“You proved yourself. You got enough love for Rock to accept all this shit,” he says, waving his hand in the air. I’m not exactly sure what he means, but I don’t interrupt him. “Known Rock more than twenty years. Went through lotta bad shit together. Never seen him cry once until that day in the hospital when he thought he might lose you.”

Maybe it’s the pot, or maybe it’s lingering hormones, but my eyes well up.

He wags a finger at my face. “Don’t you cry. Can’t handle females cryin’.”

“You think I’m too soft for Rock’s life. For the club, I know.”

He cocks his head to the side and studies me for a minute. “Yeah, sugar. I ain’t gonna lie. You’re soft. Took me some time to get it, but that’s what Rock likes about you so much. Your softness. Our world is hard most of the time, so I guess he needs that. You give him something he can’t find anywhere else.”

Wow. Pot seems to bring out Wrath’s romantic side. And he’s not finished. “Besides…” He continues. “You’re a good girl. You’ve been tough when it counted.” He stops, and before I can absorb all of that, he pins me with a hard but not unkind stare. “You realize I worry about your safety? You ever got picked up by one of our enemies… I can’t even think about it.”

Rock has told me bits and pieces, but the grave tone Wrath uses makes the threat of their rivals seem much more real. “Shit, Wrath.”

“Hope, we’ve worked damn fuckin’ hard to strike a balance and keep our alliances tight.” He shakes his head and gives me a level stare. “But this life ain’t easy on women.”

“What about Trinity?”

His face hardens. “She’s been through enough.”

“You love her, don’t you?” I must be high or I’d never go there.

Wrath doesn’t answer my question. Not really anyway.

He snorts. “That girl’s made me work harder than anything in my life.”

We’re silent after that. I don’t know what to think. I sniffle and swipe under my eyes. “I miss him.”

“Yeah. I know. I’m sorry, sugar. Shoulda been me on that run.”

“What is this ‘run’ anyway? Rock never said.”

He rolls his eyes at me. “Club business.”

“Ohhhhh.” I let out a snicker. “Top secret, big, bad biker stuff. I get it.”

“You are soooo fucked up right now,” he teases.

Suddenly, he whips out his cell phone. One look at the screen and a slow smile spreads over his face. “Yo.” His gaze slides over to me. “Yeah, she’s right here.” Pause. “Living room.” Another pause. “Gettin’ her high.”

Loud yelling comes out of his phone.

“Is that Rock?” I shriek, then throw out my hand for the phone. “Gimmie.”

He slips the phone into my palm with a chuckle.

“Hey, baby,” I chirp into the phone.

“Hope, what the fuck are you doing?” he yells back.

Ignoring the question, I blurt out the only thing on my mind. “I miss you so bad.”

His heavy sigh comes through loud and clear. “I miss you too, baby doll. We’re wrapping things up early, so I’ll be back soon.” In a lower voice, he adds, “You gonna be ready for me?”

“So, so ready.”

“Not sure how I feel about you hanging out with Wrath in your impaired condition.”


“Yeah. Is he behaving himself?”

“Yes, he’s been a perfect gentleman.”

Wrath shakes his head as if I’m ruining his street cred, and it makes me laugh.

Rock’s exasperated groan has me giggling even harder. “I am so gonna spank your ass when I get back.”

“Not if I spank yours first.”

Wrath gags.

Rock and I spend considerable time saying our good-byes with a lot of love yous and miss yous. Wrath points a finger-gun at his head. I flip him off. When Rock and I finally hang up, I pass the phone back to Wrath.

“He threatened to kick my ass, you know.”

I snort at that. “I don’t ever want to see you two trade punches.”

“He can hold his own,” Wrath assures me.

“I don’t doubt it.”

We go back to smoking quietly.

Fight Club has never interested me, high or not. Flipping chunks of my hair through my fingers, I notice a lot of split ends. “I need to get my hair trimmed.”

Wrath’s eyebrows draw down in a why-are-you-telling-me-this face. “You and Trin should go out tomorrow. Do some sort of girly salon day thing.”

