"Babe, you’re going to be great."

This is the fifth time Rock has told me this today.

"Thank you. I’m just nervous."

Smoothing my hands over my skirt suit, I turn in the mirror to make sure everything is tucked where it should be. My bun is a little loose, so I add a few extra hair pins. Finally, I slick on a dab of lip gloss and a swipe of mascara.

It feels weird to be dressed up in business clothes again. Not bad weird. But not good weird either.

Rock presses himself against my back, sliding his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. In the mirror, our eyes meet, and he kisses the top of my head.

"You’re really sexy all dressed up."

"Don’t start."

His eyes widen in innocent indignation.

"Don’t make your ‘who me’ face either."

His lips quiver with a repressed smile as he steps back and slaps my butt.

"Jackass," I grumble. Before he can pop my ass again, I dart out of my room and down the hall.

"Babe, you forgot something," Rock calls from the bedroom.

I glance down at my bare feet. Dammit.

"You know I’m running late, right? I don’t have time to play games with you," I shout back.

I flip open my file and run through what I want to say one more time. It’s going to be simple. I know that. The paternity test came back positive. Winter’s ex is indeed the father of her son, just as we knew he would be. Except while I was busy working up this case, I noticed he wasn’t paying the full amount of child support that Winter’s entitled to, so I’ll be filing a motion in support court right after we finish the paternity matter. Stupid asshole should have left well enough alone.

I hate support court work. Too much damn math.

Rock strolls into the kitchen with my shoes in his hands. "Are you ready?"

"I’m not riding down there on your bike," I snap, grabbing the shoes and slipping them on.

"Are you always such a sass mouth before court?"

I know he really wanted to say "bitch" but held back. "Yes, Rock. This is the real me. Happy you talked me into this now?"

His jaw tightens, but again I can tell he’s trying not to smile.

"We’re taking your car."

I nod, because, duh. I can’t straddle his bike in a pencil skirt, and I'd rather not roar up to court on the back of his Harley.

"I’ll drive, though."

That actually suits me fine, because I’m nervous enough. Also, if there’s no parking, he can just drop me off at the front door.

I’m too anxious to eat, but Rock shoves a spoon and a cup of yogurt with a cut-up banana mixed in at me. Rather than argue with him, I eat it standing over the sink.

Bricks and Winter are waiting on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse when we arrive. Winter is wearing a simple navy dress. She presents a young, wholesome image, and I’m relieved she followed my advice to leave the midriff-baring shirts she normally favors at home.

The guys trail behind us, and I stop in my tracks.

Turning to face them, I ask, "Wait, are you planning to come in?"

The three of them all look at each other.

"Yeah, babe," Rock finally answers. "Aren’t people allowed to watch in family court?"

I hesitate. "Well, yes, unless it’s a closed hearing, I guess so. It’s a really small courtroom. The judge might ask who you are."

I gesture to the leather cuts that neither of them left at home. "I’m not sure how helpful that will be, either." I can just see the guards giving the guys the full pat-down treatment at the front door, further delaying us.

Rock quirks his lips, and Bricks cuts him a look. We’re all out on the sidewalk in some sort of stand-off. Finally, Rock cocks his head at my car, and they trot off together. He and Bricks return without the cuts.

"Better?" Rock asks.


We enter the courthouse, go through security, and make our way to the room where the hearing is being held.

I’d be nervous enough with just Winter here, but having Rock and Bricks also watching really rattles me. I fumble and drop my file, scattering papers everywhere. Winter’s ex stoops down to help me pick up my papers, which isn’t really helpful at all. It’s awkward. I snatch the folder back with a tight "thank you" and take my place at our table.

This morning already sucks.

If I didn’t think it was important, I would have told Bricks that we should wait outside. But, Winter has gotten some threatening texts from her prick ex, and I want him to understand if he messes with her, he’s asking for a fuckload of trouble he doesn’t want. Of course, I don’t explain this to Hope. She’s wound so tight, she would have blown. I am not happy about leaving our cuts in the car, but Hope had a valid point, and I didn’t want her to lose her shit in front of the courthouse.

Besides, Bricks and I are plenty scary all on our own.

There are spectator seats right behind Hope’s table. If I wanted to, I could reach out and grab her cute little ass, but I manage to control myself. Barely. I do give her a shoulder squeeze right before the judge comes in. She flashes a genuine smile over her shoulder.

Hope goes through her spiel, her argument clear and concise. Pride surges through me. My woman is still fantastic.

