“You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

“But do I—”

“Yes, whatever you’re about to ask, the answer is yes.”

“Okay,” she answers, still not sounding convinced.

“Can’t you tell from the way I can’t keep my hands off you or my dick out of you?”

Finally, I get a smile out of her. “Will you promise to tell me if that changes?”

“Yes, Baby Doll. That will absolutely be a conversation I want to have with my wife.”

I get a thump on my chest for the sarcasm. “I’m serious. I want you tell me if I don’t make you happy so we can fix it before—”

I finally understand what she’s saying. “Okay. Promise me the same thing, though. I know I’m a prick sometimes. And I know I get wrapped up in club stuff. You need to knock some sense into me, do it.”

“Yum. Sounds like foreplay.”

That’s it. She’s tested me enough tonight. My hand shoots out and clicks the lamp off. I roll to the side and scoop her up, settling her on top of me so we’re nose to nose. “If you wanted some dick all you had to do was ask.”

She chuckles as she kisses the side of my face. “So full of yourself.”

“I’m about to fill you with myself.” My thumbs hook into her underwear, dragging them over her ass and down her legs. While she wriggles out of them, I strip off her shirt. “The first rule in our new house, is you’re sleeping naked. Always.”

“Excuse me?”

Before answering I flip us so she’s pinned under me. My mouth takes time exploring the skin of her neck down to her breasts, licking and sucking until she’s squirming under me. “You. Naked. Every. Night.”

“Hmm…it was the rule part I was questioning.”

I kiss and nuzzle my way to her ear. “Rule number two: never stop being a sass-mouth.” She gasps as I slide the head of my cock along her slick pussy. Enough to tease her but nothing more.


“Yes, sass-mouth?”

“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted too,” she whispers.


I’m not happy about the way my clothes have been fitting lately. Especially when I know I need to squeeze myself into some sort of dress soon.

Rock seems to think sex is the only exercise I need.

Attempting yoga around him is only asking to have my ass groped.

With that in mind, I slide out of bed early the next morning. I plan to run downstairs, ease in a short work-out, then slip back into bed for a different type of workout.

“Where’re you going?” Rock’s sleepy-rough voice calls out as my hand closes over the door knob.

So close. “Gym. I have a wedding dress I need to fit into.”

“You haven’t even picked out a dress yet.”

“Well, I won’t be able to if I can’t fit into anything.”

He tosses back the covers, scrubbing his hands over his face. “Give me a second. I’ll go with you.”

My mouth twitches in irritation. Working out next to Mr. Rock-hard everything is the last thing I want to do. But I don’t want to say no and hurt his feelings, when I know he just wants to spend time with me.

While I’m waiting for him, I gather my hair into a high pony tail. Rock eyes me like the big, bad wolf he is when he joins me.

“You look too pretty for the gym.”

“Thank you,” I answer and throw open the door before we get sidetracked. Behind me, Rock’s sigh makes me chuckle.

“It’s so quiet,” I mutter as we walk downstairs.

“Yeah, most of these degenerate fucks probably just went to bed.”

“Don’t talk about your brothers like that,” I tease.

“Babe. Please. You know it’s true.”

Rock senses my unease as we get started. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m just used to working out alone or with Trinity.”

He doesn’t get it.

“You,” I point to this well-defined arms. “Are all chiseled and perfect.”


“Working out next to you kind of sucks.”

Instead of laughing, he shakes his head. “I see you naked every day.” He flashes a dirty smirk. “Or at least I try to.”

“That’s different.”

“You’re exasperating.”

“I know.”

“Do your thing and quit leering at me. You’re making me uncomfortable,” he says with a girly, shivery gesture you wouldn’t expect from Rock.

“Jerk,” I laugh-grumble. But I know he did it to make me laugh.

Eventually I get over myself and fall into a rhythm. I can’t help glancing at Rock every few minutes—okay seconds. My girly bits do a little tap-dance watching him concentrate on each movement and repetition. Even the thin sheen of sweat rolling over his skin looks sexy on him. From time to time he catches me watching him, but never says anything.

