Pushing my chair out, I attempt to stand. “I should go help Tawny.”

Rock places his hand over mine, gently squeezing. “You don’t have to.”

“It’s okay. We’re guests. Let me at least offer.”

He nods and releases me. Before leaving the table, I lean over and brush a kiss on his cheek. His hand curls over my hip, squeezing tight before letting go.

The girls are organized with military precision under Tawny’s sharp orders. Everyone seems to have a task. As I approach her, she breaks into a wide smile and motions me closer.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

She points at the counter. “Can you bring those jugs of OJ out and set them on the table?”

“Sure,” I answer, happy to have something to do.

There’s four of them so I grab two in each hand and set each one down at spaced intervals down the table.

Sway sort of grunts at me when I set the last one in front of him.

Am I supposed to pour it for them too?

I almost smack into Tawny as I turn back to the kitchen.

“Oh, thank God you at least have a brain in your head. Those dumb bitches would just plop all four of them at one end of the table.” She pats my shoulder. “Go sit down. We’re almost done. Thanks, honey.”

Relieved I seemed to have passed some sort of orange juice intelligence test, I return to my seat.

Breakfast here is much like it is at our clubhouse. The guys are rowdy and demolish every last bite. They rib each other and bullshit about their bikes. The guys who haven’t seen each other in a while trade stories and catch up.

I don’t have anything to offer to the conversation, so I just enjoy the chatter around me.

“You okay?” Rock asks when I set down my fork.

I flash a smile at him. “Yup.”

When everyone’s finished, Sway declares it’s time for church. “Rock, you and your boys joining us?” He phrases it like a question, but judging by the expression on his face, it’s clearly not optional.

This makes me wonder, because as far as I can tell, Sway and Rock are in equal positions of power within the Lost Kings. Sway is older, so he’s probably been a member longer. Maybe that gives him some… sway over Rock. I store that question in the back of my mind for another time.

Tawny supervises the girls who clean up breakfast and calls me over. “You gotta keep the bitches in line, Hope,” she informs me. “As the president’s ol’ lady, that’s going to be your most important job.”

Huh. I’m not sure how I feel about her acting as if these girls are some sort of servants.

“We don’t have as many girls as you do. Trinity seems to be the one doing most of the organizing.”

Tawny makes a disgusted face at the mention of Trinity’s name, which automatically raises my hackles. “She’s always had way too much power for a club whore. Never understood why Rock allowed that shit.”

I resent her talking about Trinity that way, but I don’t know what to do about it. “I guess there were no old ladies.”

“True. But you’re there now, so make sure you put her in her place.”

To borrow an expression from my man, like fuck is that happening. But I don’t say that to Tawny. Her opinion doesn’t really matter to me. The only opinion I care about is Rock’s, and I know that’s not how he’d like me to treat Trinity. Even if I had it in me, which I don’t.

When she seems satisfied the girls can handle things, she takes me on a tour of their compound. “Sorry about Carla showing up here last night.”

I shrug. “No biggie. At least I finally learned her name.”

Tawny lets out a brash laugh. “I hope you said that to her.”

I let out a snicker of my own. “Yeah, I kinda did.”

“Good. She did Rock dirty. She shouldn’t even show her face here, but the club has business with her old man, and unfortunately, she tags along a lot.”

Remembering some of the advice Trinity has given me, I bite down any questions I have about the “club business.”

“It’s okay.”

“Then Cookie, but since she’s hooked up with our VP, there wasn’t anything I could do about that.”

“It’s really okay, Tawny. I spoke to her briefly, and we’re good.”

She eyes me skeptically. “You’re going to want to rein in that soft side you got going on there, Hope.”

I laugh before I realize she’s serious. “I know. Wrath’s always giving me shit.”

She throws back her head and laughs. “I can’t say I miss that big, miserable bastard much.”

Hmmm… I don’t think I really like her speaking about him that way either, which surprises me.

