“Really?” Rock smirks.

“Weird since Merlin made a point to say how he’s only focused on what’s going on in Slater lately,” I say, so at least it looks like I paid attention last night.

“Merlin’s stupid and a liar. Not shocking,” Dex says.

Mentioning Merlin makes me shift in my seat. Of all the people for Charlotte to be related to, it has to be that clown.

“All right. It’s that time again.” Rock slaps his palms on the table and stands. “I’m going to leave you for a bit.” He nods to Wrath and Z before stepping out.

As soon as the door shuts behind Rock, Wrath stands. “We’ll leave too if anyone wants to discuss it without us here,” he says, pointing across the table to Z. Honestly, if they leave, Murphy and I should go as well. But I wait to see what the consensus is before making the offer.

Bricks answers first. “That’s not necessary. Sit your ass down.”

Wrath smirks and takes his seat.

Not surprisingly, Sparky raises his hand. “I won’t work as well for anyone but the boss. Rock’s the boss.”

Having said his piece, he settles back in his chair. Sparky could royally fuck the club any time he wanted. Never even jokes or mentions it. Until it’s time to vote. Then he drops the subtle reminder that our grow operation would be shit without him.

“I think we all feel that way,” Dex says, glancing around the table. “Love all you, but no one can run things as well as Rock.” Around the table everyone nods in agreement without hesitation.

All of us turn our attention to Wrath and Z. “Figured,” Z says with a barely concealed smile.

Wrath’s wearing a more severe expression. “You plannin’ to challenge him?” I ask before thinking over the question.

I can’t imagine what that would do to the club.

“Fuck no,” Wrath answers, not bothering to hide his irritation. He shifts and sits forward, placing both hands on the table. He looks each one of us in the eye one more time before speaking. “However, he’s been carrying a lot on his shoulders for a long time now.”

He holds up a hand as if he thinks we’re going to disagree. “I’m not saying everyone doesn’t do their part.” He nods to Z and Dex. “You two handling Crystal Ball was a big help.” His gaze slides to Bricks. “I know you’re busting ass at the shop.”

Bricks takes that as an opportunity to speak up. “I could really use Murphy’s help if we can spare him.” Bricks leaves out the now that there’s no gym for him to work at because no one needs the reminder that Wrath’s gym is a pile of rubble and ash.

“Whatever you need, brother.” Wrath moves to Murphy. “You good with that?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure my skill level—”

“Bro, you know how to do a basic paint job. I got faith in ya,” Bricks assures him.

“Murphy,” Wrath says to get his attention again. “How’s Rock?”

The question seems to startle him. “He’s fine…why?”

“You’re living there. You’re in the best position to tell us. He and Hope okay?”

Murphy scowls. “I’m not there to spy on him. We try to give them as much space as possible.”

Wrath’s face says he’s waiting for a better answer.

“I don’t know. They fuck like rabbits and never seem to argue. You’re closer to them than anyone.”

Dex sits forward. “Hold up. He say something to you, Wrath? You think he wants to step down?”

“No. Nothing like that. Think about all the shit we’ve been through in the last few years. The Vipers, his incarceration, one thing after another. We all know Rock’s not gonna ask for help.”

“Probably wouldn’t occur to him,” Ravage agrees.

“Operating as the club’s public face is a full-time job on its own.” Wrath says.

“Dealing with all those shady politicians ain’t easy,” Z adds.

Wrath nods before continuing. “He wanted to step away from Loco, but after that bullshit with his cousin, he can’t.” His gaze flicks to me. “I know you still got a lot going on, but I’m gonna ask you to step up there.”

Next to me, Z laughs. “Loco’s scared to death of you, bro.”

“What about the Demons?” Wrath asks.

“Murphy and I can handle any stuff that comes up with the Demon crew. Stump’s gotten comfortable with us,” Z says.

Murphy nods in agreement.

“Dex and Murphy got the Iron Bulls covered too,” Z says.

This time, Murphy shakes his head. “Not to be a dick, but I’m not going back to Arizona again anytime soon.”

