He slapped her again, harder this time.

Though he would never have admitted it aloud, I think he was turned off by her enjoyment. I wouldn’t have doubted if this was how Romeo raped the others. Chained them to a bed, and let them see his goods.

“Now you’re mine.” The words held no hint of possessiveness. No, they sounded rehearsed. He climbed up the bed and slammed into the mayor. That brought forth another round of moans from her. Thankfully, only five minutes passed before the Morevv stallion finished his ride. Well, before his bedmate finished, that is. Her entire body convulsed in orgasm. With his features drawn tight, the alien hefted himself off her, even though it was obvious he hadn’t come.

He untied the sated woman and said, “Did you like that, sweet?”

“You know I did. Maybe…maybe do it even harder next time,” she whispered, almost as if she were ashamed by her desire.


“Yes.” Mayor Jeffries lumbered off the bed. She retrieved a mint green suit from the floor. Once the wrinkled material was secured over her equally wrinkled body, she withdrew a stack of bills and placed them on the table. She stared over at Romeo.

“You will be free tomorrow,” she said, her voice going crisp. When she donned her clothes, I guess she also donned her sense of power.

Romeo glanced at her. He grinned slowly. “Of course. I’ll ride you so hard your screams will be heard all over the world.”

“Tomorrow, then.” She shivered before striding from the room. The door closed behind her automatically, locking her out.

Romeo quickly lost his smile. “Bitch,” he muttered.

If I hadn’t realized before, I did now. He didn’t like her. Not a bit. He was a paid lover, and gave her what she wanted. Domination. It was ironic that a public figure known for her iron fist in the political arena allowed a man, and an alien at that, to so control her privately.

Alone now, Romeo scowled down at the dog. “You should have bitten a chunk out of her ass, you worthless piece of shit.”

The dog whimpered at his tone.

I frowned.

Romeo closed his eyes and began stroking his erections—he needed two hands for the job. Added new meaning to the term “double your pleasure.” I rolled my eyes. I could stun him now, then poison him while he couldn’t fight me. He’d be dead by morning, and no one would know why or that I’d even been here.


I’d broken in several hours ago, bypassing two guards and a cutting-edge robotic security system. A robotic system that used artificial intelligence to systematically learn the homeowner’s behavior patterns and adjust itself accordingly without the need for programming. Security components integrated into such a system armed and disarmed automatically, while making accommodations for those still on the premises. To even enter the home, I’d had to program myself into the system. Very time-consuming, but worth it.

There should have been more guards, but I guessed the mayor preferred to keep their liaison as private as possible. Probably because she was nothing more than the Morevv’s bitch. I wouldn’t want people to know that, either, if I were her.

Upon first entering this room, I’d taken the time to glance around. I’d found Romeo’s holograph appointment book. Why did people use those? They left a clear trail to follow. Anyway, there’d been an interesting tidbit there.

Visit home, 9P.M. Return 11:30.

What did he mean byhome? Did he have family here? Or did he mean something else entirely? Did he mean to travel through a portal and return for a while to his home planet? I suspected the latter, and that piqued my interest. Actually, I hoped the latter. EenLi was using those damn portals. Michael wanted to know where they were. Lucius wanted to know where they were. IfI could supply that information…The intoxicating thought seduced me as surely as a passionate lover.

When Romeo (thankfully) finished his business, he rolled to his feet. “Like what you saw, Killer?” he asked the dog, his tone snide. “Bitch,” he said. “You’re all bitches.”

He kicked Killer in the stomach, and she yelped. She tried to bite him, but he kicked her again. Head ducked between her paws now, she crawled backward, away from him. I bit the inside of my cheek. Kick her one more time, I thought darkly, and I’ll forget the portal and kill you now.

Naked, he padded to the closet to find something to wear. As huge and filled to bursting with clothing as this space was, I didn’t worry that he’d see me lying on the top shelf. Hell, I wouldn’t have been surprised if a dozen other assassins were hiding in here, and I simply hadn’t seen them. The only thing that bothered me about the situation was how clichéd it was. I mean, a sophisticated killer forced to hide in the closet? Please. But I’d been stuck like this before, and I’d most likely be stuck like this again.

Romeo quickly chose another pair of black leather pants. He opted not to wear a pirate shirt, instead choosing a tight V-neck. I supposed I could see why some women fell for him—besides the double penis. His outward beauty bordered on illegal. He left me cold, however. Partly because I knew he possessed the heart of a monster underneath all that masculine beauty, but also because he lacked the rich vitality Lucius possessed. Comparing the two men was like comparing a still-life portrait with a carved sculpture. The sculpture, at least, boasted three dimensions.

Finished dressing, Romeo closed the closet. I quietly climbed down and moved to the slatted door. He was admiring himself in a full-length mirror. I glanced at his digital clock. He was scheduled for “home” in thirty minutes. The ticking of time didn’t rush him. Humming under his breath, he ambled to his dresser and slipped a necklace around his neck. I remembered seeing the necklace earlier when I’d searched his room. It was small and triangular, with a platinum chain and an odd stone in the center—a stone unlike any I’d ever seen. Crystal-like, yet shiny and smooth as brass.

After spritzing himself with cologne, Romeo finally left the bedroom. The dog growled at the door. I desperately wanted to spirit-walk and follow his exact steps, but I didn’t dare leave my body unprotected in this home. Instead, I pulled my duffel bag from the shelf. I strapped it to my back before stealthily slipping from the closet.

Killer stopped growling and glanced up at me through soulful eyes.Save me, she seemed to say. She didn’t attack me, didn’t act as if she wanted to hurt me in any way. Something inside me lurched. I didn’t have time for this, but I found myself bending down, cupping her face in my hands and meeting that big, brown gaze.