See, this right here is one problem. I don’t want all my possessive instincts stirred up.

I do laugh when Wrath pushes her off his lap and she almost falls because she can’t balance herself on her seven-inch fuck-me stilettos.

Strike one.

She stumbles over toward me and leans on the bar. “He’s in a worse mood than usual. What’s his issue?”

I wasn’t aware that we were friends, but I answer anyway, trying to be a good hostess. “Maybe he didn’t want you sitting in his lap, with the broken leg and all.”

Or maybe he meant what he said earlier.

She glances over her shoulder at him. “Oh yeah. Oops.” She giggles and I work on keeping my hand still so I don’t smack her. We almost died the other night and he’s laid up for the next four months, yeah, it’s a real laughfest.


Rock stops by the bar again. “You okay back here?”


“Hey, Rock. We miss you at the club,” Lexi coos while running her hand up his arm.

Even though he smiles back, he removes her hand and takes a step away.

Strike two.

“Z and Dex treating you okay?”

“Oh yeah.” She lets out the fakest giggle and tosses her hair. I roll my eyes. “But it took two men to fill your shoes.”

Good God.

Rock smirks, and turns to me. “I’m gonna be outside waitin’ for Hope. She should be here any minute.”

“Sounds good. Will you at least let me say hi to her before you tuck her away upstairs?” I respond with a wink.

“I’ll do my best.” He takes another step from the bar. “Good to see you, Lex.”

“Are any of these guys DTF?” Lexi bitches at me.

I scan the room. No one here I dislike enough to sic her on.

“Maybe one of the prospects?” I suggest. They never get any ass.

Finally she wobbles away. Just in time too, because Hope breezes in about five seconds later.

“Finally!” I shout and throw my arms around her. She laughs and hugs me back.

“Rock said you were bringing supplies.”

She nods at the hallway. “He asked the prospects to unload my car.”

I quirk an eyebrow. Just how much did she bring?

“I’ll go check. Make sure you give him lots of attention,” I say nodding at Wrath.

Her gaze sweeps the room, nose wrinkling at the antics of some of the guys. But her lips curve into a smile when she spots Wrath.

“Hope! You’re finally here,” Wrath calls out.

She turns to me. “Did the doctor ever tell you how bad his head injury was?”

It takes a second, but I realize she’s joking. When I’m finished laughing, I tap the bag in her hand. “What’s in there?”

She tilts her head in Wrath’s direction. “He asked for Jack Daniels.”

“Oh boy, he’ll love you forever.”

She laughs and crosses the room, shyly handing him the bag. Wrath said she brought him burgers in the hospital. It’s cute that they’ve reached some strange, friendly truce since the accident.

Shaking my head, I walk down to the kitchen to make sure the prospects don’t make a mess out of my pantry while they’re unloading Hope’s car.

When I return, Wrath’s over on the couch with Rock and Hope. Without me behind the bar, no one could figure out how to serve themselves, so there’s a bit of a line waiting for me. I get most of them taken care of pretty quick. When I glance up, Hope’s on her way over, looking dejected and annoyed. My gaze flicks to Wrath and Rock who seem to be having an intense discussion.

“I’ve been sent away,” Hope grumbles as she leans her elbows on the counter.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why. “Club business?”

“Something about Wrath’s gym.”

Okay. Furious Fitness isn’t exactly top secret, but I feel I should warn Hope should she ever overhear something relating more closely to the MC. Especially as I spot a number of other members from our downstate charter in the room. “Always play dumb when it comes to club business, Hope.”

Poor girl reacts like I threw a bucket of ice water in her face. Shit. I should have kept my mouth shut. “I’m sorry, Hope. I didn’t mean to sound like I was scolding you. Just if…you know, we were ever around any other clubs or one of our other charters—always act as if you hear nothing.”

She pauses then leans back over the bar. “Sorry, Trinity. I know you’re just looking out for me.”

