“I’ve got one, maybe two, kids at the gym who might make good prospects,” I inform everyone.

Rock nods. “If they’re eighteen, start bringing them ‘round Crystal Ball when you think they’re ready.”

Christ, like I wanna hang anywhere near CB. Z smirks like he knows exactly what I’m thinking.

Once club business is out of the way, Rock glances at me. I nod. Hell, yeah motherfucker. Let’s do this.

Rock holds one hand up to the group. “Hang tight, everyone. Wrath has an announcement.”

I’m glad every brother is here while I deliver my message. “I’m claiming Trinity as my ol’ lady. Anyone fucking looks at her with anything other than friendly, respectful intentions will be answering to me.” I glance at Rock and see him chuckling at my choice of words.

The responses range from “about fucking time” to “congratulations.”

Rock gives everyone a hard stare. “We’re all clear on this, fellas?”

No one has an objection. General members are dismissed. Rock motions the officers to stay.

I stare down at my clasped hands on the table. I’m really fucking doing this. Holy shit.

“We’re taking a vote on Trinity. Wrath wants to patch her too.” Rock doesn’t fuck around, getting right to the point.

A whistle. A sharp intake of breath. Why, I’m not sure. It shouldn’t be a surprise. Property patch is the next logical step. Trinity and I have wasted way too much time as it is.

Z walks around the table to punch my arm. “All right, brother.” He plops down in the empty chair next to me, grinning like an idiot.

Some of the tension drains out of me and one corner of my mouth lifts.

Then Murphy opens his big mouth. “You realize she’s fucked everyone at this table, right?”

My eyes snap up at that. Brother apparently didn’t learn his lesson. I know he’s young and dumb, so this time he needs more than a choking to drive the message home. Rock knows exactly what I’m thinking, because he puts his hand on my arm.

He drills Murphy with a withering stare. “First, that’s not true. Second, you got a motherfucking death wish, Murph?”

Murphy looks away. “Sorry,” he grumbles. I get why he’s so surprised. Club girls don’t usually become ol’ ladies. But he’s also known me long enough to know I don’t give a fuck about shit like that.

“Get it all out of your systems now, you three.” Rock jabs his finger at the closed war room door. “‘Cause once we walk out, if one of you dares bring past shit up or makes Trinity uncomfortable in any way, I will personally kick your ass before handing you over to Wrath.”

“I’m cool, prez.” Z reassures us. He taps my shoulder. I turn and give him my full attention. “I’m happy for you, bro. Trinity and me—we’ve been just friends for a while now. She’s a good girl.”

I nod. “Thanks, brother.”

Teller blows out a breath and I turn to stare at him. Brother can’t quite meet my eyes. “Fuck, man. You love her?” He rakes his fingers through his hair. Is he having a hard time with this because he has feelings for my girl? Somehow that bothers me a lot less than if he just saw her as his favorite fuck toy.

Never one to enjoy discussing my emotions, I just grunt. “Yeah.”

Teller nods. “She deserves to be happy.”

Murphy glances at his best friend like he’s got two heads. Guessing he didn’t realize Teller’s feelings ran deeper than blowjobs and three-ways.

“Anything else you want to add, Murphy?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No, man. I’m happy for you two.”


Rock sighs and taps the table. “Can we vote now?”

Z, again raises his hand first. “Shoulda made her an honorary member or something years ago for puttin’ up with all our bullshit.”

I toss a look at my friend. He’s obviously got a lot of respect for Trinity to say something like that.

“Is that a yes?” Rock grumbles, with a smirk.


Teller and Murphy both give their yeses.

I turn to prez.

“Well, I wouldn’t have brought it to the table if I wasn’t going to say yes. Jesus Christ, you two have given me fucking gray hairs.”

Everyone has a good laugh at that.

Z’s the first to get down to logistics. “Need help moving her shit up to your room?”

“No, man. I’m staying right where I am.”

A “What?” comes out of everyone, except prez. Even though I hadn’t shared this with him yet, I can tell he’s not surprised.

I shrug, not really giving a fuck what anyone thinks about our living arrangements. “Her room’s bigger and she’s not comfortable being in a room where I’ve fucked a bunch of skanks fifty ways from Sunday.” Also, I know I’m the only one who’s been in her room. I don’t have to say it though, everyone knows.

“Well, at least you’ll be closer to the gym. Work some of that flab off you’ve accumulated sitting around on your ass,” Z snarks at me.

“Aw, thanks for worrying about my figure, brother.” I give him a quick shove. “Actually, I’m thinking of measuring out a few acres and building a little cabin right next door to you, prez,” I say with a completely straight face.

The corner of Rock’s mouth twists up into a smirk, but he doesn’t comment.

“Copycat,” Z jokes.

“So, except for…you know. She gonna do the same stuff around the clubhouse?” Murphy asks.

I don’t hesitate. “No.”

Rock quirks an eyebrow at me.

My fists clench on the table in front of me. “Fuck, she doesn’t want anyone knowing this. She’s got this book cover design business started and she’s taking art classes. I want her to focus on that.”

