Page 8 of Preston's Luck

“I can respect that, but now that I’ve met you, I do want you.”

“Goodbye,” I say, shaking my head per the stage directions.

“Wait. A kiss. Then you’ll see.”

“No thanks, Roman. Enjoy the party.” I turn away from him and begin to walk away.

“You should have done this the easy way, Julie. Forgive me.”

“What?” I ask, but then a pillowcase is thrown over my head, I scream loudly signaling the end of the act.“Excellent. That’s a good stopping point. Will you two stay until the end?”

“Of course,” I say.

“Sure,” Joshua says.

We take seats a couple of rows behind the director. He introduces himself to me.

“Hey Josh, I’m Tori.”

“You’re really good,” he says.

“Thanks, so are you.”

“I’m getting the role.”

“How do you know?”

“Todd is my husband. The other guys here are auditioning for my cousins.”

“Gotcha. Well, congrats,” I say giggling.

“You’re perfect for the role. He’s gonna say that trust me.”

“I hope so.”

“Was this your first audition?”

“My first professional one.”

“It gets easier.”


We watch the rest of the auditions but at the end, Todd calls everyone up to the stage.

“Joshua, Roman; Tori, Jules. Emma, Nurse. “Tyler, Benny. The rest of the cast list is up in the back, but there is a role for everyone. Make sure Twyla has all of your contact info. Rehearsals start next Saturday at eleven."

The moment he said my name, I almost died. Taking a much-needed breath, I stop by and talk to Twyla before stepping back outside. It's dark now, but instead of wanting to go back to the dorm room I share with my sister, I want to go back to Preston's apartment, but I don't know where it is exactly. It's probably for the best. One-time only thing. He gave no indication that he wanted more. I hail a taxi, which I'm getting so good at by the way, and give the address to my dorm. I gotta get ready for my appointment at the clinic tomorrow. I already printed the paperwork and filled it out. It all seems so real now. It also seems so wrong now that I've met Preston, but I gotta do this.

My one requirement is that I want to be a part of this baby's life which is why I'll be using my own egg. The dorm is dark and quiet when I get there. Grabbing my robe, I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower before crawling into bed. Sighing, I feel the lump in my throat as silent tears slide down my face.

I should be happy. I landed my first role after my first professional audition, but I'm sad. Lost even. I feel like I lost the best thing that will ever happen to me.

My last thought is of Preston before I fall into a fitful sleep.Chapter SevenPrestonI groan as I roll over and turn my alarm off. For the first time since I was in college, I don’t want to get out of bed. I can’t believe she left. Just up and gone and other than staking out her job, I have no way to find her. Make no mistake, I will be staking out her job, but it’s only six-thirty so I doubt she’s at work yet.

Taking a quick, hot shower, I get dressed in a suit, grab my briefcase, and head down to the parking garage. I could have a driver, but there’s just something about driving yourself that I find satisfying. At around nine, I leave the office intent on heading for the New Hope Clinic to ensure that my specimen is never used. They can keep the fee I already paid, but one day has changed my mind. My mom was right, I should have waited. You find what you are looking for when you stop looking for it. Fuck, if that isn’t the truth. I found Tori when I wasn’t looking. Sweet, sexy Tori. I’d do anything to get her back and I will, but first this.

Parking, I swipe my card in the meter and open the door. The flirty receptionist looks at me like she’s a lion and I’m steak, but I am not interested in that.

“Hello again. Do you have an appointment today?”

“No. I need to speak to Doctor Coulter.”

“He’s with a patient right now.”

“I’ll wait,” I say sitting down in a plush chair.

“Very good. It’s just a consultation so he should be out soon,” she says twirling her finger in her hair in what I am sure she thinks is a coy way. I can see right through her. She has no business telling me anything about what the doctor is doing right now.

“Thanks,” I say, pulling my phone out of my pocket, intent on ignoring her. I hear the door creak open that leads to the jerk off rooms as well as the exam rooms.

“Any other questions give us a call, Ms. Baldwin. Someone will call you when we’re ready for you.”