“Does she…? She’s not really the girly type.”

The door slams. We both look up and find Trinity.

“Jesus, it fucking reeks in here.” She comes closer, studying the both of us. “Goddammit, Wyatt. Did you get her high? Rock’s gonna kill you.”

“Yeah, he already chewed me out.” He holds out his hands to her.

Ignoring the offer to sit in his lap, she plunks down next to me and plucks the joint from my fingers.

“Hey!” I yelp.

“Trin, Hope wants to go get her hair cut. Can you take her tomorrow?” He flicks his hand at my hair while he’s asking.

Exhaling, she nods. “Sure. Girl I know owns that pin-up salon downtown. She always fits me in. I’ll text her later.”

I know the place she’s talking about. “I’m not too nerdy for that place?”

She quirks her lips up. “No.”

Wrath chuckles at both of us and lights a fresh joint.

Trinity’s friend has two spots open. Before we leave for the salon, I catch Wrath slipping a bundle of cash into her hand. She shakes her head, and he leans down to whisper something in her ear.

Because I’m so boring, I get a regular wash, trim, and blowout. Trinity has her friend dye the ends of her bright-blond hair beautiful shades of blue and turquoise. It looks amazing, and I’m insanely jealous.

As we’re checking out, I discover the cash Wrath shoved at her was to pay for our little excursion. I must say I’m touched.

The salon has a lingerie store attached to it that naturally specializes in pin-up style pieces. Trinity yanks me in there next.

“You need something sexy for your man when he gets back.”

I never thought I’d find myself shopping for fuckwear with a friend, but Trinity makes it fun instead of icky. After a lot of indecision, I settle on an emerald-green halter bra covered in black polka dots and lace accents with a matching ruffle-trimmed garter skirt. The high-waist style hides the small scars left from the surgery, which is the reason I finally decide on it. I also grab several pairs of stockings and this sheer spandex and lace open-back panty contraption that ties in the back with a big bow.

If I’m indecisive, Trinity is outright reluctant, even though she’s the one who insisted on dragging us in here. I finally manage to shove her in the dressing room with a similar bra and garter skirt set in sapphire blue. After some furious muttering and cursing, she waves me in to help her with one of the hooks.

“Geez, girl, it’s like that thing was made for you,” I say, only an itty-bit jealous. “It looks gorgeous with your new hair. Wrath’s going to flip.”

Now, this is the first time I’ve acknowledged what anyone with two eyes and a brain can see. She blushes and offers a weak denial.

“Sorry,” I say. Although I’m not.

After our awkward moment, I have to talk her into getting the set. She finally relents and takes forever to get dressed again.

We go out for burritos before we head home.

Yes, somewhere along the way, I started thinking of the clubhouse as home.

As she pulls the car around the back of the building, I’m bummed to see Rock’s bike still isn’t here. When he said he’d be back sooner than he thought, I’d been hopeful that meant today.

Wrath eyes the bags in our hands right away.

“Get anything good?” he asks with a restless smile.

Making a run for the stai

rs, I shout, “Nothing but some sex-wear.”

A growl, a squeal, and a door slamming are all I hear from Wrath and Trinity for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Wrath’s all twitchy while I’m curled up on the couch, trying to read. He keeps checking his phone and shooting weird faces in my direction.

“What?” I ask for the tenth time.

“Nothing,” he answers for the tenth time.

The rumble of bikes can be heard outside, and I swear my panties are soaked the minute my brain registers what it means.

“You’re evil! Why didn’t you tell me?”

Wrath grins. “Go greet your man.”

I’m already off the couch and halfway to the door before he gets the sentence out. Flinging the front door wide open—there he is. My belly flips. I fly into his arms, almost knocking him down. Effortlessly, he lifts me, my legs wrapping around his waist, our lips fusing together.

Time stops while our tongues twine together. Every soft, teasing stroke tells how much he missed me.

We must have stayed like that for a long time. Eventually, Z clears his throat and we break our kiss. Rock’s face makes it clear how much he didn’t appreciate the interruption.