He’s too busy doing his own thing to pay much attention to me.

Or so I think.

As I walk over to the wall to grab a towel, there’s an unexpected tug on my ponytail. His hot, heavy body press, press, presses against my back, until I’m flat against the wall.

Ohmygod. A rush of a desire sizzles through me. His spicy scent spins my thoughts until the need for him to strip me down and fuck me raw right here, right now, becomes impossible to ignore.

His warm lips taste the back of my neck. A sharp, pleasurable prick as he nips my earlobe. “Wearing this ponytail around me was a bad idea, Baby Doll,” Rock whispers into my ear.

“Why?” Hope’s soft, nervous laughter floats back to me.

I wrap her hair around my fist a little tighter and give her a gentle tug. “Because all I’ve been able to think about the entire time we’ve been down here is how perfect it is for grabbing while I’m fucking you from behind.”

She gasps as I pull again. “Am I hurting you?”

“No,” she breathes out.

My other hand slides right down the front of her stretchy pants. “Fucking tight little work out pants have been messing with me all morning.”

No answer, just a sharp intake of breath as my fingers find her soft, wet flesh. “Hit the lights.”

“What? Here? Rock, no.”

“I didn’t ask, Baby Doll.”

She reaches out and snaps off the light switch. “Rock, Wrath and Trin are right across the hall.”

“Then we better be quick and quiet.” My lips trail down her neck, while my hand yanks her pants down.

“Rock.” She’s bending over and offering her ass at the same time she pretends to protest. I never tire of this unspoken game we play.

I said quick, but I can’t help taking my time to bare her ass with one hand, while keeping hold of her hair in the other. “Put your hands on the wall.”

She moans as she complies. I think it has more to do with my hand sneaking under the tight material of her sports bra, pulling it down to free her breasts.

“Love every inch of you, baby,” I whisper as my fingers roll her nipple. “Don’t like it when you’re so hard on yourself.”

She raises her ass up.

“You want it?” I ask.

She tries to shake her head, but I’ve still got a tight hold on her hair.

“I’m going to give it to you.” Freeing myself with one hand takes an extra second, but as I push inside, all her warmth wraps around me. I want to rip off her clothes, so there’s nothing between us. “Admit you’re a little turned on, Hope.”

She shakes her head as I keep thrusting gently. “Don’t lie, Baby Doll. You’re fucking soaked. Your pussy’s gripping me so tight when I pull out. Like it doesn’t want to let go.”

Moans fall from her lips and she pushes back against me. “Admit how much you love when I fuck you. Anywhere. Any time. Any place. Any way I want.”

Even in the shadowy room, the pink spreading across her face and chest stands out. “Love the way you blush when I whi

sper filthy things to you.”

Her mouth twitches as she fights the urge to smile. Still teasing me. Fuck, if I don’t love that the most. In the short time she’s been mine, I’ve mastered how her body responds to all the ways I enjoy pleasuring her.

Each thrust knocks her forward. I’m dying to see her lips part in pleasure, but my girl’s stubborn this morning.

One of her hands reaches back, wrapping around my neck, fingers brushing through my hair. My lips kiss her exposed skin. Now, each time I jam myself inside her, a soft ah sound falls from her lips.

“Fuck, please don’t stop, Rochlan.”

There it is. “That’s my girl. Say it again.”

“Please don’t stop fucking me.”

Jesus, as much as her shyness turns me on, it fires me up even more when I get her to talk dirty. My hips snap into her so hard, she can’t hold herself up and we end up with her cheek pressed up against the wall. My hand untangles from her hair, so I can hold her, while the force of my thrusts lifts her up.

“You’ll let me do what I want, won’t you, Baby Doll?” I tease her in a harsh whisper.

“Oh, God, yes,” she whimpers.

My hand slides down, rubbing her clit. Her lips part and at the last second, I remind her not to scream.

