“A little. Happy though.” I lift my chin at Jake. “Trin do your hair and makeup?”

He throws up two middle fingers. “Don’t be jealous ‘cause your girl thinks I’m cover material and you’re not.”

My gaze drops to Trinity, and I let out a snicker. “Kept my secret, huh?”


“Seen Twitch?”

“Not yet. It’s early for him, isn’t it?” she asks as she’s bending over to put her camera away. I should be professional, but I own the fucking gym, so I help myself to a squeeze of Trinity’s ass. She jumps and squeals.

“Jesus Christ, get a room,” Jake bitches as he approaches us. “You done with me Trinity?”

“I think so. We got a lot of good stuff.”

“Cool. Let me know how it turns out.” He taps my arm on his way to the locker room. Before I have a chance to talk to Trinity, I get interrupted. Then I’m dealing with members until my kids show up for class. I set Twitch up to talk with Z about following Gabriella. Kid just needed to hear the word “stripper” to sign on to that gig.

Trin sticks around the whole time. I get glimpses of her hanging out in my office every now and then. Might be sappy as fuck, but I love having her here.


Now that the fuckery with Lexi’s over with, I’m hoping we can put the whole sex video to rest. Permanently. Go on with our lives like it never happened.

Other than giving us grief over harassing Lexi—and hell, I’m pretty fucking sure Hope’s the only woman in the world who would worry about that under the circumstances—she’s been quiet. Thinking about her indignant face back at the club twists my mouth up.

“What are you laughing about?” Hope asks.


“Me? Why?”

Out of the corner of my eye I catch her pouting and I reach over to take her hand. “Nothing bad. You’re fucking sweet. Love you.” It was on the tip of my tongue to say exactly what I’d been picturing, but I catch myself at the last minute. Better to drop it.

“I love you too.” She squeezes my hand.

After a few stops on the way home, we’re not even back at the clubhouse for fifteen minutes when Z calls. Enough time for me to hustle Hope upstairs. My greedy hands are about to strip her down when my phone goes off. She chuckles when she sees who’s calling and passes my phone over. “Fucker has the worst timing,” I grumble.

“What?” No pleasant greeting for Z this afternoon.

“We got a situation.”

“What now?”

“I sat Gabby down when she came in for her shift, just a general discussion about stuff going missing, keeping phones in lockers, shit like that. Oh, and I took Hope’s advice and had Willow sit in on it.”

A short chuckle eases out of me and I flick my gaze at Hope. “I’ll let her know. So, what’s the situation?”

“She flipped the fuck out. Started cursing me out and saying I was accusing her of something—which I didn’t.”

“What the fuck?”

“Yeah, I know. So, I sent her home for the night. Told her to calm down and come back with a better attitude.”

“What does any of this have to do with me?”

“Ransom called. He’s all pissed we’re not giving his girls a fair shake. He wants to talk to you.”

“Motherfuckingsonofabitch. I’m done dealing with this fuck.”

“I hear you. He wanted to meet over the border. I said no. So, he’s coming here.”

“Are you fucking serious?”

“I told him he can bring one guy. Killa probably. And that’s it.”

I glance at Hope again. My end of the conversation has her watching me with an intent expression.

“Fine. When?”


“Fuck me. Did you call—”

“Wrath’s over at Furious. He’ll be here in a few. Murphy’s here. I’ll call Dex, Bricks, and ask the nomads to stick around.”

“Good. I want everyone laid back and chill, but enough to make an impression. I’ll track down Ravage and have him ride with me.”

“Dirty side down, brother.”

“Someone’s pessimistic.”

Z laughs, short and clipped. “Just get your ass down here in one piece, prez. I don’t want to deal with this fuck on my own. Otherwise I’m gonna end up burying him in our basement.”

“I’m okay with that.”

“Everything okay?” Hope asks after I’m done with the call.

“Sorry, Baby Doll. I need to run back to Crystal Ball.”