That’s a relief. The last thing I want to do is disrespect Rock by offending his woman. She flashes a pained smile at me. I try to picture myself in her world—wearing a suit, arguing in a courtroom—I’d be completely out of place. And while I’m aware of and understand a woman’s place in the MC world, I’m sure it pisses Hope off. “I’m used to it, but I imagine it’s weird for you.”

She still looks a little forlorn. Even worse, I notice a number of the guys in the room checking her out. Rock’s wrapped up in his discussion with Wrath, so he hasn’t noticed yet. Only a matter of time before he does and loses his shit.

“FYI, I wouldn’t keep standing like that in a room full of bikers. You know how they say men think about sex seventy-five percent of the time? With these guys, it’s closer to ninety-nine percent.”

She doesn’t answer, but she does turn and glance at Rock, who’s got his eye on her now.

Z walks up behind her and by the grin on his face, I know he’s about to cause trouble. “Hey, Hope. Keep standing like that and you’re just begging for a spankin’,” Z says, eying her up and down.

Her reaction is pretty funny. She straightens up and yanks her shirt down over her ass. “Told ya,” I say through a mouthful of giggles.

“You startled me, you perv!” she yelps, slapping his arm.

Z gives her one of his panty-dropping smiles, but Hope’s immune to anyone’s charm but Rock’s.

Although, if he keeps acting this way, “Rock’s gonna kill you,” I warn him.

“Nah. Hope’s like that hot sister-in-law you got inappropriate feelings for, but wouldn’t touch on a dare.”

She has no idea what to do with that. “Thanks, I think.”

Z winks and I know whatever he’s about to say will embarrass me. He’s got some sort of agenda tonight and I can’t figure it out. “Now you,” he says, focusing all his attention on me. “Nothing about my feelings for you are brotherly. What are you doing later?”

Is he fucking kidding? In front of Hope? Why?

“Can I get a Crown and Coke to go, please?” Hope asks.

After she practically runs away with her drink. I turn my glare on Z. “Why would you try to embarrass me in front of her?” Shit, my nose stings and my cheeks feel like I’ve been standing in front of the oven for too long.

“Give it a second.” He glances over his shoulder at Hope, who’s now snuggled up against Rock. “I love the girl, but she won’t be able to keep her mouth shut.”

Sure enough, Wrath’s angry gaze swings our way. The scowl on his face deepens when he notices, Z running his fingers over my hand. “You’re an ass,” I grumble, while snatching my hand away.

A wave of people come in the front door and I’m swamped. Not enough that I miss Wrath slap Z on the back—hard—and tell him Rock’s looking for him. Z laughs and ducks away.

Wrath crosses his massive arms over his chest and leans against the wall behind the bar. “You almost done, babe?”

“In a minute.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch him yanking his phone out his of pocket.

A few minutes later I realize what he did. Hoot nudges me out of the way to take over bar duty. I edge out from behind the bar. A few of the guys ask where I’m going. Bitching about Hoot not being as pretty a bartender.

“What’s wrong?” I ask Wrath as I approach.

“Gettin’ tired of you waitin’ on everyone else. You’re supposed to be waitin’ on me.” He fl

ashes that boyish smile of his that does me in every time.

He bitches about the crutches the whole way to my room and drops them at the foot of the bed as soon as we’re inside.

“What was that all about with Z?” he asks.

I can’t stop the immediate eye-roll. “Messing with you. Obviously it worked.”

“What did he say?”

“I don’t know, he made a joke about spanking Hope’s ass—”

“Oh, so he’s as good as dead,” he quips and flings himself onto the bed.

“You need your pain meds?”

His jaw clenches and I know he wants to say no. Wrath’s very much a Real men don’t need pain killers type of guy.

“I probably shouldn’t. Had a lot to drink.”

I hesitate because this is weird. “Um, I’m going to change.”