Rock slowly nods his approval.

Teller’s clearly shocked. That’s right, brother, we’re about more than sex.

Z taps the table to get Murphy’s attention, then pins him with a hard stare. “What the fuck you worried about? Learn to clean up after yourself.”

I snort out a laugh, then reconsider my blanket no. “I’m sure she’ll still want to plan the parties. She likes doing that stuff.” I nod at Rock. “She’s ecstatic about your engagement party, you know.”

Rock’s mouth twitches. “I’m sure.”

“But as far as doing everyone’s laundry, and playing housekeeper? No. She’s done with that.”

“Fair enough. We’ll figure it out,” Rock says and his word is final.

We break and everyone gets up to leave. Rock stops me before I get out of my chair.

“Books?” he prods when everyone else has cleared the room.

A slow smile spreads over my face. “Yeah, she’s good with the art stuff. Real good. She’s slowly picking up some authors and making money with it.”

I’m not sure what it is, but this look of relief, happiness, and pride flickers over his face. “That’s good. You okay with how this went down?” he asks, waving his hand around the table.

I think about it. “Murph fucking pissed me off, but I get it. I’m sure he thinks it’s strange. Long as he treats her with respect, we’re cool. Teller, though? I think his feelings are more than I realized. Don’t know if that’s better or worse.”

“He won’t interfere.”

“I know. It’s good to know he cared about her more than just a...” Yeah, I don’t need to finish that sentence.

“I’m proud of you. You wouldn’t have been able to handle that shit a while ago.”

“No kidding.”

“She know you were doing this?”

“Sort of. I’m not sure she wants it.”

“You two have come this far. You’ll figure it out. Want Hope to talk to her?”

“I appreciate the offer, but no, we need to figure this out on our own.”

Rock pauses and takes a deep breath. Something is weighing on my brother and I wait for him to get it out. “I’m happy for yo

u two.” He stops again. “This is the only time I’m ever going to say this, so listen good.” Rock closes his eyes for a second, then meets my stare. “I’m sorry for my part in—”

“Don’t go there, Rock.”

“No. You tried to tell me how you felt. I shoulda sat you both down. I knew her story, but I didn’t understand until much, much later what her issues were.”

“Jesus, Rock. You were two years out of prison and the new president of an MC that was barely standing on its feet after some serious shit went down. It wasn’t your job to play relationship counselor to two fuckups.”

His mouth twists and he huffs a bit of a laugh. “I love both of you, you know. It tore me up watching you two rip each other apart, knowing I had a hand in it.”

“Let it go. We’re good now. I never blamed you.” At least I don’t think I did.

Rock quirks an eyebrow at me and suddenly I get his meaning. “Uh-uh. Don’t go thinking I was mean to Cinder-fuckin-ella ‘cause I had some subconscious anger toward you over Trinity. I ain’t that deep, prez.”

Laughter shades his voice. “Don’t underestimate yourself.”

The guys have been giving me strange looks all night. Like they’re afraid to talk to me. I can only imagine what went down in church today.

True to her word, Hope came to my room while the guys were in church. She giggled through all of Wrath’s photos. “You’re so good. He almost looks sexy instead of terrifying. You have to photograph Rock for me.”

I can’t wait to tell Wrath that little gem.

Wrath has been stuck to me like Velcro all night. Hope keeps glancing at him and snickering. I know it’s killing her not to say anything. Rock pulls her away from the crowd eventually and I can relax.

“Is she okay?” Wrath asks.

“She loved your photo shoot,” I blurt out.

His jaw drops. “You didn’t.”

“I had to. She’s going to help me incorporate. She needed to know what the business was,” I say with a helpless shrug.

He shakes his head. “Great. Can’t wait for the guys to start busting my balls over that,” he grumbles.

He has to step away to take care of something. Bonfire smoke keeps blowing in my eyes, so I perch myself on a log under a bunch of trees. This way I can watch everyone from a distance.

To my left, Murphy comes out of the shadows.

“Hey, Trin.”

I’m not sure how to act. I think Murphy and I are friends, but there’s not a lot to our relationship other than Teller and some mutual orgasms.


“Why you over here by yourself?” He sits next to me on the log, keeping a safe distance between us.

“Just quieter.”

He stares at the fire for a few minutes before speaking. “Wrath told us today—you two are permanent.”

My jaw drops. “He did?”

Suddenly Murphy’s alarmed. “He didn’t tell you?”


“Christ, he already wants to kick my fucking ass.”


“When he told us, I opened my big mouth and said something nasty.” He adds quickly, “I didn’t mean it.”

I sigh. It will always be this way for us, won’t it? Someone will fling my past in both our faces.

“Anyway. I apologized to him. But you’re the one I should say sorry to.”

“What, why?”

“‘Cause I’m a jealous dick?”

“Pfft. I don’t think for a second that’s true.”

“Yeah, I know you don’t. But it is.” He hesitates. “I’m jealous he can openly claim you.” His hand runs through his hair. “Shit, Trin. I’m not good at being friends with girls. But I hope you know I love you and respect you. Always have. If I’ve ever acted otherwise, I’m sorry.”

