The memory of Rock admitting to me how Sophie arranged our first night together still astounds me.

“Hey, Sophie, Rock told me.”

Over the line, her sharp intake of breath is clear. “What are you talking about?”

Her tone makes me laugh. “How you set us up to meet at Hamilton’s.” Warmth spreads through my chest as I think how important that night turned out to be. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you enough,” I say quietly.

“You’re welcome, buttercup. I’m happy for you. You deserve good things, Hope.”

“Thanks, Sophie.”

We make our plans for Friday night and hang up.

Trinity is surprisingly excited when I ask her to join us. On Friday night, we take her Jeep into Empire, even though Rock mentions something about picking us up later.

After I shrug off my wool coat, the girls all giggle.

I quirk an eyebrow at the trio, inviting them to explain what’s so funny.

“You look like a slutty Hello Kitty,” Lilly says with a snicker.

Running my hands over the material of my dress and looking down, I shrug. “What? I think it’s cute.”

“Oh, it’s adorable,” Sophie chimes in. “Lilly’s just jealous because her boobs would never fit in it.”

“True story.” Lilly giggles.

“I like it too,” Mara says, reaching over to give me a quick hug.

I love this dress. Yes, it’s a little close to the bubblegum end of the pink spectrum, but it’s got long sleeves and a cute fit and flare skirt. I paired it with thick, wooly gray tights and gray patent leather Mary Janes. Rock made growly noises when I modeled it for him, something Trinity witnessed. And by the wink she gives me, I know she’s about to spill to my friends.

“Her man almost didn’t let her out of the house when he saw her tonight. You’re lucky I got her down here.”

Lilly and Sophie, of course, laugh it up.

“Seems like a good time to hand you this, then,” Mara says, picking up a shiny pink gift bag from the floor.

Pinning each of them with a look, I joke, “I’m scared to open it.”

My apprehension was justified. “Oh my God!” Inside are three books—one his and one hers Guide to Going Down and 365 Sexual Positions to Try with Your Man Tonight complete with graphic descriptions and illustrations.

I’m laughing too much to maintain my stern expression. “Really? Have I given any of you the impression we need help in that department?”

Trinity laughs so hard she almost falls out of her chair. It’s nice to see her a little more lighthearted, so I’m not insulted.

“There’s more,” Mara says as she flails her hands in the air with excitement.

One by one, I pull increasingly kinky items out of the innocent pink bag—candles, massage oil, warming lube, a tiny pink butterfly vibrator, a coil of pink silk rope… and a paddle.

“What the…?” I glance up, my gaze roaming over each of the girls, finally landing on Mara.

More laughter and a few snorts escape from Trinity.

Mara apparently doesn’t possess an ounce of shame. She shrugs. “You never know.”

“God, you’re a horny bunch of bitches.” I sigh and set the bag down next to me.

It’s something so out of character for me to say that they all laugh. So loud we get stares from everyone in the bar.

“Calm down. Jeez, we haven’t even had any alcohol yet,” I scold in my best courtroom voice.

That’s all the prodding Lilly needs to jump up and stride over to the bar. We watch her flirt for a while and take bets on whether she’ll go home with one of the cute bartenders.

Sophie grabs my attention. “Are you going to take your time planning this one?” She waves her hand in the air, almost smacking Lilly, who has returned with a smug smile. “You and your mother threw the last one together so quick, we all thought you were pregnant.”

I suck in air, gasping as the pain hits me right in the chest. Lilly, Mara, and Trinity all gape at Sophie. “Fuck, honey. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean… I forgot. Shit, it just happened, and wow, I’m sorry.”

She didn’t know. She didn’t know.

Not wanting to hurt her feelings, I take a few rapid, cleansing breaths to push away the tears and paste on a fake smile. “It’s fine. We did plan it quick. But we’d been together forever by then. It was time.”

Everyone relaxes, except Trinity, who’s still giving Sophie some serious stink eye.

“So have you had any ideas about the wedding yet?” Sophie finally asks.

“I don’t know. Something informal and fun. Outdoors.”