"Your honor, since the child was born during the marriage, paternity is assumed. The father’s name is on the birth certificate, and he has acknowledged the child as his own for the last two years. It wasn’t until he discovered Ms. Wilkes began dating that he decided to question paternity. He was not entitled to a test as a matter of law, but we consented to put this matter to rest once and for all. As you can see from the reports, Mr. Wilkes is unequivocally the father. We respectfully request this petition be dismissed with prejudice."

The judge turns his stony gaze on Wilkes and proceeds to dress him down. Damn, the old goat on the bench is pissed and opinionated. He explains his feelings on having the court system used as a tool of revenge and shames the guy for trying to deny his own child to get even with the mother. It’s a brutal lecture, and the guy is practically on the floor by the time the judge wraps it up.

This was fun.

Not the way I would have preferred to handle it, but still fun.

So, I may have overreacted a tad. Not that the case was easy. It still presented a challenge to my dusty brain, but the judge steamrolling over Winter’s ex with his lecture was pretty damn entertaining. As soon as the judge exits the courtroom, Winter gives me a big hug. I can tell she’s dying to say something to bait her ex. I hold onto her for a minute.

"Say nothing. You won. Ignore him," I whisper in her ear.

Her mouth quirks, but then she sees I’m serious, and she nods.

Instead, she makes a show out of taking Bricks’s hand and walking out of the courtroom.

God save me from dramatic clients.

I shake my head and gather up my stuff. I can feel Rock waiting behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Winter’s ex glaring at me. If only he knew I’m about to go file for a modification to increase his child support payments next. The bailiff is waiting for all of us to exit and keeping a close eye on the three of us. When I’ve finally collected my stuff, I turn to Rock.

"Let’s go."

He settles his hand at the small of my back and leads me into the hallway.

"I need to go file these papers. The support magistrate is down that hall and to the left," I tell Rock while pointing out where I’m headed.

"I’m just gonna go outside and give Bricks his cut back so they can leave. She’s got to go to work."

"Yeah, sure, I’ll be fine."

He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and follows Bricks outside.

Not big on public displays in courthouses, I shake my head. A female court officer catches my eye and winks at me. "Lucky you," she jokes.

Okay, that makes me chuckle. I am pretty lucky, and it’s starting to sink in that Rock’

s been awfully patient with all my bitchiness. With a smile, I march down the hall to file my motion.

Luckily no one else is waiting in line, so I pay the fee, file my papers, and head outside. I use the alternate exit and decide to just walk around the side of the building to where we parked.

Unfortunately, I almost walk right into Winter’s ex. His entire body is tight with rage when he recognizes me.

"You fucking bitch," he snarls. "Not so tough without your bodyguards now, are ya?"

We’re on a public sidewalk, so I’m not terrified, but I’m not calm either.

"Mr. Wilkes, I understand your frustration, but you started this by filing the paternity request." Seriously, why do I need to explain these things to people? Although, I guess without assholes like him, I’d be out of work, now, wouldn’t I?

"That fucking whore ran around on me for months before we split. No fuckin’ way is that kid mine. He’s probably that spic’s kid."

And I’m done.

This guy has used up every ounce of my patience—I have no use for people who use racial slurs. "Sir, science says otherwise, and to my knowledge, Winter didn’t even meet Bricks until about a year after your split. If you’re so desperate to get out of paying support, why don’t you file to sever your parental rights?" I ask sweetly. It’s probably unprofessional of me to suggest that, but this guy’s attitude pisses me off. How horrible for his kid to grow up with a father who keeps questioning if they’re even related.

He's clearly come unglued, because he grabs my shoulders and gets right down in my face.

Now I’m fucking terrified.

My eyes dart around, looking for help. Of course, there isn’t a single person on the street.

Seriously? Not even a parking enforcement officer?

"Let go of me," I say in my calmest voice.

He glares at me, but I don’t back down even though my heart is slamming with fear. My shoulders ache from the way his fingers are digging into me, and I know I’ll have bruises there tomorrow. I hope that’s the only injury from this encounter. Why don’t I have any pepper spray? Or a gun?

"Get the fuck off her!" Pounding footsteps sound on the sidewalk behind me. A deep breath whooshes out of me at the sound of Rock’s furious voice. Thank God.

The guy’s eyes widen, and he shoves me backwards. My arms pinwheel out as I try to catch myself. At the last second, strong arms wrap around my middle, catching me.

Wilkes takes off running. Rock sets me on my feet. Placing his fingers under my chin, he tips my head up to look him in the eyes. "Are you hurt?"

"No, just scared."

Rock runs after Wilkes. "Rock, no!"