My hand grasps his. “We’re good.” It finally dawns on me what he’s upset about. “She’s gonna be eighteen in a few months, Murphy.”

He shakes his head. “Nah. I think it’s too late. I don’t deserve her anyway.”


“Anyway,” he cuts me off. “If I keep my distance for a while, it’s not because I’m mad at you. I just got some stuff to work out.” He grins at me. “That, and I don’t want your man ripping my head off.”

“Good plan,” Wrath growls from behind us.

Murphy jumps off the log and turns. Wrath comes up behind me and settles his hand in my hair.

Jamming his hands in his pockets, Murphy glances down at me. “Bye, Trin.” He flicks his gaze up and nods at Wrath. “Be good to each other.”

Wrath straddles the log and turns to face me as soon as Murphy’s gone. “What was that about?”

“You really did it?”

What the fuck? Did Murphy ruin everything with his big mouth?

Fucking Murphy. I’m going to kill him after all. I let his shitty comments slide, but upsetting my girl won’t be forgiven as easily.

“Told them what?”

“That, you and me, we’re…together?”

So Murph didn’t spill about the vote. I may let him live, depending on what Trin says next.

“Yeah babe. Told you I was taking care of it. What else did he say?”

“I don’t know. He apologized. Told me he said something shitty to you at the table and I was really the one he needed to apologize to.”

I’m a little stunned. A lot stunned, actually. Murphy has more class and bigger balls than I give him credit for.

“Is it always going to be this way? Not everyone will be as nice as Murphy.”

“They will if they want to keep breathing.”

“What about when we mix with other clubs or charters? I know that fight with Whisper was about me. People will never forget what I was, Wyatt.”

I grip her chin and force her to look at me. “Hey. Listen to me. What you were was a sweet girl who was loyal to her club. What you are now is my girl. Anyone has an issue, they can answer to me.”


“Our business is our business. We’ve worked our issues out. We’re putting the past to bed. If other people want to relive it, they’ll answer to my fists.”

She shakes her head. “Okay.”

“I mean it. That goes for club girls too. They give you shit, you tell me. If you’re not comfortable with that, tell Hope.”


“No. It’s not going to be an issue anyway. You’ll be wearing my property patch. Anyone dares run their mouth has a death wish I’ll be happy to help them fulfill.”

Her jaw drops. “What did you say?”

“You heard me.”

“Are you asking me, or telling me?”

I cock my head at her, assessing what she needs to hear. “Which one will make you say yes?”

Holy shit. Is Wrath really asking what I think he is?

Wait, why is he on his knees?

He takes my hand. “Trin, you remember months ago when I was being a dick, you laid down a challenge for me?”

“What? No. I’ve never challenged you.”

He snorts. “Babe, you’ve been challenging me since the day we met. But seriously, you said you wouldn’t be my ol’ lady even if I got down on my knees and begged in front of everyone.”

I do remember. And I said it because he hurt my feelings. I didn’t mean it. I certainly never meant to have him do something like this. Granted, we’re not in front of everyone. But there’s definitely enough people around to witness this spectacle.

He wraps his arms around my waist, tugging me against him until we topple onto the ground. His hand threads into my hair and he pulls me down for a kiss.

“Not here. Gonna do it right, babe,” he rumbles against my mouth when we part.

Someone whistles. I giggle and roll off him into the damp grass. “Ew, I’m all wet now.”

“Yeah, baby,” Wrath growls, launching himself at me.

“Get off me,” I gasp, but I’m laughing so hard, my words ma

ke no sense.

He presses another kiss to my lips, then gets up, pulling me with him. “Let’s go to our room, Angel Face,” he says low and with so much desire, I shiver.

Once we’re tucked away in my room, he spins me around, and pulls me against his chest. His warm breath caresses my neck as I wait to see what he has planned.

“You’re my woman now, Trinity. Mine.”

My vision clouds with tears. “Yes,” I whisper.

“I’m yours.”

My entire body trembles under the weight of his words. “Yes.”

“Good girl,” his low voice stimulates the roughest, most carnal part of me. He strips off my sweatshirt and trails soft kisses across my shoulders.

His arms tighten around my waist holding me tight. “You’re mine to protect. Mine to love. Anyone hurts you, I’ll kill them.” His words dissolve into a possessive growl that rocks down my body, curling my toes.


“Yes, angel?” he asks as he pulls off my pants and sneakers. I’m momentarily disoriented when he picks me up and pins me to the wall. Wyatt’s mouth on mine, his tongue licking and tasting me. The heat of his skin burning my flesh.

“I need you spread out in front of me,” he mumbles as he carries me to the bed, gently setting me down.

My hands go for his pants, unbuttoning and shoving them down. He takes over. “Lie back for me.”

Having someone as perfect as Wrath examine me so closely would have made me squirm before. But he makes me feel beautiful. He hovers over me, settling, his big, warm body against mine, keeping most of his weight balanced on his arms.

His mouth drops to my breast, nipping at my nipple through the silky fabric of my bra.