Sophie nods. “That makes sense since the last one was so over-the-top.”

What the hell has gotten into Sophie?

Lilly and Mara also seem surprised.

Trinity glances at Lilly. “So, Lilly, are those knockers real?”

Well, that’s certainly one way to take the focus off me.

Lilly’s a good sport. And used to this question. She flashes a sexy smile at Trinity. “Yes. I expect in another couple years, they’ll be hanging out by my belly button.”

Wrong time to sip my water. I cough and sputter while Mara pats me on the back.

“Lilly stripped her way through college and grad school,” Sophie adds.

Trinity nods as if she’s not surprised, which makes Lilly narrow her eyes.

“Nothing wrong with that.”

“Your MC owns a strip club. Why don’t you dance, Trinity?” Lilly asks.

Trinity toys with her drink. “I’m getting a little old for that. Besides, Rock’s never liked the two things mixing.”

We’re approaching awkward territory again. Thankfully, we’re interrupted by Adam and Ross coming in the front door. Since our table is to the immediate right, they spot us before they’re even inside.

I scoot out of my chair, and Adam scoops me into a hug, lifting me off the ground a little. “You bitch. Why didn’t you tell me? I had to find out from these nuts?”

My shoulders twitch. “I didn’t think about it. It’s all been a little crazy. I’m sorry.”

He shakes his head at me and goes to the bar.

Ross squeezes me next. “Let me see it.”

Holding out my hand, I wiggle my fingers and enjoy how the light bounces and sparkles off the beautiful ring. I’m still stunned by all the effort Rock put into everything. He doesn’t do anything half-assed.

“Wow. I’ve never seen anything like it. Very regal.” Ross gushes. “Uh, not that I spend lots of time shopping for engagement rings.”

The corners of my mouth twitch. “Of course not.”

He gives me a playful shove, and I sit back down.

The guys drag chairs over to join us. Pitchers of margaritas show up, and we make quick work of them before more pitchers of margaritas show up. Our conversation turns loud and filthy. Around ten, the bar is packed.

The front door swings open and cool air sweeps over my flushed cheeks.

Rock steps in. I drag my gaze up, sort of in slow motion, taking in all of him. Boots to jeans to gloves and leather jacket. His serious expression undergoes a complete transformation as our gazes collide. I shove out of my chair so fast it almost tips over. Because I’m hammered and have been sitting for so long, I trip. Oh hell, let’s face it. The man still makes me swoon. But Rock’s right there to catch me.

“Careful, baby doll,” he warns in his low voice.

Throwing my arms around his neck, I bury my nose in his jacket, absorbing the brisk, wintery scent he brought in with him. “What are you doing here?” I murmur against his neck.

His arms wrap around me tighter. “Missed my girl. Told you I’d come by.”

Behind us, my friends whip out some wild catcalls and other assorted noises that make Rock rumble with laughter. After another squeeze, he releases me. Keeping an arm around my waist, he leads me back to my chair.

I’d been so caught up in my man I didn’t realize

Z had walked right in behind Rock. He winks at me when I finally spot him. “Hey, sugar.” He’s standing by Trinity and gives her a quick poke in the shoulder. “Your roommate’s waitin’ outside.”

Trinity rolls her eyes but doesn’t get up.

Adam and Ross both stand and shake Rock’s hand, congratulating him—well, us—on our engagement.

After a few minutes of small talk, I glance up in time to observe Lilly and Z staring each other down. Since she’s kind of in the middle, Trinity jumps up and gives Z her seat. Her face twists into a gaggy eye roll, which makes me snort with laughter. More chairs are pulled over to the table, and Trinity drags one next to me.

“Wait, is Wrath waiting outside?” I finally ask.

Z shrugs. “He’s not comin’ in here.”

“Damon’s on his way to pick me up,” Mara says as she glances up from her phone.


Rock plants a kiss on the top of my head. “Be right back.”

I turn so my gaze can follow Rock as he strides up to the bar. Something so simple still turns me on. Every move he makes is confident and sexy. All mine.