“Okay,” he answers making no move to…what I don’t know. Where’s he supposed to go? I grab a nightshirt. As my hand closes over the bathroom door, Wrath asks, “Where you going?”

“Uh, in the bathroom to change.”

“Why? I’ve seen you naked.”

Yes, that’s true. I turn and find him grinning. “What do you expect? A strip show?


“This is weird,” I mutter.


I point at him and then myself. “You, me, us, this whole domestic weirdness we’re doing.”

The smile slides right off his face. “Why? You were staying up in my room before the fight,” he says softly. Too softly for Wrath.

“That was different.”

“Why? Because I told you I love you?”

Shit. “About that…. Can we not tell people about whatever this is just yet?”

He’s silent, but his jaw’s ticking like crazy. “Tell me why,” he finally says.

Why? Because this is never going to work. “Everyone knows you’re just staying here because of the cast.”

“Trinity, I could have figured something else out. Hell, I could have kicked you out of here and told you to go stay up in my room if I really wanted to.”

My throat’s so tight I can barely speak. “If this doesn’t…if we don’t make it this time…I don’t want everyone feeling sorry for me.” Then there’s the biggest reason of all. The one I hate the most because it means I’m only thinking of myself. “I don’t want to be kicked out.” I hate how pathetic and miserable I sound. Inside I’m ticked he’s forcing me to voice my insecurities.

“Shit, baby. Come here.” He holds out his hands to me, but I’m rooted to my spot. “Trinity, come here. Now,” he says, much louder.

That voice my body responds to, and I find myself in front of him. His hands curl over my hips, holding me in place. “I’d never do that to you.” There’s no judgment or anger in his voice and I relax a bit. “Besides, you know the club wouldn’t survive without you takin’ care of us.”

I snort and lift my gaze to meet his eyes. Those deep, ocean-eyes, pulling me under. Making me think maybe we have a chance.

Did I finally get through to her? It’s hard to tell. For fuck’s sake, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. What does she need?

To feel secure, wanted, and loved. To be safe.

I know I can give her all of that. And more.

She shakes her head and sighs. “You guys would find some other chick to help out.”

“Is that what you think? You’re replaceable? Fuck without you we’d probably starve to death for one thing.” She chuckles and looks away. “We’d definitely be rolling around in our own filth.” She laughs a little harder.

“But—” I struggle to come up with the right words. “Even when I’ve been mad at you, I’ve needed you in my life, Trin.”

The admission seems to startle her, but then her face softens. “I always feel better when you’re around,” she says.

Hell, that’s practically an I love you from Trinity. “Even when I’m a jerk?”

“Yeah, then I just fantasize about slitting your throat.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “Remind me to chuck my pocketknife.” Her mouth quirks. “Okay, will you be more comfortable if we don’t go public right now?”

She doesn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”

“Until the cast comes off?” I ask, because, fuck that’s months away.

She nods. “And you’re sure you want to be with me?”

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life, babe.” I run my hand over my head, wincing when I brush over the bandage. “Fuck, that’s a long time. Four months?”

Her eyes well up. “I’m sorry. Maybe—”

I press a finger to her lips. “If that’s what you need, then that’s what we’ll do. But in here, together. We’re doing this for real.” I poke my finger at the door. “Any of them—” Fuck, I hate this. “You shut them down, and if they give you shit, send them to me.”

“People are going to wonder.”

“No one will have the balls to stick their nose in our business. They’ll just assume I’m being my regular asshole self.”

“That’s not fair. I’m sorry.” She slides to the floor and grabs for my belt.

“What are you doing?”

She flutters her lashes at me and her lips curve into a smile that I think she intended to be sexy, but it’s more sad. “You really have to ask?”

My hand closes over hers and I pull her away. In my shorts, my dick’s cursing me out. “No. Not like this.”

Her bottom lip juts out. “What? Why?”

“You think I’m mad at you, and that’s not what’s going on here.”

Her smile disappears.

I jerk my chin at the bathroom door. “Go change. I’m exhausted and I bet you are too.”

