady by Murphy in Corrupting Cinderella (Lost Kings MC #2), Hope is the object of Rock’s love and obsession. Their epic love story spans four books: Slow Burn, Corrupting Cinderella, Strength From Loyalty, and White Heat.

Trinity Hurst: She was the caretaker of the Lost Kings MC clubhouse and the brothers. She and Wrath have a long, tattered love story full of lust, fury, and forgiveness in Tattered on My Sleeve (Lost Kings MC #4). She and Wrath are also featured in White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5). They finally tie the knot in White Knuckles (Lost Kings MC #7).

Heidi Whelan: Teller’s little sister. Heidi is a recurring character in each of the books from Corrupting Cinderella (Lost Kings MC #2) on. She also has short stories in Three Kings, One Night (Lost Kings MC #2.5) and Between Embers (Lost Kings MC #5.5) she is a major character in More Than Miles (Lost Kings MC #6).

Charlotte Clark, Esq: Teller’s girl. She was first mentioned in Corrupting Cinderella (Lost Kings MC #2) and we briefly saw her in Strength From Loyalty (Lost Kings MC #3). Beyond Reckless and Beyond Reason are the books dedicated to her burgeoning relationship with the brooding Treasurer of the Lost Kings, Teller.

Swan: Lost Kings MC club girl and dancer at Crystal Ball.

Willow: Bartender at Crystal Ball.

Lilly: One of Hope’s best friends and frequent “booty call” of Z. She appears in books 1-5 and is the focus of two short stories in Three Kings, One Night and Between Embers. While she sent Trinity a wedding present in White Knuckles (Lost Kings MC #7), we haven’t “seen” Lilly since Between Embers (Lost Kings MC #5.5). Where, oh where, can Lilly be and will we ever see her again?

Sophie: Hope’s former best friend. We haven’t seen her since White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5).

Mara Oak: Friend of Hope. Also an attorney. She’s appeared in Slow Burn, Corrupting Cinderella, Strength From Loyalty, Tattered on My Sleeve, White Heat, and White Knuckles. She’s married to Empire city court judge, Damon Oak. Their story, Objection, will be available one day.

Tawny: Sway’s ol’ lady. The “Queen B” rules the downstate charter of the Lost Kings MC with long talons and a sharp tongue.


Liam Hollister: the former of Sheriff of Teller’s hometown, he’s now a member of the Empire Police Department. My stand alone, Bullets and Bonfires is his story.

Carter Clark: Charlotte’s goofy, often inappropriate younger brother.

Mercy: Charlotte’s best friend.

Jake: One of Wrath’s business partners in Furious Fitness. His brother, Sully is friends with Liam. Jake has appeared off and on throughout the series since Tattered on my Sleeve. You also spend time with him in Bullets and Bonfires.

Sully: Has mostly just been mentioned as helping out at Wrath’s gym and now that Furious is no more, Wrath’s been working at the place Sully owns. He’s a significant character in Bullets and Bonfires and may or may not, but probably will have his own book someday.

Remy Holt—Huh, who the fuck is that?

Griffin Royal—Who?


Crystal Ball: The strip club owned by the Lost Kings MC and one of their legitimate businesses. They often refer to it as “CB.”

Conference Center: The clubhouse of the Lost Kings MC. It was previously used as a high-end religious retreat and is sometimes still jokingly referred to as the “Conference Center” or “Hippie Compound.”

Empire: The fictional city in upstate NY, run by the Lost Kings MC.

Furious Fitness: The gym Wrath owns. Often just referred to as “Furious.” It burned down in White Knuckles (Lost Kings MC #7) and currently Wrath’s in the process of rebuilding.

Green Street Crew: Street gang the Lost Kings do business with. Often referred to as “GSC.” “Loco” is their leader and frequent nuisance to Rock.

LOKI: Short for Lost Kings.


Vipers MC: The former rival MC of the Lost Kings. Used to run Ironworks.

Wolf Knights MC: Rival and sometimes ally of the Lost Kings. Their president, Ulfric, appeared in Slow Burn and stepped down in Between Embers (Lost Kings MC #5.5.) Merlin took over as President of the Wolf Knights. Their SAA, Whisper, was a partner in Wrath’s gym. Actions taken by the Wolf Knights have had a serious impact on the Lost Kings in the past and their relationship is tenuous at the moment. We discovered in Beyond Reckless (Lost Kings MC #8) that Merlin is Charlotte’s uncle. Keeper is their VP. Other members include Hudson and Tiki.

Devil Demons MC: Based in Western NY. We first “saw” them in Corrupting Cinderella (Lost Lost Kings MC #2). We met their pr

esident, “Stump” in Strength From Loyalty (Lost Kings MC #3) and learned he played an important part of Trinity’s past in Tattered on my Sleeve (Lost Kings MC #4). We saw Stump and his son Chaser in White Heat (Lost Kings MC #5) and Between Embers (Lost Kings MC #5.5). Chaser is actually the hero of a novella I wrote, Kickstart my Heart, which I plan to republish…one day.

South of Satan MC: A few members made a brief appearance in Beyond Reckless. We don’t know much about them or what their intentions are.


Most terminology was obtained through research. However, I have also used some artistic license in applying these terms to my romanticized, fictional version of an Outlaw Motorcycle Club.

Cage – A car, truck, van, basically anything other than a motorcycle.

Church – Club meetings all full patch members must attend. Led by the president of the club, but officers will update the members on the areas they oversee.

Citizen – Anyone not a hardcore biker or belonging to an outlaw club. “Citizen Wife” would refer to a spouse kept entirely separate from the club.

Cut – Leather vest worn by outlaw bikers. Adorned with patches and artwork displaying the club’s unique colors. The Lost Kings’ colors are blue and gray. Their logo is a skull with a crown.

Colors – The “uniform” of an outlaw motorcycle gang. A leather vest, with the three-piece club patch on the back, and various other patches relating to their role in the club. Colors belong to the club and are held sacred by all members.

Dressers – Slang for a motorcycle “dressed up” with hard saddle bags and other accessories. It’s designed for long-distance riding.

Fly Colors – To ride on a motorcycle wearing colors.

Mother Chapter – First chapter of the club.

Muffler Bunny – Club girl, who hangs around to provide sexual favors to members.

Nomad – A club member who does not belong to any specific charter, yet has privileges in all charters. Nomads go anywhere to take care of business, usually at the request of the club president.