One of the guys—probably Stash—makes a whip-crack sound. Without looking down the table, Murphy throws up his middle finger. “Z, you know Romeo as well as I do.”

“Yeah, no problem. I don’t mind visiting their place.”

“They got a girl over twenty hanging out in their clubhouse?” Ravage asks.

Z snorts. “Nope.”

“Finally,” Wrath says, tapping the table to get Z’s attention before he starts waxing poetic about barely legal pussy. “Grinder’s getting out soon.” He lifts his chin at me. “Gonna need your help there too.”

Surprised, all I manage to get out is an, “Okay.”

“He’s gonna be so happy to be free, he’s not gonna challenge Rock,” Murphy says.

“Probably not.” Wrath takes a few seconds before continuing. “But Grinder was one hard motherfucker. I doubt prison softened him up. Who knows how much resentment he’s been storing since Rock got out and he’s been sitting there all these years.”

Murphy shakes his head. “I know you and Z ain’t been out to see him as often, but Teller and I see him pretty regularly. He’s never even hinted at that.”

“Long as we keep sending those checks to Rose, I think he’s cool,” I add, uncomfortable talking about Grinder.

Wrath claps his hands, both silencing us and changing the subject. “Rock’s our president for the next four years?”

He goes around the table and gets everyone’s yes before jerking his thumb at the door and asking Z to go get Rock and let him know he’s stuck leading us for another four years.

A few hours later Rock, Wrath, Z, Murphy, Bricks, and I meet in front of the clubhouse. The guys already have our van packed for the meet with Loco when I hobble over.

“You all right, brother?” Murphy asks.

One hard stare and he takes his concern elsewhere. Not before he flips me off though.

“I’ll ride with you,” Rock says to me.

“That’s okay, Prez. I’m going to head somewhere afterward.” Just because I can’t ride doesn’t mean I’m going to stop him. He stares at me for a minute before nodding. As long as we pull our weight, Rock’s not one to pry, so he doesn’t ask about my plans.

Rock and Wrath take off first. Bricks and Z take the van, and Murphy and I follow behind them. Instead of the park where we used to meet Loco’s crew, we’ve been meeting at this diner he bought on the outskirts of the Empire City limits. Couple bikes and a van at a restaurant calls less attention than a bunch of vehicles hanging out at the riverside park after dark.

Rock and Wrath park in the front, while the van goes around the back of the building. I back into a spot next to Rock. Murphy pulls in a few minutes later and backs in next to my truck.

“Let’s get this over with,” Rock grumbles, slipping off his gloves and stuffing them in his pockets. Loco drives Rock nuts, but as Wrath’s fond of pointing out, Loco seems to idolize Rock. Before Wrath joins us, I pull Rock aside. “Prez, do you mind if I take off after we’re done with the hand off?”

“Go ahead.” He rolls his eyes. “One of us should avoid gangster night dinner.”

I force myself not to laugh. “Thanks, Prez.”

Wrath smacks my shoulder. “Come on killer. Put your mean face on. Let’s see if we can make Loco piss his pants.”

“Knock it off,” Rock growls.

The four of us entering the diner turns heads. Something

we ignore. Rock scans the room for Loco and lifts his chin toward the back hallway. As soon as Loco spots me, he stops in his tracks.

Okay, it’s a little funny.

Next to me, Wrath cough-laughs.

Loco pastes on his gangster smile, opens his arms and swaggers over. “Rock and crew. Always a pleasure to have you in my establishment.”

He shakes Rock’s hand and then leads us to the hallway and out the back door.

Z and Bricks are waiting outside the van, both of them studying the back parking lot and surrounding area.

“Only you tonight, Loco?” Wrath asks as he also takes a look around.

“Yes. I’m being a lot more…cautious with who I bring into certain activities.”

“Good plan,” Rock says which seems to please Loco.

Every now and then his gaze strays to me, then darts away.