She balances on my good leg and pushes up off the floor. “I’m sorry I’m so fucked up.”

“Babe, we’re all fucked up in one way or another. One day you’ll tell me what your reason is.”

Stunned honey eyes stare back at me. What? She thought I wasn’t going to want to know every piece of her eventually? “Be surprised all you want, Angel Face. But I intend to be your man in every single way.”

Z’s the first one at the dining room table the next morning, which is unusual. Still pissed about last night, I grunt at him instead of an actual greeting.

Trinity hurries past me into the kitchen and once again, I’m irritated that my girl’s serving everyone breakfast.

Except she’s not my girl—yet. I’m trying hard to honor her request, but it’s annoying the shit out of me.

By the way Z keeps staring, I’m waiting for him to say something.

“Sorry about last night, bro.”

Surprised, I raise an eyebrow at him.

He shrugs. “I wanna see you two work your shit out.”

“It ain’t me, brother.”

Z cocks his head, but doesn’t seem surprised. “I never…not until she told me a couple weeks ago and then it all clicked…if I’d known you two had something back then…I never—”

Fuck me. “Yeah, I know.”

“You gonna claim her or not?”

Z must think this cast is gonna stop me from beating his ass. “She’s not ready.”

He gives me a So what? shrug.

“No. There are some things she needs me to tell her to do, and others…” Yeah, Trinity’s been tough to figure out, but I’m learning. Slowly. “Besides, I ain’t claimin’ an ol’ lady who doesn’t want me to be her ol’ man.”

Z nods, and I realize he understands. “She worried about the club?”

My shoulders lift. “I guess. She had a fucked up childhood.”

He looks away for a second. “Yeah, I always kinda figured.”

My hands clench into fists because I can only guess what made him say that. Fuck.

Murphy swaggers in, and I’m overwhelmed with the urge to punch him. Don’t know why. Instead of sitting, he curls his hands over the back of one of the chairs and leans over. “Whe

re’s Trin at?”

“Why?” I growl at him.

“Need a blowjob,” he says with a cocky smirk.

Never hit a brother.

Fuck that shit.

Unless he’s earned it.

That comment’s definitely grounds for a beating. Cast doesn’t slow me down a bit as I jump out of my chair, reach across the table and wrap my fingers around his neck. Z’s up so fast his chair clatters to the floor. He slaps his hand over my arm. “Let him go,” he says to me with complete calm.

Just one more squeeze and I release the little fuck.

“Seriously, bro?” he asks Murphy.

Murphy leans over and coughs. “Fucking hell.” He lifts his wary gaze to me before standing up straight. “What the fuck? I thought you were just staying in her room—”

“Let it fucking go, and watch your mouth, asshole,” Z advises as both of us sit back down.

Murph’s got no sense of self-preservation, because he pulls out a chair and drops into it. He runs his hand over his neck, but won’t meet my eyes. “Sorry. Fuckin’ irritated from seeing Heidi and Axel all over each other last night.”

Z cocks his head. “When was she up here?”

He shrugs. “She came up to surprise him. T ended up chasing her home.”

I feel for him, but I’m still fuckin’ pissed. “From now on, find someone else to work out your Heidi-frustrations.”

Murphy doesn’t get to respond because Rock and Hope join our tense group. He casts a suspicious glance at each of us before pulling out a chair for Hope. Sweet and oblivious as always, she smiles at everyone, as if we’re not a crew of degenerate fuckwits.

Teller joins us next.

“Thought you were home?” Murphy asks.

“Nah, came back after I dropped Heidi off.”

Murphy grunts and looks away.

Hope’s gaze keeps darting between Z and me. As if she’s worried we’re gonna kill each other. If only she knew. Murphy’s more likely to get the fuck beaten out of him at the moment.

Trinity brings mugs out for everyone, then coffee. Hope chews on her lip as she watches Trinity move around the table.