Damn, he’d never look at his library the same way again.

Turning around, he headed downstairs toward the main hall.

“Are you there?” Bran asked impatiently.

“I’m here.”

“Why are you being so quiet?”

“I don’t want to wake Rose.”

“She’s asleep? It’s only eight thirty in the evening.” Bran sucked in a breath. “You slept together, didn’t you?”

“None of your business.” Fionn sat on the couch, flicking a hand at the nearest fire to light it. “Talk.”

“Heavy Blackwood activity in Ireland,” Bran informed him somberly. “They’ve met with the O’Connors … the coven is gone, Fionn.”

Fionn tensed. “Gone? The Blackwoods wiped them out?”

“Yes. Layton and his sisters came to Ireland as representatives of the North American Council, and they were supposedly accompanied by representatives of the European High Council. Their version of events is that they issued a suspension of all magical activities pending investigation into the disturbance in Munich. This was apparently met with aggression from the O’Connor Coven, who all just happened to be in the same house, wouldn’t you know it, and a magical shoot-out ensued. The house was caught in an explosion started by one of the O’Connor witches. The Blackwoods and the reps from the European High Council were the lone survivors.”

“Will anyone believe that shite?”

“There will be those who call for an investigation but do you care, Fionn? Blackwood getting rid of those who seek to hurt Rose means she’s got one less thing to worry about.”

He sighed, slumping back against the couch. “Somehow I get the feeling we’re not off the hook yet.”

“Well, you’re right because I’m tracking the Blackwoods, hacked into Layton’s cell. They’re in Galway.”

“Surprise, surprise,” Fionn grouched, sounding calmer than he felt.

“I know they can’t find An Caomhnóir but they can still find their way onto your land … and they know where the gate is.”

“How could they know I’m at home?”

“The only way to track you was through the private plane company you hired.”

“I hired it under a pseudonym.”

“Then I’m afraid it’s time to retire that name. They must think the best way to track Rose is to track you. Plus, they saw you with An Breitheamh. They still think they need that dagger to open the gate. Killing Rose isn’t on the agenda but her blood is still required in the spell.”

The thought of Layton Blackwood anywhere near Rose caused a rumble of noise at the base of Fionn’s throat.

“Guessing that terrifying noise means the mating bond is well and truly snapped into place, so I’ll take this moment to remind you that the Blackwoods have kept their distance from you, Fionn. They haven’t wanted to start a war with you … but if you kill one of them, diplomacy will be over.”

“Bran,” Fionn replied as patiently as he could, which wasn’t very, “if anyone touches a hair on Rose’s head, I’ll rip their fucking throat out with my teeth. I don’t care if it starts World War III.”

Bran released a heavy sigh. “So noted.”

“I’ll deal with this in the morning. Find some way to get the Blackwoods off my land. But as long as Rose is within the castle grounds, they can’t touch her. Still no news of Niamh?”

“Sorry, no.”

That was concerning. “Fine. Call me if anything important happens. But if it doesn’t, leave me be, Bran. I go to Faerie soon. Let me enjoy my mate in peace while I can.” He hung up, thinking how calm those words sounded coming out of his mouth, considering they now lingered in the frosty air like sharp-toothed monsters.

Fionn took long strides back upstairs to his bedroom. Rose had turned onto her side, one of her arms sprawled out across his pillow.

The thought of the Blackwoods out beyond his castle walls had pissed him off, but one look at Rose, warm and delicious in his bed, distracted him immediately. As he slid in beside her, lifting her arm out of the way, Rose rolled sleepily against him and then frowned with her eyes closed. The top of her foot slid up and down his now-naked calf. “Cold,” she murmured.

Grinning, Fionn spilled her onto her back and caressed her belly, slipping his hand between her sweet thighs. “I can warm you, mo chroí.”

Rose’s eyes fluttered open and stared up at him, already flushed from his touch. “Again?”

He chuckled at her disbelieving tone. “Unless you’re too sore.”

Challenge glittered in her sleepy gaze and then she lifted a hand to wave it. “Faerie,” she said, reminding him of the night he’d said and done the same outside La Sagrada Familia.

His laughter was swallowed in her hungry kiss as she pushed against his shoulders, rolling him to his back, apparently not so tired after all.

As she moved on him, her slim hips cupped in his hands, her sultry blue eyes burning into his, Fionn felt the world as he knew it crumbling around him. He slid one hand up to cup one of her small but perfectly formed breasts in his hand, caressing and gently squeezing it as she rode him. He wanted this forever.

Fionn wanted to wake to Rose Kelly every morning, to make love to her, to fuck her, to drown in her. To protect her. Yet to do that, he’d have to give up his revenge against Aine. Hundreds of years of single-minded focus was obliterated by this slip of woman.

Bliss built and built inside him as Rose pressed her small hands to his chest for leverage as her rocking increased. Her features were harsh with passion, her beautiful upside down mouth parted as pants of pleasure escaped from it.

“Fionn, fionn,” she whispered, her voice hoarse as she covered his hand over her breast, forcing him to squeeze harder. Rose took his hand from her hip and slipped it between her legs where they were joined. Understanding what she needed, Fionn pressed his thumb to her clit and began to circle it as her pace quickened.

Rose let out a cry, her face flushed with desire, and Fionn lost control at the sight. He flipped her to her back, gripped her slim thighs in his hands and positioned her legs up and over his shoulders. Her breathing stuttered at the new angle, her arms sprawled above her head on the pillows.


She was his.

Thrusting into her, hard, deep, fast, Fionn’s heart beat wildly as Rose came around him. The tugs on his cock almost threw him over the deep end, but Fionn was determined to shatter her. To give her so much pleasure Rose would never forget him.

Never want to leave him.

Muscles straining to stop himself from climaxing, Fionn tightened his grip on her thighs, spreading her wider, and pumped inside her, rough and true.

It didn’t take long.

Eyes round with disbelief and awe and lust, Rose screamed as another orgasm ripped through her. Finally, Fionn let go, shuddering against her with a hoarse shout as he came long and hard inside her.

Falling against her, his forehead to her throat, he slid his hands up her waist and reveled in the feel of her pulsing and throbbing around his cock. She wrapped her legs around his back, letting out a breathy, stuttered sigh as she arched into him. It was as if she was desperate to milk every last drop from him.

Fionn groaned, his fingers biting in her ribs with need as he ground against her.

He never wanted to let go.

He was fucked.

Literally and figuratively.

Because Fionn realized now that he wanted Rose Kelly more than he wanted revenge. He wanted to lose himself inside her for eternity. Lifting his head from her throat, Fionn stared down at his mate’s passion-flushed face. A dazed, sexy sleepiness filled her expression.

Gods but she was beautiful. Her voracious thirst for life poured out of her, shining, stunning and addictive.

She was his new obsession.

She was everything.

A vital, imperative piece of him, and Fionn Mór realized that if he gave her up, he’d not only destroy the one person that meant most

to him, he’d destroy himself, too.