None of Loco’s crew here means we have to unload the van ourselves. To be fair, Loco helps. We deposit the crates downstairs in a section of the basement clearly reserved for breaking down the large quantities of marijuana we brought into smaller amounts that are ready for distribution.

“Some of my girls are going to help with the packaging,” Loco explains, waving his hand at the set-up. “They can be trusted.”

Rock goes over the list of different strains we brought tonight. Sparky’s crops range from comfortable high to seeing-Satan-in-your-hot-tub-fucked-out-of-your-skull high. Loco makes a few notes and leaves them on the counter before handing Rock a thick envelope of cash.

Loco hands over a second envelope. “This is to cover some of the fuckery with my cousin.” His gaze flicks between Rock and Wrath.

Rock inclines his head in Wrath’s direction and Loco hands over the envelope.

Cash and blood. How debts are paid in our world.


It’s been a long time since I looked forward to anything as much as I’m looking forward to seeing Charlotte.

Surprisingly, not just for the sex.

I take a chance that she never picked up her car and park behind her apartment building. After a brisk walk through the alleyway, I’m at the front door to the brownstone. There’re two mail slots and buzzers to my left. Since neither are labeled, I’m not sure which one belongs to Charlotte. In my haze last night, I didn’t notice whether she used a key for this door. I turn the knob and find it unlocked. Shit, that bugs me. So, anyone can show up on her doorstep at any time?

Charlotte answers and her eyes widen.

“You need a lock for that front door. Any psycho could show up on your doorstep.”

She doesn’t laugh. “What are you doing here?”

I brush a kiss on her cheek. “Is that any way to greet the man who gave you multiple orgasms last night?”

Her cheeks turn pink and given the many ways I made her come not twenty-four hours ago, I’m confused by her reaction.

She opens the door wider, revealing the reason for her discomfort.

“I could’ve lived the rest of my life never knowing that,” Carter says without looking at me.

My gaze swings back to Charlotte and I mouth, “Sorry,” to her.

The corners of her mouth turn up and she gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “I didn’t expect you until later.”

“Close to hurling over here,” Carter mumbles.

Ignoring him for now, I take Charlotte’s hands in mine. I’m dying to touch her, to have her close. “I ducked out early,” I say against her ear. “Needed to see you.”

Yeah, I’m probably over-sharing this early in our whatever-we’re-doing, but, fuck it. I’ve never been one to play games. I’m told my honesty is both my best and most annoying quality.

She nuzzles her forehead against my chin briefly and whispers. “I’m glad.” Before inviting me inside.

Carter sweeps his insolent gaze over me. “You’re back, huh?”


He grunts at me and doesn’t make any effort to stand or offer his hand or even move over. I take the hint and lean against the mantel. Charlotte already means enough to me that I don’t want to disrespect her by kicking her brother’s ass in her living room.

“Carter and I were going to go down the street for pizza,” Charlotte explains. She rolls her bottom lip, worrying it with her teeth. I doubt she meant the gesture to be sexy, but it is. Even with her brother a few feet away glaring at me like he’s hoping he can set me on fire with the power of his eyes.

“Care if I join you?” I ask, directing the question to Carter.

He lifts an eyebrow. “What do you care what I think?”

“I don’t want to intrude if it’s family time.”

He cocks his head, trying to determine if I’m mocking him I think. I keep my expression neutral. I meant what I said. It doesn’t take a genius to see how tight these two are and I respect that, even if he annoys me, and even if I want Charlotte all to myself right now.

“That’d be great, Marcel,” Charlotte answers.

Carter narrows his eyes at me. “You sure you two don’t want to be alone?”

Yeah, I want to be alone with Charlotte, but not to go out for pizza.

“Knock it off, Carter,” Charlotte grumbles, waving her hand at him. He pushes off the couch and marches out the front door.

“You want me to come back later?” I ask Charlotte.

“No. Are you sure you don’t mind?” She jerks her thumb in the direction her brother went.

“Not at all.”

She drops her gaze and bites her lower lip again. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

“Hey.” I step closer and run my thumb over her cheek, inviting her to meet my eyes. “Thought about you all day.”

