"I think one of them called me," she says, her voice muffled by my shirt.

Curling my hands over her shoulders, I gently push her away so she can continue. "A short while after that incident, someone called saying you gave him my name. I told him we had parted ways, and he asked who your—"

She gasps and squeezes her eyes shut. "I gave him Glassman’s name. Am I the reason he got shot?"

"No. They would have found out some other way."

By her expression, it’s obvious I’m not very convincing.

"What do we do now?"

"I’m going to take you home. You’ll be fine. There is absolutely no reason to connect you to me right now. Hoot will either be there when I drop you off or shortly after."

She lifts her lips at the mention of the prospect’s name.

"Do you have any weapons in the house?"

"No! God, no."

"Do you even know how to use a gun?"

"Absolutely not."

Fuck. I was afraid of this. How could she live alone so unprotected? She didn’t even have a damn dog to alert her to trouble.

"All right. We’ll deal with that another time. As soon as I take this meeting, I’ll come by your place. Pack some stuff, because we’re going to go up to the clubhouse for a few days until things calm down."

She opens her mouth to argue, but I shake my head. "This isn’t negotiable."

"Fine. But no more secrets, Rock. I won’t tolerate it."

"No more secrets," I agree, not quite sure I’ll be able to keep that promise.


I’m far from satisfied with Rock’s answers, but I know it’s all I’m going to get out of him. He’s cagey when we leave. We take his black SUV instead of the bike. His gaze darts all over the place to check the yard and street out before he let me leave the house and get into the vehicle. The entire way to my house, he constantly scans the rearview mirror.

It drives me nuts.

I’m furious at him.

I’m scared for him.

Obviously something big happened, and I feel helpless to offer anything of use to him. When we pull into my driveway, he gets out and comes around to open my door. Taking my hand, he helps me out of the SUV and walks me into the house.

"Do you want something to eat before you leave?"

He runs his hand through his hair while we stand in the kitchen. "I better go."

"Okay." Not sure what to do, I stand there twisting my fingers in the edge of my T-shirt.

"Come here." He pulls me into his arms and captures my lips in a searing kiss. Before we get carried away, he pulls back. "Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

I nod, and he releases me. One foot out the door, he turns to stare at me one last time, and then he’s gone. Anxiety rips through me. I can’t bear the thought of losing someone else I care about. As soon as he clears my driveway, I pick up the phone to call Sophie.

She’s there within the hour.

My problem is that I think I’m in love with Rock. It’s insane because, well, it’s insane. I just lost my husband. I’m the worst wife ever. Disloyal and rotten. The fact that I knew Rock before Clay died bothers me the most. If we had just met now, I don’t think I would have been so conflicted. Deep down, I know I had feelings for him even before Clay died.

Sophie wants every last detail. I end up disclosing enough to shut her up for a while.

"So, what’s the problem?" she asks.

I can’t keep it inside anymore. "I feel like it’s my fault Clay died."

"What? That’s crazy."

"I know. But, I knew Rock, and we had that kiss. I still thought about him all the time. I feel like I caused Clay’s death by wanting someone else."

Oh my God. Did I just say that out loud? Instead of relieving some of the guilt, it expands, filling my chest with crushing pain.

Sophie doesn’t tell me what an evil bitch I am. She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight. "You’re one of the sweetest, most caring people I know. Clay was wonderful. Anyone around you for two seconds knew how much you guys loved each other. I am so sorry he’s gone. He never should have died so young. But, it is not your fault."



"But, if I—"

"No. Honey, the doctors told you. There was no way to know. He could have gotten hit by a bus, hell, he could have hit a tree skiing, or fell off a bridge at work. A thousand things can happen to any one of us at any time. It doesn’t mean you can never be happy again."

"It’s barely been a year, though. Isn’t that wrong?"

"No. Says who? If it feels right, what does it matter?"