“Don’t kill me, but you’re blocking the door, and I’d really like to get inside and take a fucking shower,” Z says in a rush.

A peal of giggles comes out of me. “Sorry.”

Rock tightens his grip on my ass as he takes us inside. I nuzzle my face against his neck, breathing him in.

As my man takes us up the stairs, I hear Wrath and Z greeting each other. I hear Murphy thumping some bags on the floor, and then I lose track of everything except us.

Inside our room, he sets me down gently. My chest tightens as I take him in. I can’t believe this sexy man is all mine. Taking another look at him, I can’t believe how hungry he is. For me. My insides melt seeing how much he still wants me.

He slips off his cut, still not taking his eyes off me. My jaw clenches as I remember the outfit I’d wanted to surprise him with. Dammit.

My face must reveal a hint of annoyance.

“Are you okay, baby doll?”

Oh no. I don’t want him to think for a second that I’m not ready. I’m so damn ready I think I’ll explode from just the sight of him without his shirt.

Pressing my body against him, I shamelessly run my palm over the thick, heavy bulge behind his fly. His stormy-gray eyes watch my face, but I see I’m getting to him.

My tongue darts out to wet my bottom lip.

“I need you badly, Rochlan,” I whisper.

“You’ve got me.”

He strips out of the rest of his clothing. I hesitate because I’m still a little insecure about some of the remaining marks from the surgery.

He seems to understand as he tugs me over to the side of the bed. Keeping hold of my hand, he reaches into the nightstand and scatters a bunch of condoms on top. My teeth sink into my lower lip. “I’m sor—”

He’s on me instantly. “Don’t. You. Dare.”

Both hands cup the sides of my face and he tips me up for a kiss. At first, his touch is light, using his heat and a hint of pressure to invite me to open to him. The tip of his tongue touches mine, sending a shudder from my head to my toes. With a cherishing slowness, he tugs off my clothes, steps back, and inhales sharply.

“Hope,” he breathes out. “I’ve missed you so much.” The sound of his voice, throbbing with so much emotion, makes my eyes sting.

He tumbles into the bed, stretching out on his back. Reaching for me, he takes my hand and guides me onto the mattress.

On my knees next to him, I wait while he gazes up and down my body. Then, ever so slowly, his fingers trace the same path.

“Tell me how you need it,” he commands.

“Slow and easy.”

He reaches over and grabs one of the condoms, carefully rolling it on while he watches my face for any reaction. He sits up and tugs me into his lap. “Just a precaution, we don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for yet,” he says while stroking my hair and kissing down my neck. The tips of my breasts rub against him, sending a rush of pleasure through my body. He groans, and I can feel the restraint radiating through him.

His mouth finds my nipple, lips sucking, tongue lashing, wet and greedy. Possessive hands knead and plump both breasts.

“Please,” I sob. I need him inside me. I need to be certain he’s still mine.

“Take me, baby doll. Take me the way you need to. I’m right here.”

I shiver and ache, needing to feel him inside me. Lifting and settling myself, I place his pulsing erection at my opening, sliding down so carefully.

“Oh, oh,” I moan at the familiar and dearly missed pleasure.

His lips roam over my jaw and neck. “Good girl. Fuck, you feel so good. I’ve missed this, baby.”

I rock up, then back. My hips move, my thighs clench, and I focus all my energy on reuniting with my man. My sudden orgasm takes me by surprise. Swift and brutal. It’s almost too much.

When I open my eyes, Rock grins at me. His hand cups my face, his thumbs gently rubbing over my cheek. “My girl needed that, huh?”

Blushing, I look away. He falls back against the pillows, and I follow him down, covering him with my body while he pins me tightly to him. My lips press and nip at his skin as my hips keep restlessly working him. It’s a very different but no less intense sensation from this angle.

Pressing his palm over my ass, he slows my movement. “Stretch your legs out,” he whispers against my hair.