“Rock,” she whispers like a plea.

Her fear of getting caught must be messing with her. Her muscles tense, but she’s not quite where she needs to be to go off. And I need her to go off. Need to see her face and what I do to her. Need to feel it. “Don’t fight it, baby. Come for me.” She’s almost there. A little more pressure on her clit and she jerks against me. I cover her mouth with mine to muffle her moans. Her pussy pulses against me setting me off. A few more frantic thrusts and I push as far as I can, groaning through my release.

My forehead rests against her shoulder for a few seconds until the sex fog clears my brain. I brush a few stray pieces of hair off her face. “You good, Baby Doll?”

She mumbles and laughter bubbles out of her at the same time I slide out of her. When I release her, she slumps against the wall, giggling again.

I pop her on the ass once. “You okay?”

“I can’t stand up. My legs are like jelly.”

I let out my own breathless laughter. “Same here.”

“Pull my pants up,” she demands, sounding very indignant for someone with underwear around her knees.

I chuckle as I hook my fingers in the material, dragging it into place. “Better?”

“No,” she mumbles, looking down her T-shirt and adjusting her bra. She glances up, laughter on her lips. “You and your magic dick always get your way, don’t you?”

“Magic dick. I like that, sass-mouth.”

“You would.” She throws her arms around my neck and I lift her up for a kiss.

“Mad at me?”

She grins and scrunches up her nose. “Furious.”


She opens her mouth, but someone clearing their throat outside the gym stops her.

As I slowly turn us, Hope slides down my body ‘til her feet touch the floor, then she buries her face against me. “I’m so mad at you,” she whispers against my shirt.

We find Wrath and Trin standing across the hallway. Trin’s expression lies somewhere between shocked and amused, while Wrath has a predictably devious smile on his face. He nudges Trinity. “Hey, can you grab some Clorox from the laundry room? I need to bleach my eyes.”

Hope glares at me.

Trin chuckles and shakes her head as I usher Hope out of the gym.

Wrath’s not done being a jackass. “Next time can you at least face the other way, so I don’t have to stare at your ass, brother?”

Trin reaches up and clamps her hand over his big mouth. “Ignore him, Hope. He’s just jealous, he’s not spontaneous any more.”

Hope giggles, but Wrath’s eyes widen and he turns his head. “What did you say? Game fucking on, angel.”

Five seconds later, their door slams shut and laughing that turns to moaning is all we hear.

I grab a handful of Hope’s ass and nudge her down the hall.

“Let’s go be spontaneous again.”

“You’re not done?”


As if having my eyesight assaulted first thing this morning wasn’t bad enough, now my manhood’s been questioned by my girl. I need to fix that.

Trinity backs away from me as I shut the door.

“You should be more careful, Angel Face. I’ll fuck you in every corner of this clubhouse if you don’t watch your mouth.”

Her nervous giggles stir me up. “I was just trying to make Hope feel better. You embarrassed the shit out of her.”

“Price you pay for fucking in public. She’ll live.” That’s it. We’re done talking. I gather her in my arms and cut off any more noise by covering her mouth with mine.

“Oh, fuck,” she whispers when I back off.


I give her a quick spin, the slight friction of her skin against mine excites me and I take a breath to calm down. I want to have fun with her and I want it to last.

Once her back’s nice and tight against my front, my arm bands around her waist to keep her there. The noise from across the hall woke us up, so she’s still in her sleep clothes—a soft, loose tanktop that provides a nice teasing view of her tits and a tiny pair of cotton shorts. My hand skims down her body going straight for her sleek legs. With firm fingers, I trace her inner thigh, sneaking right up under her shorts.

“Spread your legs.” She makes a soft moaning whimper at the harsh sound of my voice against her ear. “Now.”

Her feet inch apart. Just enough for me to shove my big hand against her pussy and stroke the soft, slick skin. “Hmm, turned on, angel?”

“Yes,” she whispers.