“You got any kids, Hope?”

Wow, that’s a sore subject for me right now. But Tawny doesn’t know that. “Not yet. Do you?”

“Yup. Boy and girl.”

“Oh, how old?”

“Twenty and twenty-two. She’s graduating from college in the spring, and he wants to follow in his dad’s footsteps in the club.”

I don’t want to insult her, but I’m genuinely curious. “How do you feel about that?”

“I’m proud of him. When he’s old enough, he’ll take over the club for his dad. He’s out on a run right now, or I would have introduced you.”

“Was it hard raising two kids in the middle of all this?”

She gives me the strangest look, and I wonder if I somehow insulted her. But she can’t really think this is normal, right?

“Not at all. Had a big, extended family to help watch them when I needed it.”

A family full of criminals. But I keep that to myself. I may have accepted Rock’s life, but could I bring children into this? Knowing their father’s luck might run out one day and he could end up in prison or worse? Knowing the dangerous people he does business with?

It’s a chilling thought.

“Besides, I’ve never worked outside the club, so I was always around for my kids.” Tawny continues. “Watched a lot of the other club kids over the years too.”

“Does your daughter help out at the club a lot?”

I get another curious look, and once again, I’m afraid I jammed my foot in my mouth.

“No. Her dad don’t let her hang around the club much. Too much shit for his baby girl, ya know?”

Uh, yeah. After what we walked into last night, I certainly understand his reasoning. My throat clogs as I think Rock would be the exact same way with a daughter.

If I can even give him children.

The chapel at Sway’s compound is a lot larger than our war room at home. Kings from all over are apparently in visiting for the weekend. It’s good to catch up with brothers I haven’t seen in a while. After an hour of bullshitting, Sway slams his gavel and we get to business.

Chairs have been added and people have been moved around—which I didn’t ask for—so Z and I are seated near the head of the table. Murphy’s over on one of the couches lining the back wall, and prospects are not invited to church here. Axel has been tasked with shadowing Hope, making sure she stays out of trouble.

Sway methodically goes through business that only pertains to his guys. I’m bored and wish I could have skipped this part. When they finish their chapter business, Sway finally gets around to the reason we were asked to sit in.

“Got a guy who stole a shipment from us, and we need to retrieve it—tonight.”


While my charter got out of running guns and harder drugs, this isn’t true of every Lost Kings chapter. Each one is free to decide for themselves how they earn. Sway has apparently decided the risks are worth the rewards.

“What are we talking?” I ask.

“Three shipping crates. High-end AR-15s.”

“They’re illegal in New York now, you know,” I joke.

Sway smirks at me. “Don’t worry. We’ll get ‘em registered all proper-like.”

Why Sway needs me or my guys involved in

this, I don’t know. If either Murphy or Z ain’t feeling it, I won’t force them to tag along on this mission.

Sway has a good tip that his shipment is being stored in an old barn about twenty miles west of here. The guy who stole Sway’s shit is either stupid or crazy to be holding it inside Kings’ territory. I point this out to Sway, and he agrees.

He’s still convinced it’s where we need to go.

“It should be quick and easy. In and out.”

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that… well, I wouldn’t need to be here doing this in the first place.

We hash out the plan a little longer, and it’s almost nightfall by the time we finally break. Sway wants us back in the lobby area in thirty minutes, ready to roll out. Four of his guys will be on bikes, the rest of us in vans or trucks. With a nod of my head, I silently ask Z and Murphy to follow me to my room.

As my hand curls around the knob, I hesitate. I don’t need Hope overhearing any of this shit.

“Where’s your room, Z?”

The fucker gives me a dirty smirk. “Right next to yours, prez,” he answers, pointing at the room to the left. I pin him with a hard stare, daring him to say what he’s clearly dying to say.

He shakes his head. I’ve taken all the fun out of it for him.

When we’re inside Z’s room, we huddle over the small utilitarian table. I can’t be sure Sway doesn’t have bugs all over this place.

