My flirty girl strokes my dick through my shorts with the palm of her hand. “Oh my,” she whispers.

“Keep it up. That ass of yours is begging for my hand.”

Flirty girl vanishes, and suddenly, she’s all business.

“Morning, guys,” Z calls out.

Now I understand why she got so serious all of a sudden.

“Morning, Z,” she chirps. She glances up at me, one corner of her mouth turning up, letting me know she’s still feeling playful.

I plant a kiss on her forehead before turning to check on Z. “How you feeling today, brother?”

His eyes dart to Hope before he answers. “Good.”

“Ready to head home?” Hope asks.

“Fuck, yes.”

She giggles and reaches out to pat his arm as she passes, but he flinches.

My girl misses nothing. She cocks her head at him. “You okay?”

“Yeah, eager to get on the road.”

“Come on, doll. Time to pack up.”

She laces her fingers with mine and we walk back to our room, Z following behind.

When we get to the room, Hope goes in first.

“Sway wants us out back to sort through the shit we brought back—”

“Yeah, yeah, I saw him. Seriously, you okay? Barry fix you up?”

“Yeah, it was nothing. Fucking stings and I’m sore, but I didn’t want to take the painkillers he gave me yet. I wanna get on the road.”

“Okay. You and Murphy take the van out back. You know which shit is ours. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be down.”

Z smirks. “Sorry I interrupted.”

“Shut up.” But my words have no effect because I’m laughing.

Inside, Hope hums to herself as she packs up our stuff. She’s got everything laid out on the bed while she folds clothes and stuffs them into our bags.

“I’ll get my things, babe. You don’t have to—”

“It’s okay. I know you need to meet—”

Fuck me, she’s still in that white suit, nipples poking against the flimsy, damp fabric. Before I even know what I’m doing, she’s in my arms and I’m pinning her up against the wall.

Worried eyes stare up at me. “Rock?”

My mouth brushes against her ear. “What’s the matter? Can’t finish what you started out there?”

Her body relaxes in my grasp, and she giggles softly.

“You’re not going to be laughing in a minute.”

“Oh yeah?” she sasses.

“Yes, my pretty little fuckdoll.”

I smile down at her, watching my words sink in, her pupils dilate, the feel of her body relaxing even farther into my hold. Grabbing her hands, I pin them over her head. She squirms, arching her back, thrusting her breasts in my face, circling her hips.

Tightening my grasp around her wrists, I touch my forehead to hers. “How much do you like this suit?”


Looking directly into her eyes so I can enjoy every little reaction from her, I press my chest into her breasts. “Let me tell you what’s about to happen.” I run my fingertip over her collarbone, down between her breasts, tugging the material away from her skin.

“I’m going to rip this skimpy thing off your body.” To do so, I need both hands. “Don’t move,” I growl as I fist the material and yank. A satisfying tearing rips through the air, along with a gasp from Hope.

The knife I always keep stashed in my pocket opens with a soft snick. Hope’s eyes widen. “Don’t move,” I warn her again.

Each strap cuts cleanly, and the bathing suit falls down her body. I raise an eyebrow at her, and she wriggles so the suit falls all the way to the floor. With one toe, she flicks it away.

“Good girl,” I whisper.

“Can I move now?” she asks with only a hint of sass this time.


I set the knife on the nightstand and snag a condom from the drawer.

Her eyelids flutter shut.

“Look at me.”

I place one hand over her wrists again, pressing her body against the wall with my hips.

She strains against me. “Rock,” she moans.

My mouth crashes against hers, swallowing her words. I slip my tongue in her mouth, stroking and tasting my woman. She struggles a little, but I’m enjoying her at my mercy too much to let her go yet.

My hand squeezes her hip, pulling her to me. She spreads her legs, inviting me to push one finger deep into her pussy.

“Ah! Rock, please.”