Oh, it felt right. That was part of the problem. I couldn’t remember ever feeling this way before, and that’s where a lot of my guilt sprang from. Her advice sounds eerily similar to Rock’s response when I posed the same questions to him.

"Well, the other part is his club. It seems like they’re into dangerous stuff." I didn’t dare bring up what had gone on earlier. I didn’t want to end up endangering my friend. "You know, I took an oath to uphold the law and all."

Now I have Sophie’s attention. "Okay. That’s a different problem. I don’t know a lot about MCs. Jonny is familiar with them. He definitely said Lost Kings are someone you don’t want to fuck with."

"Jonny knows?"

Sophie’s gaze darts away from mine for a second. "Sure, I mentioned it."

"He wants me to learn how to use a gun, Sophie. That’s nuts."

Whoops. Wrong person to voice that opinion to. Her eyebrows draw down. "You realize my boyfriend is part-owner of a gun store, right? And that I’ve been target shooting since I was twelve? I’ll take you to the range and give you some lessons if you want."

Actually that’s not a bad idea.

"Yeah, well, what if things don’t work out between us? Then I have to worry about his club coming after me? Some of those guys are scary."

She let out a hearty laugh. "Some of those guys are scary? You’ve seen Rock, right? He’s the scariest motherfucker in any room."

I chuckle, understanding how she might see him that way.

"I don’t think it works like that. You said Rock was married before, right? His ex-wife is still breathing. You said that other guy you did the work for, his wife is still around causing trouble for him."

That didn’t exactly ease my mind.

"Look," she said in what I recognized as her patient lawyer voice. "If Clay hadn’t died, you never would have taken up with, Rock, right?"

"Of course not."

"Then stop feeling guilty. Just enjoy. He may be into some shady things, but honey, you know as well as I do, lawyers are some of the shadiest fucking people on the planet."

I shake my head. She shares my dislike of ninety-nine percent of our colleagues.

"Does he make you happy?"

I can answer that right away. "Yes."

Sophie’s eyes water, and she swipes at them. "Good. You scared me for a bit, you know? I miss my feisty buttercup. Life isn’t the same without your snarky little zingers."

Now I’m going to cry. "Sophie, I’m not one hundred percent back to my old self. I don’t think I ever will be, boyfriend or not. I love you, though, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me."

She sniffles a bit, which is very out of character for Sophie, so it really crashes into me how much I’ve worried her this last year. "I love you too. And, this stuff with Rock? The most important thing is he’s good for you, and he obviously cares about you a lot. Try not to stress out over all the incidentals."

After our heart-to-heart, we called for a pizza and the delivery guy ended up in my driveway at the same time as Hoot. He paid the driver for us and brought the food inside.

"Sorry it took me so long," he says, throwing a glance at Sophie.

"No problem," I answer, still confused about why he’s even in my house.

Sophie raises her eyebrows at me, but I’m not sure how to ex

plain his presence, so I just tell her he’s a friend of Rock’s.

After dinner, she pulls me aside.

"Something is going on, isn’t it? Why else is he sending a guy to babysit you?"

"It’s not babysitting."

"I don’t want to know the details. Why don’t you come home with me?"

I want to dismiss her suggestion right away, but something stops me. I’m annoyed that Rock didn’t tell me the whole truth. I’m terrified that this is moving too fast, and I’m headed into something that’s going to be more than I can handle.


For the second day in a row, I find myself in my room, packing up an overnight bag. I send Rock a quick text.

Going to go stay at Sophie’s.

I wait a few minutes, staring at my screen, but get nothing. The lack of response cements my decision.

I stride out to the kitchen where Sophie waits, keys in hand. She tilts her head in the direction of the living room where Hoot’s busy watching television.

"Hey, Hoot, Sophie and I are going out. You can head back up to the club."

He strides into the kitchen, running his hands through his hair. "Uh, Prez wanted me to stay here and keep an eye on you," he says, his gaze darting back and forth between Sophie and me. It’s obvious he’s unsure of how much he should say in front of her.