“Listen, if either of you are having second thoughts, I’m fine with you backing out.”

“Hell fucking no, prez,” Z says emphatically. “Someone needs to watch your back, and I’m sorry, but I don’t trust anyone here to do it.”

“Me too.” Murphy agrees.


“I’m not going to be pissed. What he’s asking is risky, and we all know there’s a slim chance it’s going to go down as smoothly as he says it will.”

“Sorry, prez, I’m in,” Murphy says.

Z just nods.

“All right.” Pointing at Murphy, I say, “Go suit up. Don’t stop to fuck around with Serena. Get your vest, check your weapons, and get your head straight.”

Z bursts out laughing. Murphy glares at me for a second before leaving the room.

When he’s gone, Z turns to me. “You got a bad feelin’ about this, don’t you?”

“Yeah. I have a feeling we’re jacking someone else’s stash more than rescuing Sway’s shipment.”

“I got that feeling too. So what do you want to do?”

“Brother charter. We’ll help him out. Just stay aware.”


I slap my hand down on the table. “I need to get ready. You too.”

“Yeah, I got it.”

Entering our room, I’m surprised to find Hope curled up in the recliner, reading.

“How’d you escape Tawny’s clutches?” I ask. I’m on edge, so the question comes out sharp instead of teasing.

Hope’s face remains passive as she seems to study me. “She went to visit her daughter, and I didn’t think I should intrude.”

Taking her tablet out of her hand and setting it on the table, I pick her up and shift us so she’s in my lap. She loops her arms around my neck and peppers the side of my face with kisses. “Missed you.”

“Missed you too. ‘Fraid I’ll be heading back out in a few.”

The corners of her mouth twitch down, but she doesn’t protest. “Okay. I’ll be fine.”

“Hoot and Axel are staying behind, so if you need anything, ask them.”

“Will do. Axel said he’d take me into town later to grab some stuff.”

“We’re probably taking the van, babe.”

“Oh. No big deal. I’ll be fine. I wanted to find a Wal-Mart or something to grab a swimsuit.”

I groan at the thought of my girl prancing around in so little in front of anyone except me. “Make it a one-piece,” I growl against her ear.

She giggles and pushes me away. “Duh. Believe me, I was going to look for a full-on wetsuit.”


With great reluctance, I nudge her off my lap. “I gotta get ready.” I hesitate because my “getting ready” is going to cause her to ask a lot of questions I can’t answer now.

She cocks her head and takes me in. “Do you want me to leave?” she asks with a timid tremor in her voice that pisses me off. Not at her, but at the situation.

“No, baby. Stay. No questions, though.”

Her lips curve into a smile. “My lips are sealed.”

And she’s true to her word. She glances up at the ripping sound of the Velcro as I strap on my Kevlar vest, then goes back to her book. When I rack a bullet into the chamber of my 9mm Glock, she peeks at me again. After a while, I need to shut out her reactions and get my head on straight so I don’t forget anything. Two pistols, extra magazines—fully loaded—knife, burner phone.

My phone vibrates to life in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see it’s Murphy.

Placing a finger under Hope’s chin, I tip up her face. “I gotta go. Don’t know how late I’ll be.”

She braces herself on the arms of the chair and pulls into a standing position. The chair gives her the extra height she needs so we’re at eye level. She wraps herself around me and squeezes, then plants a gentle kiss on my lips.

“Be careful.”

Of course I’m freaked out after Rock leaves. It was quite a feat for me to bite my tongue and not ask the thousand questions brewing in my mind. From the fierce expression on his face, something unpleasant was happening, and I didn’t want to do anything to distract him.

Making sure my patch is nice and visible, I wander down the hall into the lobby. A few guys are sitting at the bar.

Axel turns and walks over as soon as I enter. “Need anything, Hope?”

“Dinner maybe? Think we can raid the kitchen?”