Love it. Love the way she begs. “I’m going to roll that condom down my dick, then squeeze inside your tight little pussy that I can’t ever seem to get enough of and pound you into that wall until you come.”

Then I do everything I promised.

My time with Hope wasn’t nearly as long as I needed. But I’m eager to get home.

Z, Murphy, Sway, and his guys have the guns and ammo sorted. Sway looks over the stuff my guys have laid out for us to take home.

Clearing my throat, I ask, “Something wrong, brother?”

“No, just a specific order.”

I raise an eyebrow.

“Take ‘em. Christ, I owe you a hell of a lot more than that after last night,” he says, pointing at Z.

“Rock,” Tawny calls out from behind me.

Sway doesn’t bat an eye as she sashays over. She surveys the guns and ammunition with a bland expression.

Sway nods at his guys to help Murphy load our van.

“Hope’s a good woman for you,” Tawny says out of nowhere.

Curious, I face her.

A quick smile flickers over her red lips. “Seems to love ya a whole lot. Got pissed when Carla started running her mouth, but put that bitch in her place quick. Being a lawyer, she’s more of a fight with her words kinda gal. But you never did like us scrappy types,” she says with a laugh.

I laugh with her because it’s true, and it’s an amusing observation coming from Tawny. “I like you fine, Tawny. You’re a good woman.”

She smirks. “At least someone thinks so,” she says, glaring at Sway.

“You two okay?”

This time she shrugs. “He’s never kept his dick in his pants. I knew that going in. But he’s gotten sloppier. Doesn’t bother tryin’ to hide—never mind, Rock.”

“Sorry, hon.”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “You always were a good one. If you’d been a little older when we met, I woulda ditched him for you in a heartbeat.”

I try not to shudder visibly at the image that presents.

She gives me a quick hug. “You take good care of her. She’s a nice girl.”

“I plan to.”

After he took me hard and fast against the wall of our room, Rock spent a considerable amount of time outside, getting things situated with the guys for the ride back. I have no idea what that meant, and I didn’t ask.

Tawny hugged me and told me I was welcome back anytime, which filled me with some pride. I doubt she says that to everyone who passes through her clubhouse.

Still, I’ve never been so happy to get on the back of Rock’s bike.

We make the two-hour trip back with no stops.

Trinity meets us at the door with a happy expression. “I’m so glad you’re back!”

Z gives her a peck on the cheek. “Big bastard behave himself?”

“No,” Trinity answers without elaborating.

“I heard that,” Wrath grumbles from behind the door.

After we tumble inside, I throw my arms around Trinity for a quick hug.

Wrath meets my eyes over her shoulder. “Cinderella, you survived,” he says with a happy smirk.

Rock gives Wrath one of their manly bro-hug-handshakes, then smacks him on the back of the head. “Don’t be a dick. She was ready to throw down with Tawny in your defense.”

“Oh really?” Wrath grins. “Old broad still bitter she couldn’t get in my pants?”

The guys all have a goo

d chuckle.

Trinity shakes her head and leads me away from the guys. “You do okay?”

My shoulders lift. “It was an experience. Not one I care to repeat anytime soon.”

She nods knowingly.

“I ran into Cookie the first night we were there. She’s tight with their VP.”

Trinity rolls her eyes at that. “I’m not surprised. Whenever they were up here, if she wasn’t with Rock, she’d be all over him.”

I ignore that whole “with Rock” part because it makes my stomach roll.

“Met Rock’s ex-wife too. She’s a treat.”

Trinity snorts. “I’ve never had the pleasure. She was before my time. But I’ve heard plenty of stories. Anything else exciting?”

“Not really. I tried to remember your advice, and I don’t think I made too much of an ass of myself.”

“Aw, Hope. I’m sure you did fine.” She pulls me in for another quick hug. “Glad you’re back, though.”

It feels nice to know Trinity missed me. We talk a little longer before, out of the corner of my eye, I see Rock step back outside. Thinking he might need me to grab my stuff from the van, I follow him out. He’s busy barking orders at the prospects, though.