"Well, I’m fine. I’m going to be at Sophie’s house, so there’s no need for you to stay here."

I pull my phone out of my pocket. Still no response from Rock. Screw this.

"Okay." He hesitates for a moment, then throws his vest on and holds the door open for us.

Sophie giggles as soon as we’re in her car. "I hope Rock doesn’t kick his ass."

It never occurred to me that my little jailbreak could get Hoot in trouble.

With no reply from Rock by the time we get to Sophie’s house, I’m pissed. I power down my phone before getting out of the car. I’m going to have a girl’s night and enjoy it. After dropping my stuff off, we decide to go to a movie. I let Sophie pick because I just want something to take my mind off things, and don't really care what we watch. Unfortunately, she thought a steamy romantic thriller was the way to go. It just makes me miss Rock more and wonder what he was up to. I sneak into the bathroom and turn my phone back on, only to find there is still no reply from him. Immediately, I hate myself. Now instead of being mad at him for not calling, I’m worried something has happened to him.

I don’t need this shit. I don’t want to be one of those annoying girls who blows up her boyfriend’s phone every time he’s out of her sight. But if something happens to him, I’ll never forgive myself. Maybe I need to end this before I get in any deeper? But who am I kidding? I’m already neck deep.

"Fuck! Stay on her and keep me updated." I’m so furious I punch the steering wheel as the line goes dead.

"Fucking hell."

Wrath is silent next to me. He heard the report from the prospect over the Bluetooth. "She doesn’t listen too well," he points out.

"Shut up."

"Get mad all you want, prez. But if you want to make her your ol’ lady, you better start explaining shit to her soon," Wrath continues calmly as if I hadn’t spoken.

This is true, but I don’t want to hear it right now. "She’s probably better off at her friend’s house anyway. No turf wars up there."

Z leans over my seat and slaps my shoulder. "When we’re done with this shit, go spank her fine fuckin’ ass and teach her a lesson."

Wrath bursts out laughing before he gives Z a shove back. "Christ, you’re going to get us all killed when he rolls this cage trying to murder your stupid fuckface."

I watch Z smirking in the backseat, and I really wish I had a spare second to smash him in the jaw. "You ever look at her ass again, I’m going to feed you your cock."

"What are you mad at me for? I heard Wrath got to see a lot more than her hot ass," Z growls.

"Thanks, dickhead," Wrath mumbles.

"Would you two stop trying to piss me off? We need to fucking focus. And by the way, Z, don’t think I don’t know you took Big Tits home the other night. I heard she wasn’t too impressed."

Wrath bellows with laughter and punches the door. "Oh, shit. He can’t stop yapping about her either."

"That so?" I ask.

I flick another glance at my VP. Not smirking now.

"Fuck both of you."

"Not so funny now, is it, Z?"

"Trinny tell you who her date was with?" Wrath asks out of nowhere.

I slide my gaze to him. His arms are folded over his chest, and he’s staring straight out the window.

"No. I think she just said it to piss you off. Leave her alone. She doesn’t need your shit."

"That an order?" Wrath asks.

"No. It’s friendly advice. That girl is the closest I’ve ever had to a sister, and I’m tired of watching you fuck with her head."

"As long as she keeps giving head," Z quips.

When neither of us laugh, Z settles back in the seat, grumbling to himself.

Wrath is not done beating this dead horse apparently. "Why is she dating outside the club anyway?"

Christ, like I don't have enough guilt over their fuckedupedness. "Who says she is?"

As we approach Crystal Ball, I put an end to our little feelings session. At least thirty bikes fill the parking lot—a much bigger turn out than I expected. Things could get ugly quick. Thank fuck I’d had Blue shut the place down and send all the dancers home.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I pull around back. I recognize most of the bikes. The Wolf Knights have also decided to join the party. That’s good. We need to put this shit to bed once and for all.