“Damn, girl, calm down,” Ross teases, breaking my attention.

Shaking myself, I turn to him. “What?”

“Jesus, I’m horny just from watching the two of you,” he jokes.

Mara bursts out laughing. “You’re such a pervert.”

Ross waggles his eyebrows at her.

Z laughs. “Try living in a room next to the two of them. Non-fucking-stop.”

Ross nods knowingly. “Nonstop fucking, I get it.”

My cheeks explode with heat. “We do not.”

“Sure. Whatever you say, sugar.” Z flashes a quick smirk at me before turning his attention back to Lilly.

Rock returns, standing behind me, settling his hands on my shoulders. I tip up my head, bumping him in the groin. “Sorry,” I mumble.

He smiles down at me, absently rubbing my shoulders.

My head drops forward, and Rock’s body ripples with laughter. “How much did she have to drink?” he asks.

I open my eyes and watch Mara pinch her thumb and index finger together. “Lil’ bit,” she answers.

Ross vacates his chair and motions for Rock to take it. After pulling the chair closer to me, he drops into it and curls his arm over my shoulder. My body automatically leans into him. “Tired, baby doll?” he asks.


“Don’t forget to show Rock your presents, Hope,” Sophie says.

I straighten up, and Rock’s arm slides down my back, where he rests his hand against my hip.

“Shut up.”

Mara breaks into giggles.

My lips twist into a pout, and I turn to find Rock staring at me with curiosity.

“What?” he asks.

“You don’t want to know.”

Mara, ever so helpful, snatches the bag off the floor and passes it to Rock behind my back.

My hand shoots out, reaching for the bag, but my balance is off and I miss.

Glowering at Mara and Sophie, I slump back and fold my arms across my chest. There’s a moment or two where I’m floating, and I realize I’ve closed my eyes again.

From the end of the table, I hear Z and Lilly chuckle.

Rock’s sharp laughter fills the air. “Nice.” More paper rustling. Some hummy noises of approval. “Hope doesn’t need any help in this department,” he remarks.

“Thanks, baby,” I say, opening one eye to find him staring at me.

He raises an eyebrow and pulls out the paddle. “Now what am I supposed to do with this?”

“Bend over?” I suggest helpfully, which gets a laugh from everyone at the table, even Rock.

“Aw, Christ, I’m gonna need to buy earplugs, aren’t I?” Z moans.

Rock reaches over and gives him a friendly punch. Turning to the girls, Rock’s lips curl into a smile. “Thanks, ladies. I’ll put everything to good use.”

“Jeez,” I mutter.

Rock turns my way. “You ready to go, doll, or do you want to stay?”

Taking in my drunk friends, I shake my head. It’s barely eleven o’clock. When did we get so old? “We can go. Damon’s on his way to pick up Mara.”

He nods at Mara. “We’ll wait with you.”

Sophie jumps up. “I gotta grab the bill.”

Rock shakes his head but doesn’t look at her. “All taken care of.”

“Thank you, Rock,” Lilly coos.

His mouth turns up. “Anytime.”

Rock steadies me as I stand and helps me into my coat. Trinity grabs her jacket and pushes out the door first. Rock, Mara, and I follow.

Wrath’s leaning on Trinity’s Jeep, facing the bar. I assumed he’d be annoyed with waiting outside, but he gives Trinity a broad smile as she approaches.

“You could have joined us,” I call out to him.

His head snaps up. “Nah, I’m good, Cinderella.”

Mara giggles at the nickname.

“Oh, Mara, this is… Wrath. Wrath, Mara.”

Wow, this is weird.

He nods at her, and she sort of finger waves back. “I’ve heard lots about you.”

Wrath grins at me. “I bet.”

“None of it good,” she clarifies with a chuckle. That only makes his devilish smile bigger.

“Jerk,” I grumble.

Trinity loops her arm through mine and chuckles. Wrath’s eyebrows lift, but she ignores him.

I could get whiplash from these two.

Adam and Ross step out of the bar and join us on the sidewalk.