My hand that’s wrapped around her waist moves up to cup her tit, squeezing gently, brushing my thumb over her nipple. Under the flimsy fabric her nipples harden. I bury my nose against her neck to inhale more of her sweet-sleepy scent. My fingers keep working and rubbing in a way to build her up quick—because what I’m doing is torture for me. She squirms, her breathing harsh and uncontrolled.

Right there.

My fingers rub, increasing in speed. She shudders and lets out another moan. Just about to go off.

Abruptly, I jerk my hand away, kiss her cheek and head for the bathroom. “I’m off to take a spontaneous shower.”


Spontaneous shower my ass. I need to jerk myself off. Now. I flip the water on, assuming she’ll follow me in to bitch me out. I plan to grab her, fuck her senseless against the shower wall…my crazed eyes dart around the bathroom…or maybe bend her over the sink? I haven’t decided.

The soft click of the bathroom door finally reaches me. I’m waiting in the shower, dick in hand for her to join me.


“Yeah, babe?” I answer before I really take notice of the tone of her voice.

“Are you mad at me?”

Aw fuck.

I whip open the shower door. “Get in here, you nut.” I grab her hand and yank her into the shower—clothes and all—with me. She yelps, drenched in seconds, thin, wet fabric clinging to every curve. Scared honey eyes blink up at me. Cradling her head with my hand, I brush my thumb over her cheek while backing her up against the wall.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.

I’m not sure where our little game went wrong, but I hate that she feels she has to apologize to me. “Nothing to be sorry for, angel. I was just messing around with you.”

Her eyes widen and her mouth forms a small O of surprise. She glances down at her wet clothes. “I’m all wet now.”

“Sounds good to me,” I growl and rip her shirt off, hulk-style. Grab it and tear it in two, right down the center. She gasps as I pick her up, shove her shorts out of my way and press my dick inside.

“Nothing that comes out of that angel mouth of you

rs could ever make me mad.” I grunt the words to her as I keep thrusting, moving my hands up to keep something between her delicate back and the unforgiving tile. Her legs tighten around me, and she rests her forehead against mine, staring into my eyes.

“I’m sure that’s not true.”

I ignore that. “Grab the bar.”

Last week, I installed a safety bar in here just for this purpose. It’s not strong enough for us to hang from or some crazy shit, but it’s prefect for her to hold onto so she can arch her back and put her tits in my face. Eagerly I latch on to one nipple, sucking and licking. Then the other. She’s moaning louder, wiggling her hips against me. “I can’t,” she gasps.

Fuck. Teasing her like that had not been one of my smarter ideas.

“Yes you can, baby. Relax.” I claim every bit of skin I can reach with kisses and angle my thrusts up.

“There,” she whimpers. “There.”

I keep one hand on her ass, supporting her, while the other one strokes down her stomach. My thumb brushes against her clit and she jerks, pushing herself into me. “You’re so beautiful, Trinity. Come for me.”

I rub firmer circles around her clit. She shivers and moans. I answer her with my own guttural groan. Around my hips, her legs tremble. “Ah,” she moans again and again, body shuddering. She opens her eyes and stares at me in wonderment and it triggers my own orgasm. I’m spilling into her, while she keeps whispering, “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Over and over.

“Love you, too.”

My mouth seals over hers, silencing what started to sound more like a plea.


Hope was relentless in her determination to get me down to the restaurant that’s catering our engagement party. I don’t have strong opinions about any of it. As long as I’m not required to wear a suit, and she’s happy, it’s all good.

On the way home, she’s very animated, practically bouncing out of her seat. “I know the boneless will be less messy, but they don’t feel like real wings—”

“I think having both was a great idea.”

“Okay. Trinity was going to make these cute little ice cream sandwich things—oh! That reminds me, did Wrath tell you he plans to patch Trinity at the party? Well, after the party.” She’s talking so fast, my head spins. Her hands are a blur of movement out of the corner of my eye.