Shit, I’m afraid he’ll kill the guy. They didn’t get very far, though. Wilkes, in his haste, must have tripped, and Rock is hauling him off the ground. With the intention of diffusing the situation, I hurry up to the both of them. Honestly, I don’t give a shit what happens to Wilkes. I just don’t want Rock getting arrested.

"You ever lay a hand on my woman again, I will fucking kill you," he growls in his deadliest biker voice.

Now, there’s cops. Wonderful.

They separate Rock and Wilkes. Of course, they eye Rock’s cut and immediately jump to the wrong idea.

Smoothing my hands over my hair and skirt, I pin both of them with what I hope comes off as a professional smile. "Officers, this man," I say, pointing to Wilkes, "was yelling at me and almost pushed me to the ground. My boyfriend simply defended me." The cops do a double-take.

"Can we see some identification, Miss?"

"Sure." Hands shaking like crazy, I open my briefcase and hand them my bar identification card, driver’s license, and a business card. "I represent his ex-wife, and we just wrapped up a case that did not go Mr. Wilkes’s way."

My information checks out. The cops lose interest in Rock and turn their full attention on Wilkes.

"You want to press charges, Ms. Kendall?"

"No, I’m fine. I understand emotions run high sometimes after court."

They look at Rock, who shrugs. "It’s up to her."

"Yeah, well no retaliation later, Mr. North."

Huh, I guess they know Rock. Lovely.

Rock is unaffected. "As long as he stays away from her, we’ve got no issue."

The cops turn to Wilkes. One of them places a hand on Wilkes’ shoulder with what has to be a bruising grip. "You better get on your way. We want to watch you leave. You stay away from this young lady. Sort your shit out in a court of law, not the sidewalk."

Wilkes’s eyes shoot daggers at me, but he leaves. The four of us watch him drive away. When he’s out of sight, one of the cops heads into the courthouse.

The one who issued the warning to Wilkes punches Rock’s shoulder. "What the fuck? How you doin’, Rock?"


Rock’s eyes are fixated on watching Wilkes drive away. When the asshole is out of sight, he turns and faces the officer. "I’m good, Danny. How about you?"

"Great, that bike you did for me is fucking sweet. My girl wants one next."

Rock huffs out a laugh. "Sparkly pink, right?"

"You know it." His gaze darts to me, and he raises an eyebrow. "Good thing you were here with your girl. That guy looked like a fucking nut job."

A slow grin spreads over Rock’s face, and he slips his arm around my waist. "Yeah, can’t take her anywhere," he jokes.

Danny looks like he has more questions, but he keeps them to himself. He shakes my hand and reminds me to be careful before he leaves.

My anger is slow to slip away. Seeing that motherfucker with his hands on Hope, him pushing her, her almost falling—I caught just her in time. I wanted to beat the ever-living shit out of that fucking guy. One day very soon, I’ll be paying him a visit.

"Pick your jaw up, baby doll. I’ve got friends in law enforcement too." I wink at her.

Her face screws into a scowl.

I love that face. She made a similar one the day we met. Much like today on a sidewalk in front of a courthouse. Crazy how out of such an awkward situation, I’d found happiness.

I cup her cheek, rubbing my thumb over her soft skin. I couldn’t have done that the day we met, even though I desperately wanted to. I always knew the right woman wouldn’t come easy, but I’d never stop fighting for Hope.

Pulling her to me for a kiss, she goes soft in my arms and lets out a little sob. "Thank God you were here," she mumbles against my mouth.

My chest squeezes. I love this woman so damn much, and I’ve yet to tell her. My heart revs at the thought.

After a moment, she pulls away. "I’m sorry I was in such a foul mood all morning. I really am glad you were here." She ducks her head. "I just didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you," she says softly.

"Baby, you could never. You were awesome."

She tips her head back and gives me a sweet, frustrated look. I know that look. I’m surprised she’s giving it to me here in broad daylight. My, we’ve come a long way. I meet her silent request with a slow, deep kiss, reaffirming our connection and the long road we’ve traveled to get here.

She sighs as we part. Her stomach growls, and she jumps back. Pulling my cell phone out of my pocket, I see it’s almost noon.

"I better feed my baby, huh?" I ask, slipping her briefcase out of her hand.

"Guess so." She laces her fingers through mine, and we drop her briefcase off in her car.

Spotting a diner across the street, she points, "I could go for half a turkey sandwich."

A warm feeling spreads through my chest, and my lips curve into a smile. She’s thinking about the day we met too.

"I hear they make great sweet potato fries, doll."

The End