She meets my eyes, but I don’t find what I’m looking for. “You mean that?”

“Why do you think I busted my ass to get back here as soon as possible?”

Her lips part, but then she shakes her head, reaching up to press a quick kiss to my cheek. “Come on. I’m starving.”

Unsettled, I take her hand and let her lead me out the door.

Carter’s waiting for us on the sidewalk, staring down the street. “Angela’s or I Love NY?” he asks without looking at us.

“I’m fine with either one.”

The two pizza places are at opposite ends of the street, so I start walking in the direction Carter’s facing, figuring that’s where he wants to go.

It’s still early so the place is jammed. “I’ll grab a table,” Charlotte says. She nods at Carter. “He knows what I’ll eat.”

Carter glares at me after she leaves. “So, what are you, dating my sister now?”

I’m not sure how to answer since Charlotte and I haven’t even discussed it long enough to slap a label on it. “That’s between me and your sister.”

“Fabulous,” he mutters. “Just what she needs.”

He’s saved from a throat-punch by the clerk calling us up to the counter to place our order. His annoyance with me doesn’t get under my skin because I totally understand where it’s coming from. It actually makes me like him more. Well, like might be a little strong. It helps me respect him and not knock his teeth down his throat.

I bump him out of the way to pay for the meals and smother a laugh when Carter mumbles, “I guess it’s the least you could do.”

“You’re welcome.”

Charlotte tips her head up when I approach the table. The corners of her mouth turn up in a soft smile when I take the seat across from her.

“How was your day?” I ask Charlotte.


“You give your friend all the info she wanted?” I wiggle my eyebrows at the same time Carter looks up.

After a healthy eye-roll, he asks, “You met Mercy?”

“Was that her name?” Shit, I’m usually good with names. That’s how messed up Charlotte has me.

Charlotte nods. “Yes.”

“You forgot her hot friend’s name?” Carter chuckles and takes a sip o

f his beer. “Maybe you’re not a dick after all.”

“Carter,” Charlotte spits out through clenched teeth.

But Carter’s not deterred. He jerks his thumb in Charlotte’s direction. “Her ex tried to hook up with Mercy at Charlotte’s twenty-eighth birthday party.”

“Shut up,” Charlotte snaps.

“Mercy kneed him in the groin. It was epic.”

The counter girl drops our orders at our table, giving me a chance to come up with a response.

I lift my chin at Carter. “Surprised you didn’t kick his ass.”

“She wouldn’t let me. My sister’s a fight-my-own-battles type of woman. You’ll learn.” Under his breath, he adds, “If you stick around.”

Charlotte elbows him in the side.

“Ignore him.”

“Someone pulled that shit with my sister, I’d definitely kick his ass.”

“Even your club brother?” Charlotte challenges.

“Murphy wouldn’t do that.”

“Your sister’s dating one of your bros?” Carter asks.

“Engaged.” The easy way the word rolls out of my mouth isn’t as weird as I expected.

Carter finishes his dinner and stands.

“What’s wrong?” Charlotte asks.

“Nothing. I want to give you lovebirds some alone time.”

Charlotte shakes her head but accepts the kiss he plants on her cheek. This time he actually holds his hand out and I take it. “Thanks for dinner, Teller.”

“Anytime, kid.”

Charlotte watches him go and when the door jingles shut, she turns her attention back to me. “I’m sorry,” she says. “He’s—”

“Your brother. I get it.”

She lets out a breath like she’s relieved I can tolerate her brother. “Thanks.”

“You forget, I have a little sister.”

“How could I forget? We probably wouldn’t have met otherwise.”

Tilting my head to the side, I study her for a second. “I doubt that.”

An incredulous laugh works out of her throat. “You’re not suggesting fate would have brought us together some other way, are you?”

“Why not?”

“A little soft for a biker, no?”

“Sweetheart, I think you know by now, nothing on me is soft.” I stare at her until she blushes. “You seem to have a really narrow opinion of bikers.”