The corner of his mouth turns up in a lopsided grin. “I don’t see why not.”

“Do you know if Tawny’s back?”

“Haven’t seen her.”

I’m restless and want to get out of here, but I’m not really sure what to do. In the kitchen, we find cold cuts and fix ourselves sandwiches. Axel tells me some stories about Heidi and her friends that make me laugh. He’s obviously very enamored with her.

“Have you talked to her?”

“Nah, she knows not to call unless it’s an emergency. We’ve texted a few times. Gonna take her to this movie she’s been wanting to see if we get back early enough tomorrow and Rock doesn’t need me for anything.”

He’s so sincere. I make a mental note to ask Rock to give Axel a night off.

“Still want to hit up Wal-Mart?” Axel asks when we’re finished.

“Rock said they were taking the van.”

“They ended up leaving it. Rock said it was okay if I took you.”

He did, huh? Interesting. “Yeah, let me grab my purse.”

The ride into civilization isn’t as short as Tawny led me to believe. It seems like we’re driving for hours when all of a sudden, the road ahead of us is lit by rows of gaudy big-box stores.

Inside the store, Axel follows me around, always on alert. What he’s so worried about, I don’t know. I assume he’s afraid if I break a nail on his watch, Rock will beat the crap out of him.

For all I know, that’s the truth.

I’m a little embarrassed to stop and paw through swimsuits in front of Axel, but he turns away and pretends to glance around the store as if he senses my hesitation.

“I’ll be right back. I want to try this on.”

The suit is nothing exciting, but the coverage is as good as I’m going to find tonight. I grab it, a pair of flip-flops, and a big fluffy beach towel as well. Just in case, we stop by the men’s department and I pick out something for Rock. I’m sure it’s a long shot, but I’d like to be prepared.

When we return to the clubhouse, Tawny’s hanging out in the lobby—knitting of all things. Perfect, poofed-up, shel

lacked hair, full makeup, tight jeans, knee boots, glittering belt, and zebra-print fitted shirt… and she’s knitting. She belongs in a magazine. Something like Domestic Biker Queen.

I don’t laugh, though. I’m not completely stupid.

“Let me toss this in our room and I’ll be right back, Tawny.”

She glances up. “Sure.”

Axel walks me to the room and waits while I pitch the bags on the bed and grab my vest. Once I have my patch on, Axel seems a little less anxious. He walks me back to the lobby.

“You okay here, Hope?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

He pats my shoulder. “I’ll come check on you in a bit.”

Another woman I don’t recognize has joined Tawny. I find out her name is Grace, but I haven’t really determined her position in the club. Since Tawny’s actually speaking to her, I assume she’s not a club girl.

We talk about knitting—of all things—and I learn this tough, hard, scary biker lady knits tiny little blankets for the local animal shelter.


“Since I can’t smoke anymore, gives me something to do with my hands while I’m waitin’ on Sway to get his ass home,” she explains.

“They certainly don’t keep conventional hours,” I say with a nervous snort of laughter.

Tawny glances up and flashes a tight smile. “No. They don’t.”

We talk about knitting for a while, and she even shows me how to cast on and a few stitches. I’m terrible at it, though.

“I’ve never been able to pick it up either, Hope. Don’t feel bad,” Grace assures me.

As it gets later and later, I start to worry about the guys but doubt it’s a good idea to ask any questions. Grace leaves, and I still never figure out her connection to the club.

The front door opens, blowing cold air over us. Both of us turn, and I’m expecting the guys to storm in, but it’s an older man in a wool coat.

And Carla.


He’s carrying a black doctor bag, and Tawny jumps up immediately. “What’s wrong, Barry?”

“Nothing. Here to check on the other two.”

Tawny drops back down next to me. “Yeah, okay.”

She glares at Carla but doesn’t say anything. Barry whispers something in Carla’s ear, but she shakes her head. He doesn’t seem to need directions. Without speaking to any of us, he takes off around the corner.