The atmosphere at Crystal Ball when I arrive can only be described as tense. All the girls seem anxious, even though they shouldn’t have any idea what’s going on.

Butcher frisks Ransom and Killa at the door. Since Butch isn’t one of our local guys, I can pretend I didn’t know he was going to do such a thing to my “guests.”

I don’t invite them into the back office. We sit at a table in the back corner. They’re seated with their backs to the stage.

Ransom gets right to the point. “I did you a solid. Took care of the guy who tried to jack your girl.” He jabs a finger in the air in Wrath’s direction. Wrath keeps a blank face, but I know it’s probably killing him. “You said you’d give my girls a fair shot. First one you toss out and now Gabby comes home cryin’.”

“Bullshit,” Z mutters.

Ransom cocks his head to the side.

“Listen. Your girl, Mariella, had no identification. How can we have her dancing here if we can’t verify her age?”

“What the fuck you talkin’ bout? She’s got ID.”

Z shakes his head. “Well, she refused to give it to me. Said she had none. What’d you want me to do, beat it out of her?”

Killa sneers at Z, because yes, that’s how he’d handle that sort of personnel issue.

“Fine. We’ll deal with Mariella. But Gabby said you fired her.”

“Jesus Christ,” Z says. “I didn’t fucking fire her. I should have. She’s been causing trouble here since day one. Bitch cursed me out. I told her to go home and cool off. Told her to come back tomorrow.”

Ransom and Killa share another look.

My irritation’s rising to epic proportions the longer I sit here and deal with this bullshit. “Did you two really drag me down here because of some lies one of your girls told you?”

“Gabby don’t lie.”

“The fuck she doesn’t,” Z snaps. “She’s been lying and stirring up shit since the day she showed up.”

Killa leans in close to Z’s face. “Watch your mouth, she’s my cousin.”

Z isn’t intimidated by anyone, not even this loony fuck. “Well, your cousin’s a trouble-makin’ liar.”

I put my hand on Z’s arm and he sits back.

“Okay. Obviously this isn’t going to work out. We gave it a shot. But it’s not a good fit.” I could mention we suspect she’s been stealing shit and is responsible for sending a porno to my girl, but I’m not about to let him know something so trivial had any effect on my life.

Ransom glares and I keep my bored expression in place.

“If Mariella has the ID, she can come back. But we’re done with Gabby.” Shit, I’ve never even met Gabby and I’m sick to death of her.

Next to me, Wrath shifts and Ransom focuses on him. “Maybe Gabby can work over at Furious Fitness?”

“We’re not hiring,” Wrath answers smoothly without hesitation.

“You got Wolf Knights workin’ there.”

“One. I got one Wolf Knight there. And he’s been there since the beginning. It ain’t a club business.” I’m surprised Wrath explained at all. I fully expected him to knock Ransom out.

“Everything’s club business.” When none of us respond, Ransom gets up from the table slowly. “You hear about our brother that got pulled out of the river?” he asks me.

I stand and meet his stare head-on. “Heard about it. Didn’t know the body was con

nected to you.”

“Yeah. Went missing back when our clubs were having some issues. His brother disappeared too.”

The tension around the table rises. “That’s unfortunate.”

“Yeah. It is.” He keeps giving me that evil-blank stare.

“You got something you want me to say, Ransom?”

“No. Just wondering how long this truce between the clubs will last.”

“That a threat?”

“Not at all.” He motions for Killa to follow him. “Later, Rock.”

After I’m certain they’re gone, I sit back down at the table.

“What the fuck was that all about?” Z asks.

“I think he sent the girls here to get info on his missing guys.”

“How did he think that would ever work?” Wrath asks.

“Probably figured we’d fuck ‘em and pillow talk?” Z offers.

Wrath’s mouth twists down. “Christ, if we were that stupid we would have been dead a long time ago.”