“What the hell are Sophie and Lilly doing?” Mara snaps at them.

Ross snickers. “Trying to figure out who’s giving who a ride.” He turns to Rock. “I think they’re gonna fight over your boy.”

Rock snorts and shakes his head. Against me, Trinity shakes with laughter.

“Great,” I mutter. I’m sure Sophie is enjoying being the third wheel there.

Adam and Rock step away to talk.

“Goddamn,” Ross whispers near my ear when he finally notices Wrath. “Please tell me this one is gay?”

Trinity doubles over so fast she almost knocks me over. She’s laughing so hard she starts coughing.

Wrath narrows his eyes at me. “How much did she have to drink?”

I shrug. “Nothing that I saw,” I say, pretending I don’t know why she’s having a hysterical fit. I’m not sure how he’ll receive Ross’s “compliment.”

Ross leans over. “That’s a no, isn’t it?”


He shakes his head. “What a shame.”

We’re saved from this by Z, Lilly, and an irritated Sophie joining us on the sidewalk.

Wrath tips his chin up at Z. “What up, brother?”

“Gonna drive the girls home.” Lilly opens her mouth to protest, and Z glares at her. “Neither of you are in any shape to drive.”

Can’t argue with that.

Damon pulls into a spot across the street from us. He waves as he gets out. It takes a minute as he pulls baby Cora out of her car seat and carries her across the street to us. Mara immediately runs to them. Damon pulls her close for a kiss, and Cora lets out a happy squeal when she sees her mom.

My breath catches as I watch them interact. Heart hammering, I turn away for a second. Then Rock’s arms wrap around me, solid and comforting, holding me against him. He doesn’t say anything, just rests his chin atop my head.

Mara grins at us.

Keeping one arm around me, Rock extends his hand to Damon. Damon takes everyone in, and I’m too out of it to make any introductions.

With the force of a whip crack, I realize how awkward this whole situation is.

Lawyers, one judge, and a few outlaw bikers all just mingling on the sidewalk together like it’s no big deal.

This is what our wedding will be like… but worse.

Hope’s unease is obvious to me right away. In my own clumsy way, I tried to

explain this to her when I proposed.

As president, it’s my job to be the public face of the MC when I need to be. So I’m used to mixing with lots of different members of society, whether I enjoy it or not.

Wrath, on the other hand, doesn’t have a lot of use for people not associated with our club or with fighting. I can see him twitching from here. It probably doesn’t help that Trinity’s been refusing to acknowledge him since we stepped outside.

Z’s only concern is burying his face in Lilly’s tits as soon as possible. That much is clear.

My only concern is getting to the clubhouse, taking Hope upstairs, and using the gifts the girls gave her.

Then I take a better look at my girl. Her gaze is fixed on Mara holding her baby and talking to her softly. Glassy eyes signal she’s about to cry. I hug her to me tighter and kiss her cheek.

“Love you, doll,” I whisper in her ear.

She twists away from Mara, wrapping her arms around my waist, and sniffles softly. Yeah, definitely time to get her home.

“Good seeing you again, Damon.”

I shake hands with Ross and Adam, say our good-byes, and push Hope into my car. Turning around, I catch sight of Wrath snagging Trinity into his hold, and I shake my head.

“Trin,” I call out, and both their heads turn my way. “You okay to drive?”

“Yeah, I only had water.”

Z’s already halfway down the street with Lilly and Sophie. Buddha help the poor bastard.

With the women, brothers, and vehicles accounted for, I get into the car with Hope. “Did you have fun?”

“Yeah,” she answers softly.

I can tell something’s bothering her. “That’s good. You hadn’t seen the girls in a while.”


Firing up the engine, I shift into drive and point us toward the highway.

Even though I know she’s tipsy, I want her to keep talking to me. I hate how down she seems. After a night out with her friends, I expected her to be bubbling over with stories for me.

An unpleasant thought occurs to me. “Did Sophie behave?” I ask in a teasing way.

Her head snaps up. “I don’t know what was up with her. She was a little weird tonight.”

That’s not good. “Sorry.”