The van has a lot more stuff crammed in the back than it did when we left.

For the first time, I wonder what this trip was really about.

And what the hell did Rock do the other night when he was gone so long “handling business?”

Am I supposed to worry about those things? I guess not.

But I can’t help it. “Rock, do you want me to grab my stuff and get it out of their way?”

He turns, surprised to find me outside. “No,” he answers with a sharpness I’m not used to hearing directed at me. “Go ahead inside. I’ll get everything.”

“Well, I actually wanted to run home for a little while. Catch up on some things.”

His face pulls into a frown, and I honestly don’t understand why. I can already tell he’ll be consumed with “club business” for the next few hours, so what does it matter if I’m not here?

I hate that Hope wants to run “home.” Her home should be here, with me. But I don’t feel like bringing that up again, so I don’t. Besides, I have a lot of shit to take care of and can’t spend time with her the way I want to right now.

Leaning over, I brush a kiss on her forehead. “You leaving now?”

“I think so. You look like you’re busy here.” She gestures to the van.

She’s not being bitchy. Just stating the facts. My girl almost never gives me a hard time anymore about anything she thinks relates to club business. While I enjoyed all the closeness we shared on this trip and how easy she made things for me, I miss her busting my balls all the time. At least then I know what she’s feeling. Now, I have no idea. She’s so locked down it’s hard to get a read on her.

It’s unfair, but I don’t like it.

It’s also unfair that I’m relieved she’s going. I want to get these guns unloaded, and I’d rather she’s not around for it. There’s a steel storage room under the garage where we store most of the weapons we keep up here. Hope doesn’t know anything about it, nor does she need to.

One of these days, I want Wrath to do some weapons training with her, but today isn’t that day.

I’m such a fuckin’ dick. Bitchin’ about her not moving in with me. Pissed she’s going home. Relieved she won’t be around to ask any questions.

Part of me needs her to go. Part of me stops breathing at the thought of her leaving.


I get her bags settled in her trunk and close the lid. She gives me one of her sweet smiles and wraps her arms around my middle.

Suddenly, I feel like I can breathe again.

She tips up her head and kisses my chin. “Despite everything, I had a nice time with you this weekend.”

Her voice is low, meant for only my ears, and goes through me like a bolt of electricity. Now I can’t stand the thought of her leaving again.

“Yo, prez, are we ready to roll these out?”

I turn and glare at Murphy. “Give me two fuckin’ seconds, will ya?”

Against me, Hope’s body ripples with laughter. “Go easy on him. He saved my bacon yesterday. Don’t forget.”

Yeah, I won’t forget that anytime soon. Another reminder of all the fucked-up shit I drag my girl through. There she goes again, being all sweet. Sticking up for Murphy ‘cause she can’t stand the thought of me being cross with him for a second.

“Think you can give Axel a night off? He was planning to take Heidi to a movie,” she asks me with a sly smile.

Her request makes me laugh. “He ask you to ask me?”

She frowns, offended, I think. “No.”

“Yeah, I’ll have him head home.” That suits me fine. Don’t need Axel handling all our new firepower anyway. That shit’s above his pay grade.

Turning, I search for him and snap my fingers. “Prospect.”

He hustles over. “What do you need, prez?”

Hope releases me, but I put a hand on her shoulder so she doesn’t go far.

Tugging out my wallet, I hand Axel some folded-over bills. “Thanks for all your help this weekend and for takin’ good care of my woman. Go take your girl out, okay?”

He gets that wide-eyed look prospects get sometimes. “Yeah. No problem. Thanks a lot, prez. Appreciate it.”

I nod, dismissing him.

Turning to Hope, I hook my fingers in her pocket and yank her against me. “Happy?”

“Yes. That was very nice.”

“Yeah, I’m a regular Ward Cleaver.”

Her mouth quirks. “You are, in your scary biker way.”