“Shit, if I was that big a whore, my dick would have fallen off a long time ago,” Z jokes.

We all stare at him.

“Hey, I could be a lot worse.”

This whole night’s giving me a headache. “No one rides alone. No one near Ironworks for any reason. That goes for the girls too.”

No one argues.


It seems like years ago that Trinity sat down and planned this party. I’ve been looking forward to it and it’s finally here.

The location has changed to Rock’s house. The house Bricks and his girlfriend, Winter are now renting. I feel awful imposing on them, but neither of them seem to mind. Winter throws herself into decorating and follows Trinity’s precise orders for, well, everything.

I haven’t heard from Sophie since our showdown, and I’m not sure what to think. My heart hurts for the years of friendship we shared which apparently mean nothing to her.

Wing Fling, the caterer Trinity found to provide the chicken wings, arrives early and sets up outside on the stone patio out back.

“I love this patio. Can we do something like this at our house?”

Rock’s mouth turns up and his arms slip around my waist, pulling my back to his chest. “I love hearing you say ‘our house’.” He leans down and whispers in my ear. “We can do anything you want.”

It’s simple, but I love him for it.

“We can clear more trees so there’s a better view of the mountains if you want.”


“Anything my girl wants, she gets.”

“Thank you, Rock.” My hands rub over his forearms, finally settling on his hands clasped over my middle. His chin rests on my head.

“Should we call the fire department?” Z asks as he walks up.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Worried you two were fused together.”

“Very funny, asshat.”

Rock and Z both laugh at my comeback. Sometimes I think they egg me on just so I’ll insult them.

Z drops into one of the chairs, and Rock pulls one over next to him. Rock hooks an arm around my waist and tugs me into his lap. We watch while Z puts on a show of inhaling about fifty chicken wings.

“Aren’t you going to eat anything, Hope?” Trinity asks as she joins us. “You know, before Z eats everything in sight.”

“I’m a growing boy,” he mumbles.

“Yeah, outward not upward,” Wrath jokes.

“I’m too nervous,” I explain. Answering Trinity’s earlier question.

Rock gently squeezes my hip. “What are you nervous about, Baby Doll?”

Flustered because now I have four sets of eyes on me, I try to kid around. “Oh the usual, someone choking on a chicken bone.”

“You worried Sophie’s gonna show up?” Wrath asks. Perceptive bastard.

“A little.”

“Lilly wouldn’t do that to you,” Z says. It makes me wonder just how often Z and Lilly see each other. Trinity hands him a napkin as he’s about to wipe his hands on his jeans.

“Great idea, but messy.”

“Maybe you can find someone to lick your fingers, bro,” Wrath says, nodding at Lilly who just arrived.

I push myself out of Rock’s lap before he has a chance to grab me. “Excuse me, guys.” Rock’s approach to parties has always been to let everyone come to him. As MC president, I guess that makes sense. I’ve always been a mingler, and I feel bad about neglecting our guests.

“Lilly,” I call out before she wanders inside.

She turns and breaks into a smile. “Hey, bride-to-be! You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I was nervous the pomegranate-red dress was too short. Rock assured me it was the perfect length. For what, he didn’t specify.

She hands me a card and I shake my head. “We meant it when we said we didn’t want anything.”

“It’s not from me. It’s from Sophie.”

“Oh. Sorry you’re in the middle.”

“I’m not. What she did was shitty. I know she feels awful. Not only about Rock, but about not telling you and then causing the scene at Mara’s birthday. All of it.”

“Well, her fingers aren’t broken, are they? She could call me.”

“She’s afraid you won’t talk to her and she didn’t want to stress you out.”

Sounds more cowardly to me. But I don’t want to argue with Lilly today. Turning, I take in the scene of our big, extended Lost Kings family and I’m struck by how happy I am to be a part of it.

“Z’s over with Rock if you want to say hello. Or lick his fingers. Up to you.”