I do as he asks, extending my legs straight between his spread thighs, while angling my hips to keep him where I need him. Holding me tightly to keep me still on top of him, he thrusts up into me over and over. From this angle, the penetration isn’t deep, but the friction sends me spiraling into another orgasm, my nails digging into his shoulders.

Our sweat-slicked skin slips and slides against each other. Shuddering, Rock tightens his arms and buries his face against my throat. “I love you so much, Hope,” he murmurs.

“I love you too,” I whisper back.

We snuggle and cuddle for a while after. Rock taps my hip. “Babe, you wanna say hello to your favorite spot?”

I prop my chin on his chest and squint at him. “Is that your subtle way of asking for a blowjob?”

His chest rumbles and shakes with laughter. “No. Maybe later.”

Curious now, I sit up. He’s lying back with one arm tucked behind his head. I swear he’s so sexy I want to take a million pictures of him just like that. His lips twitch, and as my eyes roam over his body, I remember I’m supposed to be investigating—

Oh. Oh! My gaze shoots to his face.

I crawl over to his left side. “Can I touch it?”

“Of course.”

Tentatively, I reach out and touch his smooth, hard muscles, running my fingers down to the sexy V of his hip. “It’s still new. Did I hurt you before?”

He snorts. “No, babe.”

I trace my fingers over the golden-and-blue anchor. Wait. On closer inspection, I notice the ribbon wrapped around the anchor with three clearly inked words.

Hope Anchors Me.

Stunned, I look up at him.

“I thought you said you’d never get a woman’s name on your body?”

He holds out his hands to me. “Come here.”

Tugging me down on top of him, he wraps his hand behind my neck, pulling me close for a kiss. “You’re not just any woman.”

“You anchor me too, you know. I felt completely adrift while you were gone.”

“That why you got high with Wrath?” he says in a teasing way, then slaps me on the ass.

I groan and bite his shoulder.

“My baby likes that, huh?”

We keep teasing and tickling, and before I know it, we’re wrapped together snugglefucking, and it is fucking fantastic.

I’ve died and gone to heaven. Maybe that’s corny, but I do

n’t give a fuck. It’s how I feel as I explode into Hope. Not that I’d even been tempted, but I’m so fucking thankful I turned down every tart who approached me on the run. Somehow my girl has gotten ten times more gorgeous in the five days we’ve been apart. Keeping my cock confined from the time she met me at the door until we made it into the bedroom tested all my will. The minute I got her naked, my instincts screamed to take her hard and raw.

One look at her soft, quivering body, and I knew she needed it sweet and slow.

So that’s what I gave her. Or rather, what she took from me.

And it was better than anything ever.

If it’s even possible, the second time blows the first time away.

She’s spent, curled against me, holding on to me like her life depends on it, even in sleep. Running my hand over her hair, I kiss her reddened lips one more time. Sliding out of bed so I don’t wake her, I head straight for the shower. Road dust still coats my skin, and I feel a little guilty that I just rubbed myself all over my sparkling girl. I glance down at my new tattoo and grin. Best ink ever.

Once I’m clean, I throw on a pair of loose track pants. My girl is still out cold, so I head downstairs. I plan to have a surprise ready for her when she wakes up.

Shockingly, downstairs is deserted. Not sure where everyone scattered to, but I don’t really care at the moment. I know they’ll all be back later for a party. We always have a party when brothers return from a run.

This party, Hope will be wearing my property patch.

I find Z and Dex going over some paperwork in the war room. Z glances up and gives me a dirty smirk. “Reunite with your girl?”

“Fuck you.”

He turns to Dex. “Can you believe this fuckbutt got his girl’s name inked on him?”

Dex raises an eyebrow. “Holy hell. You been bitchin’ at us not to do that for fuckin’ ever.”

“Advising, asshat,” I growl. “I’m a little concerned about Z’s obsession with my anatomy.”

Z’s not done gossiping about me, though. He jabs a finger in my direction. “You should have seen this fucker turning down wild pussy left and right.”

Dex chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re an asshole. I’d rather fuck one good girl, like Hope, who actually gave a shit about me, than ten fuckin’ skanks.”