Guys are grumbling about the lack of pussy at a nudie bar when we walk in. Tough shit. I’m not leaving my girls to get molested by these rowdy fuckers. They’re my employees, not fucking party favors.

The Wolf Knights are holed up at a corner table. Their president has his back pressed right up against the wall. Not sure why he feels so unsafe in my club, but whatever. I say hello to the visiting Lost Kings members because they are my priority. Finally, Wrath and I make it to Ulfric’s table. He, his VP Merlin, and sergeant-at-arms, a guy named Whisper of all things, stand to greet us as well.

Wrath’s in full-on enforcer mode as he takes his place behind me. Other Wolf Knights are mingling with our guys, but Wrath is still on alert. This is why he’s my sergeant-at-arms.

I open my mouth to tell Ulfric why I’ve dragged him over here, but he cuts me off.

"I think I know what you’re going to tell me."

I raise an eyebrow so he’ll continue.

"Cabo? One of those Viper fucks from downstate came to see me this morning after he got in touch with. . ." he points at Wrath.


"He had it in his head that Lost Kings had something to do with the disappearance of his brother."

I shrug. Ulfric knows the story. No need to confirm it.

"I explained to this gangsterfuck that his brother made the mistake of targeting ladies associated with both clubs and stressed how inappropriate that was."

Ulfric kills me sometimes.

"He did not share the same views."

Oh, fuck.

"I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but that one, Spider? That’s the fuck who…" he pauses and looks away "…attacked my sister-in-law two years ago. If you hadn’t done me the favor, I would have taken him out myself. She’s completely innocent. My brother never wanted anything to do with this life. Kept his family far away. Never at the clubhouse. Nothing. And they still got hurt because of me. Can’t see my nieces anymore, thanks to those fuckers."

Shit. I had not been aware of any of that. Just random stories that floated around. Rumors. Spider and his sidekick turned out to be two sick, twisted fuckers, and I don’t lose any sleep over the fact that they’re rotting in the ground.

I suspect Cabo is somewhere at the bottom of the Hudson River.


Not going to lose sleep over that either.

"Anyway, I wanted you to know it was taken care of." He shakes his head. "One of these days, you and I are going to have to sit down and discuss exterminating the snake problem in Ironworks altogether. We can split up their action."

"Nah, they’re into hard shit I don’t want to touch. But I wouldn’t mind getting rid of them once and for all. I thought Shaggy was going to run shit a little better, but seems he’s as big a bitch as the last one."

Ulfric snorts. "He’s pissed you won’t let them trick here."

Interesting. "Uh-uh. Fuck that. Let him keep that shit in Ironworks."

"I agree."

"Fuck. He can’t even run his own shit, and he’s worried about dipping into mine?"

"He’s been trying to push into Slater too. Fuckers have no code. Shit, man, even outlaws and straight-up thieves need to have honor among themselves. Otherwise, it’s all bloodshed and no time to enjoy our freedom."

I’ve always liked Ulfric. Our clubs have clashed in the past, but we’re solid now. He’s got about fifteen years on me. He’s more an old-school gentleman outlaw if there is such a thing. His club is knee-deep in illegal shit like the rest of us, but he still believes in doing business a certain way, which I respect. He also holds women in higher regard than the average outlaw biker.

Unfortunately for us, in time the Vipers are going to be a problem. Fighting another MC was normal. Sort of. There were turf wars all the time. Bad blood between clubs that ran decades. But we fought by certain rules and knew what to expect from one another. Vipers were different. No rules. No honor. Everyone was expendable. It seemed like every time we cut one snake down, another one popped up in its place.

Since I called all these guys in, I can’t exactly send them home empty-handed. Ulfric calls some of his club girls to join us, which is a big help.

I call Trinity. "Can you gather up the girls and bring them down to CB? I can use your skills at the bar, too, if you don't mind sticking around."

She doesn’t hesitate. "Sure. You need me to bring beer?"

"Fuck. Yes. Please. Hoot’s busy. Get the new prospect, Birch, to help you out."