She gives me the strangest look, then grins. “Rock’s good for you, Hope.”

“Hey, don’t be mad, but I’m going to stick this in my purse and read it later. I just don’t—”

She settles her hand on my arm to stop my rambling. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I understand.”

She bites her lip and stares at me before finally, asking, “Is Z here with anyone?”


She nods, but still doesn’t make a move. Rock joins us, by slipping an arm around my waist. “Thanks for coming, Lilly.”

“I wouldn’t miss this for anything.”

“Z’s over there.” Rock tips his head in the direction of the patio. “Was bugging me all morning about whether or not you’d be here.”

“Oh, really?” She looks to me for confirmation, but I just shrug.

“I was here early with Trinity setting up.”

“Oh, where’s Trinity? I want to say hi to her.”

“Somewhere. Just find the big blond guy, she won’t be far.” Rock jokes.


Lilly sways into the crowd, definitely turning a lot of heads. She’s a brave one. In a backyard full of bikers, she ignores everyone until she finds Trinity.

“They seem to get along,” Rock says.

“Yes.” I tap him with the card I’m still holding. “This is from Sophie, but I don’t want to deal with it right now.”

“So don’t. I don’t want you upset today.”

Rocking up on my tiptoes I brush a kiss on his cheek. “You’re the sweetest.”

His arm tightens around my waist. “I want to make you happy from now on.”

“You do.” I turn so I can entwine my arms around him and press my cheek to his chest.

“You okay?” he asks after a few minutes.

“More than okay. I’m very content. Thank you for giving me a family.” Just as that thought comes out of my mouth, the guys start whistling and making all sorts of obnoxious noises at us.

“A family full of degenerate fuckwits,” he says. But it’s said with affection. “Are you happy?”

“I’m always happy when I’m with you.”

His faces relaxes and he presses a kiss to my forehead. “You mean that?”

“With everything in me.”

“Good. I’m happiest when I’m with you


High-pitched squeals are the only warning I have before someone slams into me from behind, wrapping her arms around Rock and me.

“Uncle Rock! I’m so excited.” She squeezes even tighter. “I can’t wait to call you Aunt Hope,” Heidi babbles out breathlessly against my ear.

Extracting myself from Rock’s hold isn’t easy. But I do and face Heidi for a proper greeting. Axel’s patiently waiting behind her and flashes a quick smile.

“Thanks, honey.”

I feel incredibly old while she rattles off a bunch of things she has planned before the end of school.

“Got your college application in yet, Heidi?” Rock asks.

She dips her head. “No. With everything that happened with Grams and moving into Marcel’s place, I—”

My heart aches for Heidi. “I can help you, if you need it, Heidi.”

“Thanks, Hope. I might. There were a few forms I wasn’t sure what to do with.”

“How’re your classes, Axel?” Rock asks. I guess he gets a day off from being just “prospect.”


“He’s being modest, Uncle Rock. He was offered an apprenticeship over the summer.”

“That’s great.”

Axel seems unsure. As if maybe the club won’t give him time for the job or something.

Teller joins us and tries to give his sister a hug, but she shies away from him. Because I’m nosy, I ask what everyone else is thinking. “What’s wrong, Heidi?”

“Oh, she’s pissed at me because I told her she doesn’t need to get a job,” Teller explains. “She won’t even go get her permit, but she wants to get a job.”

“I can walk there. It’s right down the street!” she fumes.

I tap her shoulder to draw her attention from her brother before she attacks him. “Where?”

“At Stewart’s. I can ring up ice cream and sell coffee. I’m not dumb.”

“I didn’t say you were dumb,” Teller grumbles.

“Honey, I think you have to be twenty-one to work there. Or at least eighteen, since they sell cigarettes, alcohol and lottery tickets.”

“Oh. Really?”

“Pretty sure. I know it looks like an easy job, but a friend of mine worked there one summer and said they were strict.”