“Hey,” I whisper to get her attention. “I had a nice time with you too. Having you there made dealing with all the bullshit a lot easier.”

She tilts her head at me, the obvious question written all over her face. What bullshit? ‘Cause I didn’t tell her shit about what really went down.

She rubs her palm over my cheek. “I’m glad. You do so much for me all the time. It’s nice to balance the scales a little.”

What the fuck is she talking about? I don’t feel like I do a damn thing for her, except make her worry and caveman all over her. But I don’t want to ruin the sweet moment, so I press a kiss to her forehead and tap her ass with my hand.

“Get going, baby. Get some rest. I’ll call you later.”


I’m not even at my house for two hours when Rock calls.

“Miss me already?” I answer.

“Yeah, baby, but that’s not why I called.”

“Oh. Is everything okay?”

There’s nothing but silence. “Rock?”

“Uh, Heidi… her grandmother died. Teller brought her up here, and she was asking for you. I know you’re probably exhaust—”

“No. I’m leaving right now. Just let me grab some stuff.” I rush down the hallway to my bedroom and plow through my closet. “How’s Teller? Is he okay?”

“Yeah, I guess. You know what kind of issues they’d been having.”

“What happened to her?”

“Heart, I guess.”

“Mmm… I knew they shouldn’t have let her out when they did.”

Over the line, Rock’s laughter is warm and rumbly. “I love you, baby doll.”

“I’ll be there soon.”

We hang up, and I finish packing some things. As I work my way through my closet, my hand stops on a black dress. I’ll need one for the funeral, right?


It’s the same dress I wore to Clay’s funeral. For a moment, I’m stunned with indecision. It’s probably too big on me, but that’s not why I hesitate.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I grumble out loud. It’s not a wedding dress. It’s a plain black fucking dress. I wore it plenty of times before Clay died.

I stuff it into my bag with everything else and head out the door.


the clubhouse, I run into Teller outside. “Thanks for coming up, Hope.”

I give him a tight hug, which he hesitates before accepting. “I’m so sorry.” I draw back so I can see his face.

He shrugs. “We were never particularly close. But she pretty much raised Heidi. My mom dumped us there when Heidi was six and never came back for us.”

I already know this from helping Teller with the custody dispute between him and his grandmother, but it still breaks my heart a little to hear him talk about it so matter-of-fact.

“Heidi’s inside. I’m sorry Rock dragged you up here. You’re the only—”

“Teller, it’s fine. Of course I want to be here for Heidi. You too.”

“Thanks, Hope. There’s no danger of them trying to put her in foster care, is there?”

“No. Custody should go to you one hundred percent. I’ll start drafting something this week. I can call Charlotte too—”

“That’s okay. I have her number. I’ll call her.”

That gets my attention. Teller’s my client, so technically, Heidi’s lawyer has no business talking to him without my knowledge. I’m surprised because Charlotte seems so earnest. “You really shouldn’t be talking to her without me.”

His mouth twitches in a short grin. “Yeah, she says the same thing.” Before I can question him further, he asks, “Think you can help me with the estate stuff? Grams left the house and everything to Heidi, but it’s supposed to go into a trust for her until she’s twenty-five. It’s a big place to maintain, so I’m thinking of selling it after Heidi graduates and stuffing the money in the trust for her.”

From working with Adam, I’ve seen lots of people who would drain that trust dry contesting the grandmother’s wishes. Teller’s an honorable guy, and I want to do everything I can to make this easier on him. “Of course. I’ll ask Adam to help you with that. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

Heidi’s curled up on the couch when I step inside. Axel and Murphy hover nearby. They both look up when I enter.

Murphy’s mouth pulls into a smile when he spots me. “Hey, first lady, knew you couldn’t stay away from us for long.” He reaches out and squeezes my hand. “Thanks for coming up for Bug.”

Axel scowls at him but seems unsure of what to do.

“I’m guessing you didn’t get to your movie?” I ask him.